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Dear Jack,
I'm sorry to hear that you have been in low spirits recently.
Li Hua.

分析 这是一篇提纲作文,让我们给最近情绪比较低落的美国笔友杰克写一封电子邮件,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第一人称,时态主要是一般现在时,内容要点包括:表示安慰;你的建议;愿意提供更多的帮助.我们此篇作文分为两部分,第一部分为对情绪比较低落的杰克表示安慰.第二部分为作者的建议.
in low spirits 情绪低落
care about 关心
turn to sb  for help求助某人
高分句型一:Maybe you should go out to have fresh air,which is good for your body.此句用了which引导非限制性定语从句
高分句型二:Not only can you also listen to music but also you can watch TV and read books此句 not only置句首,后面部分倒装.

解答 Dear Jack,
I'm sorry to hear that you have been in low spirits recently. I  know you are  very  sad,but  it  is  also  good  for  you.(对情绪比较低落的杰克表示安慰)
Everyone  had  has bad  ill  in the past,so  you  don't have  to  care  about  it.If you care  about  your study,don't worry about that,I can help you.Maybe  you should go out to have fresh air,which is  good for  your body(高分句型一).Not only can you also  listen to music but also you can watch TV and  read books(高分句型二).I hope  you will be better  soon,sleep more and have medcince  on time so that you will be better soon.Please  be  happy.If you have any more questions,you can turn to me for help.(作者的建议)
Li Hua.

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Partly______ about his past love,Tom buried himself in his study.(  )
A.forgottenB.having forgotten
C.to forgetD.to have forgotten


