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4.Teenagers have fewer friends than 20years ago,research has shown---despite the increasing popularity of social media.
A study carried out by experts at The University of Queensland in Australia,found teens felt less lonely than two decades ago---but that they have poorer social networks.
A survey of more than 285,000US high school students carried out between 1991and 2012found young people had fewer friends with whom to interact,but less desire for more friends.
The Globe and Mail quotes the findings of the research,printed in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,which suggests economic changes may have helped increased individuality (个体意识) among young people.
The authors behind the study wrote,"Greater economic opportunities offer individuals more freedom to manage their own money,decide whom to date and decide whom to marry,reducing the influence of relatives and giving people more freedom,which may increase individualism."
"Economic changes lead to increased individuality,which could lead to decreasing interest in friends,increasing self-reliance,increasing self-esteem (自尊) and decreasing loneliness."
Lead researcher,Dr.David Clark said further research on cultures outside the US would help determine if modernization is the root cause of the observed results.
He said,"If other cultures show the same pattern of reduced loneliness in the face of poorer social networks,this would support the idea that modernization is responsible."
The findings have shown that the growing use of social networking sites has had a negative effect on the quality of people's friendships.
A study from 2006by sociologists at Duke University also showed that on average most adults only have two people they can talk to about the most important subjects in their lives while one quarter had no close friends at all.

9.Compared with 20years ago,what do we know about teenagers today?B
A.They feel more lonely.
B.They have fewer friends.
C.They have wider social networks.
D.They are more eager to make friends.
10.What may economic changes make teens do today?C
A.Desire more friends.
B.Feel more lonely.
C.Be more independent.
D.Make money more easily.
11.In Dr.David Clark's view,D.
A.some adults have no close friends at all
B.teens should get away from social networks
C.all cultures show teens today feel less lonely
D.modernization may cause teens'reduced loneliness.

分析 研究表明,与20年前相比较,尽管社交媒体越来越受人们的欢迎,但是青少年的朋友却日益减少.
来自澳大利亚昆士兰州大学(The University of Queensland)的专家调查发现,尽管青少年的生活相比20年前孤独感在减少,但是他们的社交圈子越来越小.
《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)引用刊登在《个性和社会心理学学报》(the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)上的调查结果指出:经济增长可能会促进年轻人个人主义的增长.
首席研究员大卫•克拉克(Dr David Clark)博士说,就现代化是否是造成已知结果的根本原因这一点,还有待在美国以外的其他文化中进一步研究.
来自杜克大学(Duke University)的社会学家2006的一项研究也表明,平均来讲,大多数成年人只有两个真正的知己,而四分之一的人根本没有一个可以说知心话的人.

解答 9-11 BCD
9.B 细节理解题 根据文章第一句话Teenagers have fewer friends than 20years ago,research has shown---despite the increasing popularity of social media.可知,调查表明,现在的青少年比20年前的青少年有更少的朋友,故答案为B
10.C 细节理解题 根据文章第三段The Globe and Mail quotes the findings of the research,printed in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,which suggests economic changes may have helped increased individuality (个体意识) among young people.可知,经济的改变增加了年轻人的个体意识,使他们更加独立,故答案为C
11.D 推理判断题 根据If other cultures show the same pattern of reduced loneliness in the face of poorer social networks,this would support the idea that modernization is responsible."可知,Dr.David Clark's 认为是现代化造成了这一结果,故答案为D

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Well,parents,surprise!Lots of us are using Twitter and Facebook to thumb rides,and not just to school.It's awkward to be refused when you call a friend and ask for a ride.But with Twitter,you just look for other people heading the same way.
    It may sound risky,so many teens stay within their own social circles to find rides,and don't branch out beyond friends when asking on Twitter just like me,but to some young people,especially those taking longer trips,stranger danger is less of a concern.
"I think the digital connection of young people is really key,because younger generations grew up sharing things on line,sharing files,photos,music,etc,so they've been very used to sharing,"said Juliet Schor,a sociology professor at Boston College.
    The sharing economy got big during the recession (经济衰退),allowing people to access more goods,services using technology and even to share costs.And that technology,for me,is what the car was for my mom,a gateway to more freedom,like what my friend Earl says,"The symbol of freedom isn't the car any more because there's technology out there connecting you to a car."
According to the researchers at the University of Michigan,30 years ago,eight in ten American 18-year-olds had a driver's license compared to six in ten today.So it's not that surprising that on my 16th birthday I wasn't rushing to get a license but an iPhone.
"Driving,for young people,does mean they have to disconnect from their technology,and that's a negative.So if they could sit in the passage side and still be connected,that's going to be a plus."Schor continued.
To me,another plus is that ridesharing represents something,something much bigger than trying to save money.I see it as evidence that people still depend on each other.My generation shares their cars and apartments the way neighbors used to share cups of sugar.For the system to work,some of us still need our own cars.But until I get my own version of the silver Super Beetle,you can find me on Twitter.

