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5.The disease was terrible and it made Jack's life difficult,one problem following_________.(  )
A.the otherB.anotherC.itD.that

分析 这个疾病很可怕,它让Jack的生活很困苦,一个问题接着另一个地发生.

解答 答案:B,考查代词的用法,the other特指两者中的另一个,another指不确定范围的另一个,it指代前文提到的单数事物,that指代前文提到的单数事物,根据语境此处指一个问题接着另外一个问题,没有进行限定,故答案为B.

点评 考查代词的用法,应对句子成分进行分析,根据句子语境判断正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-David,can you tell me where I will _______ a good second-hand bike at a low price?
-You should turn to George,for he is a well-informed man.(  )
A.make upB.hold upC.pick upD.take up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

18.如今,人们在日常生活中越来越关注身体健康.作为中学生,我们也应知道如何保持身体健康.请你根据下面的提示,为《21世纪英文报》写一篇题为"The way to keep healthy"的文章.要点如下:1.尽量少吃富含脂肪和糖分的食物,多吃蔬菜 和水果,保证饮食平衡;
3.字数为100 字左右(题目和开头已给出,不计入总数).
The way to keep healthy
Nowadays people pay more and more attention to their own healthy in daily life.As students,we should know more about how to keep fit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

注意:1.词数 100字左右;
Dear teachers and schoolmates,
Good morning!It is a great honor for me to deliver a graduation speech on behalf of my classmates.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Good afternoon,everyone,
My name is Li Hua.It's my honor to run for president of the English Club in our school.                 
That's all.Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

10.I know just how you feel
Do you feel sad?Happy?Angry?You may think that the way you show these emotions is unique.Well,think again.Even the expression of the most personal feelings can be classified,according to Mind Reading,a DVD exhibiting every possible human emotion.(71)A
In the mid1800s,Darwin divided the emotions into six types-anger,fear,sadness,disgust,surprise and enjoyment.More complex expressions of emotion were probably learned and therefore more specific to each culture.But now it is believed that many more facial expressions are shared worldwide.(72)F The Mind Reading DVD is a systematic visual record of these expressions.
The project was designed by a Cambridge professor.His research team first had to define an"emotion".(73)D Using this definition,412emotion terms were identified and discussed,from"afraid"to"wanting".
Then each expression is acted out by six different actors."It was really clear when the actors had got it right,"says Cathy Collis,who directed the DVD."Although they were given some direction,the actors were not told which facial muscles they should move.(74)G"
Someone who has tried to set such rules is the American,Professor Paul Ekman,who built database of how the face moves for every emotion.The face can make 43distinct muscle movements.Ekman has also found that it may not be possible for people to reproduce them artificially.The most difficult expression to reproduce is the smile.It isn't only about stretching the lips,but tightening the tiny muscles around the eye.(75)C If we learnt to recognize whether someone was using their eye muscle when they smiled,we would be able to distinguish true enjoyment from false.

A.It shows 412distinct ways we feel.
B.These can be combined into more than 10,000facial shapes.
C.These particular muscles are difficult to control,and few people can do it.
D.They decided that it was a mental state that could be introduced by"I feel"or"he looks"or"she sounds".
E.He said the expression of these feelings was universal and recognizable by anyone,from any culture.
F.It is as if they are programmed into the brains of"normal humans"wherever they are and whatever their races.
G.We thought of trying to describe each emotion,but it would have been almost impossible to make clear rules for this.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Culture shock is so named because of the effect it has on people when they enter a new culture.Experts have been interested in these effects and have agreed on five basic stages of culture shock.These stages are general and should only be used as a reference.Not every individual will go through each stage,and one stage may last longer than another for different individuals.
The hardest thing for most travelers to deal with is the emotional"roller coaster"they seem to be riding.One moment they feel very positive toward the new culture,and the next moment very negative.It seems common that international visitors and immigrants vacillate(犹豫不定)between loving and hating a new country.Feelings of separation and alienation can be intensified if they do not have a sense of fitting in or belonging.
Fatigue is another problem people face when entering a new culture.There can be a sense of greater need for sleep.This is due not only to physical tiredness,but also to mental fatigue.This mental fatigue comes from straining to comprehend the language,and coping with new situation.
The impact of culture shock can vary from person to person.There can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture.Four factors which play into these are personality,language ability,length of stay,and the emotional support received.
It is logical to think that when people are deprived of heir familiar surroundings they will feel disoriented.One solution some have found is to bring a few small reminders of home.Pictures,wall hangings,favorite utensils,and keepsake are all good candidates to make things feel more familiar.Another helpful activity is to establish little routines that become familiar over time.Even better is fitting things that were part of the regular routine back in the home country into the routine established in the new culture.This will make people feel more at home.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.According to the 1st paragraph,what have experts been interested in?Culture shock's effects on people.
82.What are the two problems people face when entering a new culture?Emotional"roller coaster"and fatigue.
83.Coping with new situations may result inmental fatigue.
84.The author thinks the more effective way to solve"cultural shock"isfitting some past regular routine into the new culture.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

14.[1]Every language has its own special words and expressions.And a story can be told  about each of them.Hot is a simple,easily understood word.So are most of the expressions  made with the word hot.But not always,as we shall see.
[2]The words hot potato,for example,give you no idea at all to the meaning of the expres. sion,hot potato.The potato is popular and many Americans like baked potatoes.Imagine trying  to carry a hot potato in your hand.It would be difficult,even painful,to do SO.Some publicly argued  problems are highly emotional.The problems must be treated carefully,or they will be difficult and  painful if an elected official has to deal with them.One such hot potato is    taxes.Calling for higher  taxes can mean defeat for a politician.And yet,if taxes are not raised,some very popular governmentprog    rams could be cut.And that also Can make a politician very unpopular.The questions must be dealt with carefully,the same way you would handle any other hot potato.   
[3]Another expression is not SO hot.If you ask someone how she feels,she may answer"not so hot."What she means is she does not feel well.Not so hot also is a way of saying you do not really like something.You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot.That means   
[4]A hot shot is a person,often a young person,who thinks he can do anything.He is verysure he can succeed.But often he fails.The expression was born in the military forces.A hotshot was a soldier who fired without aiming carefully.  
[5]Hot is a word that is often used to talk about anger.A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead.An angry person'S neck often becomes red.We say he is hot under the collar.
76.What is the text mainly about?(within 8 words)The expressions of"hot".
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 8 words)you don't consider it a success.
78.Which sentence in the text i s the closest in meaning to the following one?
  As you would deal with other dicult problems,you must be careful with these ones.The questions must be dealt with carefully,the same way you would handle any other hot potato.
79.List three situations where"hot"expressions can be used according to the text.(within 30  words)
  ①when you mean something difficult and painful to handle.
  ②when you do not really like something.
  ③when you mean a person who becomes angry easily.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.这些问题必须认真对待,否则,当选官员处理起来会很棘手..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-So nice to see you,Lucy!I never thought you visit us today.
-Sorry,I forgot to tell you I was coming.I hope you don't mind me _____.(  )
A.calling inB.pulling inC.breaking inD.dropping in

