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14.[1]Mandela Day is an annual international day adopted by the United Nations.It is more than a celebration of Nelson Mandela's life and legacy;  it is a global movement to take his life's work into a new century and change our world for the better.
[2]Mandela Day includes a series of events involving entertainment,music,films and community service with the hope of inspiring people around the globe to use their individual power to help change the world around them for the better.A global movement for positive change begins with small actions.As each person acts,they motivate people to change positively,raising awareness and expanding the reach of Mr.Mandela's values-fighting.injustice,helping people in need.On Mandela Day people all over the world,in the workplace,at home and in schools,will be called upon to spend at least 67 minutes of their time doing something useful within their communities,especially among the less fortunate.
[3]Mandela Day will be celebrated on the 18th of July each year.It will give people in South Africa and all over the world the opportunity to _______________________.Each of us can make a small difference simply by giving others a hand.If we all make a difference together,our collective effort  can truly change the world.Mandela Day is a day for all of us to roll up our sleeves and play an active role in building our communities.This is an opportunity for each of us to share Nelson Mandela's vision of a better future for all.
[4]However,to know some political activities of Nelson Mandela surely helps us to understand Mandela Day better..
66.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?( no more than 8 words)Events that happen on Mandela Day./Different activities to do on Mandela Day./What people do on Mandela Day
67.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper.words.( no more than 5 words)do something good for others/help others/the poor/the less fortunate
68.Explain the underlined phrase in Paragraph 3.( no more than 5 words)get ready to do sth/set out to do sth/get down to doing sth/start/begin to do sth,etc.
69.What would you like to do on Mandela Day?Answers may vary,for example doing something useful within their communities
70.What do you think the writer will talk about if passage continues?( no more than 10 words)Nelson Mandela's political activities..

分析 文章介绍了一个节日---曼德拉日的活动内容和这一天的意义.

解答 66.Events that happen on Mandela Day./Different activities to do on Mandela Day./What people do on Mandela Day
 67.do something good for others/help others/the poor/the less fortunate
 68.get ready to do sth/set out to do sth/get down to doing sth/start/begin to do sth,etc.
 69.Answers may vary.
 70.Nelson Mandela's political activities.
1.段落大意题:从第二段的句子:Mandela Day includes a series of events involving entertainment,music,films and community service with the hope of inspiring people around the globe to use their individual power to help change the world around them for the better.可知这段讲的是在曼德拉日的一些活动:Events that happen on Mandela Day./Different activities to do on Mandela Day./What people do on Mandela Day
 2.填词题:从第三段的句子:Each of us can make a small difference simply by giving others a hand.可知这里是要为别人做些好事情:do something good for others/help others/the poor/the less fortunate
 3.词义理解题:从后面的内容:play an active role in building our communities.可知这一天人们可以准备好为我们的社会起到积极的作用:get ready to do sth/set out to do sth/get down to doing sth/start/begin to do sth,etc.
 4.自由发挥题:学生可以按照自己 的实际情况回答:Answers may vary.
 5.推理题:从文章的最后一段:However,to know some political activities of Nelson Mandela surely helps us to understand Mandela Day better.可知接下来作者会介绍曼德拉的政治活动:Nelson Mandela's political activities.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Where did the money you had got go?

--- On a computer, ______ on the desk over there.

