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  All of us have had one teacher who has been a source of great inspiration and who’s left lasting impression on our mind.

  The power that a teacher has over the young is potent(有力的).Sometimes it just takes one teacher to turn a life around, open one’s eyes and make a difference.Called second parents, the best teachers nurture(孕育)our dreams, develop our talents, and help a lot of us realise our ambitions and reach our goals.It’s no wonder that different countries around the globe dedicate(专门用)a day to honour one of the most noble professions of our times.

  Here are a few interesting facts about Teacher’s Day:

  Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is known by the world as a great intellectual, philosopher and educationist.It was in 1962, when Dr.Radhakrishnan became the President of India, that his birthday on the 5th of September came to be observed as Teacher’s Day all over India.It was a tribute to Dr.Radhakrishnan’s close link with the cause of teaching.Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was one of his closest friends, said about Dr.Radhakrishnan, “He has served his country in many capacities(才能).But above all, he is a great teacher from whom all of us have learnt much and will continue to learn.”

  The United Nations has declared October 5 as World Teacher’s Day.This special day was created to focus the world’s attention on the contributions and achievements of teachers.

  In the United States of America, National Teacher’s Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May, so the actual date varies every year.The history of celebrating this day goes back to 1944.

 China celebrates Teacher’s Day on September 10.The tradition began in the 1980s in order to reverse(改变)the anti-intellectual sentiment(观点)created during the Cultural Revolution.However, it has yet to be established as a national holiday.

  Teacher’s Day is celebrated in Brunei(文莱)on September 23 every year.

  January 15 is Teacher’s Day in Venezuela(委内瑞拉).

  Korea celebrates Teacher’s Day on May 15.

  September 28, is Confucius’(孔子)birthday and Taiwan celebrates this day as Teacher’s Day.


Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

[  ]


How Teacher’s Day came into being


China’s Teacher’s Day


Why various nations dedicate a day as Teacher’s Day?


Teacher’s Day around the world


The first two paragraphs mainly talk about ________.

[  ]


the life of teachers


the influence of teachers


Teacher’s Day


no one hasn’t a teacher in his life


The underlined word “tribute” means ________.

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项的最佳答案。

Dear Jones,

      You have asked me for suggestions on how to get along in the United States. It is difficult to give advice, but I have found the following "dos" and "don'ts" helpful.

       As a 1 , it isn't easy to find anyone to 2 in a big city. However, here are some suggestions. 3 , get or borrow 4 ! Walk him several times a day!   Americans love dogs and usually stop 5 to anyone with dog. 6 ,try to eat in a cafeteria (自助餐厅) .

       People generally 7 the same tables and will sometimes talk to you 8 they see that you are a 9 .

       Next, take your dirty 10 to a laundry (洗衣店) ! It takes about an hour to wash and dry, and many people 11 there. They often pass the 12 talking to the other customers (顾客) . 13 ask for information from a woman, if you are a 14 , and from a man, if you are a woman. It seems to get 15 results for a reason I can't understand. Learn the 16    :"Please", "Thank you ", and "You're welcome" before you come and use them all the time! They usually work like magic (魔术) .     

       There are some things you 17 . Don't tell the truth when people 18 "How are you ?" They only 19 the answer to be "Fine". Never ask people their 20 —especially women! Everyone wants to be young. Don't tell heavy people they are 21 . Tell them they are losing 22 . Everyone   here wants to be 23 . Don't be late for appointments (约会) ! When someone says six o'clock, 24 be there by six. Americans respect 25 and expect everyone to be "on time".     

       Above all, don't worry! Just follow my advice and bring a lot of money, you will get along. I hope I have been of some help to you.

