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9. He is very ill. I am afraid he soon.

   A. is going to die   B. is to die

   C. dies   D. has been dead

9. A

9. A解析:句意:他病得很严重,恐怕很快就 要死了。“很快会死”是根据“病得很严重” 这一客观迹象得出的结论,故用be going to do形式表示将来意义。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷1 Module 1综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   At any given time,hundreds of postcards are transit(运输中) across the world as strangers communicate through a movement called Post-crossing.

   Emma Delaney says it's a sad day when there isn’t a postcard in her mailbox. She doesn't have a bunch of friends travelling overseas at the moment —she's just really action in the underground hobby of Postcrossing.

   “I've sent over 3 ,000 postcards,but T ve been doing it for close to seven years,” she says. “My husband,generally appreciative of my hobby,is sometimes frustrated by the amount of cardboard hanging around the house or in my car."

   Postcrossing is a hobby where strangers send each other postcards across the world. You register on the website,list your interests and preferences for postcards,then receive an address of a stranger on the other side of the world to send a ppstcard to.

   “I tend to send a lot of postcards of the local area because people are interested in where you're from and what you do,” Emma says.

   From Uzbekistan to Belarus and Kazakhstan to Moldova,Emma has a growing collection of photos from around the world. The postcards have helped shape her international travelling too. “I didn't travel overseas until I was 32 and a lot of the locations we chose for our honeymoon were selected because of the postcards I'd received."

   “Some people see sending mail as being a bit boring and unfashionable,but Postcrossing is popular and lots of people are fascinated that I do it."

The Postcrossing project has just celebrated its eighth birthday and has over 400,000 active members in 215 countries. The group says they’ve delivered over 18 million postcards.

   And while postal workers aren't supposed to read people's postcards,Emma says she's happy for them to do so at her post office in Shellharbour. She even encourages her correspondents to say hello to the Australia Post staff.

   “It's a hobby that I continue to do because I find it enjoyable and relaxing."

24. Emma Delaney's friends.

   A. do a lot of travelling

   B. send her lots of postcards

   C. share the same hobby as her

   D. aren't active in travelling abroad 

25. What's Emma's husband's attitude towards her hobby?

    A. Somewhat annoyed.

   B. Totally unconcerned.

   C. Deeply disapproving.

   D. Strongly supportive.

26. What's the benefit of being involved in Postcrossing according to Emma Delaney?

   A. Broadening the mind.

   B. Deepening friendships.

   C. Giving others a helping hand.

   D. Bringing her family more happiness.

27. The Postcrossing project .

   A. delivers both postcards and official letters

   B. was set up a couple of years ago in Australia

   C. has granted membership in 215 countries all over the world

   D. receives more public approval compared with sending mail


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everybody in the world is seeking happiness 一 and there is one sure way 61. (find) it. That is by 62.(control) your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend 63. outward conditions,but inner conditions.

   It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing 64.

makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. For example,two people may do 65. same thing in a place; both may have about an equal amount of money and status — and yet one may be 66. (depress) and the other happy. Why? Because they see things 67. (different) . I have seen just as many happy faces among the poor farmers 68. work very hard in the fields as I have seen in air-conditioned offices in New York,Chicago or Los Angeles.

   Abraham Lincoln once 69. (say) that “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." He was right. If you decide to be happy,then you will always find plenty of 70. (reason) to be happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Don’t talk to strangers ...” That is probably one of the 41 pieces of advice handed down from our parents. Yeah,they 42 well. Since there are bad people out there,it seems to be a good idea in order to help 43 us. And over the years we’ve learned how to keep our eyes 44 . We are used to making no eye contact with strangers.

   45,the price that we pay for this 46 is that we grow up suspicious(表示怀疑的) of others and their motives. We tend to have a(n) 47 of strangers,which is neither necessary nor 48 as we grow older.

   Most people out there are not sociopaths (反社会者) .49,most people are quite 50 . What once protected us from bad people is now preventing us from establishing relationships with 51  people!

   In general,you know that the random stranger standing next to you is very 52 to kidnap (绑架) you,yet the emotion of fear is 53 associated with talking to them. So you 54 do it. But you miss out on a lot by closing yourself off to new people like this.

