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Yesterday a school boy is daydreaming in class.Not knowing that he was doing,he put a pen cap into his mouth.A few minutes late,he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it!The teacher was shocking when the boy stood up and said,"I've just swallowed a pen cap."He was quickly sent the nearest hospital.There a doctor examined him and said the best treatment was to take some medicines so that the pen cap could pass natural.Three hours later the boy successfully made it."She is really lucky,"said the doctor."It's not rare that small children put things into their mouths for a fun.It's very danger."

分析 昨天,一个小男孩在课堂上开小差时,将笔帽吞进了肚子里;在他告诉了老师后,老师立刻将他送往了医院;幸运的是,在医生给他用药三个小时后,笔帽顺利地排了;最后医生提示说,这种事情在小孩身上并不少见,但它非常地危险.

解答 Yesterday a school boy isdaydreaming in class.Not knowing
that he was doing,he put a pen cap into his mouth.A few
minutes late,he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it!
The teacher was shocking when the boy stood up and said,"I've
just swallowed a pen cap."He was quickly sent∧the nearest
hospital.There a doctor examined him and said the best treatment
was to take some medicinesso that the pen cap could pass natural
Three hours later the boy successfully made it."She is really lucky,"
said the doctor."It's not rare that small children put things into their
mouths for a fun.It's very danger."

1.is改为was   考查时态   根据时间状语"Yesterday"可知,此处是发生在昨天课堂上的事情,应使用一般过去时;故用was                                           
2.that改为what   考查句意理解以及特殊疑问    此处用来引导宾语从句;并在该从句中作宾语,意为:什么;故用what
3.late改为later   考查副词    副词late意为"晚,迟";此处指的是:几分钟之后,故用later"过后,后来"
4.shocking 改为shocked  考查过去分词    此处在句中作表语,说明某人(这里指老师)的情况;故用过去分词shocked
5.sent之后加to  考查固定短语     be sent to意为"被送往…";故加to
6.medicines改为medicine   考查不可数名词   由于medicine是不可数名词,因此它不能加s;故用medicine  
7.natural改为naturally  考查副词  此处用来修饰动词pass,故用副词naturally
8.She改为He   考查句意理解以及人称的一致性   结合上文可知,此处在句中作主语,代指那个吞笔帽的小男孩;故用He
9.去掉a     考查不可数名词   由于fun作为"娱乐,乐趣"讲时,是不可数名词;故去掉a
10.danger改为dangerous  考查形容词    此处在句中作表语,说明主语的情况;故用形容词dangerous

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.The Olympics Games is a great international sports festival,(76)whichalmost every nation sends teams of selected athletes to  take part in.(77)Boththe Summer and Winter Olympic Games   take place(78)everyevery four years.In 2008,the 19th Olympic Games was held in Beijing.It was the(79)third(第三)time that the Summer  Olympic Games had taken place in Asia.Athletes(80)from204   National Olympic Committees(81)competed in 28sports and 302events  The Chinese team won 51gold (82)medals,ranking first of all the  countries present.Proudly,we Chinese(83)managedto make the  29th Olympic Games the best ever.The(84)friendly(友好的)people   and amazing(85)culture(文化)of China left a deep impression on   athletes and sports fans from all over the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-Wow!Han Hong will attend the TV show:I AM A SINGER Season Three.
-_____?I'm not interested in pop music.(  )
A.How comeB.So whatC.AnyhowD.Instead.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.It was after the Second War ________the United Nations was set up.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.You think you know your dog.(36)C She probably recognizes you when she sees you.But can a dog tell by simply looking at you whether you have a happy or an angry expression on your face?Researchers in Austria have taught pet dogs to know the difference.
(37)A When dog owners shout or speak in a strong,sharp voice,dogs often act guilty and quietly move away from the area.
Recently,researchers found that dogs can look at our faces,and tell the difference between a smile and a frown.The animals were able to recognize a look of approval from one of disapproval.Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine performed a series of experiments.(38)F They showed the dogs two pictures of either the upper or lower half of a person's face.On one picture,the person looked happy.The other appeared angry.The dogs were then shown images of the eyes or mouths of people they had never seen before.
(39)D  Once the dogs learned to recognize which image was happy or angry,they could easily identify the same expressions in pictures of any face.Future studies will try to show whether dogs can learn the meaning of facial expressions.(40)G
The researchers'findings were published in the journal Current Biology.They provide the first solid evidence that humans are not the only species that can read the body language of another species.

A.Dogs are very aware of sound.
B.Dogs have feelings just as you do.
C.But how well does your dog know you?
D.They were also shown the left half of the faces used in training.
E.Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time.
F.They taught dogs to recognize facial expressions.
G.For example,whether a frown shows that someone is angry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错


I'm from Detroit in the United States,and during his senior year in high school I win a scholarship to study the singing during the summer in London.When I went there,I stayed in someone's home.The people were very sweetly,and it was a really fun summer.I got the inside view of that it's like to live there.I loved it,but I have to say,one thing that surprising me was that you had to go to such many different stores to do your shopping.There are also a lot of differences in the language.They said thing like"ring you up"instead of"give you a call."It took me a little while figure out these differences,because it was fun.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

17.A.With downhill skiing for beginners and ice-skating,Yosemite National Park is simply the perfect getaway for winter holiday fun.And its comfortable 2-3 bedroom cabins are perfect for those who just want to relax inside,stay warm and enjoy wonderful winter mountain views.
B.Biscay National Park is an underwater paradise offering great weather,water sports,and a sunny escape far away from snowmen and freezing weather.Winter is Florida's dry season,the perfect time to visit!Only five percent of this park is land so get ready for a wet and wild vacation.
C.Voyageurs National Park is perfect for experienced winter-sports enthusiasts.As there are no roads,you must walk at least 15 km to reach a campsite.Inside you can enjoy ice fishing,ice climbing and many other winter action sports.Visitors must have snow-proof tents and children under 15 are not admitted in winter.
D.The Rocky Mountain National Park has something fun for everyone.Deep snow creates a safe and fun area for sledding.The valley makes anyone feet like a kid again and is a great place for snowball fight,sled rides,and snowman building.Tent accommodation only.
E.The waters surrounding Channel Islands National Park are home to many kinds of beautiful sea animals such as whales,dolphins and porpoises.Nowhere else in the country will you have a chance to see these amazing creatures swimming among the ice.
F.Even in winter,the Shenandoah National Park is always snow-free,although temperatures are very low.Enjoy magnificent scenery as you walk or cycle on its many dirt tracks.And with few winter visitors,you can pitch your tent almost anywhere and see no one for days.
46.Joan loves the outdoors and water sports but hates the winter cold so is looking for a place where she can warm her bones while having plenty of fun.
47.Robert,his wife Julie and their two children want to visit a park where he and the kids can have fun in the snow and Julie can stay warm indoors while doing some holiday reading.
48.Bob sees himself as an outdoor adventurer and wants something that is more challenging than the normal mountain climbing and skiing he does when he visit other parts.
49.John and his 14-year-old son are experienced outdoorsmen who want to go on a challenging holiday.They enjoy walking and cycling through the countryside while avoiding crowds.
50.Selma is a water lover.She wants to get out of the city and takes her 10-year-old daughter somewhere safe,where they can enjoy nature and see different types of animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.It was not until I visited Venice _________ it really worthy of the reputation of"the water world".(  )
A.that I foundB.have I foundC.when I did findD.did I find


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Only when class began             that he had left his book at home.(  )
A.he realizedB.he had realizedC.had he realizedD.did he realize

