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Europe is surely among the most popular tourist destinations(目的地) around the world.However,one problem that anyone talks about is how to plan a trip with enough time to the various destinations in Europe.Johnson is one of the travelers extremely interested in Europe.Here he uses his experience to tell you about the various Europe tour packages(旅游套票).

The Europe tour packages are designed to offer much more than a simple trip around Europe.Usually,a Europe tour package includes all kinds of things for tourists to enjoy their trips to Europe.First the packages offer air tickets for the best flights from the best airlines to tourists and let them fly to Europe from anywhere.Different Europe tour packages also offer chances to stay in the best hotels.Besides,when it comes to sightseeing Europe packages provide a visit to some of the most popular tourist spots around Europe.For example,one day you will be at the Eiffel Tower in Paris,and the very next day you will be in the Swiss Alps.These Europe packages are designed to pack all the beautiful destinations and put them in front of you for a wonderful holiday.This is the most important thing.

Now you must be thinking about how to get one of these Europe packages.The best way is to go on the Internet,and look for the right one for you.There are many Europe packages to choose from,and the key is to simply go for the ones that suit your budget(预算).

【1】The passage is written to .

A.attract more tourists to European countries

B.tell us something to span>pay attention to during traveling

C.stress the importance of preparations before traveling

D.introduce something about Europe tour packages

【2】What is many tourists’ problem when they plan to visit Europe?

A.How to book air tickets in time.

B.How to fix time reasonably.

C.How to choose famous attractions.

D.How to save some time to travel.

【3】A Europe tour package will make you enjoy the trip by .

A.providing best flights,hotels and sightseeing spots

B.letting one visit many places of interest in the world

C.saving a great deal of money for you

D.offering excellent online service to you

【4】If you want to choose from the tour packages,you have to first consider .

A.if the time is right for you

B.where to get the package

C.how much money you can afford

D.the way of traveling









【2】根据第一段第二句“However,one problem that anyone talks about is how to plan a trip with enough time to the various destinations in Europe.”可知,在欧洲的游客遇到的问题是如何分配足够的时间到不同的旅游目的地。

【3】根据第二段中“Usually,a Europe tour package includes all kinds of things for tourists to enjoy their trips to Europe.First...”可知,欧洲旅游套票为游客提供最棒的交通、住宿与景点安排,故这三个方面都会使游客满意。由此可推知答案应为A项。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







参考词汇:商丘古城--the ancient city of Shangqiu 应天书院--Ying tian Academy

南湖--the South Lake

Dear Tim,

Welcome to my hometown, Shangqiu. ___________________________________________




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The world has lost one of its most respected statesmen (政治家) —Nelson Mandela, ______once said, “I learned that courage was not the _______ of fear, but the triumph over it.”

A. who; absence B. whom; presence

C. that; absence D. whom; present


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life.How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis.The three steps are:

Get the facts

Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you can’t possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently.Without the facts, all you can do is wondering around in confusion.It is not an easy job to get facts.When you are worried, your emotions are riding high.__1__.

When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person.__2__You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree.Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case.You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.


Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry.And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step.For example, what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I’m going to do about it.After carefully weighing all the facts, you can calmly come to a decision.

Act on that decision.

__4__ How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy.Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.__5__ If you know a situation is beyond your power, say to yourself: It is so; it can’t be otherwise.” Don’t permit little things to ruin your happiness.Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

A. Accept what can’t be avoided.

B. Analyze the facts.

C. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

D. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

E. Unless you take your action, all your face-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.

F. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

G. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Rules for the University Entrance Examination

You must be at the examination center ten minutes before the examination starts. If you are more than ten minutes late, you may not enter the examination center. The examination takes place at the same time in different states.

You must have proof of your name and grade as well as official examination number. Show these when you come to the examination center.

Depending on which examination you are taking, you may bring certain items into the examination center. Mathematics examinations may allow you to use electronic calculators. Other subjects may allow you to use dictionaries and other reference material. Please read the notes sent with your timetable carefully.

You must bring your own pencils. None will be provided for you. The following items are not allowed in the examination center: walk-mans and radios, head sets, any food or drink, school bags, electronic equipment (unless specifically permitted for various subjects), and mobile phones.

Once in the center, you must sit at the desk with your examination number on it. When you sit down, place your examination number at the top corner of your desk.

You must remain silent during the examination. You must not disturb other people who are taking the test.

If you need a drink or toilet break, you should raise your hand and wait for the supervisor (监督者) to speak to you. You will be given water or the supervisor will take you to the bathroom. You are not allowed to tlk with anyone during the break.