A. it B. this

C. one D. the one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.It was a week before Christmas,but things were far from cheery.Our task was to deliver as many boxes of food as possible to those in need in Camden,New Jersey.There were no Christmas carolers(唱颂歌的人) walking in these streets that were lined with boarded-up(用木板封住的) houses and broken windows.Mothers kept their children close as they hurried down in the streets.It was mid-afternoon,but the bright sun couldn't warm the place.
Red tickets in the windows marked which houses we were to visit.Our white truck stopped in front of one house and our group knocked on the door.Our arms were filled with ham,bread and other essentials to make the perfect Christmas dinner.Four small faces glanced through the curtains and one exhausted mom answered the door.She seemed embarrassed to be caught in her nightgown(睡衣) with undone hair.She was in her late-20s,but her rough skin and tired eyes added years.
"Sacred Heart food deliver service,"I smiled."Where can we put this for you?"
She pointed to a place and as we entered the house,I noticed the conditions of the house they lived in.The children climbed around,wearing only diapers(尿布).There were no carpets,only cold concrete beneath our feet.There was no Christmas tree or decorations.My heart sank.It was so cold,and I found it hard to believe that this was the reality for this family.We set boxes down and the mother grabbed my hand.
"You don't know how much of a blessing this is to me and my family,"she said,crying."We are just getting by."I opened my arms and gave her a hug.
"Happy holidays!"I replied before I headed out the door.I realized how warm I felt inside.
This was unlike anything I had ever experienced.We cannot help what family we are born into,but we can help each other.
61.Why did the author say things were far from cheery?D
A.Because it was cold outside.
B.Because they had to visit their friends.
C.Because they had to work overtime every day.
D.Because they had lots of boxes of food to deliver to people in need.
62.Camden may be a place whereA.
A.the living conditions were terrible               
B.people had no houses to live in
C.there was no sign of life               
D.little sunshine was received
63.What impression did the woman leave on the author?B
A.She was shy and cold to visitors.
B.She looked much older than her age.
C.She wasn't good at dressing herself up.
D.She was very confident and energetic.
64.From what the woman said,we know thatD.
A.they were busy cleaning their house
B.they were looking for food and clothing
C.they were going to move away elsewhere         
D.they were living a very poor life
65.We learn from the text thatC.
A.the poor can also help others 
B.assisting the poor needs action
C.people should help each other
D.having more children causes poverty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island.It began at 7:30am.on 14th November.A fishing boat was near Iceland.The boat moved under the captain's (船长的) feet.He noticed a strange smell.He saw some black smoke.A volcano (火山) was breaking out.Red hot rocks,fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom of the sea.The island grew quickly.It was 10metres high the next day and 60metres high on 18th November.Scientists flew there to watch.It was exciting.Smoke and fire were still rushing up.Pieces of red hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea.The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky.Surtsey grew and grew.Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175metres high and 2kilometres 1ong.And life was already coming to Surtsey.Plants grew.Birds came.Some scientists built a house.They wanted to learn about this young island.
A new island is like a new world.
48.When did scientists fly there to watch the birth of the island?C
A.Before the volcano broke out
B.On 14th November 1963.
C.About four days after the volcano broke out
D.In June 1967.
49.Put the following sentences in correct order.D
a.Some scientists built a house on Surtsey to learn about this island.
b.The captain saw fire,smoke and rocks rushing up.
c.The sea was boiling.
d.A fishing boat was near Iceland.
e.A new island appeared in the sea.
A.a-b-c-d-e      B.d-a-c-b-e       C.d-c-b-a-e      D.d-b-c-e-a
50.The best title of the text isB.
A.New Discovery
B.The Birth of An Island.
C.A Captain and An Island
D.How Does A Volcano Break Out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.(Reuters)-At least 115 miners were pulled alive from a flooded coal mine in north China after being trapped for over a week,eating bark to survive,prompting extremely happy officials to hail their survival a miracle.
Officials said 153 miners were trapped in the unfinished Wangjialing mine,belonging to two of China's larger state-owned firms in Xiangning,Shanxi Province,after water gushed (喷,涌) into the shafts last Sunday.
Late on Sunday night and throughout Monday,the survivors were pulled out from a platform,where the rescuers had drilled a vertical hole to ensure oxygen in the water-flooded pit and send down bags of glucose (葡萄糖).Thirty-eight miners were still missing.
"It is a miracle,"said Luo Lin,head of the State Administration of Work Safety."The trapped miners stayed so firmly determined down the mine shaft,passing through eight days and eight nights to live."The workers also survived by eating bark from pine wood used in building the mines,Chinese television said.
The government had succeeded in encouraging thousands of rescue workers to pump out water and search for the miners.After that,the water level dropped low enough for rescue workers to enter the shaft.
It was rare good news in China's dangerous coal-mining industry,the deadliest in the world with thousands killed every year in floods,explosions,collapses and other accidents.Shanxi Province is the heartland of that industry.
Strong demand for energy and not strict safety standards have made China's mines often deadly places to work,despite a government drive to clamp down on (对…进行压制或取缔) small,unsafe operations where most accidents occur.
Workers are tempted into (被诱惑去) the mines by wages that can be much higher than for many other jobs open to blue-collar workers and rural migrants.
China has consolidated (合并) or taken over many private mines,which has helped cut accidents.According to official statistics,the number of people killed in Chinese coal mines dropped to 2,631 in 2009,an average of seven a day,from 3,215 in 2008.But the deadliest accidents are not limited to private firms.

