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  “If you want to see something well, reach out and touch it!”

  That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better.

  Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass is.

  When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it.

  With your skin, you can feel better.For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pockets.You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too.

  You can even feel sounds against your skin.Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.

  All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means.They hear it often.Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up.In shops, we often have to touch things before we buy them.

  The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too.You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor.All feel different under your feet.

  There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin.

  Most museums are just for looking.But today some museums have some things to touch.Their sings say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.


By touching things ________.

[  ]


you will have a strange feeling


you will learn how to reach out


you can see things better


you can tell what colors they are


Which of the following can be the best title of the story?

[  ]


Touching by Feeling


To See or to Feel


To See Better-Feel


Ways of Feeling


When people buy things in shops, they often _________.

[  ]


try them on first


put their right hand on them


just have a look


feel and touch them


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  In the 1970s, with ever-increasing international travel and tourism, the United States Department of Transportation decided to design a set of symbols(符号)for airports, stations, and public facilities(设施). The aim was to design symbols that would be clear to people in a hurry and to those who can not read English. Therefore, the set of symbols shown below was designed. Then the designers planned an experiment with an international sample(抽样调查) of 8-year-old children from Sweden. Japan, France, Canada, and Britain. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how clear the symbols would be to the children, who were not experienced international travelers.

  The children were shown the set of sample symbols, and were then asked to explain to the experimenters what the symbols meant. The researchers thought that if the international sample of children could understand them, the grown-up travelers would probably also recognize their meanings. The following graph(图表) shows the percentages of correctly explained symbols.

  The experiments discovered that most of the children easily understand the telephone receiver and cigarette symbols. However, there were some interesting differences in their answers to the other four symbols. The Japanese children most easily understood the symbol standing for“coffee shop”. The experimenters thought that this fact showed children in Japan are more familiar with such shops than children in Sweden and Canada. The Japanese, French, and Canadian children all equally recognized the idea of“information”showed by the question mark.

  Interestingly, the French and Canadian children understood the symbol referring to“campground(露营地)”better than the other children. Again, the researchers thought that recognition of a symbol shows how common the activity is in a country.

  One particularly difficult symbol was that of the umbrella and glove used for“lost and found”, which was correctly explained by less than 50% of the children in four of the five countries. On the basis(基础) of this finding, the experimenters decided to add a question mark to make this symbol easier to understand.

1.Which of the following shows the correct meaning of(X), (Y), and (Z) in the graph above?

[  ]

A.Campground, Coffee Shop, Lost and Found.

B.Lost and Found, Campground, Coffee Shop.

C.Coffee shop, Lost and Found, Campground.

D.Telephone, No smoking, Information.

2.If we compare the Japanese and French children's understanding of the question mark and cigarette symbols, then we can find a difference of _____ between these symbols.

[  ]

A.0%   B.10%

C.80%   D.90%

3.The _____ symbol was the most difficult for the Japanese children to understand.

[  ]

A.cup   B.question mark

C.tent   D.umbrella and glove

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The experimenters thought Japanese children drink coffee.

B.The most difficult symbol was changed to make it clearer.

C.The question mark symbol is the least difficult in all five countries.

D.The researchers thought children would know as much as grown-ups.


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


  In the 1970s, with ever-increasing international travel and tourism, the United States Department of Transportation decided to design a set of symbols(符号)for airports, stations, and public facilities(设施). The aim was to design symbols that would be clear to people in a hurry and to those who can not read English. Therefore, the set of symbols shown below was designed. Then the designers planned an experiment with an international sample(抽样调查) of 8-year-old children from Sweden. Japan, France, Canada, and Britain. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how clear the symbols would be to the children, who were not experienced international travelers.

  The children were shown the set of sample symbols, and were then asked to explain to the experimenters what the symbols meant. The researchers thought that if the international sample of children could understand them, the grown-up travelers would probably also recognize their meanings. The following graph(图表) shows the percentages of correctly explained symbols.

  The experiments discovered that most of the children easily understand the telephone receiver and cigarette symbols. However, there were some interesting differences in their answers to the other four symbols. The Japanese children most easily understood the symbol standing for“coffee shop”. The experimenters thought that this fact showed children in Japan are more familiar with such shops than children in Sweden and Canada. The Japanese, French, and Canadian children all equally recognized the idea of“information”showed by the question mark.

  Interestingly, the French and Canadian children understood the symbol referring to“campground(露营地)”better than the other children. Again, the researchers thought that recognition of a symbol shows how common the activity is in a country.

  One particularly difficult symbol was that of the umbrella and glove used for“lost and found”, which was correctly explained by less than 50% of the children in four of the five countries. On the basis(基础) of this finding, the experimenters decided to add a question mark to make this symbol easier to understand.

1.Which of the following shows the correct meaning of(X), (Y), and (Z) in the graph above?

[  ]

A.Campground, Coffee Shop, Lost and Found.

