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16.Hi,Nancy!Thank you for writing to me.I enjoy getting letters from students in China and I'll be happy to exchange letters with you.
The first thing I want to tell you is that if the boys are calling you names it is their fault,not yours.Boys,at your age,are different from girls.They are trying to prove that they are manly and they often do this by choosing someone who can't really fight back.This is,of course,wrong but it happens and it is generally referred to as bullying.In general,the boys know they are bigger and stronger than you are,so they can make fun of you and make you cry and then laugh about it.If you let them see that they are hurting you,they will only do it more.It isn't that they want to hurt you; they simply want to make themselves feel superior.It's stupid but it is very common.
The best way of getting the boys to stop calling you names is to simply ignore them,knowing that the names can't hurt you and that the boys are being stupid.If you can laugh at them,they will get tired of trying to make you cry.Then they will give up and begin to notice you as a young woman.I suspect some of them actually like you and are laughing at you just to get your attention.Again,it's stupid but it happens.In reality,you can control this situation by not letting them see you getting hurt.Laugh at them,tell them they are acting like children and they should grow up and then walk away with your head held high.
One more thing,Nancy.It is very important that you stop hurting yourself.If someone else hurts you it is bad enough but you shouldn't make it worse by then hurting yourself.Even sticking a pen into your finger can cause an infection and give you a lot of trouble and besides,it hurts.The next time you are frustrated by a bunch of stupid boys,write to me.You and I can talk about anything you like,about China,about Canada,about travel,anything.Having a conversation with me is better than sticking holes in your fingers,as least I hope it is.
I wish you all the best and I hope to hear from you again soon.If you get a chance,please send me your picture.
Best wishes.

55.Which of the following is not the reason why boys make fun of Nancy?A
A.Nancy is a naughty girl
B.They want to prove they are manly
C.They want to make themselves feel superior
D.Some boys like Nancy and want to get her attention
56.The underlined word"bullying"in Paragraph 2meansB.
A.to pity a weaker person
B.to frighten or hurt a weaker person
C.to learn from a weaker person
D.to help a weaker person
57.According to Brad's advice,the next time the boys call Nancy names,she should do the following exceptD.
A.to ignore them
B.to laugh at them
C.not to let them see her getting hurt
D.to fight back
58.From the last paragraph we can infer that NancyC.
A.fights back by sticking holes into the boys'fingers
B.gets infected when she sticks a pen into her finger
C.hurts herself when laughed at by the boys
D.has travelled a lot with Brad.

分析 本文是一篇作者写给南希的建议信.

解答 55-58ABDC
55  A   细节题. 根据文章第二 段They are trying to prove that they are manly and they often do this by choosing someone who can't really fight back. 可知男孩在南希面前想表现更男人,更有优越感,或者想得到南希的注意力,故选A.
56  B   猜测词义题.  根据文章第二 段are trying to prove that they are manly and they often do this by choosing someone who can't really fight back. 可知他们选择的对象是不能反抗的,故选B.
57   D    细节题. 根据文章三第 段 In reality,you can control this situation by not letting them see you getting hurt.Laugh at them,tell them they are acting like children and they should grow up and then walk away with your head held high.可知忽略,嘲笑他们,或者不让他们看到你受伤,这才是南希该做的,故选D.
58    C    推理判断题.  根据文章第四 段 If someone else hurts you it is bad enough but you shouldn't make it worse by then hurting yourself.可知当被男孩嘲笑的时候,南希让自己受伤了,故选C.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.It's one thing to have theories,but it's        to put them into practice.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.         you turn off all the lights when you leave the classroom.(  )
A.Making sureB.To make sureC.Being sureD.Make sure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The Chinese government        to find the missing MH370 plane since it was reported to have disappeared.(  )
A.is tryingB.triedC.has been tryingD.had tried


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Millions of dollars'worth damage______ by the tornado(龙卷风) which swept across the south of America last night.(  )
A.had been causedB.will be causedC.was causedD.has been caused


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.I arrived late one night on a business trip,so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in.As I was finishing my meal,an elderly couple came in.They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces.They sat three tables from me.I was amazed at the love they showed for each other.It stuck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.
My waiter was also their waiter.As I paid my bill,I asked what their bill was.He told me,and I gave him $40 to pay their bill.He asked if I knew them and I told him"No,I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other,"and then I left.
The next day I entered the restaurant again.After I had been seated,the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant.When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal,they were told that it had been paid.The waiter just told them what I said.They were amazed.They looked around,asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together,paid their bill and left.
I smiled and ordered my meal.About 45 minutes later,I finished my meal and was about to head out,but my waiter was nowhere to be found.I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport.She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay,because she felt she should pay for my bill because of the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.
When I told her that they didn't have to do that,she said with a smile"Love creates Love."
56.From the first paragraph we know the writer must feelC.
A.pleased          B.worried          C.sad          D.nervous
57.The elderly couple paid the bill of the two young couples because theyB.
A.knew the two young couples
B.were happy to pass the love they got
C.were always ready to help poor people
D.wanted to invite the young people to the meal
58.The writer's purpose of writing the passage is toD.
A.suggest true love never dies
B.share an interesting experience
C.encourage us to help people in need
D.prove a show of love really makes a difference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-You know the school very well.
-Yeah.I____ here for 15years and I will work another 15years.(  )
A.had workedB.was working
C.have been workingD.am working


