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How big is space? That is a question man has been asking since the beginning of time. When your grandparents were in school, it was 36 that the Universe was very 37 perhaps only 5,000 light years 38. 500 years ago people considered that the Universe was only a little bit 39 than the Earth. In modern times with the 40 of technology we are finally starting to 41 the immense (无边的) size of the Universe, and it is much bigger than anyone 42 have ever imagined.

Scientists cannot stretch (伸展) a measuring tape from the Earth to a nearby star, so 43 do they know how far away they are? Scientists use something 44 Parallax (视差). Parallax means 45 that they look at how much the stars move in the sky 46 throughout the year as the Earth circles the Sun. This is not something 47 to you. In fact if you stretch out your hand in front of you and 48 your thumb, while 49 one eye, and then the other, your thumb will 50 to move back and forth. Stars do the 51 thing, but our eyes are too close to see the 52. However if we take a picture while on one side of Earth’s orbit, and then take another when we get to the 53 side of the orbit, then we have a large enough 54 that we can see the stars parallax, and 55 how far away they really are.

36. A. measured           B. said                 C. thought            D. proved

37. A. old                     B. big                   C. mysterious        D. small

38. A. over               B. across           C. through          D. outsides

39. A. bigger            B. smaller          C. heavier           D. nearer

40. A. popularity      B. power          C. energy          D. strength

41. A. grasp           B. control          C. imagine          D. feel

42. A. would          B. should         C. could           D. might

43. A. what             B. why             C. how            D. when

44. A. honored          B. called            C. considered       D. believed

45. A. actually         B. especially        C. generally        D. simply

46. A. in and out       B. back and forth   C. sooner or later         D. up and down

47. A. unacceptable           B. unfamiliar       C. unbelievable      D. unnatural

48. A. look at                B. shake                C. glare at         D. notice

49. A. covering        B. opening         C. controlling       D. hiding  

50. A. continue          B. happen         C. stop            D. appear  

51. A. common       B. different        C. strange         D. same

52. A. result            B. effect          C. difference        D. similarity

53. A. suitable           B. same           C. opposite        D. correct

54. A. distance                 B. length          C. height           D. width

55. A. realize           B. determine        C. recognize        D. decide

      36-40 CDBAB

41-45 ACCBD    46-50 BBAAD      51-55 DCCAB


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省南山中学高一5月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词。并也用  斜线划掉。
【小题1】In term of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?
【小题2】I think you are absolute right.
【小题3】In 1960s Steven Hawking was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
【小题4】I can't help but to feel concerned.
【小题5】Our school, locating on the River Fu, looks very beautiful.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年安徽省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Mysterious Universe

By Ellen Jackson and Nic Bishop

How did the universe begin? How big is it? What is dark matter? Cosmologist(宇宙哲学家)and expert supernova(超新星)hunter Alex Filippenko hopes that supernovas can help us answer some of these questions. But first we’ve got to find them! Join Alex and his team as they go on the hunt with huge telescopes and banks of computers.

The Time and Space of Uncle Albert

By Russell Stannard

What would you say if your uncle asked you whether you would like to go into space? You’d say, “When do I leave?”, just like the girl in this story. Gedanken is speeding across the universe trying to help her uncle answer some questions, such as “How big is space?” and “Where does gravity come from?” Along the way she also discovers how to get heavier without getting fat, how to live forever without knowing it, and the strange things that can happen when you go really fast.

George’s Secret Key to the Universe

By Lucy Hawking and Stephen Hawking

When George chases his pet pig through a hole in the fence, little does he expect that he will soon be riding a comet(彗星)around Saturn(土星). But just as he discovers the joys of space exploration with the computer Cosmos, which can open doors anywhere in the universe, everything starts to go wrong. When George’s lest-favorite teacher steals Cosmos and traps his friend’s dad in a black hole, can George set things right in time?

A Child’s Introduction to the Night Sky

By Michael Driscoll

With a telescope or without one, this book can get you started exploring planets, stars and even strange stuff like time, space, and black holes. The universe is a big place, but this book comes with a handy star finder that you can take out with you at night to help you find your way around the stars. Look up and discover the universe!

1.According to the text, Alex Filippenko ______.

A. invented huge telescopes

B. is looking for supernovas

C. doesn’t need many computers

D. knows a lot about dark matter

2.What do we know about George’s Secret Key to the Universe?

A. It is a sad story

B. It is about a pet pig

C. It is a co-authored book

D. It is based on a real life story.

3.Which book would you read if you want to know about gravity?

A. The Mysterious Universe

B. The Time and Space of Uncle Albert

C. George’s Secret Key to the Universe

D. A Child’s Introduction to the Night Sky.

4.What do the four books have in common?

A. They have the same topics?

B. They are intended for adults.

C. They have the same number of characters

D. They leave many questions to the readers



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江宁波四中高三上学期期始考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

 _______ size and population, how big is the European Union _________ China?

A.In terms of; compared with

B.In honor of; comparing with

C.In addition to; compared to

D.In favor of; compared to



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川省高一5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词。并也用  斜线划掉。



1.In term of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?

2.I think you are absolute right.

3.In 1960s Steven Hawking was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.

4.I can't help but to feel concerned.

5.Our school, locating on the River Fu, looks very beautiful.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省高三上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:单项填空

_______ size and population, how big is the European Union _________ China?

A. In terms of; compared with           B. In honor of; comparing with

C. In addition to; compared to          D. In favor of; compared to


