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Blogging may have psychological(心理的) benefits for teens suffering from social anxiety, improving their self-esteem and helping them relate better to their friends, according to the new research published by the American Psychological Association. "Research has shown that writing a personal diary and other forms of expressive writing are a great way to release emotional stress and just feel better," said the study's lead author, Meyran Boniel-Nissim, PhD, of the University of Haifa, Israel. "Teens are online anyway, so blogging enables free expression and easy communication with others."

Blogging has a stronger positive effect on troubled students' well-being than merely expressing their social anxieties and concerns in a private diary, according to the article published online in the APA journal Psychological Services. Opening the blog up to comments from the online community strengthens those effects.

The researchers randomly surveyed high school students in Israel, who had agreed to fill out a questionnaire about their feelings on the quality of their social relationships. A total of 161 students -- 124 girls and 37 boys, with an average age of 15 -- were selected because their scores on the survey showed they all had some level of social anxiety or stress. All the teens reported difficulty in making friends or relating to the friends they had. The researchers assessed the teens' self-esteem, everyday social activities and behaviors before, immediately after and two months after the 10-week experiment.

Four groups of students were assigned to blog. Two of those groups were told to focus their posts on their social problems, with one group opening the posts to comments; the other two groups could write about whatever they wanted and, again, one group opened the blog up to comments. The number and content of comments were not evaluated for this experiment. The students could respond to comments but that was not required. Two more groups acted as controls -- either writing a private diary about their social problems or doing nothing. Participants in the writing and blogging groups were told to post messages at least twice a week for 10 weeks.

Four experts, who held master's or doctor’s degrees in consulting and psychology, assessed the bloggers' social and emotional condition via their blog posts. Students were assessed as having a poor social and emotional state if they wrote a lot about personal problems or bad relationships or showed evidence of low self-esteem.

Self-esteem, social anxiety, emotional stress and the number of positive social behaviors improved significantly for the bloggers when compared to the teens who did nothing and those who wrote private diaries. Bloggers who were instructed to write specifically about their difficulties and whose blogs were open to comments improved the most. All of these results agreed with the two- month follow-up.

The authors admitted that the skewed(有偏向的) sex rate was a limitation to the study. However, the researchers analyzed the results separately by gender and found that boys and girls reacted similarly to the experiment and there were no major differences. However, they said future research should attempt to control the subjects sex.

46. The selection of students for the experiment was largely based on____.     
  A. their social relationships     B. their self-esteem
   C. their problems in social life   D. their willingness to fill out a questionnaire
47. What’s the function of “controls” (Paragraph 4) in the experiment?
   A. To write down some social problems in a private diary.
   B. To post messages to the blog and respond to comments.
   C. To help evaluate the number and content of blog comments.
   D. To offer a comparison for checking the experimental result.
48. From the experiment we can know that____.

A. writing private diaries makes no difference to the relief of one’s emotional stress.

B. teenagers opening their blogs up to comments have more psychological benefits.

C. the positive effects of expressing one’s emotions by blogging don’t last very long.

D. those describing bad relationships on blogs tend to develop more mental problems.

49. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The authors insisted that all the research findings were accurate.
B. Sex rate had been taken into account before the survey was conducted.

C. The authors were intended to improve the experiment in the future.
D. Similar reactions of boys and girls indicated the failure of the experiment.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届福建省莆田一中高三第二次月考英语考试试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. Microblogs “allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links”.
As with traditional blogging, microbloggers post about topics ranging from the simple, such as "what I'm doing right now," to the thematic(主题的), such as "sports cars.” Commercial microblogs also exist, to promote (促进) websites, services and/or products, and to promote collaboration within an organization.
Some microblogging services offer features such as privacy settings, which allow users to control who can read their microblogs, or other ways of publishing rights besides entering the web-based interface.(界面) These may include text messaging, instant messaging, E-mail, or digital audio.
The first microblogs were known as tumblelogs. The term was invented in a blog post on April 12, 2005. However, by 2006 and 2007, the term microblog came into greater usage for such services provided by Tumblr and Twitter. Other leading social networking websites Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and XING also have their own microblogging features, better known as status updates.
Several studies, especially by Harvard Business School have tried to analyze the usage behavior of Microblogging services. Many of these studies show that for services such as Twitter, there is a small group of active users contributing to most of the activity.
Twitter, Facebook and other microblogging services are also becoming a platform for marketing and public relations, with a sharp growth in the number of social media marketers. The Sysomos study shows that this specific group of marketers on Twitter is much more active than general user population, with 15% following more than 2,000 people.
【小题1】Why is a microblog different from a traditional blog?