29.The American teens like me,prefer to possess an iPhone as a birthday gift becauseC.
A.it is most fashionable and cool              
B.they are bored with driving cars
C.they are fond of being connected             
D.it is much cheaper than a car
30.We can learn from the text thatB.
A.Twitter is a website for teens to make friends and achieve goals
B.ridesharing can be seen as a sign that people still count on each other
C.driving cars for teens means a plus and connecting with technology
D.having a car and cost-sharing symbolize more freedom for the author's mother
31.Professor Juliet would agree thatD.
A.young people will sit waiting to be contacted by reading a passage
B.sharing economy is bound to be responsible for the recession
C.young people tend to share a car with strangers by means of Twitter
D.being connected via technology comes first for young people
32.The best title for the passage is probablyC
A.Twitter,an Awesome Website             
B.Cars or iPhone
C.Teens Use Twitter to Thumb Rides        
D.Cool Teens on the Go.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.So far,300million yuan _______ been collected for Project Hope,so the majority of children_______ returned to school.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Wrting artieles about films for The Front Page was my first proper job.Before then I had done bits of reviewing---novels for other newspapers,films for a magazine and anything I was asked to do for the radio.That was how I met Tom Seaton,the first arts editor of The Front Page,who had also written for television.He hired me,but Tom was not primarily a journalist,or he would certainly have been more careful in choosing his staff.
         At first,his idea was that a team of critics should take care of the art forms that didn't require specialized knowledge:books,TV,theatre,film and radio.There would be a weekly lunch at which we would make our choices from the artistic material that Tom had decided we should cover,though there would also be guests to make the atmosphere sociable.
         It all felt like a bit of dream at that time:a new newspaper and I was one of the team.It seemed so unlikely that a paper could be introduced into a crowded market.It seemed just as likely that a millionaire wanted to help me personally,and was pretending to employ me.Such was my lack of self-confidence.
         Tom's original scheme for a team of critics for the arts never took off.It was a good idea,but we didn't get together as planned and so everything was done by phone.It turned out,too,that the general public out there preferred to associate a reviewer with a single subject area,and so I chose film.Without Tom's initial push,though,we would hardly have come up with the present arrangement,by which I write an extended weekly piece,usually on one film.
         The space I am given allows me to broaden my argument---or forces me,in an uninteresting week,to make something out of nothing.But what is my role in the public arena?I assume that people choose what films to go to on the basis of the stars,the publicity or the director.So if a film review isn't really a consumer guide,what is it?I certainly don't feel I have a responsibility to be‘right'about a movie.Nor do I think there should be a certain number of‘great'and‘bad'films each year.All I have to do is put forward an argument.I'm not a judge,and nor would I want to be.
67.What do we learn about Tom Seaton from the first paragraph?B
A.He encouraged Mark to become a writer.
B.He had worked in various areas of the media.
C.He met Mark when working for television.
D.He prefers to employ people that he knows.
68.The weekly lunches were planned in order toC.
A.help the writers get to know each other
B.provide an informal information session
C.distribute the work that had to be done
D.entertain important visitors from the arts
69.What does the author mean when he says that Tom's plan‘never took off'in Paragraph 4?D
A.It was unpopular.
B.It wasted too much time.
C.It wasn't planned properly.
D.It wasn't put into practice.
70.Which of the following best describes what Mark says about his work?C
A.His success varies from year to year.
B.He prefers to write about films he likes.
C.He can freely express his opinion.
D.He writes according to accepted rules.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The country life he was used to ____ greatly since 1999.(  )
A.changeB.has changedC.changingD.have changed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Janelle was running late for work,so she just had time for a quick look at herself in the mirror as she was going out.What she saw there made her stop dead in her tracks.
Being a busy college student just one year removed from her teenage years,she wasn't exactly obsessive-compulsive(有强迫观念和行为的) about the neatness of her clothes.But her boss at the restaurant where she works saw things a little differently.He had recently lectured the entire staff on the importance of appearance,and had specifically mentioned the need for servers to wear clean,unwrinkled blouses.As an assistant manager,Janelle felt it was important to set an example for the other employees.But if she stopped to iron the blouse normally,she would be late-and work without delay was an area of even greater concern to her boss.
So she grabbed her iron and plugged it in and set it for low heat.Carefully holding her blouse away from her body,she continued to iron it while she was wearing it.It seemed like a logical answer to an urgent problem.
And it seemed to be working until Janelle tried to iron the collar and accidentally ironed her neck by mistake.Then it suddenly seemed like a really stupid idea and a really painful one as well.It took more time to treat her burn than it would have taken to iron her shirt properly.And she spent a miserable shift dealing with the pain of the burn.
We've all been there,haven't we?For me it was cutting my own hair.For a former roommate it was trying to pull his own wisdom teeth.For another college acquaintance,it was trying to change the oil in his car while the motor was still running.
"There's a right way and a wrong way of doing things,"Dad used to tell me whenever I'd spoil the look of our yard by trying out a faster,easier and more creative way of pulling weeds or edging the lawn."If a thing is worth doing,"he said,"it's worth doing it right."There's a reason why certain things are done in certain ways.Those old,boring,predictable ways work.

