





In October last year, I was studying at a school in Cambridge but it was only my second months in the school. At an end of the month the head teacher organized a party for all the new students. It is a good chance to get to know my new classmates and I really looked forward to join in it. As the party was on 31st October, I thought it was a Halloween party. So, the day after the party, I searched everywhere and managed get a witch¡¯s costume. When I arrived at my head teacher¡¯s house, he opened the door and looked at us if I had been complete mad.

All the other students wore on normal clothes!


¡¾½âÎö¡¿µÚÒ»´¦£ºIn October last year, I was studying at a school in Cambridge and it was only my second month in the school.¹ØÁª´ÊÇ°ºóÁ½·Ö¾ä±í´ïµÄÒâ˼һÖ£¬²»º¬×ªÕÛÓïÆø£¬¹ÊÓÃandÁ¬½Ó¡£¹Ê½«but¸ÄΪand¡£

µÚ¶þ´¦£ºIn October last year, I was studying at a school in Cambridge and it was only my second month in the school.second,µÚ¶þ£¬Ö¸µÚ¶þ¸öÔ£¬Óõ¥Êý¡£¹Ê½«months¸ÄΪmonth¡£

µÚÈý´¦£ºAt the end of the month the head teacher organized a party for all the new students.´Ë´¦Îª¹Ì¶¨´îÅä¡£At the end of£¬ÔÚ¡­¡­µÄĩ⣬ÔÚ¡­¡­½áÊøµÄʱºò¡£¹Ê½«an¸ÄΪthe¡£

µÚËÄ´¦£ºIt was a good chance to get to know my new classmates and I really looked forward to joining in it.ÓɵÚÒ»¾ä¡° In October last year¡±¿ÉÖª£¬½²Êö¹ýÈ¥µÄÊÂÇ飬ӦÓùýȥʱ̬¡£¹Ê½«is¸ÄΪwas¡£

µÚÎå´¦£ºIt was a good chance to get to know my new classmates and I really looked forward to joining in it.look forward to doing sth.Ϊ¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣬Òâ˼ΪÆÚÍû×öijÊ¡£¹Ê½«join¸ÄΪjoining¡£

µÚÁù´¦£ºSo, the day before the party, I searched everywhere and managed to get a witch¡¯s costume.ÓÉÉÏÏÂÎÄÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÒâΪÔÚparty¿ªÊ¼Ç°ÕÒºÏÊʵķþ×°£¬beforeÔÚ¡­¡­Ç°¡£¹Ê½«after¸ÄΪbefore¡£

µÚÆß´¦£º£ºSo, the day before the party, I searched everywhere and managed to get a witch¡¯s costume.manage to do sth.ÊÔͼ£¬Éè·¨×öijÊ£¬Îª¹Ì¶¨´îÅä¡£¾äÒâΪÏëÒªÕÒµ½ºÏÊʵķþ×°¡£¹ÊÔÚ´Ë´¦¼ÓÉÏto¡£

µÚ°Ë´¦£ºWhen I arrived at my head teacher¡¯s house, he opened the door and looked at me if I had been completely mad.ÓɺóÃæi¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ö¸¡°ÎÒ¡±Ò»¸öÈË£¬Ö÷ÓïÊǵ¥Êý¡£¹Ê½«us¸ÄΪme¡£

µÚ¾Å´¦¡£When I arrived at my head teacher¡¯s house, he opened the door and looked at me if I had been completely mad.´Ë´¦ÒâΪ°àÖ÷ÈÎÏë¿´¡°ÎÒ¡±ÊDz»ÊÇÍêÈ«·èÁË¡£¸±´ÊÐÞÊÎÐÎÈÝ´Ê×÷×´Óï¡£¹Ê½«complete¸ÄΪcompletely¡£

µÚÊ®´¦£ºAll the other students wore normal clothes!wear onÒâΪ»ºÂý½øÐУ¬Ê±¼äÏûÊÅ£»ÓÃÔÚ´Ë´¦²»ºÏÌâÒâ¡£wear,´©×Å£¬ºóÃæÖ±½Ó¼Ó±öÓï¡£¹Ê½«onɾµô¡£


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During this winter vacation, I worked as a volunteer guide in the National Museum of China.








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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿China dropped its decades-long, one-child policy last year to allow each family to have two children. This change has put 270 million married women of childbearing age in the position of choosing between family and work. The employers also face big challenges as more female workers will have two maternity leaves(²ú¼Ù) for a total of seven to eight months.

In a survey published by classified advertising website Ganji.com, career women who might be considering having a second child were asked what kinds of pressure they might expect. More than 76 percent of the women who were questioned mentioned concerns about the financial burden of raising two children, while more than 71 percent said it would be difficult to balance career and family. In addition, nearly 56 percent said that having a second child would definitely have a negative effect on their career.

Another survey conducted by Chongqing-based human resources website job.cq.qq.com found that over 70 percent of job seekers believe that having a second child would make females less popular in the job market, although two-thirds of the employers said the policy will make no difference in their employment of staff.

Feng Lijuan, s senior expert on human resources at 51 job.com, a leading Chinese job finding platform, said she would not say ¡°there is prejudice against career women.¡± Feng said Chinese women shoulder more family responsibility. ¡°It is not only about maternity leave; a female employee might only fully get back to work after three to five years after having her first child.¡±

Wang Yixin, a senior employment adviser, said the positive side is that more companies are trying to attract more talents by providing support to career women. ¡°Different from before, it is not only employers choosing employees. Many talents, including professional career women, also choose employers.¡± said Wang. ¡°According to our survey, many large companies are very open to their employees¡¯ choice of having a second child.¡±

¡¾1¡¿Women employees take longer time to concentrate on work after childbirth because .

