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The wildfires in Australia became considerably worse in January, 2020. The disaster faced by 1country is far from over. Many of the fires 2 (send) smoke high into the atmosphere and some smoke turned into pyrocumulonimbus clouds. The clouds can help a fire draw in more air and shift surface winds, 3 (result) in fire tornadoes (龙卷风). Fires have destroyed habitats for animals that 4(find) only in Australia, including koalas and rare birds. It will take time to fully know how much harm the fires have done 5 wildlife. The wildfires are expected 6 (continue) burning for months as Australia entered its dry season.

This past year, 2019, is the hottest and driest year on record. Fires happen 7(regular) during the Australian dry season. However, climate and natural changes are making the situation 8 (bad). At least 12 million acres have been burned so far in Victoria and New South Wales alone. Smoke from the fires has made 9to South

America. There is so much smoke that it may stay in the air for months, 10 could have a small effect on the planet’s climate.





4are found


6to continue








2考查动词时态。根据后文and some smoke turned into pyro cumulonimbus clouds.可知,此处应用一般过去时,主语与谓语动词构成主动关系。故填sent


4考查动词时态及语态。本句主语animals与谓语动词构成被动关系,且描述客观事实应用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,谓语动词应用复数。故填are found


6考查非谓语动词。根据短语be expected to do sth.表示“被期望做某事”,后跟不定式。故填to continue



9考查代词。根据短语make it to表示“到达”。故填it




2、看清楚关系词的句法功能,就是理清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等等。作定语通常用whose,有时也用which。作状语要用when, where, why





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是高中生李华,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写(to scribble) 和乱丢垃圾(to litter) 的行为,请用英语给校英语报编辑写一封信。信中应包括以下内容:

1. 说明写信目的;

2. 对这些行为进行批评;

3. 提出建议。


Dear Editor,

I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Senior 3.


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It was a usual day for Kathy. She was walking her dog in her neighborhood when some crows (乌鸦) flew over and one of them ________ a baby robin (知更鸟) to the ground. Kathy rushed over.________ , she carried him back home and ________ him in a box lined with grass. He looked like he was in ________ and the fall had injured his feet. “He was so tiny. He couldn’t fly yet; he needed a________ .”Kathy says.

She ________ the bird wet cat food using a tiny paintbrush. “It was like having a human baby,” Kathy says. A week later, she started bringing Squeaker — ________ for his talkative nature— out to her yard, where he would hop in the grass. Soon his feet healed, and his wings grew________ enough to take him up to low branches in a tree. Within a few ________, he was able to spend the night outside in the tree. For the next couple of weeks, every time Kathy went outside Squeaker would fly over and ________ on her shoulder. When she taught him how to dig for worms, he’d stand on her foot — always as ________ to his rescuer as possible. “I really became his mom,” she says. “We ________. I loved this little creature.”

One day, Squeaker decided it was time for him to ________ on his own. He ________, out of sight. Having known that this day would come, Kathy ________ hoped she had done enough to________ the robin for the big world out there.

One month later, Kathy was ________ when Squeaker swooped (俯冲) down on a branch right near her head. “I was so happy to see him and to watch him flying so well. I think he wanted to show me he was okay,” says Kathy holding back tears.

“We don’t think of the common bird as anything ________, but Squeaker taught me so much with his love and his ________ to recover. It was inspiring. It’s a(an) ________ of how connected we all are. ”














14A.took offB.rose upC.fell downD.flew off








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Do you think the only way to truly know a person is to argue with him?

— I can't agree more. When the argument is _______ it reveals their character.

A.in full swingB.in the airC.under the noseD.under the counter


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Handwriting is quickly becoming a dying art. Few businesses can run nowadays without computers. 1 Researchers from Princeton University conducted a study to demonstrate the differences between students who wrote out their notes and those who typed notes on a lecture. 2 Participants were tested on the material 30 minutes after the lecture and again a week later. And handwriting emerged as the champion.

3 The typers had a significant edge when it came to note-taking efficiency. The typers could copy down significantly many more words than the writers, sometimes even transcribing the contents of the lecture word-for-word.

But while more of the lecture's content was retained (保留) on paper when typing, it wasn’t necessarily retained in participants’ heads. 4 On the test 30 minutes after the lecture, typers and writers did more or less equally well on questions about the basic facts of the lecture, but typers fell behind when it came to more conceptual questions.

