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Steve: So how's everything going for Christmas?

Jerry: My family is working together to get all the food ready. That's easy,but I have another problem to deal 61

Steve: What's that? Don’t tell me you’ve still got Christmas cards to write. It usually takes my wife a month 62.(write) all of ours.

Jerry: No,I 63. (do) that a long time ago. It's about 64. (tell) my son the truth about Santa Claus.

Steve: Does he still think Santa is real? Do you think 65. is better that he should be told?

Jerry: Yes. He's never said anything so I've never told him. But now he's getting older,he doesn't find that type of thing 66. (convince) to any-one.

Steve: That happened to my oldest girl. She became 67. (real) upset when she knew the fact 68. Santa wasn’ t real.

Jerry: I can understand. I was lucky with my oldest girl; she found it out by 69.(her) and didn’ t tell my son.

Steve: Well,try to come up with a satisfactory 70. (explain) . It's hard for kids to find out something like that.

61. with。考查介词。deal with意为“处理”。

62. to write。考查固定结构。 It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为“某人花费多长时间做某事”。

63. did。考查一般过去时。由a long time ago可知,设空处表示的动作发 生在过去,故填did。

64. telling。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的 用法。设空处作介词about的宾语, 故填 telling。

65. it。考查it的用法。设空处作形式主 语,真正的主语是that he should be told ,故填 it。

66. convincing。考查形容词作宾语补 足语的用法。设空处作宾语补足 语,说明宾语that type of thing的性 质,故填convincing (令人信服的) 。

67. really。考查副词。设空处修饰形容 词upset ,故填副词really (非常) 。

68. that。考查连接词。设空处引导同 位语从句,又因从句成分及意义均完 整,故填that。

69. herself。考查代词。此处表示“她自己”,故填 herself。

70. explanation。考查名词。由 a satis-factory可知,设空处应填名词expla-nation (解释)

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第49期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. You should (把你的心思都集中在学习上) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     You probably laugh at something you find funny,but how much do you really know about jokes and humour? Reader's Digest (RD) questioned several experts to give us some facts about them.

RD: What's the oldest joke in the world?

     “We can't know the oldest joke in the world because it would have existed earlier than writing ,” says Christie Davies,professor of sociology at the University of Reading in the UK. The oldest joke book that" been found so far is the Greek Philogelos. It dates from the 4th century A D. although the jokes date from an earlier time. According to psychologist Steve Wilson,director of National Humor Month (April in the US) it contains 265 jokes.

RD: Do some people fail to develop a sense of humour?

     Rod Martin,professor of psychology at the Western University in Canada,believes that while everyone is bom without a sense of humour,as we develop,humour and laughter begin to appear. “Of course,some children are more serious,quiet,and less likely to laugh frequently,but this doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humour.w And according to Steve Wilson,there are no adults who don't have a sense of humour. "Almost everyone is able to develop a sense of humour,and I teach people how,” he says.

RD: Do people share a sense of humour unique to their own nation?

     Sense of humour does differ a lot by country,according to an author named Scott Weems. British humour is thought to be absurd in nature,while American humour has an aggressive quality. According to a study,Germans are found to find everything funny.

25. What do we know about the oldest joke book?

   A. It remains unknown.

   B. It was written in Greek.

   C. It was found in the UK.

   D. It contains the oldest joke.

26. What does Rod Martin agree with about people's sense of humour?

   A. Nobody is bora with a sense of humour.

   B. Some adults lose it when they grow up.

   C. Childhood is the best time to develop such ability.

   D. Children have a poorer sense of humour

27. What kind of humour has an aggressive feature?

   A. British humour.

   B. German humour.

   C. Canadian humour.

   D. American humour.

28. Where can you probably find the text?

   A. In a popular magazine.

   B. In a research paper.

   C. In a personal diary.

   D. In a textbook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Mother Nature knows best. But she's not always generous with her secrets. Sometimes she only tells them to the most careful observers.

George de Mestral was a Swiss engineer who enjoyed walking with his dog in the woods. One day,after a walk,he looked down and saw some seeds (种子) stuck to his trousers. He was a little -bit angry because the seeds were hard to remove. He pulled a few of the seeds off of his trousers and examined them under a microscope(显微镜) What he saw amazed him: tiny hooks (钩子) on the ends of the seeds. De Mestral saw a new way to stick things together and keep them attached.

    He was inspired to turn his accidental discovery into a useful product. He borrowed money from a bank,gave up his job,and gave all of his time and energy to the task. At first,people refused to take him,and the idea,seriously. He took his idea to a weaving center,where he did manage to get the help of one weaver,who made two products out of cotton that worked. However, the cotton wore out quickly. Finally,by using nylon instead of cotton,he made his invention work. It took ten years to develop it. He called it Velcro.

Today,Velcro is used everywhere: in shoes,purses,and children's toys. We can thank de Mestral for discovering and developing a wonderful way to attach things. But the real thanks should go to nature for making the secret known.

21. What gave de Mestral the idea for inventing Velcro?

   A. The thick woods.       B. The sticky seeds.

   C. His trousers.          D. His dog

22. What does the underlined part “the task” in Paragraph 3 refento?

   A. Looking for a new job.

   B. Finding a useful material.

   C. Raising enough money for his experiment

   D. Developing a produet to stick things together.

23. What is the best title for the text?

   A. Velcro: An Invention Inspired by Nature

   B. Motlier Nature: The Perfect Designer

   C. Lessons Learned from Nature

   D. The Mother of Invention


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

     Mike is one of my sister's classmate. He is a full-time chemistry student,though at weekends he worked in the university bookshop. She is a member of the Students' Union,and helps holding a few different events. In his free time,he plays an active part in quite a lot clubs and societies. For example,he belongs in the English Club,helping out with many of the organization work. He is also a strongly supporter of the university basketball team. In fact,he's recently been taken on the role of their minibus driver,and takes them to matches once the week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. —Why did you ask?

—Oh,no p reason,just making conversation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. David would get (醉的) and I would have to take him home and put him to bed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          cut out 

1 . Hey,you guys,cut it out — Mom's  trying to get some sleep.

2. Billy showed me the article he’d cut out of the


3. The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out alcohol.

4. You can cut out the unimportant details.

5. The affected tissue was cut out from his leg.

a.切去   b.删掉,省略   c.停止

d.剪下来,裁剪   e.戒掉,不吃 

[自我归纳]通过观察上面的句子,我们可以知道cut out 的意思分别为;

1 →; 2 ; 3  ; 4 ; 5


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. What are you doing out of bed? You  (应该) be asleep.

