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10.---What's the matter?You look upset.
---I had my job application _____ again.(  )
A.turned overB.turned onC.turned offD.turned down

分析 ---发生什么事儿了?你看起来很沮丧.---我的求职申请又被拒绝了.

解答 答案是D.考查动词词组的词义辨析.turn over 移交给;翻阅;把…翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑.turn on 打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击.turn off 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向.turn down 减小,关小,调低,拒绝.题干表达的是"我的求职申请又被拒绝了",所以用turn down 表示"拒接",故答案是D.

点评 解答此类问题首先需要理解每个词组的含义,然后结合语境选择正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.You have the ability to decide if you are happy or not.Happiness is a choice.
You can't depend on someone else to make you happy.That is a lesson I learned early on in my marriage.I realized that I couldn't rely on my husband as my source of happiness.I learned that my happiness depended on me and not my husband's actions.I learned that you have to choose to be happy.
You can choose your emotions (情绪).Happiness can't be forced by outside forces.So how do you choose happiness?You can choose to smile or choose to wear a certain outfit.You choose it because that's what you want to experience in your life.
You want to buy a new pair of shoes so you choose a pair that you like and feel good.You wouldn't buy a pair of shoes that you don't like or that don't fit well,right?So why do we keep choosing emotions and feelings that don't make us feel good?
Choosing to be happy after you realize your anger has shown up (or even choosing to be calm) can be beneficial.We choose our feelings and no one can do that for us.If we let others get to us,influence our emotions-we are giving them power over us.When others cause us anger or pain,we are giving them our power.
We need to keep our feelings in check and not react automatically to what is thrown at us.We need to think our actions out instead of just reacting to what someone says or does.
Remember that we can always choose happiness.At first it will be difficult to just change your thoughts and feelings from anger,self-doubt,or fear to joy and happiness.But it is only a thought away.Don't think about what happens to you unnecessarily but realize what is causing you to feel that way.Realize that thoughts,feelings and emotions can change.Then move on and choose to be happy.
66.What's the best title of this passage?C
A.Ways to Be Happy                     
B.Choose Your Emotions
C.Choose to Be Happy                       
D.Find Your Happiness
67.The lesson the writer learned in her marriage isA.
A.one can't depend on someone else to make himself or herself happy
B.balancing the relationship between the husband and wife is an art
C.she can depend on her husband to find happiness
D.happiness can be influenced by outside forces
68.Why did the writer mention buying shoes?B
A.To offer advice on how to choose comfortable shoes.
B.To use it as an example to explain the importance of choosing to be happy.
C.To consider it as a hard job.
D.To help to move to the next paragraph easily.
69.The writer suggests that we shouldC.
A.let others control our feelings          
B.give answers immediately to others'words   
C.control our feelings properly        
D.pay more attention to words than actions
70.The main idea of the last paragraph is thatD.
A.people have different feelings at different time
B.anger is only a thought away
C.we should list the reasons for our different emotions
D.one can change one's feelings and choose to be happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.______ is expected,according to the online survey,is ______ the price of housing will not go up any more.(  )
A.As; whatB.It; thatC.What; thatD.What; which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

