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        A  ★★★☆☆

    Since mobile phones slimmed down from the size of bricks,I’ve had one pressed to my ear. It has become my personal assistant,best friend and connection to the outside world. I even go to bed with it!We’ ve become addicted to our mobiles — and I,as ? journalist ?n? natural talker,suffer more than most.

    So I decided to go cold turkey for two weeks,to see if I could keep the bills down (It once cost me £4,500 a month) and survive without a mobile.

    The feeling is one of freedom,escape and calm. You can have a coffee without seeing 25 messages,and read the newspaper without being interrupted (?T ^b) . I went old-school and started to make appointments using email and phone boxes (if I could find one) . But soon I realized that,much as I was managing without my mobile,others were unable to do the most basic practicalities without me.

    Taxi companies couldn’t find me,my wife got angiy because she needed me to pick up the kids,and colleagues thought I’d died because the phone didn't ring.

    But I re-engaged with the art of observation. I saw the world around me instead of texting or playing with some new (应用软件) .It was the old me around 1990,and I quite liked it — but no one else did. So the mobile is back,but the bills are lower,and I now turn it off once a week and leave ther world of my pocket behind. Try it!

1. Why did the author try to stop using a mobile?

   A. It did harm to his ears.

   B. It made him get into debt.

    C. It gave him some unpleasant feelings.

   D. It made him impossible to fall asleep.

2. How did the author feel about giving up his mobile at first?

 A. Unsafe. B. Strange,

 C. Embarrassed. D. Wonderful.

3. What can we infer about the author’s no-mobile act?

   A. It made him lose many business deals.

   B. It caused others inconvenience,

    C. It kept his friends at a distance.

   D. It got his family's praise.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

   A. Addicted

   B. Disconnected 

    C. High phone bills

   D. This annoying world


1.C. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的I become addicted to our mobiles — and I ... suffei more than most可知,作者深受手机之害,因此决定暂时不用手机。

2.D. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的Thefeeling is one of freedom,escape and calm 以及接下来举 的事例(喝咖啡和看报不受手机的打扰)可以推 测,作者不用手机后,感觉非常好。

3.B. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中提到的“出 租车公司找不到我、妻乎生气和同事以为我己 不在人世”不难看出,作者不用手机这一举动他人造成了一些困扰和不便。

4.B. 标题归纳题。作者尝试不用手机并体会到 其中的好处,然而这一举措也给生活带来诸多 不便。B项Disconnected表示不和外界连接,符 合文章主旨

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第30期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Twenty years ago,Shirley,a wife,mother and doctor,found herself 1      (wear) out.

She got up early and went to bed late,just to meet everyday demands,but lacked for the things that mattered 2      . (much) She and her husband,a lawyer,began searching 3        ways to simplify their life. "We had to decide what was really important," said Shirley. They knew they wanted more time to play 4        their three-year-old son,to exercise and eat right,and to develop 5      (friend) .

Then Shirley quit her job and began working parttime. She printed business cards that 6       (read) " At your service―buy yourself 7        little time" and hired herself out for personal tasks like shopping,paying bills and 8       (organize) parties. "I still work hard,but being able to control 9        time makes a difference, " she says. "I can spare time to take my son to the park or play basketball with him. My stress 10        headaches are gone.

1.         2,                  3.                  4.           5.         

6.                  7.         8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People need homes:Children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays;married couples work together to build new homes;and travelers... have no place to call "home",at least for a few nights. 1       Don't they have the right to a home? Of course they do.

Some regular travelers take their own belongings like bed sheets,pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with the service and attendants;2       Furthermore,driving a camping car during one's travel and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home.

And how about keeping relationships while in transit3      ;some send letters and postcards,or even photos;others may just call and say hi,just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. 4       Nowadays,fewer people are working in their local towns,so how do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries,there is always another "home" waiting to be found.5      ,we can make the place we stay "home".

   A. Hostels provide a clean and safe place to stay while you are traveling the world.

   B. others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely

   C. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends,even closer than siblings (兄弟姐妹) .

   D. So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time?

   E. No matter where you go to in the world,hotels are there,too.

   F. Some keep contact with their friends via the Internet.

   G. Wherever we are,with just a little bit of effort and imagination

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           B ★★★☆☆

    Grace o’ Brien,19. is the founder of Ears for Years — an organization that hands out low-cost , 见泣(太阳能助听器) to children in developing countries. The college student has handed them out to kids in five different countries around the world so far.

    O’ Brien was inspired to found Ears for Years after seeing her father experience hearing loss. To further understand the condition,Brien volunteered at a summer theater (剧院) camp for children who were deaf. There,she wanted to find a way to make hearing aids to help more families who couldn’ t  afford them.

    “I've learned how powerful solutions are O’ Brien said. “There’ re so many problems we come across in our daily lives,but often people pass up these chances to find solutions."