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.和平地.in peace.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6."ONE in every 50Shanghai women has cancer,a total of about 7,000,000women currently living in the city,and cancer statistics are based on citizens with permanent residency(永久居住),"officials from the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention said ahead of International Women's Day on Friday.
However,they said the city's rate of cancer in women was rising slowly along with its rising number of elderly people.Early screening for breast,colorectal and cervical cancers can help prevent 30percent of cancer cases.
Breast,colorectal,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers are the five most common cancer forms among women,with breast cancer accounting for 16percent of Shanghai's new cases each year and colorectal cancer 13percent.Cervical cancer,although only the 12th leading cancer in women in Shanghai,is particularly common among women between 25and 54years old.Dr Zheng Ying,director of the center's tumor prevention and control department,said,"breast,colorectal and cervical cancers accounted for 32percent of female cancers".He added,"However,the three types of cancer can be detected and treated properly through early and regular screening.Our main target of women's cancer prevention education this year is breast cancer,cervical cancer and colorectal cancer."The prevention and control of colorectal cancer will be a new public health project this year with the city government promoting a community-based screening program.
Experts say women over 20should examine their breasts every month and have annual clinical checks after the age of 35.Women over 50should have mammograms(乳房X线照片) every two years.For cervical cancer,women over 20should be checked every three years.Women over 50years old should have annual medical checks.Zheng said anyone with a family history of the three types of cancer should be aware of the need for more frequent examinations and early screening.
56.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.The women with cancer in Shanghai
B.Lots of women in Shanghai have cancer
C.The five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai
D.The prevention and control of cancer
57.According to the passage,how many Shanghai women have cancer now?A
A.about 140,000   
B.about 150,000
58.The five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai areC.
A.Breast,colorectal,cervical,gastric and thyroid cancers
B.Breast,cervical,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers
C.Breast,colorectal,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers
D.Breast,colorectal,lung,cervical and thyroid cancers
59.According to Dr Zheng Ying,the center's main target of women's cancer prevention education this year isD.
A.breast cancer,lung cancer and colorectal cancer
B.breast cancer,cervical cancer and thyroid cancer
C.breast cancer,cervical cancer and lung cancer
D.breast cancer,cervical cancer and colorectal cancer
60.What is the last paragraph about?A
A.Experts give advice on the frequency of the different physical examinations for women.
B.Anyone with a family cancer history should accept more frequent examinations.
C.Women over 20should examine their breasts every month
D.Women over 20should be checked every three years for cervical cancer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.All over the world,and for many different reasons,there are millions of people who rarely or never eat meat.These people are called vegetarians.To people who eat meat,being a vegetarian may seem like a very strange thing.But they won't eat meat for several different reasons.
First,vegetarians have an enormous health advantage.One of the major health problems in modern societies is not too little protein but too much food,especially in the form of animal fats.Medical evidence suggests that animal fats,including butter,lead to the development of cholesterol(胆固醇) in the human body.High amount of cholesterol seem to be part of the cause of heart disease.Most vegetarians have low level of cholesterol.High amounts of animal fats also seem to lead to certain kinds of cancer,and vegetarians are typically less vulnerable to these cancers than people who eat a lot of meat.Overall,studies comparing the health of vegetarians and meat-eaters show that the meat-eaters are twice as likely to die of heart disease as vegetarians are.
Better health is one reason that people choose to become vegetarians.Another reason is religion.Some religions forbid the eating of meat.The largest of these is the Hindu religion,which has about 600million believers in the world.Although not all Hindus are vegetarian,many are,and there are many believers of other religions such Buddhism and even some Christian religions that also do not eat meat.
Many vegetarians do not eat meat simply because they do not like the taste of it.They have no religious or philosophical reasons; they just do not like meat.Another important reason that vegetarians give for not eating meat is the health advantages that were given above.Lastly,there are many people who do not eat meat because they just do not like the idea of killing animals for food.They believe that life,all life,is valuable and that we do not have to destroy life to feed ourselves when there are other good sources of food.
41.According to the passage,people choose to be vegetarians for the following reasons  EXCEPTD.
A.they want to stay healthy
B.they are too kind to like the idea of killing animals
C.they should not eat meat due to their religious belief
D.they live in areas where meat supply is not adequate
42.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?C
A.There are twice as many meat-eaters as vegetarians who die of cancer.
B.Heart disease and cancer are caused by large amounts of protein.
C.Vegetarians enjoy a more healthy life than the meat eaters.
D.There are less health problems in modern society due to advanced medical care.
43.Which is true about the vegetarians?D
A.Vegetarians never eat meat for whatever reasons
B.There are more vegetarians than meat-eaters in the world.
C.Vegetarians cannot eat meat because of their health problems.
D.Some vegetarians cannot get used to eating meat because of the taste.
44.What does"vulnerable"mean in Paragraph 2?B
A.Having strong ability to resist disease and harms.
B.Having weak ability to resist (抵抗) diseases and harms.
C.Having low level of cholesterol.
D.Having high level of cholesterol.
45.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.being a vegetarian may be a very strange thing
B.all vegetarians have reasons for their not eating meat
C.vegetarians eat meat on some special occasions
D.most vegetarians believe that life without meat is happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Among the competitors,there are three little girls,       is Mary.(  )
A.the smallest of whomB.the smaller of whom
C.the smallest of themD.the smallest one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

2.The sport of running offers many good points.First,it is a great way to get in shape.It also helps relieve stress,gives you more energy,and makes you proud of what you are accomplishing.
Running is a sport easy to do.It is one of a few sports that you can do alone.You need very little equipment.Most runners are happy with just these few things:
●A comfortable pair of running shoes that have good arch and ankle support and allow your feet to breathe properly
●A good quality stopwatch such as Penta,ATLAS,or LifeTime,WHEN TIME
●A water bottle
It is important for beginning runners to pace themselves,increasing their time and speed gradually.If you are a beginner,try following these steps:
(1)Walk slowly for 30minutes.
(2)Alternate slow walking with short periods of fast walking.
(3)Add short running sessions into your 30-minute walk.
(4)Try a 30-minute run when you feel ready,but never become so winded that you could not carry on a conversation.
You will soon discover benefits from running that you will not want to give up.You will feel more relaxed and focused.Your concentration will improve and you will find that,even though you are taking 30minutes each day from your busy schedule,you will get more done.Try it!What do you have to lose?

