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One day, a woman from The Express News called. She said she wanted to work on a(n) on me. When she had finished me for the article, she asked, “What are you planning to do next?”

Well, at that , there was actually nothing I was planning on doing next, and what _ out for us was, “I’m thinking about the Guinness Book of World Records for Fastest-Talking Female.”

The newspaper article came out the next day, and the writer had my final remarks(评论)about trying to break the World’s Fastest-Talking Female record. At about 5:00 that afternoon, I got a from Larry King, asking me to go on the . They would me up at 8:00 — because they wanted me to do it that night!

I the phone for a while, and then I called Guinness to find out to break a fast-talking record. They told me I would have to recite something. I began . I was both and excited at the same time.

At 8:00, the car came. I practised the whole way there, and by the time I reached the ___ . I was tongue-tied. I asked the woman in charge, “What I don’t break the record?”

“Larry doesn’t if you break it or not,” she said. ” “He just cares that you try it on his show.” So I asked myself, “What’s the that can happen? I’ll look like a fool on television!” A thing, I told myself, I could live through that. And what if I break the record?

So I decided just to give it my best shot, and I did. I broke the record, becoming the World’s Fastest-Talking Female speaking 585 words in one minute!

1.A. articleB.experimentC. research

2.A. studyingB.interviewingC. calling

3.A. dayB. universityC. time

4.A. providedB. gaveC. took

5.A. settingB. breakingC. playing

6.A. setB. madeC. spoke

7.A. timeB. chanceC. call

8.A. showB. stageC. movie

9.A. bringB. pickC. call

10.A. thought ofB. stared atC.went through

11.A. whatB. whetherC. when

12.A. practicingB. singingC. learning

13.A. horribleB. tiredC. nervous

14.A. studio(演播室)B. theatreC. lab

15.A. unlessB. ifC. though

16.A. wonderB. considerC. care

17.A. bestB. mostC. least

18.A. smallB. niceC. terrible

19.A. readingB. carryingC. thinking

20.A. inB. onC. with






















试题解析:文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在接受The Express News采访时,冒出了打算打破世界上女性最快说话吉尼斯纪录的想法,最后打破纪录的故事。

1. 考查名词词义及语境理解 A.article文章 B.experiment实验;试验 C.research研究;调查 D.study学习,研究;课题 根据文中57题article的提示,可知选A。句意:她说她想写篇关于我的文章。

2. 考查动词词义及语境理解 A.studying 学习,研究 B.interviewing 采访 C.calling打电话 D.praising赞扬;称赞 由文章第一句来自The Express News的女士打电话给作者,可知是电话采访。故选B。句意:当她为文章需要完成对我的采访,她问我,“你下一步打算做什么?”

3. 考查名词词义 at that time固定搭配,意为“在那时”,故选C。

4. 考查动词搭配及语境理解 A.provided不与out搭配 B.gave out分发;公布,发表;用尽 C.took out取出;去掉 D. came out出现;出版;结果是 由语境可知选D。句意:出现在我们眼前的……

5. 考查动词搭配 break the record固定搭配 意为“打破纪录”。故选B。句意:“我正考虑打破女性最快说话吉尼斯世界纪录。”

6. 考查动词词义及语境理解 A.set树立;点燃 B.made使得;制造;形成 C.spoke说 D.included包含,包括 由语境可知选D 句意:第二天报纸文章出版时,文章作者将我最后关于尝试打破女性最快说话世界纪录也包含在内。

7. 考查名词词义及语境理解 由后文phone的提示可知,作者收到了Larry King的电话。 故选C。

8. 考查名词词义及语境理解 A.show节目 B.stage舞台 C.movie电影 D.book由后文telivision可知,Larry King叫我去参加个电视节目。故选A。

9. 考查动词固定搭配 pick sb up 意为“开车接某人”。故选B。

10. 考查动词词组解析及语境理解 A.thought ofB.stared at C.went through D.heard of 由上文知Larry King打电话叫作者今晚去参加节目,作者接完电话应是惊讶的,stared at能恰当表示作者此时的情绪状态。故选B。

11. 考查语境理解,作者打电话Guinness是想知道如何打破最快说话纪录。how to do 意为“如何做,怎么做”。故选D。

12. 考查动词词义及语境理解 A.practicing练习;实习 B.singing唱歌 C.learning学习;得知 D.reading阅读 由后文提示“practised whole the day”故选A。句意:他们告诉我我必须背出一些东西,我开始了练习。

13. 考查形容词词义及语境理解 A.horrible可怕的;极讨厌的 B.tired疲倦的;厌烦的 C.nervous紧张不安的 D.happy快乐的 由语境知:打电话给Ginnuess知道如何破纪录后,作者内心是复杂的,既有兴奋也有对挑战失败的不安(nervous)。故选C。

14. 考查名词词义及语境理解,有后文提示知,作者是来参加打破吉尼斯纪录电视节目的,当然到达“studio(演播室)”。故选A。

15. 考查固定搭配 what if意为“如果…将会怎么样”故选B。句意:我问负责的女士,如果我没有打破纪录将会怎么样。

16. 考查动词词义及语境理解 A.wonder 想知道;怀疑 B.consider考虑;认为 C.care在意;照顾;关心 D.know知道 由语境知:Larry不在意我是否打破纪录。故选C。