    After doing some research,she came across Solar Ear,a Brazil-based company that makes low-cost hearing aids,especially aimed at children. These hearing aids are lightweight,cost about $100 and are equipped with rechargeable batteries that last up to three years,while standard hearing aids can cost up to $1,000 and have a much shorter life.

    According to the WHO, 32 million children worldwide live with hearing loss and most of them are in poor countries. But present hearing aids meet less than 10 percent of the need of the world. O’Brien would like to change that by making the solar-powered hearing aids available to families in need around the world. S? far,she's brought Solar Ear's products to Mexico,Sri Lanka,South Korea,Nicaragua and Honduras. And she has done something to make a difference in other people's lives.

5. What led Grace o’ Brien to found Ears for Years?

   A. Her father’ s experience.

   B. Her work experience in Solar Ear.

    C. Her experience at a summer theater camp.

   D. Her knowledge about solar-powered products.

6. The underlined phrase “pass up” in Paragraph 3 probably means .

   A. find   B. miss   C. like   D. create

7. Compared with standard hearing aids,the solar-

-powered hearing aids .

   A. are more expensive

   B. have a longer life 

    C. are better-looking   

    D. are heavier

8. What might o' Brien do in the future?

   A. To build a school for the deaf.

   B. To found a new company selling hearing aids,

    C. To learn how to make solar-powered hearing aids.

   D. To help more families get solar-powered hearing aids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                B  ★★★★☆

     In schools and at home,most of US have been scolded(责备) or éven got punished for daydreaming. The majority of people say that by daydreaming we waste our time and energy on something unproductive. But many medical studies have shown something different. They’ve stressed the fact that daydreaming works wonders on our imagination,creativity and situation-handling techniques. In fact,many problems can be easily solved if we daydream.

    The topmost benefit of daydreaming is that your mood gets the right improvement. By separating yourself from the world around you,you tend to enjoy the loneliness in your mind and get peace from daydreaming as you think about something that calms your senses. When you start imagining things,you will forget all tiie stress and tension(紧张) Instead,you will get happiness from it and this happiness will turn into a source of energy that helps you work in a good mood.

    Many 边(心理学家) have said that people who daydream tend to have a sharper memory. It’s true. When you,re daydreaming,yoil tend to g?t carried away to imagine various situations,either real or unreal. You tend to act differently in different situations,trying to satisfy your mind by doing what you want in your dreams. When your mind gets satisfied,you’ re in a better position to concentrate more on your work. Since daydreaming activates (激活) the nerves of your brain,you tend to have higher attentiveness and your ability to remember things will develop.

    When you daydream,you automatically imagine yourself as your heart says and therefore,you get to know yourself better. You ai§0 start realizing the mistakes you,ve made in life anti trying your best to avoid repeating them. Such imagination techniques help you to connect yourself with your soul.

5. Many studies have found that daydreaming.

   A. helps solve probleins

   B. broadens your horizons 

    C. decreases creativity

   D. is a waste of time and energy

6. The underlined word “mood” in Paragraph 2 probably means

   A. creativity

   B. loneliness

    C. the way you feel   

    D. situation-handling technique

7. According to the text,daydreaming helps improve memory because it .

   A. calms the nerves of the brain

   B. results in more concentration 

    C. connects people with their souls

   D. allows people to know themselves better

8. What's the text mainly about?

   A. Some tips on daydreaming.

   B. The causes of daydreaming,

    C. The benefits of daydreaming.

   D. Some solutions to daydreaming  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内 单词的正确形式。

    Joanne Kathleen (J.K.) Rowling was bom in England on 31st July,1965. She wrote her first book,Rabbit、21 she was six years old. At school she liked English and other languages,and she chose 22(study) French in university. She graduated 23 university and worked as a secretary and a teacher.

    At the age of 26 J;K. Rowling went to Portugal and became 24 English teacher. She wanted to be a writer and wrote some stones about a boy 25 (call) Harry Potter. She got married and had a baby daughter. 26soon after,she divorced(离婚) and went to Scotland.

    There she lived in a small apartment with her daughter. She taught French in a school,but she 27 (real) wanted to make the Harry Potter stories,into a book. This was a very difficult time in her life because they had no money. It was in a café 28 she wrote the first Horry Potter book.

    In June 1997 the first Harry Potter book became famous and J.K. Rowling's life 29 (change) . Soon there were more Harry Potter books,and films too. Children loved her books and J.K. became a highly 30 (success) writer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was lying on my bed relaxing after a long day. Music was playing in the background and I was 21 a book. Just as I turned the page,an old song started playing that 22 me of my mom. I put down the book and 23 . Even though it had been 23 years since cancer took her away from US,sometimes it 24 felt like it was only yesterday. I closed my eyes and 25 the flood of memory to wash over me. I 26 Mom's sweet voice and gentle laugh that never 27 to lift my spirits. I remembered how she 28 every room she walked into. She was a friend to everyone she met and her 29 touched the hearts of many people. She made this world a 30 place just by being in it. And my heart ached as I thought of how I still 31 her so much. I wiped the tears from my cheeks as the 32 finished,looked out my window at the 33 sky,and said “I love y?u,Mom."