A. there is more prejudice against career women

B. they have longer maternity leaves to enjoy

C. they shoulder more family responsibility

D. having a second child makes them less popular

¡¾2¡¿What are women concerned about when having two children in the first survey?

¢ÙFinancial burden of raising two children

¢ÚFewer opportunities to get a pay rise

¢ÛNegative effects on their career

¢ÜDifficulty in balancing career and family

A. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Û B. ¢Ú¢Û¢Ü

C. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Ü D. ¢Ù¢Û¢Ü

¡¾3¡¿Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?

(P: Paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.

¡¾4¡¿Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Disadvantages of Raising Two Children

B. Responsibilities of Career Women

C. Effects of Two-child of Policy on Women

D. Attitudes of Employers to Women

¡¾5¡¿According to the second survey, having a second child would .

A. have no effect on career women

B. have a positive effect on career women

C. have a negative effect on career women

D. have both positive and negative effects on career women


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One day father and mother was waiting at the table for their sons to have lunch. She waited and waited but their son didn¡¯t show up. Mother was sent father to look for their son in his bedroom. To his surprised, their son was lying on his stomach on the floor, totally losing in a book. Father orders their son to leave for food and he himself never returned to the table. Having waited impatient, mother sent their son back to look for his father, only to find that his father was doing exactly same as he had done on the floor.


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The person who touched me most is an unknown lady. I study in a city school but lives in a village 15 kilometers away. One afternoon, I receive a call from my family saying my mom was serious ill. I hurried to the bus station, only find the last bus had left. Feel anxious, I decided to walk home. On the way a car stopped and the driver asked me that I needed help. Worried about being cheated, I said anything. But she was such sincere that I finally accepted her offer. When we reached my village, it was dark. Seeing her car out of the sight. I was in tear. Whenever I think of her, I always feel grateful.


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Dear Mr£®Smith£¬








Li Hua


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The old saying ¡°The early bird catches the worm¡± show us the importance of planning, working hard and trying constant. To achieve outstanding results, the most people must plan ahead and work hard to overcome all kind of difficulties.

That has been my own experience, either. When I first started at high school, I seldom passed my exams, so I never prepared well. Later, my teacher, Mr Black, advised me plan everything in advance. She asked me to study hard as well. After a year of putting his advice to practice, I can now easily pass all my exams.

There are no direct roads to succeed.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression ¡ª It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we¡¯d better alter the sentence into ¡°It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.¡± Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of ¡°Holmes series¡± in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke¡¯s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke¡¯s missing son. Arthur, the Duke¡¯s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the process of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story. At the beginning, unlike other detective stories, this story first delineates the client¡¯s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it. As is known to all, vivid depiction is essential to detective stories as it makes the story more authentic and attractive. Therefore, trying to present a ¡°real world¡± to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original ¡°Holmes series¡±, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr. Watson, a friend of Homes¡¯. In this way, he elaborately (¾«ÐÄ)depicted every scene and character in the book. Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one. After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke¡¯s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke¡¯s bastard(˽Éú×Ó)? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well. Closing my eyes, I can even ¡°see¡± the story happening just like watching a film.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case. Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a great discovery or even the truth itself. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.

Needless to say, as a world-renowned masterpiece, Sherlock Holmes and the Duke¡¯s Son has attracted and is still charming numerous readers from all corners of the world and people from all walks of life. The ¡°Holmes series¡± has already set up a standard against which all the following detective fictions are measured. Sherlock Holmes, beyond all doubt, has been a name firmly rooted in people¡¯s memories. Although Dr. Watson¡¯s closing The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes in 1927 was a great pity to the readers, the discontinuance of the entire ¡°Holmes series¡± may have actually added to the legendary stature of Sherlock Holmes.

¡¾1¡¿Why does the author mention the book Pride and Prejudice?

A. To show his/her impression on it.

B. To change a sentence in it to evaluate the Holmes series.

C. To quote a sentence to directly illustrate its impressiveness.

D. To state the reason why he/she began reading Sherlock Holmes and the Duck¡¯s son.

¡¾2¡¿Many factors contribute to the author¡¯s positive attitude toward the book EXCEPT that __________.

A. the detailed description of a client¡¯s strange behavior arouses the readers¡¯ interest

B. the plots are well laid out and all scenes and characters are artfully presented

C. the book is even adapted into a film and the author really enjoys watching it

D. its ending is so surprising that it makes the author deeply impressed

¡¾3¡¿What kind of a person is Sherlock Holmes according to the passage?

A. Knowledgeable. B. Arbitrary.

C. Mysterious. D. Courageous.

¡¾4¡¿How is the passage organized?


A. B.

C. D.

¡¾5¡¿What¡¯s the passage mainly about?

A. It mainly introduces the plots of the book Sherlock Holmes and the Duck¡¯s son.

B. It¡¯s mainly about the author¡¯s attitude towards Sherlock Holmes.

C. It¡¯s mainly about the thoughts of the author after reading Sherlock Holmes and the Duck¡¯s son.

D. It¡¯s mainly a comparison between the book Pride and Prejudice and the Holmes series.


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