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In our deep mind, we all talk to ourselves — an inner monologue(独白) that might seem rather pointless. But as a study shows, the act of giving ourselves mental messages can help us learn and perform at our best. Researchers have identified the most effective forms of self-talk, collected here — so that the next time you talk to yourself, you know exactly what you should say.

Self-talk isn’t just motivational messages like “You can do it!” or “Almost there,” although this inside cheering section can give us confidence. A review of more than two dozen studies, published last year in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, found that there’s another kind of mental message that is even more useful, called “instructional self-talk.” This is the kind of running description we engage in when we’re carrying out a difficult task, especially one that’s unfamiliar to us. Think about when you were first learning to drive. Your self-talk might have gone something like this: “Foot on the gas pedal(踏板), hands on the wheel, slow down for the bend here, now put your blinker on…”

Over time, of course, giving yourself instructions becomes unnecessary — but while you’re learning, it does three important things. First, it promotes our attention, focusing us on the important part of the task and keeping out distractions. Second, it helps us manage our effort and make decisions about what to do, how to do it, and when. And third, self-talk allows us to control our cognitive(认知)and reactions, making us stay on tasks.

In a recent study of students learning to throw darts(飞镖) in a gym class, Athanasios Kolovelonis and his colleagues at the University of Thessaly in Greece found that self-talk is most effective when involved in a cycle of thought and action. First comes forethought, when you set a goal for yourself and make a plan for how to get there. That’s followed by performance, when you enact the plan to the best of your ability. Last comes self-reflection, when you carefully evaluate what you’ve done and adjust your plan for the next time.

Self-talk can play a key part in this cycle. During the forethought stage, consider carefully what you’ll say to yourself. You can even write them down. Repeat these self-instructions during the performance stage. With practice, you may find that your self-instructions become shorter; research has found that these words can become powerful signals.

After the action is over, consider how you might change your self-talk to improve your performance next time — so that at the moment it matters, the right words are ringing in your ears.

67. The main idea of the third paragraph is__________ while you are learning.

A. that self-talk has three stages

B. in what ways self-talk will benefit you

C. that self -talk promotes your attention

D. that it is not necessary to give yourself instructions

68. According to the passage, what are you supposed to say to yourself first if you are learning to ride a horse for the first time?

A. How can I speed up?                      B. No problem! I can make it!

C. What a big horse! I am scared!        D. Hold the rein(缰绳) and get on the horse!

69. According to the author, being able to use self-talks is__________.

A. a key part of the forethought stage

B. a skill to deal with difficult problems

C. a final result of carrying out a difficult task

D a useful method to help us improve our performance

70. The author explains the self-talk by__________.

A. setting down general theories only

B. presenting research findings

C. using examples 

D. Both B and C


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌二中2012届高三第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Movie magic can defy reality, but actors are inescapably human.They grow and change, and don't necessarily change for the better.

  Harry Potter actors, who are now saying their final goodbyes to their roles, have all become fully-fledged(成熟的)grown-ups, worlds apart from the little kids who began the Hogwarts' adventures in 2001.

  While many fans feel sad that the magical franhise is coming to an end, some feel even sadder to dee how much the actors have changed over the years.

  "Daniel Radciffe(who plays Harry Potter)went from being a really cute kid to a thin, pale-looking guy,"daid Filipino internet User Lealuvy."I kind of wish he stayed a kid forever."

  Radcliffe himself doesn't seem to be bothered by his change of appearance.In an interview with GQ magazine last week, he teased himself:"If people find me sexy or cool, it's because they like short, little, nerdy guys.And we do have our niche(合适的职业)."

  Meanwhile, actors growing up to be handsome have their headaches.

  Harry Melling, who played Potter's cousin Dudley Dursley, told The Telegraph that he was almost recast for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when producers discovered he' d lost a lot of weight he had as a kid.He was too thin for the part.

  "They(the producers)did this double take, 'Oh my God, we are going to have to do something', and I felt guilty," said Meiling.

  Aside from changes in looks, the gradual personality change of child stars is another big concern of audience and producers.

  Miley Cyrus began her career at 13 in Disney's hit TV series Hannah Montana.

  When Cyrus decided to show her adult personality by releasing "sexy" photos, people began to get uneasy about her.Reports said that furious Disney bosses were considering replacing Cyrus with a more clean-cut teen star.

  Cyrus finally kept her role after public apologies.But some parents banned their children watching the show.

  "My daughter has been banned from watching the show," supermodel Cindy Crawford told Showbiz Spy."I really don't think Miley Cyrus is much of a role model for my kid."


The underlined word "defy" in Paragraph 1 means " ________ ".

[  ]










Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Actors always grow and change for the better.


