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Unconditional Love

       A story is told about a soldier who finally came home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from   21    “Mom and Dad, I   22   home ,but I’ve a favor to ask .I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “   23  ,” they replied, “We’d love to meet him.” “There’s something you should know,” the son continued , “he was  24   in the fighting. He  25  on a land bomb and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go ,and I want him to   26  us.” “I’m sorry to hear that ,son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” “No, Mom and Dad ,I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father , “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such    27   would be   28  on us. We have our own lives to live ,and we can’t let something like this    29   with our lives. I think you should just come home and 30      about this guy . He’ll find a way to live    31   his own.

       At that point, the son   32    the phone. The parents heard   33  more from him. A few days later ,   34   ,they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building .The police believed it was a   35  .They grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco to   36  the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had   37  .

       The parents in this story are like many of us .We find it  38   to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around ,but we don’t like people who are   39  to us or make us feel uncomfortable. Thankfully ,there’s someone who loves us with an   40   love that welcomes us into the forever family.

21.A.Chicago              B.Boston                C.San Francisco      D.London

22.A.am coming          B.am leaving           C.was coming         D.was leaving


23.A.Sorry                  B.Sure                    C.No way               D.possible

24.A.very healthy         B.very well             C.hurt badly            D.fairly good

25.A.stepped               B.sat                      C.lay                      D.slept

26.A.play with             B.work with           C.live with              D.keep with

27.A.disadvantages      B.advantages           C.shortcomings       D.disabilities

28.A.a terrible burden   B.a happy family     C.pleasant company D.deadly disease

29.A.stop                    B.interfere              C.strengthen           D.improve

30.A.forget                 B.bring                   C.remember            D.forgive

31.A.of                       B.on                       C.at                       D.in

32.A.hold on               B.hung on               C.hung up              D.hung out

33.A.something           B.anything              C.everything           D.nothing

34.A.besides                B.however              C.and                     D.otherwise

35.A.accident              B.coincidence         C.murder                D.suicide

36.A.take                    B.bring                   C.identify               D.fetch

37.A.no arm and no leg                                                               B.two arms and one leg

       C.only one arm and one leg                      D.one arm and two legs

38.A.difficult               B.difference            C.easy                    D.simple

39.A.smart                  B.friendly               C.familiar               D.inconvenient

40.A.valuable               B.unconditional       C.precious              D.unique

答案  21.C  22.A  23.B  24.C  25.A  26.C  27.D  28.A  29.B  30.A  31.B  32.C  33.D  34.B  35.D  36.C  37.C  38.C  39.D  40.B  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


On the afternoon before his wedding day this fall, Hamid was sitting in an empty teahouse holding a glass of green tea between his fingers, his brow folded in worry and anxiety .That’s the cost of his wedding. In Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world, bridegrooms are expected to pay not only for their weddings ,but also all the related expenses, including several huge pre-wedding parties and money for the bride’s family ,known as the bride price. The bridegroom is also responsible for jewelry ,flowers ,two dresses for the bride, two suits for himself ,a visit to the beauty salon for the bride and her closest female relatives ,as well as a sound system for the wedding , a photographer and a video team with a pair of cameramen. All that can run a middle-class Afghan man on average $ 20,000.

       Hamid ,a midlevel bureaucrat in the Afghan government who supports his six-member family on a salary of $ 7,200 per year ,said his bill was going to top $ 12,000. And by Afghan standards, that would be considered normal, or even a bargain.

       “Sometimes it’s difficult to think about it ,” said Hamid ,30 , “It’s a lot of responsibility. “After that the bridegrooms and their families are left with bills that put them into heavy debts .Even the poor must do that. A laborer ,for instance ,making about the average income of $ 350 per year, may well spend more than $ 2,000 for his wedding.

       Hamid’s wedding ceremony opened at the East Diamond Wedding Hall in Kabul ,in two vast banquet rooms, one for the men and the other for the women . Islamic custom dictates that the sexes be separated .Dressed in a white suit ,he was smiling and seemed happy. “In our country, the wedding is a big problem—until you’re done with it. “Hamid’s father, a lifetime civil servant who makes $ 100 a month, also seemed  relieved and joyful .Asked how he felt about the money 30 times his monthly salary ,he replied: “It was good! I’m extremely happy!” The payment ,he explained ,allowed the marriage to happen. “Only a memory is left,” he said. “A memory of happiness.”

       Like most Afghan bridegrooms, Hamid had to empty his savings ,borrow money . They had all saved in anticipation of the event ,much like a Chinese family might prepare years in advance for college tuitions . After the wedding, he was going to be left with $ 2,000 in debt ,which he expected to pay off within five months .But it is not so easy for many other young Afghan men.

57.What’s the best title of the passage?

       A.Happiness and sadness of a young man named Hamid in Afghanistan.

       B.Happy big weddings in Afghanistan.

       C.A bridegroom’s worry in Afghanistan.

       D.Big weddings wring Afghans joy and debt

58.What are bridegrooms in Afghanistan expected to pay for?

       A.Their weddings and several huge pre-wedding parties.

       B.Money for the bridegroom’s family.

       C.Jewelry ,flowers ,two dresses for the closet relatives.

       D.A visit to the beauty salon for the bridegroom.

59.How does Hamid’s feel when asked about the big wedding?

       A.hatred                 B.dislike                 C.happy                 D.happy and worry

60.What do you think the write will write in the continued passage?

     A.an example of a common young Afghan man who has to pay off the debts after a long


       B.an example of a rich Afghan man who has no debts.

       C.an example of an Afghan bridegroom who has a simple wedding.

       D.an example of an Afghan bride’s big wedding ceremony.