81.According to the second paragraph,what caused the serious accident?(no more than 6 words)Water gush into the shafts
82.How did the rescuers manage to send down oxygen and bags of glucose into the pit?(no more than 5 words)By drilling a vertical hole
83.According to the passage,what measures does the government take to help cut accidents?(no more than 13 words)Clamping down on small,unsafe operations,consolidating or taking over many private mines.
84.What is the news about?(no more than 12 words)115 miners'surviving after being trapped over a week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
----Thomas Macaulay
About thirty years ago,I was studying in a public school in New York.One day,Mrs Nanette O'Neill gave a maths(41)C to our class.When the papers were (42)Ashe discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the(43)Bmistakes throughout the test.
There is nothing really new about(44)Din exams.Perhaps that was(45)C Mrs O'Neill  didn't even say a word about it.She only asked the twelve boys to (46)Aafter class.I was one of the twelve.
Mrs O'Neill asked(47)Cquestions,and she didn't(48)D us either.Instead,she wrote on the blackboard the(49)Awords by Thomas Macaulay.She then ordered us to copy these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.
I don't know about the other eleven boys.Speaking for(50)DI can say:it was the most important single(51)Cof my life.Thirty years after being  introduced to Macaulay's words,they(52)A seem to me the best yardstick (准绳),because they give us a (53)D to measure ourselves rather than others.
(54)Bof us are asked to make (55)Cdecisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle.But all of us are called(56)Adaily to make a great many personal decisions.Should the wallet,(57)Bin the street,be put into a pocket or (58)C to the policeman?Should the(59)Bchange received at the store be forgotten or (60)D?Nobody will know except you.But you have to live with yourself,and it is always better to live with someone you respect.

58.A.turned upB.turned onC.turned overD.turned back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.People say one man's trash(垃圾) is another man's treasure.That(41)Dcomes to me as I (42)Bthe house purchased in 1962 by my parents.My mother passed away in 1996.My father left the house (43)Amy sister and me when he died a few months ago.
After Dad was(44)C,we looked around the(45)Chouse where we grew up and that Dad loved so much.At first we felt so(46)Call the stuff(东西) left.Like so many of their generation,my parents (47)Aeverything.And like many in my generation,we faced anxious (48)Aabout what to abandon and what to keep.
As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every (49)Bmy parents ever saw,I also(50)Bmany hidden treasures.Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet,which had everything in it,(51)Bher hairbrush with hair,as if she were still here.And Dad,who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵) and a world traveler,(52)Ceverything--from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the(53)D.The letters he wrote during the war(54)Dhis thoughts as a young man.Later,in the basement,I(55)Cour old kitchen table,which brought back(56)Bof my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.
   I'm realizing all these things (57)Amy parents'life journey.Each time I go to(58)D,I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I (59)Dknew.(60)A,from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures,means more to me than all the money inthe world.
42.A.looked forB.looked throughC.looked intoD.looked after
46.A.pleased withB.familiar withC.astonished atD.disappointed at
58.A.the supermarketB.churchC.my officeD.the house


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Determined to devote himself to those poor children,he chose to teach in a western province,though he          in the city for a better life.(  )
A.could have stayedB.would have stayed
C.could stayD.had stayed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Tom arrived at the New York airport two hours before the flight to Paris.He was wearing three shirts,a jacket,two pairs of socks,a pair of shorts,and two pairs of jeans.He was carrying one small backpack,which was very full,but he didn't have any other luggage.Tom needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight.He found Tony near the Air France counter.Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package.
"Give this package to Jean-Paul at the airport in Paris.He will have a sign with your name on it.I think you can find him easily,"Tony said,"You don't have any luggage,right?"
"Only this backpack,"Tom answered."You said I could bring one carry-on bag."
"That's right.One carry-on bag is fine.Have a good trip."
Is Tom a criminal (罪犯)?Not at all.He is an air-courier (空中信使).And he paid only﹩110for the round-trip ticket to Paris.Air couriers get cheap airline tickets because they take important packages and papers to foreign countries.Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries by the next day.Often,the only way they can do this is to use an air-courier company.It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier,but it is quick.
Every year about 80,000people worldwide travel as air couriers.The number of tickets for courier travel is growing by about 10percent a year.However,air-courier travel isn't for everyone.But if you have very little money,can be flexible (灵活的) about your travel plans,and don't mind wearing the same clothes for a week,it can be a great way to take a vacation!

68.Why was Tom wearing so many clothes for his travel?C
A.Because they were the uniforms for air couriers.
B.Because that made him easier to be recognized.
C.Because his backpack had no room for his clothes.
D.Because he did not have any luggage with him
69.An air courier is a person whoD.
A.manages a business company in foreign countries
B.organizes international flights for tourists
C.travels around the world with cheap tickets
D.delivers papers and packages to foreign countries.
70.One of the disadvantages of traveling as an air courier is that heA.
A.cannot decide when and where to travel
B.cannot take any luggage with him
C.has to wear two pairs of shoes
D.saves little money from the travel
71.The author of the text mainlyD.
A.describes the activities of a law-breaker
B.suggests an ideal way to everyone for traveling
C.argues against the air-courier travel
D.tells us about a developing business.