   Instead,you should actively 55 that people in general are fiiendly. Why? Because they are. Most people actually are nice. We are 56 creatures,and we welcome interactions with others. Think about it: when a stranger starts a(n) 57 with you,how do you usually 58 ?

   Besides,you never know who you might 59 . The person standing behind you in a line could one day be your best friend. It 60 . But even if it's not that extreme,you never know if that person has a job opportunity for you,or is just a cool person who you would enjoy having a brief conversation with.

41. A. shortest   B. worst   C. longest   D. best

42. A. meant   B. planned   C. spoke   D. worked

43. A. inspire   B. instruct   C. change   D. protect

44. A. up   B. open   C. down   D. shut

45. A. Especially   B. Thankfully   C. Unfortunately   D. Uncertainly

46. A. safety   B. health   C. power   D. delight

47. A. anger   B. pain   C. shame   D. fear

48. A. important   B. obvious   C. humorous   D. reasonable

49. A. In case   B. In fact   C. At times   D. At first

50. A. brave   B. friendly   C. smart   D. patient

51. A. bad   B. famous   C. good   D. common

52. A. ready   B. unlikely   C. eager   D. unwilling

53. A. still   B. never   C. only   D. even

54. A. always   B. often   C. sometimes   D. seldom

55. A. doubt   B. assume   C. guess   D. decide

56. A. living   B. complex   C. unique   D. social

57. A. meeting   B. experiment   C. argument   D. conversation

58. A. listen   B. connect   C. react   D. devote

59. A. hurt   B. forget   C. meet   D. benefit

60. A. happens   B. depends   C. affects   D. fails


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.

   A. alternative   B. academic

   C. attractive   D. addictive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

14. These monkeys are such quick thieves that they your bananas when you realise what has happened.

   A. will enjoy   B. are enjoying

   C. have been enjoying   D. will be enjoying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



So you’re between the ages of 13 and 24. What makes you happy? Spending time with family was the top answer to that open-ended question,according to a survey—more than 100 questions asked of 1 ,280 people aged 13-24 carried out by the Associated Press on the nature of happiness among America^ young people.

Next was spending time with friends. And good news for parents: nearly three quarters of young people say their relationship with their parents makes them happy.

“They’re my foundation ,” says Kristina St. John,17, a high-school student from Queens in New York. “My mum tells me that even if I do something stupid,she's still going to love me. Just knowing that makes me feel very happy. ”

Other results are more disconcerting. While most young people are happy with the way their lives are going,there are racial differences: the survey shows whites to be happier than blacks. A lot of young people feel stressed,particularly those from the middle class,and females more than males.

You might think money would be clearly tied to a general sense of happiness. But almost no one said “money” when asked what makes them happy,though people with the highest family incomes are generally happier with life. However,having highly educated parents is a stronger predictor (预示物) of happiness than income.

Young people think marriage would make them happy and want to be married some day. Most also want to have kids.

Finally,when asked to name their heroes,nearly half of-them mentioned one or both of their parents. The winner,by a nose (以些微之差) :Mum.

56. What's the meaning of the underlined word “disconcerting” in Paragraph 4 ? (1 word)


57. What are the top two things that make young people happy? (No more than 10 words)


58. Do most American young people want to marry? Why? (No more than 10 words)


59. What can we infer from the last paragraph? (No more than 7 words)


60. Among the young people who would be more likely to feel stressed? (No more than 6 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 

Jack took a long look at his speedometre before slowing down: 73 in a 55 mph zone. Fourth time in the past few months. How could a guy get 16 so often?

When his car had 17 down to 10 miles an hour,Jack came to a 18 . The cop was stepping out of his car,the big pad in hand. Bob? Bob from Church?

19 out of the car,he approached a man he saw every 20 ,a man he’d never seen in 21 .

“Hi,Bob. Fancy meeting you like this."“Hello,Jack. ” No 22 . “Guess you caught me red-handed in a 23 to see my wife and kids. ” “Yeah,I guess so. ”

The minutes ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad. Why hadn’t he asked for a driver's 24 ?