Cordially yours,


1. A. result       B. law    C. beginning    D. rule               [  ]
2. A. smile      B. shout    C. talk to      D. run for              [  ]
3. A. At first     B. First    C. One        D. At once              [  ]
4. A. a dog      B. much money    C. a map      D. a bike               [  ]
5. A. talking      B. and nod    C. to talk      D. to wave              [  ]
6. A. After it     B. Then    C. Later      D. At the same time         [  ]
7. A. have       B. eat    C. buy        D. share              [  ] 
8. A. although     B. before    C. since      D. if                 [  ]
9. A. American     B. stranger    C. worker       D. student              [  ]
10. A. shoes       B. water   C. clothes     D. day                [  ]
11. A. wait      B. said nothing   C. work      D. become kind            [  ]
12. A. cards       B. time   C. clothes     D. discussion             [  ]
13. A. Never       B. Seldom   C. Always      D. Sometimes            [  ]
14. A. policeman     B. girl     C. man       D. stranger             [  ]
15. A. worse       B. better   C. fewer       D. no                 [  ]
16. A. English     B. pronunciation   C. spelling    D. expressions            [  ]
17. A. shouldn't do  B. can do sometimes   C. should do     D. will forget            [  ]
18. A. say       B. talk   C. tell      D. ask                [  ]
19. A. expect      B. find   C. reply to    D. hope               [  ]
20. A. pay       B. age   C. family      D. life               [  ]
21. A. strong      B. young   C. fat       D. weighty              [  ]
22. A. their way     B. something   C. light       D. weight               [  ]
23. A. thin      B. strong   C. fat       D. heavy              [  ]
24. A. be sure to    B. don't   C. never       D. have to              [  ]
25. A. time      B. elders   C. knowledge     D. women              [  ]


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



    James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so    1    that he didn't know what to do with    2   . The person who had gone in    3    him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident(自信的) when she went in.    4    James. He felt    5    that she had already got the    6   . The problem was that he wanted this job    7   . It meant    8    to him. He had    9 it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself    10 brilliantly(出色的)at the interview and    11    the job immediately. But now here he was feeling    12   . He couldn't    13    all those things he had    14    to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and    15  . But no—he had to do this. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn't    16    like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry. At last the door of the office opened. The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out looking very    17    with herself. She smiled sympathetically(同情地) at James. At the moment, James    18 her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr. Davis? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.” James suddenly    19 that he had gone home after all. He got up, legs    20    and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt.


A. healthy             B. nervous

C. careless            D. confident


A. the interviewer        B. the woman

C. himself             D. the situation


A. by                B. with

C. before              D. after


A. Not like            B. So did

C. Do as             D. Do like


A. doubtful            B. sure

C. angry             D. astonished

  &nbsop; 6

A. reward             B. first

C. prize               D. job


A. hopelessly           B. naturally

C. easily              D. so much


A. everything           B. happiness

C. difficulty           D. nothing


A. dreamed of         B. learned of

C. thought about        D. talked about


A. explaining           B. performing

C. answering           D. talked about


A. offered             B. asked for

C. being offered         D. being asked for


A. mad               B. excited

C. certain              D. terrible


A. depend on           B. afford

C. believe in            D. remember


A. kept               B. been taught

C. planned             D. been supplied


A. leave              B. go in

C. prepare             D. practice


A. take back            B. put off

C. give up             D. put down


A. ugly               B. pleased

C. sad               D. pretty

 o;   18

A. noticed             B. loved

C. missed              D. hated


A. thought             B. hoped

C. wished             D. regretted


A. shaking             B. bending

C. some              D. any



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从125各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案


 Swimming and other water sports can be great fun Yet  1 people can not swim Many are  2 water They have no confidence (信心) in their ability (能力) to learn to swim well

 A few years ago, scientists to find out how people learn new skills They found that,  3 ,the first time a person tried a task determined whether or not he would ever be any  4 it For example, if a child tried to rollerskate (穿四轮鞋溜冰) for the first time and did it well, then he would probably become  5 rollerskater If he did it badly, then he would probably never good For this reason, it is important that a person's first step at swimming should be successful

 Scientists also know that a  6 experience will do harm to a person's confidence For example, if a nonswimmer (非游泳者) is  7 deep water in fun, it will take him a long time to regain (恢复) confidence in the water

 So learners-swimmers (初学游泳者) should take each step  8  The first thing to do is to gain confidence in the water Never jump in at first Sit on the side Better still, walk slowly down the steps into  9 water Try to walk along the side of the bath Duck (猛然低下) your head under the water, keeping your eyes open  10  Lift your feet off the bottom and let your body float to the surface You will soon be ready to learn to swim


1 A.    million of


B millions of


  C. millions


D million to


[  ]


2 A.    fond of


B kind to


  C. afraid of


D sick of


[  ]


