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1She’s very possible to ring me tonight.

2The party will be held in the garden, weather permitted.

3Not completed the program, they have to stay there for another week.

4She was the first woman win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.

5He hasn’t slept for three days. It is a wonder that he is tired out.






5a改成 no


1She’s very possible to ring me tonight.possible一般不用表示人的词作主语常用固定搭配 sb be likely to do sth 意为:某人很可能做某事”,故应把possible改成likely 。

2The party will be held in the garden, weather permitted,逗号后一句为独立主格结构,名词weatherpermit之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词形式,故应把permitted改成permitting。

3Not completed the program, they have to stay there for another week.句意:没有完成这个项目,他们不得不在待在这一周,分析句子可知逗号前一句应为现在完成时,到现在还没有完成,故应Not后加having。

4She was the first woman win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.固定句式:sb is the first ……to do ……,故应win前加to 。

5 He hasn’t slept for three days. It is a wonder that he is tired out.固定句式:it is on wonder that ……意为:怪不得……,故应把a改成 no。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







1. 词数100词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假设你是李华,一名高三学生,在网络上看到一所国外大学的招生信息 (admission information), 该大学对中国学生开设30多个专业major,你对此非常感兴趣,打算用英语撰写一份个人申请,主要内容包括:

1. 想申请的专业; 2. 个人优势; 3. 进入大学后的设想。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 书信格式已给出; 3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir or Madam,








Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1这项活动旨在增强人们的环保意识。(mean to)

The campaign was_______people's awareness of environmental protection.

2政府呼吁每个人注意即将到来的沙尘暴。(appeal to)

The government is_______pay attention to the coming sandstorm.


Please_______to your father when he comes back.


Whether we will_______tomorrow will depend on the weather.


The support of our members is,_______the Association.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 My grandparents like to live in the countryside where they can enjoy ______ leisurely walk on the country road and feel ______ warmth of the sun on their faces.

A. the; B. a; the

C. the; a D. a;


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and tries hard to develop an ___ about nature among his students

Acuriosity Bhabit

Cability Dindependence


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】“I like photography because it captures amazing things that you might not see again,” Timmy Walsh says. He takes pictures of flowers, sunsets and road signs. But those photos don’t usually end up in a scrapbook(剪贴簿) or on his bedroom walls.

When Timmy was five, he found out that his aunt Bev had lung cancer. He wanted to do something to help her. His first idea was to sell his photos from a lemonade--type stand in front of his house in Pennsylvania. “My mom said it wouldn’t work because we were not on a busy street,” Timmy explains.

His next idea was to have an art show. Timmy decorated his home with candles, flowers, and white lights. Then he arranged his photos. Timmy’s mom, Sheila, remembers: “Our dining-room table was filled, the living room—everything was filled with photos.” Friends, family, and Timmy’s teachers came to the show. He raised more than $300 for cancer research that night. Aunt Bev was “very happy and excited,” he says.

After a local newspaper wrote a story about Timmy’s photos, a volunteer offered to help him set up a website. As people learned about his cause, called Camera for a Cure, Timmy began receiving invitations to sell his pictures at art galleries and fund-raisers. Since then, his work has appeared in more than 20 shows.

When Timmy is at a show, he greets each customer and talks about what he was thinking when he took his photos. And he always shares facts about lung cancer. Sometimes donations and sales are slow, but that doesn’t bother him. “It doesn’t matter how much money we made because we just raised awareness,” he says. Timmy knows that finding a cure for lung cancer will take time and effort. So Timmy will keep doing his part by shooting and selling photos of the things he sees.

1Before Timmy started Camera for a Cure, he ________.

A. always sold lemonade in front of his house.

B. liked making scrapbooks by using his photos.

C. had developed a deep interest in photography.

D. had been providing photos for a local newspaper.

2What can we learn about the art show Timmy held at his home?

A. It was generally popular.

B. It cost $300 to organize it.

C. It was funded by Aunt Bev.

D. It was advertised on a website.

3For Timmy, what’s the benefit of selling his photos at art galleries?

A. Raising money more quickly.

B. Improving his photographic skills

C. Exchanging ideas with other artists.

D. Increasing public awareness of lung cancer.

4Which of the following can best describe Timmy?

A. Proud and confident.

B. Imaginative but cautious.

C. Generous but self-centered.

D. Determined and warm-hearted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Silk production has a long and colourful history unknown to most people. Scientific discoveries have shown that silk production existed in China from around 2500 B.C., although it could be much older. For hundreds of years, China kept the secret of silk to itself as one for the most closely protected secrets in history. Anyone revealing the secret of silkworms or trying to take silkworm eggs out of ancient China was punished by death.

At one time silk was reserved only for the Chinese emperor. Gradually, others began wearing silk. In addition to being used for clothing, silk came to have industrial uses in ancient China, something that happened in the West only in modern times. Silk was used to make musical instruments, fishing lines, weapons, ropes and even paper. During the Han Dynasty silk became a form of money. Farmers paid taxes in both rice and silk. The prices of goods were calculated in lengths of silk just as they had once been calculated in gold. The importance of silk is even reflected in the Chinese language. For example, of the 5000 most common Chinese characters, around 500 have silk as their “key”.

In spite of their secrecy, the Chinese eventually lost their monopoly on silk production. It reached Korea in around 200 B.C. when immigrants from China arrived there. Silk production came to India in 300 A.D.. It was not until 500 A.D. that silk production came to Europe when travellers smuggled out silkworms in hollow tubes of bamboo. These were used to establish silk industry in Rome (modern-day Italy), although Chinese silk was still considered to be the best.

Silk was brought to Rome from China by means of the Silk Road. There were actually two Silk Roads, one over land and one on the sea. The land route in particular had a huge effect in history. All sorts of trade goods silver, gold, jade, porcelain passed along this road. Ideas travelled the Silk Road too. For example the religion of Buddhism was carried to China from India by traders on the Silk Road. The Silk Road created the first international culture, exposing many people to the ideas and treasures of both Western and Chinese cultures.

【1】How was China able to keep the secret of silk production?

A. It refused to sell its silk to other countries.

B. Foreigners were not permitted to enter China.

C. The silkworms needed were not able to survive outside China.

D. Chinese passing on the secret to foreigners were seriously punished.

【2】Which of the following uses of silk is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. A way of purchasing goods people sold.

B. A material used for making different products.

C. A method of paying money to the government.

D. A valuable gift given to foreigners travelling in China.

【3】In what order did silk production spread throughout the world according to the passage?

A. Europe à India à Korea à China.

B. China à Korea à India à Europe.

C. China à India à Korea à Europe.

D. China à Europe à India à Korea.

【4】The underlined phrase “smuggled out” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. quietly traded B. openly removed

C. illegally transported D. violently stole

【5】Which of the following is true about the Silk Road?

A. It allowed for economic and cultural exchanges between countries.

B. It made China the most powerful country in the ancient world.

C. It could only be completed by travellers with access to a boat.

D. It was first developed for transferring religious ideas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I just wonder ________ that makes you so excited.

A. why it does B. what it does

C. how it is D. what it is