A.Because a microblog doesn’t include pictures, but a traditional blog does.
B.Because a microblog doesn’t include videos, but a traditional blog does.
C.Because a microblog has smaller contents than a traditional blog in actual and total file size.
D.Because a microblog can only be written on the cell-phones.
【小题2】What is the meaning of the underlined word “collaboration” in the second paragraph?
【小题3】Microblogging can protect the following privacy EXCEPT_______.
A.deciding the readers of the microblogs
B.allowing readers to publish their views
C.readers’ deleting what a microblog says
D.deciding whether readers can enter it
【小题4】We can infer from the passage that______.
A.microbloggers always post about the thematic topics instead of the simple ones
B.microblogging has developed so quickly and brought the owners more and more benefits.
C.microblogging protects both the owners’ and the readers’ privacy
D.the studies by Harward Business School have analyzed the usage of microblogging services


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省实验中学分校高二上学期12月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. Microblogs “allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links”.
As with traditional blogging, microbloggers post about topics ranging from the simple, such as "what I'm doing right now," to the thematic(主题的), such as "sports cars.” Commercial microblogs also exist, to promote (促进) websites, services and/or products, and to promote collaboration within an organization.
Some microblogging services offer features such as privacy settings, which allow users to control who can read their microblogs, or other ways of publishing rights besides entering the web-based interface.(界面) These may include text messaging, E-mail, or digital audio.
The first microblogs were known as tumblelogs. The term was invented in a blog post on April 12, 2005. However, by 2006 and 2007, the term microblog came into greater usage for such services provided by Tumbler and Twitter. Other leading social networking websites Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and XING also have their own microblogging features, better known as status updates.
Several studies, especially by Harvard Business School have tried to analyze the usage behavior of Microblogging services. Many of these studies show that for services such as Twitter, there is a small group of active users contributing to most of the activity.
Twitter, Facebook and other microblogging services are also becoming a platform for marketing and public relations, with a sharp growth in the number of social media marketers. The Sysomos study shows that this specific group of marketers on Twitter is much more active than general user population, with 15% following more than 2,000 people.
【小题1】Why is a microblog different from a traditional blog?

A.Because a microblog doesn’t include pictures, but a traditional blog does.
B.Because a microblog doesn’t include videos, but a traditional blog does.
C.Because a microblog has smaller contents than a traditional blog in actual and total file size.
D.Because a microblog can only be written on the cell-phones.
【小题2】Microblogging can protect the following privacy EXCEPT_______.
A.deciding the readers of the microblogs
B.allowing readers to publish their views
C.readers’ deleting what a microblog says
D.deciding whether readers can enter it
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that______.
A.microbloggers always post about the thematic topics instead of the simple ones
B.microblogging has developed so quickly and brought the owners more and more benefits.
C.microblogging protects both the owners’ and the readers’ privacy
D.the studies by Harvard Business School have analyzed the usage of microblogging services


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广西平南县六陈高级中学高三模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Dave Bruno works as an online marketing manager. Several years ago, one weekend Bruno and his family did a major house cleanup and then donated several bags of unneeded items to the local Goodwill store. “After all were done, I looked around and realized that I still had too much stuff”, says Bruno, “It occurred to me that maybe I wanted to lead a simple life but in reality I behaved differently.” That realization prompted the 39-year-old father of three to try an experiment, “The 100Thing Challenge”.
With the goal of breaking free of what he calls a “bad habit of consumerism(消费主义), Bruno was determined to live for one year with just 100 personal items. He cut down his possessions to 94 items, including a Bible, laptop, guitar, wedding ring, car and clothes. He created some guidelines for the experiment since his wife and daughters did not participate, familyshared and household items did not count as personal items. He also grouped together some basic things such as underwear and socks. Bruno began blogging about his new lifestyle and eventually wrote a book, The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul.
Since completing the experiment, Bruno has continued to live by the motto: reduce, refuse, and rearrange and maintains just 110 personal things. “ Nearly three years of living with a minimal amount of personal possessions, I’m no longer in the habit of consuming for the sake of consumption (消费),” he wrote in his blog last week, “That has freed me up for all sorts of better endeavors (活动) than shopping—like spending time with family and writing a book and planning for business opportunities.”
Bruno’s project has also inspired others to live minimally, many of whom post their own 100 Thing Challenge updates on YouTube. “The reality is that the 100 Thing Challenge is surprisinglyeasy”, says Bruno, “I’m  not saying there were no challenges or disappointments. I miss some things, but not that much. Frankly, it’s far easier to live with less stuff than with excessive trash.”
【小题1】What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 1?

A.Bruno regretted to have an easy life.
B.Bruno had a special behavior in reality,
C.Bruno and his family led a happy life.
D.Bruno would have liked a life with fewer items.
【小题2】The things were included in Bruno’s 94 items EXCEPT____________.
A.socksB.a BibleC.cookersD.a wedding ring
【小题3】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Live with 100 Things
B.Defeat 100 Challenges in Life
C.Survive by Your Motto
D.Consume for Consumption’s Sake


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁省分校高二上学期12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. Microblogs “allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links”.