51.Why is it easy to do the sport of running?It is one of a few sports that you can do alone.You need very little equipment.
52.What equipment is necessary for a runner?A comfortable pair of running shoes,a good quality stopwatch,and a water bottle.
53.What should you do first if you start to try running?Walk slowly for 30 minutes.
54.What does the underlined word"winded"mean in English?Unable to breathe easily.
55.Why does the author write this passage?To persuade people to try the sport of running..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.A.Preparations for surfing
B.Potential dangers
C.Current surfers'attitude towards surfing
D.Finding the right wave
E.Where surfers come from
F.The most dangerous sport

    Surfing is one of the fastest developing sports in the world today.It used to be practiced by the ancient Polynesians,but since the 1960s anyone and everyone can go surfing.
    Surfing is more of a way of life for some people than simply a sport,and many spend their time travelling around the planet in search of the perfect wave.Typically,the average surfer is a relaxed type of person:they say it's something about the art of catching waves and being out in the elements that makes you feel very relaxed.Surfers greet each other by saying"Howzit?"(a bit like"How's it going?") and sometimes call each other"bru"or"brah"from the Hawaiian word for brother,"braddah".British surfers travel in WV camper vans and look a bit like hippiest.
    Anywhere that has a coastline with big waves is home to surfers.Half of Australia's coastline is surfable so there are lots of Australian surfers.Hawaii is where the sport was invented and the current champion is Hawaiian Sunny Garcia.A lot of surfers also come from California and New Zealand.There are even surfers in the UK who hang out on the southwest coast where the Atlantic waves hit the shore.
    Get a board.Most surfers start on short boards.Long boards and guns are only for experienced surfers catching huge waves.You also have to be a very strong swimmer:being able to swim at least 100 meters,and 25 meters underwater is required.
    Beach breaks are waves which fall onto sand.They can be big,but are best if you are a beginner.Waves vary in size during different seasons and even at different times of the day,so watch out!Surfing can be dangerous and you need advice from someone experienced.More experienced surfers catch waves at point and reef breaks.They are away from the coast,and the swell comes deep from the ocean.Point breaks are waves bent because of the shape of the land beneath the ocean,and reef breaks are shaped by coral and rocks.
    Surfing is a dangerous sport if you aren't a strong swimmer or if you try to do too much.The main thing most surfers have to worry about is their own board or other surfers'boards.Great white sharks,stingrays and deadly jellyfish are also not friendly to surfers,but actually running into one of these is quite rare.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.On the fourth Thursday in November,Americans celebrate the festival of Thanksgiving.This festival is a time when the family comes together for a meal and gives thanks to God for the blessings they have received.The first Thanksgiving festival was celebrated by the early American settlers who gave thanks to God for their good harvest.
In America,Thanksgiving is a family holiday.It is on the holiday that all the family make a special effort to get together.The feast(宴席)is always held on Thursday and most people have a four-day holiday from school and work.Thus they are able to travel a great distance to be with their family.
The Thanksgiving meal is traditional turkey(火鸡),which was the food for the first Thanksgiving.The table is covered with fruits,walnut(胡桃),and many kinds of vegetables.For  dessert the main choice is usually pumpkin(南瓜)pie.The meal is a time for the members of the family to talk to each other.There will be talking before the meal,during the meal and long after the meal.
On Thanksgiving morning there are sporting events and parades(游行)in many cities to mark the day.The family dinner is usually held in the afternoon around 4o'clock.The mother will prepare the meal and the father will carve the turkey.He will preside(主持)at the head of the table.The meal will begin with a short prayer of Thanksgiving to God for the blessings the family received.The father will also thank the family for coming together on this day.During the meal there is plenty of food for everyone present.The meal is a very joyful time.When the meal is over,some will help with the dishes and others will return to the living-room to talk or watch television.
In many ways the festival of Thanksgiving is similar to the Chinese festival of Mid-autumn Day.It is a time for the family to get together for dinner.

61.What is best title of the passage?(No more than 8words)
How to celebrate Thanksgiving
62.On the holiday,how does the family dinner begin?(No more than 20words)
The meal will begin with a short prayer of Thanksgiving to God for the blessings the family received.
63.What does every member of the family try to do on that day?(No more than 8words)
They try to get together.
64.Please explain the underlined word"dessert"in English.(No more than 3words)
Sweet food.
65.What do your family do du ring the Chinese festival of Mid-autumn Day?
(No more than 25words)
We always get together to heave a big dinner.