24.Jenelle found in the mirror thatB.
A.there were stains on her blouse
B.her blouse was wrinkled
C.she wore heavy makeup
D.she put on a wrong blouse
25.It's learned from Paragraph 2thatD.
A.Jenelle had no sense of responsibility at work
B.Jenelle failed to set an example for employees in daily work
C.Jenelle didn't care about the neatness of her clothes at all
D.Jenelle's boss put doing something on time above appearance
26.What can we infer from Paragraph5?A
A.We all have done loads of things like Janelle.
B.We are careful enough in daily life.
C.We all have done something creative.
D.We all have tried to iron clothes while we are wearing them.
27.What does the author mainly want to tell readers in the last paragraph?D
A.Be creative and novel.
B.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
C.Stick to old patterns.
D.Do things right.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.If you never read the classic F.Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby,now is your chance to catch up-by watching the latest film adaptation.Because if there's one sentence to sum up the film,it would be,as Fox News says in its review,"It's just like the book".
Director Baz Luhrmann's main challenge was"either to find a visual equivalent(相等物) for Fitzgerald's elegant essay--the open secret of the book's staying power--or to bend the material to his own exotic(异国的) strengths,"a Time magazine review says.He tries it both ways,with varying degrees of success.
Considered to be Fitzgerald's representative work,The Great Gatsby explores themes of idealism,resistance to change,social change,and excess,creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream.
Nick,the narrator,moves to New York for the summer to visit his cousin Daisy.His next-door neighbor is Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio),who rarely contacts with others and is rumored to be a hero of the Great War.Gatsby claims to have attended Oxford University,but the evidence is suspect.As Nick learns more about Gatsby,every detail about him seems questionable,except his love for Daisy.Though Daisy is married,Gatsby still adores her as his"golden girl."They first met when she was a young lady from a wealthy family and he was a working-class military officer.Daisy promised to wait for his return from the war.However,she married Tom,a classmate of Nick.Having obtained a great fortune,Gatsby sets out to win her back again.
"All of Fitzgerald's original creation finds its way into this film,even going as far as to include quite a bit of the original dialogue,"US film critic Justin Taroli writes in his review."The cast is beautiful as is the script,and the scenes are a visual feast,"Taroli adds.
DiCaprio does a good and professional job as the socialite by recreating Fitzgerald's description of Gatsby's charm."He can look at someone for an instant and understand how perfectly he or she wants to be seen,"David Denby,a film critic for The New Yorker,says in his review.
The use of music is almost reason enough to see the film."Luhrmann is at his best mixing visual and musical styles together to create something wholly original,"the Fox News review says.
For example,in one of the most outstanding scenes in the film,the first party scene,Nick walks quickly from one party guest to another party guest trying to explain all the gossip about Gatsby until he is finally introduced to the man himself,while the most stirring version of Rhapsody in Blue (composed by American musician George Gershwin in 1924)is played in the background.
28.What did Baz Luhrmann do to make the film a success?C
A.He adapted the story in the novel as he wished.
B.He made the film more powerful than the book.
C.He mixed his style with the elegance of the essay.
D.He showed the elegance of the pictures in the film.
29.What is Taroli's attitude towards the film?A
30.What are the characteristics of Gatsby?D
A.Faithful and warm-hearted.
B.Charming and professional.
C.Selfish and stubborn.
D.Mysterious and devoted.
31.Why does the author give the example of the first party scene in the last paragraph?C
A.Unfold the fact that Nick wants to know more about Gatsby.
B.Show the version of Rhapsody in Blue matches the film well.
C.Prove that the director is good at combining visual and music.
D.Convince us that the first scene is perfectly shot by the director.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Eric was known for his red hair and his bad temper,and thus he earned the name Eric the Red.Like his father Thorval Asvaldson he also killed several men in personal quarrels,one concerning the death of some of his slaves,and another concerning some wood working tools.Following these killings,he had to leave Iceland for three years.
Eric lived and explored in Greenland for the full three years of his banishment(流放) from Iceland.Realizing the habitable(适于居住的) Greenland,he returned to Iceland.He persuaded 25ships to be with him on a mission to colonize(殖民) this new land.Some turned back and others were lost at sea,but Eric arrived in Greenland with about 14ships,and around 500settlers.The colony prospered( 繁荣),and Eric became a rich leader.Therefore,Eric was regarded as the discoverer of America.
Eric's son Lief was a strong leader,and an explorer himself.He sailed west and found rich lands there which he named Vinland,but soon after he returned to Greenland,the island was going through a plague (瘟疫) brought from Iceland,and many of its settlers,including Eric the Red,died.Once Greenland might have reached around 3000~4000inhabitants(居住者),but the dreams of settling further west came to little as the Greenlanders struggled to survive in their awful environment which worsened with a cooling cycle.Several hundred years after Eric and Lief the Greenlanders were cut off from Europe,the colder climate brought the Innuit peoples south,and into fight with the Vikings that survived in the terrible conditions.Around a hundred years before Columbus"discovered America",the colony in Greenland failed to support itself.No one knows if there were any survivors where they left.