B.Lost and Found, Campground, Coffee Shop.

C.Coffee shop, Lost and Found, Campground.

D.Telephone, No smoking, Information.

2.If we compare the Japanese and French children's understanding of the question mark and cigarette symbols, then we can find a difference of _____ between these symbols.

[  ]

A.0%   B.10%

C.80%   D.90%

3.The _____ symbol was the most difficult for the Japanese children to understand.

[  ]

A.cup   B.question mark

C.tent   D.umbrella and glove

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The experimenters thought Japanese children drink coffee.

B.The most difficult symbol was changed to make it clearer.

C.The question mark symbol is the least difficult in all five countries.

D.The researchers thought children would know as much as grown-ups.


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修五英语译林版 译林版 题型:051


  Saying in great, comfortable lodgings(租房)while on a summer vacation doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to spend a lot of money.

  So if you want to stay in a decent hotel for your summer vacation, but you are on a tight budget, then here are some tips for you to follow:

  ●If you are heading for a big city, stay over on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights.In cities attracting a lot of business clients, many local hotels lower their weekend rates.You may be able to bargain for a good price at a four-star hotel in a city during the weekend if the hotel isn’t full.Check out websites such as priceline.com, which offer discounts on hotels.

  ●Find accommodations that are an extra 10 minutes or so from the nearest tourist attraction.Close-by hotels, resorts and inns usually cost more than those further away.Lodging on the outskirts can be as much as 25 percent to 30 percent lower

  ●Book very late or very early.The further you book the better deal you can get.But ________, you can also get a discount.

  ●Compare services.Hotel X may have a higher price tag per room than Hotel Y, but you may be better off staying at the former.That all depends on the type of free services you get.Check to see if the hotel serves free breakfasts and offers free transportation services to tourist spots.

  Lastly, for those who want to swap apartments or do time shares, there are plenty of sites that can be checked out.For swapping, there is homeexchange.com, which has an annual membership fee of $49.95 and gives you access to more than 6000 listings of homes worldwide.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.What can the underlined phrase “on a tight budget” in the second paragraph be best replaced by?(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Besides staying at a hotel, what else can you do if you want to save money on a summer vacation?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南师大附中2006-2007学年度上学期高三年级月考(一)英语 题型:050



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Facilities for parties are offered at ________

[  ]


Indian Flavor and Writers café


TRELLINIS and Indian Flavor




Writers cafe and Jaspar’s Macquarie plaza


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


All the advertisements are for restaurants.


Indian Flavor serves breakfast in the morning.


You will be given an extra serving at Macquarie.


If you call 2718600, your food will be brought to your house.


The last advertisement is mainly aimed at ________.

[  ]






people who like cooking


professional cooks


If you want to enjoy the most varieties of food and night service, the best place to go to is ________.

[  ]


Writers cafe


Indian Flavor




Jaspar’s Macquarie plaza


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too... I wasn't  36  watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went 37 our way after saying goodbye.

  But at 38 , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I 39 our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I 40 knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown(皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart 41 . I didn't realize how harshly(苛刻地) I had spoken.

That night, when I lay  42 in bed, God's quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 43 with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite... Go look around on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the 44 . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She 45 them herself-- pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly, and you never saw the 46 in her eyes.”

  By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her 47 : “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I 48 them in a napkin(餐巾), just for you. I knew you'd like them, especially the 49 .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today... And I 50 have fussed(慌乱)at you that way.”

  And she whispered, “Mommy, that's okay... I still love you 51 .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I LOVE the flowers.”

  Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the 52 you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of (大约)days. But the family you leave _53 will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our 54 than into our families--an unwise investment(投资) indeed.

  Remember that 55 = (F)ATHER -- (A)ND--(M)OTHER -- (I)--(L)OVE--(Y)OU.

36. A. ever          B. just           C. even           D. right

37. A. to           B. on           C. in            D. for

38. A. school         B. home          C. work          D. office

39. A. cooked        B. had        C. ate           D. took

40. A. nearly         B. hardly         C. rudely          D. already

41. A. lost          B. missed         C. beaten          D. broken

42. A. awake         B. asleep          C. afraid          D. alive

43. A. dealing         B. meeting        C. going          D. talking

44. A. floor         B. kitchen        C. door            D. window

45. A. grew         B. bought         C. picked          D. fetched

46. A. joy           B. expressions     C. smiles           D. tears

47. A. desk         B. knees         C. body           D. bed

48. A. wrapped        B. covered        C. put           D. help

49. A. pink           B. yellow         C. blue          D. black

50. A. shouldn't        B. needn't         C. mustn't         D. can't

51. A. indeed         B. anyway         C. anything         D. besides

52. A. country          B. company        C. place          D. state

53. A. for           B. behind         C. with            D. to

54. A. stranger         B. loss          C. meal           D. work

55. A. RESPECT        B. WARMTH       C. FRIEND         D. FAMILY

