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1.Whether Lucy can go to China for further study (由…决定)on her parents.

2.Ms. Yang asked Mary to assist her carrying through the plan this afternoon.

3.It is reported that the doctor was accused killing a patient.

4.The skin ____________(prevent)your body from____________(lose) too much water.

5.Unfortunately,he was bitten by a _______ snake while working in the field. (poison)

6.These shoes are much too (紧的).

7.It is said that about 60% of (家庭主妇)have a brand in mind before entering the store.

8.I must employ an (assist) to finish the task before the deadline.

9.I will have a (约会)with Tony tonight. If you have time, please have dinner with us.

10.Robert is an excellent (photograph), and his works have won several international awards.













1. 考查固定短语搭配。depend on依赖,依靠,由…决定;而整个句子的主语是whether引导状语从句,所以应该用单数形式。句子译为露西能否去中国进行深造学习由她的父母决定。

2. 考查固定短语用法。assist sb in doing sth 在…方面帮助某人。句子译为杨小姐要玛丽帮助她在今天下午完成这个计划。

3. 考查固定短语搭配。accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人做了某事,控诉某人做了某事。句子译为据报道,那个医生被指控杀害了一位病人。

4. 考查固定短语用法。prevent…from doing…阻止…的发生,阻挠…的发生,保护…不受…的危害。句子主语是the skin,所以要用单数形式。句子译为皮肤是为了防止我们体内水分的大量流失。

5. 考查词性辨析。名词snake前面缺少一个形容词来修饰,所以这里应该填上poison的形容词形式即poisonous。句子译为不幸的是,他在这块领域工作是被一条毒蛇咬了。

6. 考查单词拼写。中文意思给的是“紧的”,故对应的英文单词为tight。句子译为这鞋太紧了。

7. 考查单词拼写及单复数变化。中文意思给的是“家庭主妇”,对应的英文单词为housewife,但是从句的谓语动词是have,所以从句的主语应该用复数形式即housewives。句子译为据说60%的家庭主妇在进入一家店之前在脑海里都有一个商标。

8. 考查单词词性辨析。空的前面是冠词an,所以这里应该填一个可数名词的单数形式,assist的名词是assistance,是“助手,助理”的意思。句子译为我必须要雇一个助手在截止日期前完成任务。

9. 考查单词拼写。中文意思给的是“约会”,对应的英文单词为appointment,因为前面有冠词an修饰,所以只需填写单数形式即可。句子译为我今晚将和托尼有一个约会。如果你有时间,请和我们一起吃晚餐。

10. 考查词性辨析。空的前面是一个形容词,所以该空需要填一个名词,加上又有冠词an的修饰,所以填写photograph名词photographer的单数形式即可。句子译为罗伯特是一个出色的摄影家,他的作品赢了几个国际奖项。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mr.Bean is an internationally recognized comedy character on TV and in films.He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations,which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationalities or culture.The humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language,which is universal.

One of my favourite shows is that Mr.Bean has a meal in a fancy restaurant.After being seated at his table,Mr.Bean takes out a card,writes a few words on it,seals(密封) it in an envelope and places it on the table.After a moment,he looks back at the envelope but this time he looks surprised,as if he did not know it was there.He opens it to find a birthday card and delightedly puts it on the table for everyone to see.

When he looks at the menu,an astonished look swiftly appears on his face.He takes all the money out of his wallet,counts it and puts it in a saucer(茶托).He then looks from the menu to the money with concern until he finds one thing that makes him smile.Then he orders a dish called “steak tartare”.When the dish arrives,he is shocked to discover that “steak tartare” is actually raw hamburger.He makes an attempt to eat it,but it is clear from the look on his face that he finds the taste truly disgusting.He cannot hide his feelings,except when the waiter asks if everything is all right.When this happens,he smiles and nods,indicating that everything is fine.When the waiter is not looking,however,he busies himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can reach—the sugar bowl,the tiny flower vase,inside a bun(小圆面包) and under a plate.He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him and throws some down the trousers of the restaurant’s violinist!

I like to watch Mr.Bean on TV,but I wouldn’t like to meet someone like him in real life and I certainly wouldn’t like to have dinner with him!

1.From the passage we know Mr.Bean is ________.

A.famous for directing films

B.famous for his spoken English

C.well known for making films

D.known for his body language and amusement in his comedies

2.Why is Mr.Bean famous all over the world?

A.He often eats in special restaurants.

B.He entertains the audience from different countries.

C.He only acts on TV.

D.He acts on body language and spoken language.

3.What does the underlined word “disgusting” in the third paragraph mean?

A.tasting delicious B.smelling good

C.feeling sick D.looking fine

4.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A.Mr.Bean—A Top Humour Actor

B.Raw Hamburger Tastes Disgusting

C.Being Mannered in a Restaurant

D.How to Pretend to Like Something Boring


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高二上10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

1 Having never met with such a _____ problem, he felt _____ and didn’t know how to solve it.

A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzling

C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzled; puzzled


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏射阳盘湾中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

____into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order

A. Translating B. Translated

C. To translate D. Having translated


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏射阳盘湾中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus, is a rule that every driver must obey in this city.

A. Examining B. Examined

C. To examine D. Being examined


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年吉林延边汪清县第六中学高二上11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children,a boy and a girl. John had a good ____ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was ____ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They ____ a reliable woman to care for the children and made the ____,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.

____ they drove into their hometown,they found a home in flames. Mary said,“Oh well,it isn't our fire;let's go home.”

____ John drove closer and exclaimed,“That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn't be ____ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.”

John drove up and stopped and they were both ____ to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics ____,“The children!Get the children!They are in the basement.”

____ Mary's protests,John grabbed the water hose and soaked(浸湿)his clothes,put his wet handkerchief on his head and ____ for the basement which was full of ____.He found two nearly suffocated(窒息的)children and after carrying them to safety,he asked how many more children were ____ there. They told him two more and Mary ____ his arm and screamed,“John!Don't go back!It's ____!That house will cave in any second!”

But he shook her off and went back by ____ his way down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room. It ____ a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the ____ and fresh air,he found that he had just ____ his own children.

It turned out that the baby?sitter had ___ them at this home while she did some shopping.

1.A.job B.family C.wife D.boss

2.A.known B.believed C.decided D.hoped

3.A.asked B.hired C.intended D.reminded

4.A.preparations B.promise C.decision D.trip

5.A.Before B.As C.Once D.Since

6.A.And B.So C.Now D.But

7.A.off B.on C.out of D.at

8. A.heart?broken B.conscience?stricken C.horror?stricken D.poverty?stricken

9.A.coughing B.screaming C.whispering D.laughing

10.A.Apart from B.In case of C.Instead of D.In spite of

11.A.reached B.searched C.dashed D.sent

12.A.smoke B.darkness C.children D.danger

13.A.up B.away C.out D.down

14.A.pulled B.took C.grabbed D.held

15.A.dangerous B.useless C.over D.stupid

16.A.pushing B.feeling C.jumping D.moving

17.A.meant B.spared C.spent D.seemed

18.A.shade B.sunlight C.shadow D.crowd

19.A.helped B.found C.recognized D.rescued

20.A.left B.charged C.removed D.forgotten


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年吉林延边汪清县第六中学高二上11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If you’re unable to come to the interview, you should us immediately.

A. remind B. inform

C. remember D. impress


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南边城高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My mother insist________ sending me to the hospital.

A. of B. on C. in D. about


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省四地六校高二上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My money _____ . I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I've none in hand.

A. has run out B. is running out

C. has been run out D. is being run out