21.What can be inferred about Eric the Red from paragraph1?B
A.Eric the Red often lent his wood working tools to other people.
B.Eric the Red got his name because of his appearance and temper.
C.Eric the Red often had quarrels with his father and other people.
D.Eric the Red was born in a rich family and lived a happy childhood.
22.What led to the death of the inhabitants on Vinland?D
A.Fights against the invaders.
B.Some natural disasters.
C.The terrible weather there.
D.An unexpected disease.
23.Why did Lief's hope of settling further west fail in the end?B
A.Because Lief was killed in the fight with the Innuit peoples.
B.Because the environment there was awfully terrible.
C.Because the Greenlanders were cut off from Europe.
D.Because no one was willing to move westwards.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.When you learn reading,nlath,and other subjects taught in school from your parents or teaehers who come to your house,it's called homeschooling.A kid may be the only one,or he may be taught with brothers,sisters,or kids from the neighborhood.
Parents choose to homeschool their children for many different reasons.Sometimes a kid is sick and can't go to regular school.But more often,kids are homeschooled beeause their parents feel they can give their children a better education than the local school can.Patents also may choose homeschooling because they want their children's education to include religious (宗教的) instruction,which isn't offered at puhlie schools.
If you don't like school,homeschooling might seem like the perfect solution.But it's better for everyone if homeschooling isn't chosen just as an escape from school or prohlems there.Finding solutions to the problem should be the first step.
Kids who are homeschooled may benefit from the one-on-one attention.For example,if you don't understand something in math,the whole class won't he moving on without you.You might be the whole class!It's also possible that you might learn more than you would in a regular classroom,because if you really good at something,you can keep learning more at your own pace.
Kids who are homeschooled also may get out in their communities more than other kids.They may get to experience hands-on education at museums,libraries,businesses and other community resources.They also might volunteer or take part in"service learning"where they take on local projects.
No matter where a child goes to school,the key to learning is listening to the teacher and asking for help when you need it.A homeschooled child might feel more comfortable with his teacher (a parent),but the child still needs to pay attention and cooperate.Just like in a traditional school,teachers and students need to work together to achieve goals in the classroom.

64.The passage mainly tells usB.
A.every kid should be taught at home
B.what homeschooling is and how it works
C.the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling
D.homeschooled kids should go out to do volunteer work
65.What does the author think of homeschooling?C
A.It shouldn't be encouraged at all.
B.It is not a good way to get educated.
C.It can offer kids what suits their needs.
D.It is only good for the kids who can't go to school.
66.The similarity of homeschooling and learning at school is thatA.
A.students all should cooperate with their teachers
B.students don't feel lonely
C.students all have many classmates
D.studenls all have more opportunities to get out
67.Which of the following should NOT belong to the reasons why kids get homeschooled?D
A.They can get more benefits from homeschooling.
B.They can't go to school because of their bad health.
C.They can learn something that is not taught in school.
D.They escape from school because they hate going to school.

