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18.Reportedly some farmers do not like to sell grain to the State.It remains to be seen how the government will ____ this challenge.(  )

分析 据报道,一些农民不愿意卖粮食给国家.政府将如何应对这一挑战现在还无从知晓.

解答 答案:A
A.handle处理,应对; B.blame指责,责怪; C.recreate再创造;使得到娱乐(或消遣); D.raise提高(价格等),养育;由于与该动词相搭配的宾语是this challenge,此处的意思是:应对这一挑战;故选A.

点评 本题考查了动词的词义辨析;做类似的题时,需要了解各选项中动词的意义及用法;然后根据完整句子所提供的信息进行逻辑推理,从而判断出空缺处应填的动词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.[1]Mother's Day is a holiday that's supposed to celebrate the precious relationship between a mother and her child.If you have a strong desire to buy her a gift for that Day,I've come up with some ideas that will work for you to show your mom how much you value that relationship.
[2]Spend time with your mom.Most moms I know want to hear from their kids more than they do.You can even do this if you live far away from your mom.Give her a call at times and ask her about herself,how her days are going and what she's feeling.Focus on hearing her heart.After all,this is the woman who birthed you…maybe knowing her will help you know yourself better,and that's never a bad thing.
[3]Write down your memories of her.Many moms love to know what their kids remember from childhood and how they distinguished the things that happened then.Make a list of these for your mom and give it to her.Or,tear each memory off in a strip,fold it up and put it in a jar.Give her the sealed jar for Mother's Day,and she can pull out a memory every day until they're gone.
[4]Take photos with her.Was your mom one of those people who has every family event for the last 30 years documented in extensive photographic detail?Then spend some time getting pictures taken with her.Take her to a favorite park or garden,or do it in your own backyard.Your poses can be silly or quiet,but no matter how they turn out,taking them will make your mom's day.
[5]Clean her house.I know a few people who like to clean,but even they can find it overwhelming when life gets busy.So pick up a bucket and a mop and show mom that you really do remember all her lessons on cleaning the house.Although it takes up your time,every little thing you've done is meaningful for your mom.
76.What's the main idea of the passage?(no more than 8 words)Ideas to show your care for Mother's Day;What we can do for the mother's day?/
How to celebrate the mother's day
77.Why does the writer advise you to spend time with your mom?(no more than 10 words)Because knowing her will help you know yourself better.
78.What is sealed in the jar?(no more than 7 words)Strips with memories of your mom.
79.How can you act while taking photos with your mom?(no more than 8 words)
You can take any pose you like.
80.What is conveyed in the last paragraph?(no more than 8 words)Every little thing will make a difference./
What you've done for your mom is meaningful..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-John,I saw you were talking with our manager.What happened?
-I was complaining to him because I felt I _________ fairly.(  )
A.don't treatB.didn't treatC.am not treatedD.wasn't treated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.People in Guangdong could still enjoy the brightest moon on the Mid-autumn Day _____ typhoon Yutu was on its way to the southeast of China.(  )
A.now thatB.even thoughC.in caseD.as if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Where do you often see plants and animals that live under the sea?
-___________TV nature programmes.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.He succeeded in _____ her to give up her part-time job and she decided to spend all her time in
Studying.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Politics meant       _ to me for years,for I didn't care about it at all.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.This kind of chocolate cakes were so delicious that they _____ out in no time.(  )
A.soldB.had soldC.were soldD.had been sold


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.An exhibition of paintings __________ at the museum next week.(  )
A.will holdB.is to be heldC.are holdingD.are to be held