As for the later quiz, the results were similar. Students with handwritten notes were able to remember and still understand the concepts of the lecture after a week had passed. These participants were also more open to understanding new ideas. 5

A.The tests that the participants took proved this.

B.The efficiency of handwriting might best benefit you.

C.That’s not to say that typing doesn't have its benefits.

D.In this study, the laptops were only used to take notes.

E.Generally speaking, typing also has its own disadvantages.

F.But what are we losing as handwriting loses its significance in society?

G.Clearly, writing by hand is one of the things that can make you smarter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Despite Johnson’s being green at his job, the work he did was ________ and thus won the manager’s approval.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


China will do its utmost to strengthen cooperation with the World Health Organization and offer assistance to meet the urgent needs of countries severely hit by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.

China has, within its ability, provided test kits to some countries,1(include) Pakistan and Japan, and shared therapeutic 2(solve) with many others. The Chinese government will soon provide 3(urgent) needed medical materials to South Korea as the number of confirmed cases 4(continue) to rise in the country, 5 has the most infections outside of China.

As of Thursday, more than 13,000 coronavirus cases have been reported outside of China, with South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan 6(be) the worst-hit countries.

The epidemic has once again made it clear that nations have shared interests in the age of globalization.7(face) with the epidemic, all countries should help each other as passengers in 8 same boat, strengthen cooperation and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind. China will not be absent 9such efforts and is considering donating money to the WHO in 10(respond) to its appeal to help efforts to fight the virus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Recently, the most heated topic of “which is the right bin for my garbage” has swept China.

Shanghai is among China’ s first cities to introduce garbage classification (垃圾分类) and also the country’s most serious in its performing. Since July 1,2019, Shanghai residents have been required by law to sort garbage into four different categories, or they could face fines. Individuals, including tourists, can be fined 200 yuan for failing to sort their waste properly, while companies and institutions can be fined up to 50,000 yuan.

The government has set up online apps to handle sorting questions, and announced guidelines to address the “one-size-fits-all” method. The country is about to invest over 21 billion yuan in the construction of garbage processing facilities to meet demands. Now it’s introducing artificial intelligence into its waste management system, by setting up little cameras in many sets of bins.

However, not every face can be recognized by the smart dustbin until you register for the system. Once registration is complete, users will scan a QR code on the bin, which then opens it up to allow for garbage disposal (处理). Now, each household gets one special QR code for throwing out waste. Here, the intelligent bins don’t just calculate garbage weight, they also help residents gain rewards by collecting points through the special app.

China is stepping into the age of compulsory garbage sorting with its cities revising laws on garbage classification. For Shanghai, sixty percent of the city is expected to carry out garbage sorting by the end of 2019, and 90 percent by 2020. Garbage sorting is, without doubt, a costly but worthwhile endeavor. It is good for the environment and important for the country’s sustainable development (可持续发展), and may finally turn out to be a promising industry as well.

1What is the correct order in using smart garbage sorting system?

Gain rewards.

Open up the bin

Register for the system.

Scan a QR code on the bin.



2What does the underlined word “endeavor” in the last paragraph mean?



3What can we know from the text?

A.The intelligent bins can only show garbage weight.

B.Residents have to sort garbage into four different categories in Shanghai.

C.If companies forget to sort their waste, they can be fined 200 yuan.

D.Tourists can avoid being fined for failing to sort their waste correctly.

4Why does our country push ahead with compulsory garbage sorting?

A.To build a garbage sorting system.

B.To increase the use of artificial intelligence.

C.To promote sustainable development of environment.

D.To support the construction of garbage processing facilities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作 文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的 噌加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限词;


I’ve always been fond in collecting stamps since I was a child. As far as I'm concerned, collecting stamps is a meaningful hobby, help me to learn a lot of. Besides, dealing with my collection of stamps not only gives me great satisfactions but also helps relax yourself under the great pressure of studies. What's more, I even earned money by selling stamps and my collection will be more valuable as time goes by. Therefore, my parents are strongly against it. They consider it waste of money and they also think that sorting out my stamps may take up too much of my time, that should be spent on my studies. What can I talk them into supporting my hobby?