18.I am a 14-years-old girl at a key high school.(78)years改为year
All my parents are very proud of me because I am the top         (79)All改为Both
student in my grade.However,something have worried        (80)have改为has
me a lot recent.I have made a great progress in my English.(81)recent改为recently
At the same time,I have gained many weight.I used to be a slim    (82)many改为much
girl with confidence,and now some of my old classmates          (83)some改为one
say he can't even recognize me.I don't want to take medicine   (84)say改为says
to lose weight,so I decide go on a diet instead.Anyway,(85)decide后面加to
healthy comes first,so I just try not to eat my favorite cakes    (86)healthy改为health
and sweets in order to achieve my goal of be slim again.(87)be改为being.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.My village is in the southwest of England,(61)whichis a very beautiful area in the country.In the north of this area there are hills.In the south there are several villages on the coast,(62)surrounding (surround) half of the hills.In the east there are woods and in the west there are more hills.There are several(63)islands(island) off the south coast,(64)where fishermen go to catch fish.My village is (65)located(locate) on the River Test and has(66)a population of 750people.It lies 15kilometers to the east of Hope,the nearest town.A new road runs into the village and separates it(67)into  two parts.It is famous for its cheese.My house is part of an old farm.Before,my father used to keep animals in it,but now the building has been (68)changed(change) into a house.There is an (69)attractive (attract) garden in front of my house.I grow many kinds of flowers and vegetables in it.In the summer days my family often stay there in the open air and cook our meals.Can you imagine (70)living(live) in such a wonderful place?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I didn't think there would be any patients,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five people showed up at my desk,a pale woman and four small children.
"Are you all sick?"I asked doubtfully.
"Yes."she said weakly and lowered her head.
But when it came to descriptions of their presenting problems,things got a little puzzling.Two of the children had headaches,but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still.Two children had earaches,but only one could tell me which ear was affected.The mother complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
Something was wrong,but I didn't say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her.She responded."Take your time;it's warm here."
I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family.No address---they Were homeless.The waiting room was warm.
I looked out at the family sitting close to each other by the Christmas tree.The little one was pointing at the television and the oldest one was looking at the decorations on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses'station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room.The nurses,complaining about working on Christmas,turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas.The team went into action,much as we do when there's a medical emergency.Only this one was a Christmas emergency.
We were all offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day,so we fetched that meal and prepared a large meal for our Christmas guests.Our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas Day.
Later,as the family walked to the door to leave,the four-year-old came running back,gave me a hug and whispered,"Thanks for being our angels today."
56.From the descriptions of the family's presenting problems,the writer learned thatC.
A.one of the children had a language problem
B.the mother caught a bad cold
C.they were pretending to be sick
D.they got all infectious disease
57.The author made sure that the family were homeless byD
A.asking them some questions
B.listening to their descriptions of problems
C.observing their abnormal body language
D.checking their registered information
58.What kind of person do you think the writer is?A
A.Careful and warmhearted    
B.Hardworking and outgoing
C.Serious and experienced     
D.Loving and forgiving
59.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?D
A.Christmas Guests          
B.A Homeless Family
C.Beautiful Angels           
D.Christmas Emergency.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I am a volunteer.I set out to help clean up the beach after a violent storm a year ago.The sight I saw was heartbreaking.The broken houses seemed to be crying.I couldn't describe how I felt.But something special among the debris (废墟) turned my day around.
I joined a club to clean up the beach after the storm last November.As I removed the debris from the beach,I noticed an object with shiny buttons in the wet sand.It was a jacket,and I was excited since Halloween(万圣节) was coming and I thought I had found a great costume(戏服).After picking it up,I was able to see that the jacket was from West Point (西点军校),the United States Military Academy,and it had the name"deGavre"written inside.I realized the jacket might be important to someone.I decided to find the jacket's owner and return it.
I called the West Point Museum,considering that if the family couldn't be found,the jacket should go there.The museum connected me with Kim McDermott,Director of Communications for the Academy's Association of Graduates.Kim soon ensured that the jacket had belonged to Chester Braddock deGavre,who was a 1933graduate and a war hero,but passed away in 1993.
I sent Kim a photo of the jacket and she posted it to the West Point Association of Graduates Facebook Page,asking if anyone could help us find the family.In less than two hours,someone had found and called the hero's wife,Teresa.Soon I started to receive personal messages from members of the deGavre family,their friends and others who were touched by the story and they found me on Facebook.
Finding Chester deGavre's jacket and connecting to his family with the help of Facebook have been so meaningful to me.I've formed a bond(纽带) with amazing people I might have never met.
25.Seeing the sight(景象) after the storm,the author felt veryA.
26.What did the author think at first after he saw the jacket?B
A.He should try to find its owner.
B.He could wear it for Halloween.
C.He should return it to West Point.
D.He could send it to others for free.
27.The author called the West Point Museum because he thoughtD.
A.the jacket was made there
B.the jacket's owner worked there
C.the workers there needed the jacket
D.the jacket might be collected by the museum
28.According to the text,Kim McDermottC.
A.happened to be the owner of the jacket
B.was a student graduating from West Point
C.could find a record of the graduates
D.was a family member of the author.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.There are forty singers and they all sing in hharmony.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11."How call I obtain more drugs?"I cried."I can't live without the help of drugs!''.You see,I was only 14 years of age when someone said to me,"Here,smoke this!It will make you feel good."So that is how my habit of d rug-taking began.
Soon I felt I could not live without more and more drugs.So I found I needed more and more money to buy drugs.So I began to steal things from my family and from shops.Then in the street I pointed my gun at people,saying,"Give me your money,or I will shoot you!"
I lost all my friends.My family also said,"Get out of this house and never return here!"I then realized the truth-drugs were killing me."Unless someone told me how to escape from the desire for drugs,I will soon be dead,"I said.
Then one day,I read in a paper,"We help drug-takers!''I decided,"I will go and see what these people think they can do for me."So I stayed at their meeting place for seven months.But they failed.They did not take the desire for drugs from me.
Then one day,I read something in the magazine called"La Paloma".I read how people said,"We could not escape from the desire for drugs.But now we have freedom.God gave us power to escape this desire.God gives us the power of the spirit when we believe what Jesus Christ obtained for us by dying for us."SO I decided,"I will go to this Betel meeting place as reported in‘La Paloma'.I will see if they can help me."
Now I found these Betel people never left me alone.Yes,someone was always there with me day and night.Then one day I cried out to God,"God,please help me!"I know God heard my cry.I found I now had power to escape the desire for drugs.
At last I am free from the desire for drugs.I have found real peace of mind.I now enjoy life and help other people to overcome their d rug problem.

41.How did the author get addicted to drugs?B
A.He wanted to take drugs.
B.He was persuaded to take drugs.
C.He was forced to take drugs.
D.He was influenced by his parents.
42.The author realized that drugs were really killing him when heD
A.took drugs for the first time
B.began to point his gun at other people
C.had no money to pay for drugs
D.was deserted by all his friends and his family
43.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The author's desire for drugs didn't stop when he was at the place he found in the paper.
B.The people at Belel tried their best to help the writer to quit taking drugs.
C.The author quitted his addiction to drugs by his strong will in the end.
D.After quitting drugs,the author kept away from people who are addicted to drugs.
44.How did the"La Paloma"help people to quit taking drugs?D
A.They acted as Jesus Christ would to help addicted people.
B.They took advantage of people's faith in God to help them.
C.They left the addicted people alone and forced them to quit.
D.They succeeded in transmitting God's power to the addicted people•
45.The passage mainly tells usC
A.how the author obtained more drugs
B.how the author shot people for money
C.how the author quit taking drugs
D.how God helps people to quit taking drugs.