17. 考查形容词最高级及语境理解 由语境知:作者心里在想自己如果没有打破纪录最坏的情形。worst意为“最坏的,最糟糕的” 故选D。

18. 考查形容词词义及语境理解 作者内心已经考虑了最坏的情形,在电视里看起来像傻瓜对她来说是“small thing(小事)”,再坏也坏不了哪去。故选A。

19. 考查动词词义及语境理解 A.reading阅读;理解B.carrying拿,携带;搬运C.thinking想;认为 D.going走;达到 作者内心已考虑了最坏的情形,作者认为(think)自己可以经受得住在电视上出丑。 故选C。

20. 由语境知:作者通过一分钟说585个词语打破了纪录。by意为“通过;依据” 故选D。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年宁夏银川市高一上9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for twenty years before one day he was sent to the capital for important business. He was quite excited because he had never been there before. Before he set off, he asked his wife and three daughters if they wanted him to buy something for them in London. Mrs. Brown began to think it over and then she said she wished her husband would be able to buy a nice umbrella for her, and so did their three daughters. As he was afraid he would forget it, he drew an umbrella on his hand. To his regret, he lost it at the station.

On the train Mr. Brown sat opposite to an old woman. The woman’s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it. When the train arrived at the station in London, he said good-bye to the old woman, took his bag and her umbrella and was going to get off.

“Wait a minute, sir,” shouted the old woman. “That’s my umbrella!”

Then Mr. Brown noticed that he had taken her umbrella. His face turned red at once and said in a hurry,“Oh, I’m very sorry, Madam! I didn’t mean it!”

Seven days later Mr. Brown left the capital. To his surprise, he met the old woman and sat opposite to her again. Looking at the four umbrellas, the old woman was satisfied with herself. “It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.” She thought.

1.We can learn from the passage that Mr. Brown was ______.

A. a conductor B. a worker

C. a thief D. an umbrella maker

2.Why did Mr. Brown take the woman’s umbrella?

A. Because he was lost in thought.

B. Because it was much like his own umbrella.

C. Because he thought the woman would not notice it.

D. Because the woman misplaced it beside Mr. Brown.

3. When looking at Mr. Brown with four umbrellas, the woman thought ______.

A. Mr. Brown was an umbrella maker

B. Mr. Brown was selling his umbrellas

C. Mr. Brown had bought four umbrellas for his family.

D. Mr. Brown had stolen the other women’s umbrellas

4. How did Mr. Brown get the four umbrellas?

A. He bought them in London.

B. He picked them on the train.

C. He brought them from his small town.

D. He stole them from four women.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏邗江中学(集团)高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr. Green has two sons, and one of ______ is working as a bus driver now.

A. who B. whom C. them D. Whose


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建诏安县桥东中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.

—Well, he ______ have gone far—his coat's still here.

A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. can't D. wouldn't


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建诏安县桥东中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The gentleman ______ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.

A. who B. about whom

C. whom D. with whom


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In America, when the eighth graders leave the middle school, they are often worried about moving to the high school. It is a hard time for them, but it can be an exciting one as well. To make it easier, students need to get familiar with their school.

Even though they’ve done this already in the middle school, it’s still important to find where their classrooms are. Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year. And, most schools also have a freshman (新生)speech for parents and students before the first year begins. Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the school. This can help students and parents to find different places in the school.

One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to join a club or play a sport. Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports. Fall activities begin in August before the first day of school. If you are not interested in sports, there are clubs for any interest, such as drama, dance, chess, photography, community service, etc. These clubs allow students from different grades. By joining an activity, students can find new friendships, not to mention improving their chances in future college applications (申请). The school office will have a list of activities offered at the school and information on how to join them.

What’s more, to have a great start to a high school year, students can write down some of their worries, and ask for help from teachers and school workers.

1.According to the text, most students feel _______ when entering the high school.

A. excited B. nervous

C. lonely D. disappointed

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the school clubs?

A. There are fewer students from higher grades in the school clubs.

B. The school clubs in high school only welcome sports fans.

C. Summer activities begin before school starts.

D. School officers can help new students join school clubs.

3.When do many schools take students to visit their new high school?

A. Before the eighth grade year starts.

B. Right after the high school year starts.

C. At the beginning of the new term in the high school.

D. At the end of their eighth grade year

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A. To tell the new students how to learn in high school

B. To introduce new schools.

C. To give the teachers some advice.

D. To give advice to new high school students.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The Chinese teacher often requires the students to talk about writers and books________they like most.

A. that B. which C. who D. Whom


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京重点中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______ from their parents for half a year, the students couldn’t wait to go back home.

A. Separating B. To be separated

C. Having separated D. Having been separated


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽宿州高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to our school. You can do a lot of things here. Come and join us.




Personal Inventions

You can see many inventions by the students;

you may also bring your own inventions.



Space and Man

Dr. Thomas West

If you want to know more about the universe.



Modern Medicine

Mrs. Lucy Green

Would you like to know medical science?



Computer Science

Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard University

Learn to use Windows XP.

1.You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on ___.

A. Sunday B. Monday

C. Wednesday D. Friday

2.The person who teaches Computer Science is from______.

A. Canada B. Australia

C. New Zealand D. America

3.You may learn something about a disease called TB from ___.

A. Dr. West B. Mr. Morison

C. Mrs. Green D. Mr. Thomas

4.If you want to learn something about satellites, you can go to the class from______.

A. 8:30 to 11:30 on Sunday B. 19:00 to 21:00 on Monday

C. 19:30 to 21:00 on Wednesday D. 18:30 to 21:00 on Friday