Whatever the reason,it would be a month of Sundays 25 Jack ever sat near this cop again. Jack could not quite keep the sneer out of his voice as Bob gave him a sheet of paper and 26 to his police car without a word. Jack unfolded it,27 how much this one was going to 28 Wait a minute. What was this? Certainly not a 29 .Jack began to read: “Dear Jack,once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when 30 by a car. You guessed it—a speeding driver. A fine and three months in 31 , and the man was free. Free to hug his daughters. A thousand times I've tried to 32 that man. A thousand times I thought I had. Maybe I did,but I need to do it again. Even now,pray for me. And be 33 ,Jack,my son is all I have left,Bob. ”

Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car 34 away and head down the road. Jack watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later,he too,drove 35 home,praying for forgiveness and hugging a surprised wife and kids when he arrived.

16. A. grasped   B. held   C. arrested   D. caught

17. A. looked   B. slowed   C. taken   D. brought

18. A. corner   B. place   C. space   D. stop

19. A. Walking   B. Crawling

   C. Jumping   D. Going

20. A. Sunday   B. Monday   C. Friday   D. Saturday

21. A. suit   B. uniform   C. dress   D. clothes

22. A. smile   B. way   C. wonder   D. problem

23. A. time   B. rush   C. worry   D. chance

24. A. message   B. note   C. license   D. signal

25. A. while   B. until   C. unless   D. before

26. A. changed   B. responded

   C. returned   D. devoted

27. A. wandering   B. believing

   C. affording   D. wondering

28. A. cost   B. spend   C. pay   D. charge

29. A. bill   B. ticket   C. cheque   D. letter

30. A. brought   B. killed   C. saved   D. injured

31. A. all   B. person   C. general   D. jail

32. A. apologize   B. forgive   C. protect   D. defeat

33. A. eager   B. happy   C. honest   D. careful

34. A. give   B. pull   C. drive   D. ride

35. A. slowly   B. quickly   C. normally   D. quietly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Michael Faraday was the son of a blacksmith (铁匠) .There were four children in his family and,with his father often ill and unable to work,Michael Faraday had to earn his living from an early age. This meant little or no schooling. However,the family belonged to a religious group,and Faraday learnt to read and write at Sunday school.

When he was only 14 ,Faraday found a job as a bookbinder (装订工) .He used to read the books he was given to bind and he became very interested in the scientific books,particularly the ones about electricity. His interest soon took a practical path and he began making his own experiments. These were very basic because Faraday had to make all of his equipment himself. However,he was very careful and kept a clear written record of all his findings.

One day,he was given an entrance ticket to the Royal Institute chemistry lecture by Humphry Davy. Determined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application (申请) including his laboratory reports on the experiments he had carried out. In 1813,Davy offered Faraday a job as one of his laboratory assistants. Faraday learnt quickly and soon was recognised as a very able chemist. Later,he went to work at the Royal Institute.

Michael Faraday was,perhaps,the greatest practical scientist of the 19th century. As a chemist,he discovered the benzene,which is now the central point of chemical study. He also proved the relationship between electrical bonding. As a physicist,he invented the dynamo (发电机) ,which led to the later invention of the electric motor.

41. Why did Faraday attend Sunday school?

   A. He had to learn how to be a bookbinder.

   B. He would like to learn religious knowledge.

   C. He hoped to read many of the scientific books there.

   D. His family couldn’t afford his normal school education.

42. When working as a bookbinder,Faraday .

   A. published his great findings on electricity

   B. was famous as a practical scientist

   C. read many books lent by Humphry Davy

   D. made equipment for his experiments on his own

43. In order to get a chance to work for Davy,Faraday .

   A. sent his experiment reports to Davy

   B. offered to do laboratory work for free

   C. bought tickets to attend Davy's lecture

   D. went to the Royal Institute to visit Davy

44. We can learn from the last paragraph that.

   A. the electric motor was invented by Faraday

   B. electricity was Faraday's best-known finding

   C. Faraday's research covered different fields

   D. Faraday was more a chemist than a physicist

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Michael Faraday,a Great Scientist

   B. The Contribution of Michael Faraday

   C. Michael Faraday,a Born Bookbinder

   D. The Sufferings of Michael Faraday

