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【题目】假定你是李华,你的外教Ms Jenkins约你本周六上午教她制作中国(Chinese knot),但你因故无法前往,你的朋友韩梅梅将代你去,请写一封电子邮件给Ms Jenkins,说明相关情况。



Dear Ms Jenkins,










Li Hua

【答案】Dear Ms Jenkins,

I would like to offer my apology for not being able to teach you to make Chinese knots this Saturday.

The reason is that I have got a cold, and the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so. But don’t worry. I’ve asked a friend of mine, Hart Meimei, to go there instead. She is good at making Chinese knots. She will go to your apartment at 9:00 this Saturday morning.

Please allow me to say sorry again. I have the confidence that you can learn how to make Chinese knots. Wish you a good time!


Li Hua

【解析】这是一片提纲类作文。考生在成文时应注意:合理发挥想象力,使文章的表达自然,丰满。文章的写作要点要齐全。注意文章的人称:以第一人称为主。时态:一般现在时。注意使用高级词汇和句型,以提高文章的档次;恰当使用一些连词、插入语,使文章表达自然,流畅。根据提示信息可判断出本文属于应用文中的电子邮件邮件格式已经给出该邮件的内容应包括给外教Ms Jenkins写信的原因,以及时间安排。


表语从句以及宾语从句。The reason is that I have got a cold,and the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so.

Be good at的使用。She is good at making Chinese knots.

同位语从句。I have the confidence that you can learn how to make Chinese knots.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There is no doubt ________ technological advance enables people to live more comfortably and happily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你叫张华,你们的英文校报“English Garden”向你约稿。请结合下列提示,就图书馆的情况给校长写一封信,说明新建的图书馆很漂亮,但存在一些问题。问题包括:1)阅览室的座位少;2)星期六、日不开放;3)无法知道有什么新书可看。最后对反映的问题提出自己的建议。
注意: 1)词数 120-150; 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,内容充实。
Dear schoolmaster,
That's all. Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the woods, she found two birds. She took care of them withlove and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song.
The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever.
The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as he flew above her. She was so afraid that he would fly away and she would never see him. So as he flew close, she caught him quickly. She felt very happy. Her love had killed him. She noticed the other bird standing at the door of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom and his need to fly into the clear, blue sky. The bird flew around her once, twice, three times. The girl looked happily at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart did no longer care about her loss. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her hand. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings!
A. One day the girl left the door to the cage open.
B. She lifted him from the cage and freed him.
C. She took them home and put them in a small cage.
D. The birds were so beautiful that she loved them very much.
E. She wanted the bird to be happy.
F. She realized her mistake.
G. However, when she opened her hand, she found the bird had died.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My husband and I had been married nearly twenty-two years when I acquired Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a disorder where my immune system (免疫系统) responded to a virus by producing painful blisters (水疱). Although my long-term evaluation was good, I, who had been so fiercely independent, rapidly became absolutely helpless.

My husband, Scott, stepped up to the plate, taking care of kids and cooking dinners. He also became my personal caretaker, applying the medicine to all of my blisters because my hands couldn’t do the job. Needless to say, I had negative emotions, bouncing from embarrassment to shame caused by total reliance on someone other than myself.

At one point when I had mentally and physically hit bottoms I remember thinking that Scott must somehow love me more than I could ever love him. With my illness, he had become the stronger one, and I the weaker one. And this disturbed me.

I recovered from my illness, but I couldn’t seem to recover from the thought that I loved my husband less than he loved me. This seeming distinction in our love continued to annoy me for the year following my illness.

Then recently Scott and I went on a long bike ride. He’s an experienced cyclist; I’m quite the green hand. At one point with a strong headwind and sharp pain building in my tired legs, I really thought I couldn’t go any further. Seeing me struggle, Scott pulled in front of me and yelled over his shoulder, “Stay close behind me.” As I fell into the draft of his six- foot- three- inch frame and followed his steps, I discovered that my legs quit burning and I was able to catch my breath. My husband was pulling me along again. At this very moment I woke up to what I now believe: during these and other tough times, love has the opportunity to become stronger when one partner learns to lean on the other.

I pray my husband will always be strong and healthy. But if he should ever become the struggling one, whether on a bike ride or with an illness, I trust I’ll be ready to call out to him: Stay close behind me-my turn to pull you along.

1What made the author feel helpless?

A. Her treatment failure.

B. Her husband caring for her too much.

C. Her losing the previous independence.

D. Her suffer ring from illness and mental disorder.

2Which of the following can best describe the author’s husband?

A. Family-centered.

B. Not good at taking action.

C. Career-centered.

D. Independent but tired of negative emotions.

3What did the author’s husband do when going on the long bike ride?

A. Followed her closely. B. Gave in to her depression.

C. Backed her up all the way. D. Stopped to take care of her.

4Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “stepped up to the plate” in paragraph 2?

A. Moved into batting position. B. Began to take the responsibility.

C. Walked to the kitchen. D. Began to wash the plates.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The problem of food shas become household talk in China.
(2)Friends between girls are ain shared feeling and support.
(3)It's important to raise people's awareness of eprotection.
(4)I told her we weren't going to be friends any more because she couldn't keep her w
(5)Life is no fun without a cto share it with you.
(6)The other side of the picture is quite the.(相反)
(7)It's against the law to cut down trees in large.(大量地)
(8)Most of us have formed an(不真实的)picture of life on a desert island.
(9)As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman made the(不寻常的)discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money.
(10)A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soup and butter,but George was firmly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Fear of Puberty (青春期)

When young people Ret to puberty, it causes the physical and mental changes that can bring stress and even fear to them. Understanding your feelings better can make you a lot easier to deal with them.

Grief at the passing of childhood.

If you have had a happy childhood it’s natural to feel sad at the realisation that it’s coming to an end. Many aspects of adult life can be discouraging. 1

Stress about putting on weight.

Many people find themselves getting fatter during puberty and others’ reactions to this can be cruel. 2 Exercise and healthy eating will help you get rid of it sooner.


It can be disturbing to suddenly be seen in a sexual way if you don’t fed ready for it. Remember that you have a right to set boundaries and be treated with respect.

Feeling your body doesn’t fit you.

Sometimes bodies develop in a way that just doesn’t reflect the people inside them, and this can be very stressful. Getting help early can help reduce the problem or make you more able to deal with it. 4 Your doctor can provide support on body issues and you can insist on seeing the doctor alone if that makes it easier.

5 Most teenagers have to face them, too. And there are ways to deal with many of the specific problems puberty can cause. The sooner you seek help, the sooner it will get better.

A. You are not alone in your feelings.

B. Discomfort with how people treat you.

C Get into the habit of comforting yourself.

D. You should learn how to get rid of the fear.

E. The good news is that this fat is usually temporary.

F. You can turn to Childline at any time of the day or night.

G. But remember that you don’t have to face them all at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I am interesting in spiders (蜘蛛), so this summer I watched them for quite long lime. Spiders don’t look beautifully, but they have their own way of killing flying insects. They often build “bridges” between branch. They climb up a branch slowly, pulling some silk. Then they pull the silk towards another branch. When they built many “bridges”, they begin to form webs. As long as insects happen to touch the webs, no matter what hard they try, they can’t escape. One day, there was a stronger wind, and the webs were broken, but the spiders still went on to building their “bridges”. They are not afraid with difficulties. As students, we should learn from it.