    Now some people would ask why I didn't 34 the music the moment that song came on. Why did I subject myself to the 35 it brought? I think the 36 is that sometimes you have to let in a little hurt in order to let in a lot of 37 . Sometimes you have to open your heart in order to 38 live. Life here will always be a mix of the bitter and the sweet,39 you can't shut down your soul. At times you have to embrace (拥抱) the pain and then let it go. When you 40 ,you will find that what is left is love.

21. A. selling   B. borrowing   C. imagining   D. reading

22. A. warned   B. persuaded   C. reminded   D. informed

23. A. complained   B. listened   C. slept   D. reported

24. A. still   B. never   C. hardly   D. also

25. A. forced   B. ordered   C. taught   D. allowed

26. A. remembered   B. realized   C. recognized   D. accepted

27. A. appeared   B. happened   C. served   D. failed

28. A. tidied up   B. built up.  C. brightened up   D. took up

29. A. determination   B. beauty   C. courage   D. kindness

30. A. busier   B. better    C. quiet   D. clean

31. A. missed   B. trusted   C. supported   D. understood

32. A. movie   B. dance   C. song   D. radio

33. A. cloudy   B. sunny   C. dark   D. blue

34. A. shut off   B. pass on   C. put away   D. make up  

35. A. competition   B. chance  C. pain   D. danger

36. A. wonder   B. problem    C. hope   D. answer

37. A. friendship   B. love   C. duty   D. regret

38. A. truly   B. finally    C. gradually   D. safely

39. A. or   B. but   C. since   D. though

40. A. ask   B. do   C. arrive   D. stand


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容.(1个单词) 或括号内 单词wi确

    It was a trip I will never forget. We felt very happy as we got on the bus. After we took our seats and put 21 seat belts,our teacher announced we 22 (set) out right now. We would go on 23 trip to a wildlife park.

    The tour round the park was fascinating because we saw animals wc had only seen in books before,such as zebras 24 elephants. 25 was brilliant to see them in real life.

    However,just after we had entered the part 26 monkeys lived,the bus had a flat tyre (没气了) . While we,27 (wait) for the driver to change the,wheel,a whole group of monkeys came over to the bus and started climbing all over it. We had never seen such a cool thing before and felt very 28 (excite) but a little nervous. But the monkeys were very friendly and didn’t attack US. We had to say goodbye to them 29 (final) when the driver managed 30 (change) the wheel and continued the tour. Though it was just part of our trip,it was very memorable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When I was a child,everyone I knew celebrated festivals in the same way: in the family home with all kinds of sweets and delicious vegetables made according to recipes guarded by a grandmother.Days,often weeks,were spent in cutting,chopping,boiling,frying and storing them to be shared with every neighbor and relative within reach.

   My childhood was spent in Nainital,then a small,sleepy town high up in the Himalayan foothills and we lived actually on top of a hill. So I wonder,who makes those sweets and vegetables now?

   I now package these memories as popular bedtime stories to tell my wide-eyed grandchildren. And they are bestsellers: I just finish one,and then they beg another. Since my grandchildren live abroad,additional information has to be provided to serve as cultural footnotes.

   As I recycle my memories,I realize that what has also disappeared with the day-long kitchen work is the special flavor (XP?) of slow-cooked food. In the early 1960s,our food was often cooked overnight to be ready for the morning meal. This was also the secret of the melt-in-the-mouth Awadhi dum-pukht food cooked overnight.

   If you tiy overnight cooking in a modem kitchen,thea/arw (火警的警铃) will frighten your neighbors out of their beds at night. I tried making pamí/?íiy (印度煎饼) for my granddaughter in a Los Angeles kitchen at night. Just as she was waiting for her next one,the fire alarm sounded so hard.

   Somehow,our warmest memories are always those that are related to food. I have never forgotten the taste of my grandmother's wonderful dal(木豆) . Even today,when I am unable to sleep at night,I think of the taste of that delicious dal.

1. In the author* s hometown,sharing food .

   A. was very rare

   B. was a waste of time 

    C. was a festival custom   

    D. was ? children's game

2. The author's grandchildren think her childhood stories are.

   A. boring        B. interesting

    C. frightening   D. acceptable

3. The food in the author's childhood had a special flavor partly because

   A. it used special vegetables

   B. it was made in the kitchen 

    C. it was guarded by her mother   

    D. it was cooked for a long time

4. What happened while the author was making parathas for her granddaughter?

   A. Her kitchen caught fire.

   B. She troubled her neighbors,

    C. Her neighbors offered to help.

   D. Her granddaughter set off the alarm.