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Expert   Tricks   on   Iphone5
We don't want to change your phone,we want to make you say,Wow,that is a bigger change than I expected.Iphone 5 is a result of that desire to surprise.It's been completely redesigned.
For the first time ever,we've increased the size of display by making the screen taller but not wider.You can see more of your content without the need to scroll(滚动).We are making scrolling the thing of the past.Iphone 5 is more comfortable to use and reduces scrolling tiredness when reading long documents.
Even with the larger display,iphone 5 is the thinnest iphone we ever built.To achieve the design this tall,we have to look at it and completely redesign the internal architecture.It's 18% thinner and 79.5% taller than the previous iphone.
It makes everything you do on iPhone 5 feels easier and just move of your arm away.No more hidden menus,no confusing gestures.Everything is right at your fingertips.
The panorama feature(全景功能) is simply wonderful.The ultra HD widescreen display let you get your entire shot in a single snap.You can also use your iPhone 5's innovative design for image stabilization.
With an iphone this tall,reception has never been better.You enjoy crystal-clear clarity on even the longest calls.
And of course,all your favorite applications are still available.In fact you will find your old favorites also benefit from the new experiencing handsome ultra HD widescreen.We found while many previous iphone owners were using Facetime,they only use it for the faces.That's why we are introducing Bodytime.Using iPhone 5's ultra HD widescreen display,Bodytime let you see a person's entire body,allowing you to detect mannerisms and defects like never before.
We look way beyond what our thoughts expects,it took all of our learning,all of our thinking to realize something so simple,so clear,and yet so tall.
Iphone 5,the tallest thing to happen to iphone since iphone.
67.Which of the following is true of the changed iphone5?A
A.It is taller,thinner but not wider.
B.It is taller,wider and thicker.
C.It is taller,wider and thinner.
D.It is shorter,wider and thinner.
68.With this new iphone,you can do all the following exceptD.
A.Doing things easily on iPhone 5 by moving arm away.
B.Using Bodytime for a person's entire body.
C.Getting the entire shot in a single snap.
D.Missing some of your previous favorite applications.
69.How thick is the redesigned iphone5 if the present one is 7.6mm in thickness?
A.6.232mm      B.6.042mm      C.1.368mm    D.1.558mm
70.What is the main idea of the passage?C
A.We don't want to change your phone.
B.Scrolling on the phone will be the thing of the past.
C.Iphone 5 will be the tallest thing to happen.
D.All your favorite apps are still available on the new Iiphone5.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir (回忆录)of Ralph W.Tyler,who is one of the most famous men in American education.
Born in Chicago in 1902,brought up and schooled in Nebraska,the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education.
Graduate work at the University of Chicago found him connected with honorable educators Charles Judd and W.W.Charters,whose ideas of teaching and testing had an effect on his later work.In 1927,he became a teacher of Ohio State University where he further developed a new method of testing.
Tyler became well-known in 1938,when he carried his work with the Eight-Year Study from Ohio State University to the University of Chicago at the invitation of Robert Hutchins.
Tyler was the first director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford,a position he held for twelve years.There,he firmly believed that researchers should be free to seek an independent (独立的)spirit in their work.
Although Tyler officially retired in 1967,he never actually retired.He served on a long list of educational organizations in the United States and abroad.Even in his 80s he traveled across the country to advise teachers and management people on how to set objectives (目标)that develop the best teaching and learning within their schools.
55.Who are most probably interested in Ralph W.Tyler's memoir?C
A.Top managers.
B.Language learners.
C.Serious educators
D.Science organizations.
56.The words"hooked on teaching"underlined in Paragraph 2 probably meanA.
A.attracted to teaching
B.tired of teaching
C.satisfied with teaching
D.unhappy about teaching
57.Where did Tyler work as the leader of a research center for more than 10 years?B
A.The University of Chicago.
B.Stanford University.
C.Ohio State University.
D.Nebraska University.
58.Tyler is said to have never actually retired becauseD.
A.he developed a new method of testing
B.he called for free spirit in research
C.he still led the Eight-Year Study
D.he was still active in giving advice.