3 A.    general speaking


B generally spoken


  C. general speech


D generally speaking


[  ]


4 A.    good at


B well for


  C. good to


D well in


[  ]


5 A.    a bad


B an old


  C. a good


D a young


[  ]


6 A.    frightened


B frighten


  C. being frightened


D frightening


[  ]


7 A.    dropping into


B pushing into


  C. pushed into


D dropped onto


[  ]


8 A.    very slow


B slowly


  C. very fast


D quickly


[  ]


9 A.    shallow (浅的)


B narrow


  C. deep


D wide


[  ]


10A.    as you do


B like you do it


  C. as you do so


D while you are    doing


[  ]



 Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one like it more than James Wilson He took long walks in the fresh air He ran long distances in the fresh air He played football and other games in the fresh air He liked to climb mountains and breathe the fresh air at the top He used to sit  11 and watch the great waves in the fresh air He always slept with his windows  12  He had an open car with no roof, and he drove it madly through the fresh air

 If Wilson entered a room where the windows were shut,he immediately opened them He did this  13 snow was falling outside If someone else shut the windows again, he walked out of the room in a manner which showed his opinions without any doubt When he travelled by sea, he could  14 in a place on board (在船上) where the wild wind was blowing through his hair

 One winter Wilson went to Finland (芬兰) on business Good hotels in Finland  15 during the cold winter, and this winter was even colder than usual When Wilson reached his room in the hotel, he found that the windows were closed to keep the icy air out He did his best to open one,but  16  It was absolutely (绝对) impossible to open it because the manager had very wisely arranged that

 Wilson undressed and got into bed He was a very angry man

 The bed room was on the 12 Two or three pictures on the walls showed views of some beautiful parts of Finland There was no noise at all The bed was really excellent, but Wilson could not sleep He could not forget the  17 window No fresh air ! It was terrible to think of !

 He got  18 and tried once more to open the window,but it was useless, and he sadly got back into bed

 At about one o'clock in the morning he was still awake (醒着) worrying about  19 in the bed room He had turned over bed two hundred and thirtysix times He was very hot As he turned over for the two hundred and thirtyseventh time; one arm came out of the bedclothes and  20  His hand touched the floor It also touched something on the floor This thing was  21 

 An idea came into his worried mind Angry men  22 and the shoe was in his hand in less than a second Where was the window? He could see something that looked like glass over there He threw the shoe through the darkness with all the force of his strong right hand

 The shoe flew straight through the air and  23  A terrible sound of breaking glass  24 the bed room, but to Wilson's sad heart it seemed like the sound of sweet and beautiful music

 “Now I have some fresh air in the room: he thought, Now I  25 ”.

 Five minutes later he was peacefully asleep He did not move for many hours


11A.    by sea


B by the sea


  C. at sea


D on the sea


[  ]


12A.    wide open


B widely open


  C. open wide


D open widely


[  ]


13A.    except for


B even if when


  C. even when


D besides when


[  ]


14A.    find


B be found


  C found


D finding


[  ]


15A are heated


B is heated


  C are cooled


D is cooled


[  ]


16A failed in


B failed to


  C failed


D failed not


[  ]


17A closed


B closing


  C being close


D to be closed


[  ]


18A out of bed


B out of the bed


  C in bed


D in the bed


[  ]


19A window


B the window


  C air


D the air


[  ]


20A hanged down under the bed


  B hung down beside the bed


  C hanged down near the bed


  D hung it down below the bed


[  ]


21A the cap


B a glass


  C the stone


D a shoe


[  ]


22A think quickly


B act quickly


  Cquick act


D quick think


[  ]


23A touched the glass on the middle


  B stroke the glass towards the middle


  C hit the glass in the middle


  D beat the glass against the middle


[  ]


24A filled with


B filled


  C full of


D full


[  ]


25A don't need die


B needn't die


  C needn't to die


D need to die


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


Dear Jose,


  You have asked me for suggestions on how to get along in the United States. It is difficult to give advice, but I have found the following“dos”and“don'ts”helpful.


