精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

五. 语法填空 (20分)
Many people believe that they __1___ (suppose) to drink eight glasses of water _2___ day, or about two liters.  Why? Because that is___3__they have been told all their lives.  __4__  a new report offers some different advice. The experts say people should obey their bodies; they should drink as__5___water as they feel like drinking.
The report contains some general___6__(suggest). The experts say that women should get about 2.7 liters of water __7___(day). Men should get about 3.7 liters. But wait in each case, that is more than eight glasses. There is an important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses of water to drink. __8___fact, the experts say that __9___may be impossible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily requirement can include the water__10___ (contain) in foods.
1. _________  2. ____________  3. ______________  4. ____________  5. __________
6. _________  7. ____________  8. ______________  9. ____________  10.__________

1.are supposed     2. a/one/every    3. what    4. But    5. much 
6. suggestions      7. daily         8. In      9. it      10.contained



科目:高中英语 来源:广东高州中学2009-2010年高一英语必修四第五单元测试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

五. 语法填空 (20分)

Many people believe that they __1___ (suppose) to drink eight glasses of water _2___ day, or about two liters.  Why? Because that is___3__they have been told all their lives.  __4__  a new report offers some different advice. The experts say people should obey their bodies; they should drink as__5___water as they feel like drinking.

The report contains some general___6__(suggest). The experts say that women should get about 2.7 liters of water __7___(day). Men should get about 3.7 liters. But wait in each case, that is more than eight glasses. There is an important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses of water to drink. __8___fact, the experts say that __9___may be impossible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily requirement can include the water__10___ (contain) in foods.

1. _________  2. ____________  3. ______________  4. ____________  5. __________

6. _________  7. ____________  8. ______________  9. ____________  10.__________



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2009-2010学年度高一下学期单元测试卷(英语) 题型:其他题

五.语法填空 (15分)

Backpacking is a popular activity in the United States. Many different companies produce goods and equipment for those___1___ enjoy living for a while in nature. Several companies sell special foods, some of ___2____ have been produced using a method that removes the water. This method is called freez-drying. These meals include different foods such as meat, vegetables and rice or perhaps a ____3____ (mix) of several foods.

Hot water is added to the ___4_____ (dry) materal to replace the missing water. This produces a meal that ____5____ ready to eat. Backpackers use this method to carry food for two reasons. The food is easy to carry because it weighs a lot less ____6____ the water. And food that has been freeze-dried ___7____ (remain ) safe to eat for a long time.

Also, many companies produce special clothing for people who enjoy backpacking. Some companies make strong shoes made for walking and hiking. ____8____ make small stoves for cooking food. Other companies make small lightweight cloth tents campers can carry anywhere

____9______( convenience ). A few companies sell equipment that makes water safe to drink. And ___10______ number of companies make the backpacks that campers use to carry all this equipment.

1. _________  2. ____________  3. ______________  4. ____________  5. __________

6. _________  7. ____________  8. ______________  9. ____________  10.__________



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省09-10学年度高一下学期单元测试 题型:其他题

五.语法填空 (20分)

Dear Mr. Costa,

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write. I’ve been very busy with work and school, but I’ve thought about you often.

How have you been (1)       (late)? Did you have a good Christmas and New Year’s? Mac says you’ve been working hard at (2)        restaurant and that business is very good. What else have you been doing?

I had a short (3)        good vacation. Mac and I went to Chicago for a few days before Christmas, but I had to come back and work (4)        Christmas and New Year’s, (5)       (include) Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve! Every time something like that (6)       (happen), I wonder (7)        I really want to work in the hotel business.

The other day I was thinking about the fun (8)        we used to have in our English class. I haven’t seen many of our classmates (9)        the course was over. In fact, the only one I see very often is Tomiko. I’d really like to get in touch with Franco. Does he ever write to you? If so, could you please send me his address?

Well, Mac and I are going skating and he is waiting for (10)       , so I guess I’d better say goodbye now. Write as soon as you can.

Yours ever



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear Mr. Costa,

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write. I’ve been very busy with work and school, but I’ve thought about you often.

How have you been (1)       (late)? Did you have a good Christmas and New Year’s? Mac says you’ve been working hard at (2)        restaurant and that business is very good. What else have you been doing?

I had a short (3)        good vacation. Mac and I went to Chicago for a few days before Christmas, but I had to come back and work (4)        Christmas and New Year’s, (5)       (include) Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve! Every time something like that (6)       (happen), I wonder (7)        I really want to work in the hotel business.

The other day I was thinking about the fun (8)        we used to have in our English class. I haven’t seen many of our classmates (9)        the course was over. In fact, the only one I see very often is Tomiko. I’d really like to get in touch with Franco. Does he ever write to you? If so, could you please send me his address?

Well, Mac and I are going skating and he is waiting for (10)       , so I guess I’d better say goodbye now. Write as soon as you can.

Yours ever