Daniel Radcliffe can't escape from being a kid.


Some fans feel sad about the ending of the film series and the actors' changes.


Harry Melling was too thin to recast for the film.


Radcliffe doesn't feel bothered by his change of appearance because ________.

[  ]


people think him sexy or cool


people like short, little, nerdy guys


he thinks he grows up to be handsome


some people do think such a boy as him is sexy


What do audience and producers concern about?

[  ]


The actors' changes in appearances and gradual personality.


The actors' weight.


Whether the producers did the double take.


Whether the actors are sexy or clean-cut.


We can infer that ________ from the story of Miley Cyrus.

[  ]


Miley Cyrus decided to change her sexy adult personality later on


Disney bosses prefer pure teen stars to sexy adults in their movies


parents prevented their children from watching her show


Cindy Crawford is a supermodel, who has a daughter


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Beijing, January 25 ( Xinhuanet)—Air Canada announced that effective June 2, 2005 it will introduce non—stop service between Toronto and Beijing, further building its main Toronto hub with more non-stop flights to Asia and creating the first—ever direct link between eastern Canada and the Chinese mainland.  

  Air Canada will operate four non-stop flights per week from Toronto to the Chinese capital of Beijing, complementing its daily non-stop flights to Beijing and Shanghai from Vancouver, and twice daily Hong Kong flights including a new non—stop service from Toronto.

In addition, in response to increased demand on its Vancouver—Shanghai route, Air Canada will replace its 189-seat Boeing 767-300ER service with larger 282-seat A340-300 aircraft during the demand season beginning June 1,2005. With these new services, Air Canada is boosting seating capacity between Canada and China by 16 percent and providing freight forwarders with 45 percent more cargo tonnage( 货运 ) from one year ago.

  “China is the fastest growing aviation(航空  )market in the world, and Air Canada’s global network is well positioned to meet the needs of international travelers and freight senders,” said Duncan Dee, senior vice president of Air Canada. “With the introduction of the first non-stop service to Beijing from our main Toronto hub, Air Canada is bringing the Americas that much  closer to the Chinese mainland.”

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There was no non-stop service between Canada and China mainland.

B. People in our country can fly to Canada from Beijing directly now.

C. More people will fly to Canada from China directly.

D. Air Canada is increasing the capacity of goods transportation for the first time.

We can fly to Canada directly from ____cities in our countries.

A. 2    B. 3    C.4    D. 5

According to this passage, Air Canada will take measures except that____.

A. it will introduce non-stop service between Toronto and Beijing.

B. It will replace its 189—seat Boeing 767-300ER service with 282-seat A340-300 aircraft forever.

C. It will increase the capacity of cargo tonnage.

D. It will increase the number of flights.

What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Air Canada will open non-stop flight between China and Canada.

B. Air Canada will open non-stop flight between Beijing and Toronto.

C. China is becoming the largest aviation market in the world.

D. The distance between Canada and China will become short.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The International Space Station,one of the most ambitious space projects ever and a key launching board for exploration of the solar system,turns l0 years old Thursday.

    On Nov.20,1998,the first part of the space station was launched by the Russians from Kazakhstan.NASA followed up two weeks later with Piece No 2 carried up by a space shuttle.

    The space station has grown into a giant outpost(前哨)355 km up,home to three people at any given time—soon to be six.

    Thanks to the newly arrived shuttle Endeavour,the space station now has five sleep stations,two baths,two kitchens and two mini—gyms.Ahogether, there are nine rooms,three of which are full scale labs.

    The United States has financed the main part of the project,estimated to cost some 100 billion dollars.Fifteen other countries have also contributed, including Russia,Japan,Canada,Brazil anti eleven nations belonging to the  European Space Agency.

    ’Fhe space station has traveled 2.1 billion km,orbited Earth more than 57,300 times,hosted 167 people from 15 countries,and served up more than l 9,000 meals

    ”The ISS is the largest ever expenmeni in international technological cooperation,’’ said John Logsdon。a historian at the National Air and Space Museum in US.

    “1 think it’s a necessary stepping stone to long—term human activities in new Areas of operations,”Logsdon said.The station is“off the planet and it’s the first Step outward—not all end in itself,but a step along the way.’’

The passage is mainly about             

      A the construction of the International Space Station.

      B.the history of the International Space Station.

    C the tenth anniversary of the International Space Station.

     D.the eountries that help establish the International Space Station.

Piece No 2 of the ISS was put into orbit oil             

      A.Nov.6,1998    B.Nov.24,1998

      C.Dee.8,1998       D.Dec.9,1998

Which of the following is true about Endeav our according to the passage?

      A.Endeavour is a newly built shuttle.