  As a __1__, it isn't easy to find anyone to ___2___ in a big city. However, here are some suggestions. First get or borrow ___3___ ! Walk him several times a day !Americans love dogs and usually stop ___4____ to anyone with a dog. Then, try to eat in a cafeteria(食堂). People generally ___5___ the same tables and will sometimes talk to you ___6___ they see that you are a (an)___7____. Next, take your dirty clothes to a laundry(洗衣店)!It takes about an hour to wash and dry, and many people ____8___ there. They often pass the ___9____ talking to the other customers.____10____ ask for information from a woman, if you are a ____11___ ; and from a man, if you are a woman !It seems to get ___12____ results for a reason I can't understand. Learn the____13____“Please”,“Thank you”, and “You're welcome” before you come and use them all the time! They usually work like magic(魔术).


  There are some things you shouldn't. Don't tell the truth when people ___14____“How are you?” They only ____15___ the answer to be “Fine”. Never ask people their ___16_____ -- especially women! Everyone wants to be young. Don't tell heavy people they are ____17___. Tell them they are losing ____18___. Everyone here wants to be ___19____. Don't be late for appointment! When someone says six o'clock, ____20___ be there by six. Americans respect time and expect everyone to be “on time”.


  Above all, don't worry ! Just follow my advice and bring a 1ot of money and you will get along. I hope I have been of some help to you.


(1)    Aresult      








(2)    Atalk    over      


Bspeak    about      


      Ctalk    to      


Ddeal    with      


(3)    Aa    dog      


Bmuch    money      


      Ca    map      


Da    bike      


(4)    Atalking      


Band    nod      


      Cto    talk      


Dto    wave      


(5)    Ahave      








(6)    Aalthough      








(7)    AAmerican      








(8)    Await      








(9)    Acards      








(10)    ANever      








(11)    Apoliceman      








(12)    Aworse      








(13)    Awords      








(14)    Aspeak      








(15)    Aexpect      








(16)    Apay      








(17)    Astrong      








(18)    Atheir    way      




       Ca    lot      




(19)    Arich      








(20)    Adon't      


Bbe    sure to      




Dhave    to      



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


Dear Jose,


  You have asked me for suggestions on how to get along in the United States. It is difficult to give advice, but I have found the following“dos”and“don'ts”helpful.


  As a __1__, it isn't easy to find anyone to ___2___ in a big city. However, here are some suggestions. First get or borrow ___3___ ! Walk him several times a day !Americans love dogs and usually stop ___4____ to anyone with a dog. Then, try to eat in a cafeteria(食堂). People generally ___5___ the same tables and will sometimes talk to you ___6___ they see that you are a (an)___7____. Next, take your dirty clothes to a laundry(洗衣店)!It takes about an hour to wash and dry, and many people ____8___ there. They often pass the ___9____ talking to the other customers.____10____ ask for information from a woman, if you are a ____11___ ; and from a man, if you are a woman !It seems to get ___12____ results for a reason I can't understand. Learn the____13____“Please”,“Thank you”, and “You're welcome” before you come and use them all the time! They usually work like magic(魔术).


  There are some things you shouldn't. Don't tell the truth when people ___14____“How are you?” They only ____15___ the answer to be “Fine”. Never ask people their ___16_____ -- especially women! Everyone wants to be young. Don't tell heavy people they are ____17___. Tell them they are losing ____18___. Everyone here wants to be ___19____. Don't be late for appointment! When someone says six o'clock, ____20___ be there by six. Americans respect time and expect everyone to be “on time”.


  Above all, don't worry ! Just follow my advice and bring a 1ot of money and you will get along. I hope I have been of some help to you.


(1)    Aresult      








(2)    Atalk    over      


Bspeak    about      


      Ctalk    to      


Ddeal    with      


(3)    Aa    dog      


Bmuch    money      


      Ca    map      


Da    bike      


(4)    Atalking      


Band    nod      


      Cto    talk      


Dto    wave      


(5)    Ahave      








(6)    Aalthough      








(7)    AAmerican      








(8)    Await      








(9)    Acards      








(10)    ANever      








(11)    Apoliceman      








(12)    Aworse      








(13)    Awords      








(14)    Aspeak      








(15)    Aexpect      








(16)    Apay      








(17)    Astrong      








(18)    Atheir    way      




       Ca    lot      




(19)    Arich      








(20)    Adon't      


Bbe    sure to      




Dhave    to      