As with traditional blogging, microbloggers post about topics ranging from the simple, such as "what I'm doing right now," to the thematic(主题的), such as "sports cars.” Commercial microblogs also exist, to promote (促进) websites, services and/or products, and to promote collaboration within an organization.

Some microblogging services offer features such as privacy settings, which allow users to control who can read their microblogs, or other ways of publishing rights besides entering the web-based interface.(界面) These may include text messaging, E-mail, or digital audio.

The first microblogs were known as tumblelogs. The term was invented in a blog post on April 12, 2005. However, by 2006 and 2007, the term microblog came into greater usage for such services provided by Tumbler and Twitter. Other leading social networking websites Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and XING also have their own microblogging features, better known as status updates.

Several studies, especially by Harvard Business School have tried to analyze the usage behavior of Microblogging services. Many of these studies show that for services such as Twitter, there is a small group of active users contributing to most of the activity.

Twitter, Facebook and other microblogging services are also becoming a platform for marketing and public relations, with a sharp growth in the number of social media marketers. The Sysomos study shows that this specific group of marketers on Twitter is much more active than general user population, with 15% following more than 2,000 people.

1.Why is a microblog different from a traditional blog?

   A. Because a microblog doesn’t include pictures, but a traditional blog does.

   B. Because a microblog doesn’t include videos, but a traditional blog does.

   C. Because a microblog has smaller contents than a traditional blog in actual and total file size.

   D. Because a microblog can only be written on the cell-phones.

2.Microblogging can protect the following privacy EXCEPT_______.

   A. deciding the readers of the microblogs

   B. allowing readers to publish their views

   C. readers’ deleting what a microblog says

   D. deciding whether readers can enter it

3.We can infer from the passage that______.

   A. microbloggers always post about the thematic topics instead of the simple ones

   B. microblogging has developed so quickly and brought the owners more and more benefits.

   C. microblogging protects both the owners’ and the readers’ privacy

   D. the studies by Harvard Business School have analyzed the usage of microblogging services



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010届高三下学期冲刺模拟卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Maybe you’re really busy. Maybe you don’t have much to say. Or maybe you’re just lazy. Not a problem. This free service works by letting you broadcast a group text message to your {fiends’ mobile phones from either your own phone, an instant message or an online form at twitter, com. All your notes are then stored and displayed on your personal profile page on the site, which includes links to your friends’ Twitter pages, a thumbnail picture of your choice, and a short bio. All this is what the new service Twitter can bring you. Just remember to keep it short: posts are limited to !40 characters, and the topic is, invariably, “What are you doing?”

More often than not, it turns out, Twitter’s 100,00 members--twice as many as it had just a month ago, according to Twitter business development director Biz Stone--are simply killing time. Even Presidential hopeful John Edwards is on it, although he seems to be the only one thinking about more than lunch. As I type this, Caroline is mulling over some Girl Scout cookies, Ian Hocking is “waiting for Jessica to arrive so we can eat!” and Hlantz is “having a nice cup of Soft Starmint tea.”

The chatter (闲话) about Twitter turned into a virtual roar two weeks ago during the South by Southwest Multimedia Festival in Austin, Texas, when the barebones service owned by Blogger founder Evan Williams, 34, was named the best blogging tool and attendees used it to meet up at parties. Nevertheless, Twitter has been the top term on blog search engine Technorati for the past two weeks.

Plenty of people would happily have Twitter silenced, rather than tolerate the beeping alert for yet another new text message. But I’m betting that Twitter will get a lot noisier before netizens move on to the next new thing. We cyberjunkies need a new thrill, and what is better than a service like Twitter that combines social networking, blogging and texting? And if you don’t like it, well, in the words of one Twit from San Francisco, “I’m so sick to death of Twitter-haters. If you don’t like it, why waste your time writing, reading, or talking about it?”

1. This text is intended to __________.

A. point out the virtues and faults of Twitter    B. tell people how to use Twitter to communicate

C. give a general outline of Twitter. Com       D. introduce a new and easy way of instant communication

2. According to the text, Twitter is designed mainly for the purpose of ___________.

A. promoting products and services                 B. talking about small daily things

C. discussing serious social matters                 D. attracting voters for presidential election

3. We know from the text that Twitter may be superior to Blogger in that ________.

A. it limits each user’s texting under 140 words                         B. it saves users’ time and thinking

C. it can be easily operated through users’ mobile phones

D. it is newly invented by Blogger owner Evan Williams

4. By quoting one Twit from San Francisco, the author implies that ___________.

A. like it or not, Twitter will be accepted by more and more people

B. if one doesn’t like Twitter, he/she can choose not to mention it

C. writing, reading and talking about Twitter is a waste of time

D. twitter users naturally have a strong dislike for non-Twitter users