      B.Endeavour is part of the space station,

      C.Endeavour didn’t get close to the space station.

    D.Endeavour carried a lot of equipment for the apace station.

Which of the following country has not made a contribution to the eonstruction of

    the International space station according to the passage?

      A.USA.    B.Japan.    C.Korea.D.Spain.    


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Beijing, January 25 ( Xinhuanet)—Air Canada announced that effective June 2, 2005 it will introduce non—stop service between Toronto and Beijing, further building its main Toronto hub with more non-stop flights to Asia and creating the first—ever direct link between eastern Canada and the Chinese mainland.  
Air Canada will operate four non-stop flights per week from Toronto to the Chinese capital of Beijing, complementing its daily non-stop flights to Beijing and Shanghai from Vancouver, and twice daily Hong Kong flights including a new non—stop service from Toronto.
In addition, in response to increased demand on its Vancouver—Shanghai route, Air Canada will replace its 189-seat Boeing 767-300ER service with larger 282-seat A340-300 aircraft during the demand season beginning June 1,2005. With these new services, Air Canada is boosting seating capacity between Canada and China by 16 percent and providing freight forwarders with 45 percent more cargo tonnage( 货运 ) from one year ago.
“China is the fastest growing aviation(航空  )market in the world, and Air Canada’s global network is well positioned to meet the needs of international travelers and freight senders,” said Duncan Dee, senior vice president of Air Canada. “With the introduction of the first non-stop service to Beijing from our main Toronto hub, Air Canada is bringing the Americas that much  closer to the Chinese mainland.”

  1. 1.

    Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      There was no non-stop service between Canada and China mainland.
    2. B.
      People in our country can fly to Canada from Beijing directly now.
    3. C.
      More people will fly to Canada from China directly.
    4. D.
      Air Canada is increasing the capacity of goods transportation for the first time.
  2. 2.

    We can fly to Canada directly from ____cities in our countries.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    According to this passage, Air Canada will take measures except that____.

    1. A.
      it will introduce non-stop service between Toronto and Beijing.
    2. B.
      It will replace its 189—seat Boeing 767-300ER service with 282-seat A340-300 aircraft forever.
    3. C.
      It will increase the capacity of cargo tonnage.
    4. D.
      It will increase the number of flights.
  4. 4.

    What’s the main idea of this passage?

    1. A.
      Air Canada will open non-stop flight between China and Canada.
    2. B.
      Air Canada will open non-stop flight between Beijing and Toronto.
    3. C.
      China is becoming the largest aviation market in the world.
    4. D.
      The distance between Canada and China will become short.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The International Space Station,one of the most ambitious space projects ever and a key launching board for exploration of the solar system,turns l0 years old Thursday.

    On Nov.20,1998,the first part of the space station was launched by the Russians from Kazakhstan.NASA followed up two weeks later with Piece No 2 carried up by a space shuttle.

    The space station has grown into a giant outpost(前哨)355 km up,home to three people at any given time—soon to be six.

    Thanks to the newly arrived shuttle Endeavour,the space station now has five sleep stations,two baths,two kitchens and two mini—gyms.Ahogether, there are nine rooms,three of which are full scale labs.

    The United States has financed the main part of the project,estimated to cost some 100 billion dollars.Fifteen other countries have also contributed, including Russia,Japan,Canada,Brazil anti eleven nations belonging to the  European Space Agency.

    ’Fhe space station has traveled 2.1 billion km,orbited Earth more than 57,300 times,hosted 167 people from 15 countries,and served up more than l 9,000 meals

    ”The ISS is the largest ever expenmeni in international technological cooperation,’’ said John Logsdon。a historian at the National Air and Space Museum in US.

    “1 think it’s a necessary stepping stone to long—term human activities in new Areas of operations,”Logsdon said.The station is“off the planet and it’s the first Step outward—not all end in itself,but a step along the way.’’

64.The passage is mainly about             

      A the construction of the International Space Station.

      B.the history of the International Space Station.

    C the tenth anniversary of the International Space Station.

     D.the eountries that help establish the International Space Station.

65.Piece No 2 of the ISS was put into orbit oil              

      A.Nov.6,1998    B.Nov.24,1998

      C.Dee.8,1998       D.Dec.9,1998

66.Which of the following is true about Endeav our according to the passage?

      A.Endeavour is a newly built shuttle.

      B.Endeavour is part of the space station,

      C.Endeavour didn’t get close to the space station.

    D.Endeavour carried a lot of equipment for the apace station.

67.Which of the following country has not made a contribution to the eonstruction of

    the International space station according to the passage?

      A.USA.    B.Japan.    C.Korea.D.Spain.   

