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Misunderstandings     from lack of social communication,unless     properly,may lead to serious problems.

       A.arisen;handling                                         B.arising;handled

       C.rising;handled                                          D.risen;handling


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






Volunteers make a difference!





 Volunteer spirit is rooted in the hearts of many people, especially young people in China.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




1.产生的原因       2.造成的危害      3.如何减少


1. 短文须写在答题卡指定区域

2. 短文字数不少于100

3. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯

4. 书写清晰、工整

参考词汇:drunk driving:n. 醉酒驾车  ban : v, n, 禁令, 禁止


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Holiday houses in Mallorca sailing and fishing port - quiet even in summer season. Beautifully situated houses with sights of sea and mountains, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby.


Luxury coach trips of Italy, out of normal holiday season. 21 days to visit five Italian cities starting from London 1st May, 1st September. The trips are guided by Professor Martin Davis, Head of Italian Studies, London University. See the arts and culture of historic Italy.


Working holidays on a kibbutz (co-operative farm) in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work morning with kibbutz members. Accommodation, food and trips to historic sights all provided free - you pay only for the special low-cost return flight.


Two-week holidays in the Hotel Splendid, on a lovely beach with golden sands and deep-blue sea. Tennis, golf, sailing and all water sports, trips around the island arranged. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment - dancing.

1st November - 31st March =£720 per person

1st April - 30th October =£850 per person

Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying.

Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on little money, and would like to get to know a country by working there for three months with other young people.

Michael, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He would like to go somewhere warmer and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.

Henry and Kate, both teachers, and their two sons, have to take their holiday during the school summer holidays. There must be plenty for the boys to do, although Harry and Kate just want to have beautiful scenery, good food and wine and peace.

57. Michael would most probably go to _______ for his holiday.

A. Italy       B. Israel          C. Mallorca   D. a Caribbean island

58. The best holiday for Jack and Mary would be _______.

A. the 21 - day coach trip of Italy             

B. the 2 -week stay in the Hotel Splendid

C. the 14 -day trip around a Caribbean island   

D. the working holidays for 1 -3 months on a kibbutz in Israel

59. Henry and Kate and their sons would like _______.

A. a holiday working on a kibbutz in Israel

B. a holiday visiting cities by coach in Italy

C. a holiday house in the fishing port in Mallorca

D. a holiday hotel on a lovely beach on a Carribean Island

60. You can find this passage most probably in _______.

A. a school library  B. a tourist agency   C. the post office  D. the museum


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Sometimes, _______ we show our gratitude for a person is reflected in the kind of food we serve him or her.

A. when                         B. whether                    C. why                  D. how


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Don’t you think it essential that every resident of Nanjing     spare no effort to make contributions to Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games?

       A.should                    B.will                         C.shall                       D.would


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Theodore,the manager of the Paradise Hotel,told a middle-aged couple that that would have to leave the hotel after just one night.The couple,visiting from Texas,had booked a room for eight nights.

“They wanted a sterile (消毒了的) environment,”Theodore said,“They should have rented a room in a hospital,maybe an operating room.This hotel is clean,hut it isn't that clean.”

Theodore said that,on the very first day,the couple brought all the sheets,pilloweases,and bedspreads down to the main hall and just dropped them next to the front desk.They stood there next to this pile of bedding while other guests looked,pointed,and murmured.The hotel got three cancellations within the hour from people who witnessed this strange,event.

When Theodore asked the couple what the problem was,they said that their bedding was filthy and they wanted it replaced.The couple could not identify any specific“filth”on the bedding.The wife just said,“We’re paying good money to stay here.How dare you doubt us?We know the filth is there.That's all the proof you need,”Theodore called room service,and the bedding was replaced immediately.

Early the next evening,however,the couple marched to the front desk again and demanded seven cans of sterilizer,“We need a can for each night.We have to spray the phone,the TV,all the door handles,the toilet handle,the shower stall,the faucet,the sink,and any hotel staff entering our room.”

Worried,Theodore politely suggested that a hotel more suitable for them was just around the corner.He then called ahead to reserve a“very clean”room,and gave them free transportation in the hotel Rolls-Royce.Also,he told the couple that they wouldn’t he charged for the second day.

The couple were surprised but they really liked the idea of free room for a night and that expensive car service.

56.The underlined word“filthy”means   in this article.

A.clean        B.dirty        C.smelly          D.old

57.Why was Theodore worried?

A.The couple might have more demands the following days.

B.The hotel was not clean enough.

C.The hotel would run out of cleaning stuff.

D.More guests would make the same requests.

58.What word could best describe the couple?

A.Narrow-minded.       B.Expensive    C.Particular     D.Easy-going


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Don’t promise anything_______you are 100 percent sure.

       A.since               B.after                C.if                  D.unless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year.I and many others have followed his lead for the past three or four years.They helped me a lot.My words for last year were “passion”,“focus” and “delegate” and I stayed true to them.This year,2012,my goals are more personal and less professional.


    Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I’m too much of a multitasker.The problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me. When I was working as a writer,all my projects were handled via a schedule,which kept me organized.This year I’m going to have each task scheduled.I’m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.


    I get so busy taking care of everyone else,I forget to take care of myself and this has to change. My health suffers and my weight suffers.I have to get my health in check,not only for me-but because I promised my 9-year-old son.I’ll make sure to take time to exercise every day and make good food and lifestyle choices.I miss being thin,and it’s time to get it back.


    What good is having it all if I’m not taking time to enjoy it?I have a wonderful job,a happy family,and so much to be thankful for.So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our first vacation in four years,the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family in a long time.This year,I’m making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.

    Do you have any words for 2012?

63.The underlined word “multitasker" probably refers to a person who________.

    A.makes a living by writing

    B.always fails to finish a task on time

    C.has several things to do at the same time

    D.pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping

64.Why does the writer have “health” as one of his three words?

    A.He wants to take better care of others.   B.He’s gaining weight and feeling bad.

    C.He did not take any exercise in the past. D.He got the idea from his son.

65.What can we learn from the passage?

    A.The word “celebrate” can remind the writer to enjoy life.

    B.The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.

    C.The word “focus” can help the writer focus on his family.

    D.The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.

66.The best title for the passage might be________·

    A.Three Words for 2012            B.Health Should Go First

    C.Keep Organized               D.Goals for 2012

