精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情




1.What are the two speakers talking about?




2.What’s the weather like now?




3.What caused the man’s headache?

A.Too little sleep.

B.The hat.

C.The sun.

4.When will the two speakers get to Beijing?

A.At 8∶30.

B.At 8∶50.

C.At 9∶00.

5.What is the two speakers talking about?



C.Brother and sister.




6.When does the woman usually watch TV?

A.After midnight.

B.When she is free.

C.After she has dinner.

7.Why was the man unhappy?

A.He lost his meal tickets.

B.The food was terrible.

C.The TV program was boring.

8.Why did the man feel even worse?

A.He didn’t sleep well.

B.He wasted so much time.

C.The woman had the same problem.


9.What are the two speakers?

A.Computer experts.

B.College students.

C.English teachers.

10.Why did the girl hand in her term paper earlier?

A.Because she was good at grammar.

B.Because she used the computer to write the paper.

C.Because she made no changes.

11.What will the girl do this evening?

A.She’ll study the IBM computer.

B.She’ll help the boy rewrite the paper.

C.She’ll teach the boy how to use the word processor.


12.Which flight will the man take?

A.A night flight.

B.An early flight.

C.A flight from Chicago.

13.What is the plane’s arrival time?

A.6∶45 a.m.

B.8∶30 a.m.

C.3∶45 p.m .

14.What conclusion can we draw?

A.There’s only one flight to Chicago.

B.A night flight is cheaper than a regular day-time flight.

C.Check-in time is after take-off time.


15.How much did it cost to run an AC 24 hours a day for 2 months 5 years ago?

A.20 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.

16.Where do they live?

A.In the college dormitory without air conditioner.

B.In an expensive hotel.

C.In an apartment with an AC.

17.Where is the man going to study?

A.In the library.

B.In the dormitory.

C.In the comfortable apartment.


18.Which is right about“silk cat”?

A.It can spit as much silk as a silkworm.

B.Its ears and mouth store silk liquid.

C.The cat stops eating when the time to spit silk comes.

19.Why do the local people tie the cat to a pole?

A.If not the cat will spit silk here and there.

B.If not the cat will bury the silk in the ground.

C.If not the cat will lose its temper.

20.What’s the use of the“cat silk”?

A.It can be used as rope.

B.It can be used to wind poles.

C.It can be woven into cloth.




  1.M:It tastes good.How do you make it?

  W:I don’t know, but they put lots of eggs in it.

  2.M:It looks like rain.

  W:You may be right.I’ll take a raincoat with me.

  3.M:I have a bad headache.Maybe I need more sleep.

  W:Actually, you need less sun and some medicine.And it would help if you wore a hat.The sun is too bright.

  4.W:When will we arrive in Beijing?

  M:Let me see.It’s eight thirty.I think our plane will land in twenty minutes.

  5.M:Excuse me, Madam.


  M:Does this bus go to Zhongshan Road?

  W:Yes, I think so.



  6.W:What a great day, don’t you think so?

  M:I guess so.I didn’t notice.I feel terrible because I watched television until after midnight last night.

  W:After midnight!Did you watch so late because you were bored?I usually watch TV only if I have nothing better to do.

  M:Bored?No, I was unhappy because I left my meal tickets in the dining-room.There’s more than fifty dollars worth of meal tickets lost.

  W:So did watching TV make you feel better?

  M:Well, I felt a bit better while I was watching.You know, it took my mind off my troubles.But after I turned the TV off, I just felt even worse with myself for wasting so much time.

  W:I’ve had that feeling before.


  7.M:Did you hand in your term paper for the Modern Grammar course?

  W:Yes, I did.What about you?

  M:I wrote my paper but I want to change a few things.I think I’ll get it finished tomorrow.

  W:If you have a word processor, it will save you a lot of time.

  M:I tried to use the IBM computer, but I was at a loss.

  W:It’s easy to make changes on a processor.You can move paragraphs around, put in a few words here and leave out some words there.All you have got to do is to press a key or two.

  M:That sounds great, but I’m good at mechanical things.

  W:Well, come to my room this evening.I’ll show you how to do it.


  8.M:Please, I’d like a ticket to Chicago.

  W:For today?

  M:No, early Monday morning.

  W:We have a flight that will put you there at 9 a.m., is that OK?

  M:Nothing earlier?I’ve an appointment at 8∶30.

  W:I’m afraid not unless you want a night flight.

  M:A night flight?

  W:Yes, with Northwest airlines.It will get you there at 6∶45 a.m.in fact.Is that too early?

  M:I guess that will be OK.What’s the difference in price?

  W:Better price.The night flight is cheaper.One way or round way?

  M:One way sounds good.I’ll take it.

  W:The flight number is 202 at Gate Seven, Kennedy Airport.

  M:I’ll be there on time.

  W:Thank you Mr Li.Check-in time is one hour before take-off.Have a good trip.


  9.M:I can’t stand this heat.I can’t give my attention to studying for the mid-term exam.I guess I’ll have to go to the library this afternoon.

  W:I don’t blame you.This dormitory doesn’t have an air conditioner.I can’t study either.My roommate and I are thinking about moving out to the other dormitory or an apartment that has an air conditioner.

  M:Oh, I’ve thought about moving, too.But if I want to live in an apartment, I’ll have to pay a lot of money for electricity.Do you know an air conditioner is cheaper today than it was 10 years ago?On the other hand electricity is a lot more expensive now.

  W:I didn’t know that.How much should we pay for electricity?

  M:5 years ago it was possible to run an AC 24 hours a day for only 20 dollars a month.Today the same AC in the same house costs more than 40 dollars a month.

  W:Oh, no.That’s really expensive.Well, I’ll tell my roommate we will see about the other dormitory.If it doesn’t work out, we will sweat all summer.

  You surely know the silkworm spits silk.But have you heard that a special cat in South America can spit silk like a silkworm?People there call it“the silk cat”.There is an opening to each of the pair of the cavities in its mouth where the silk liquid is stored.When the cavities are full, the cat stops eating for two weeks and then begins to spit silk.During this time the cat becomes very short-tempered and keeps running while spitting silk.The local people usually tie it to a pole buried in the ground, so it runs round and round the pole and the silk it spits is wound on the pole.A cat usually spits twice a year.The“cat silk”is thicker than the silk of the silkworm but very tough.It can be used to weave into very tough silk cloth.