You must write your answers in the official answer sheet. Your supervisor will provide extra paper if you wish to make notes.

You may leave the examination room at any time if you do not plan to return. If you finish early and want to leave, please move well away from the examination center.

The supervisor will warn you fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the examination. When the supervisor says that the time is up, you must put down your pencil and wait at your desk until your paper is collected.

1What are you allowed to have with you when you take mathematics examination?

A. Related material. B. Proof of yourself.

C. A cell phone. D. A dictionary.

2What should you do if you finish the test early?

A. Stay in the examination center.

B. Remain in your seat and check again.

C. Keep a distance from the center.

D. Raise your hand to inform your teacher.

3What can be provided for you during the exam?

A. Pencils. B. Food and drink.

C. Extra paper. D. Calculators.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The“selfie”is used to describe the self-taken photo,often from a smartphone.Someone takes about 10 selfies each time he does,and he only ends up1(post)one or two of those.He picks the one that he feels make him look the2(good).In that picture,he gains confidence.For that moment,everything bad or terrible that has happened to him3(remove),because that smile is what gives him the4(determine)to love himself.

I read【5】_poem recently and the young man said,“If I ask you6_you love,the answers will most likely roll off your tongue.You love to readYou love to write.You love your mom,you daughter,or your best friendHow long do you think you can go on and on before you say ‘I love7(I)’?”

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks.I’ve struggled with confidence all my life.I still do.And in8way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway9confidence.10,the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The earthquake affected the students of the destroyed areas in many ways:losing parents,being scared and feeling lonely.How can we help them?Teens reporter talked with Lin Dan,the program director of the Sunshine in Your Heart Project at the Red Cross Society of China.

How will the earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?

They’ll have feelings of fear,anger and feel they are not safe.They will find it hard to focus.They will tend to cry,shout and tremble.And they might be afraid to be alone.

What will happen if they are not helped?

The teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way.If things get worse,they might not be able to focus on their studies.They might give up on life.

How can we help them overcome these problems?

The first thing is to build up trust with them.Show your sympathy and sadness,and be their friends.Then you have to give them a sense of safety.Tell them that there’s a solution to every problem.Thirdly,try to satisfy their psychological needs.Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.

Some of us were not directly affected by the quake but have seen images on TV and feel scared.What should we do?

Talk with an adult or share your feelings with someone who might feel similar.If this doesn’t help,then you should see a doctor for professional help.

【1】What’s the BEST title of the passage?

A.The scare caused by the earthquake

B.Dealing with the pain left behind after the earthquake

C.How to get a sense of safety

D.The psychological needs

【2】The earthquake will affect the teenagers mentally.Which of the following statements is NOT included?

A.They’ll tend to cry,shout and tremble.

B.They may be afraid to be alone.

C.They’ll feel unsafe.

D.They’ll feel sympathetic.

【3】The underlined word“psychological”in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A.mental B.physical

C.material D.professional

【4】From the passage,we can infer that .

A.the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved quickly

B.seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with the problems

C.the images on TV can also affect people and even cause problems

D.to help them overcome these problems,we should always talk with them


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A dam is like a wall that is built across a waterway to control the flow of the water.For many years,dams were built only of earth and rocks.Today,many dams are built of concrete.

When a dam is built,water is trapped and held behind the dam.This water forms a lake.The lakes can be used for recreation or for irrigating,or watering crops.The lakes also provide potable water,water that is safe for drinking.This potable water is piped from the lake into houses and other buildings.The lake water further serves as a home,or habitat,for fish and waterfowl.

Dams are often built to provide flood control.Just before the rainy season,the water in the dam is allowed to flow out very slowly.This lowers the water level in the lake so that snowmelt and rainfall can be stored there in every spring and used as needed during the rest of the year.

Some dams are built to use the power of falling water to make electricity.Such dams have powerhouses that contain machines;turbines and generators.Water falls from the lake to the river below the dam.As the water falls,it is sent through the powerhouse.There,the force of the water turns the turbines and generators and produces electrical power needed to light and heat buildings.

【1】The word used to describe water that is safe for drinking is .

A.portable water B.dirty water

C.orange juice D.boiled water

【2】According to the story,dams are built for different reasons.But all dams .

A.control the flow of water

B.are built of earth and rocks

C.provide electrical power

D.provide potable water

【3】If the water level in the lake behind the dam is not lowered before the rainy season,the .

A.water in the dam will flow out too slowly

B.snowmelt and rainfall might cause a flood

C.lake will probably dry up

D.water can irrigate

【4】When dams are built to provide electricity,which of the following happens first?Water .

A.is sent through the powerhouse

B.pressure turns the turbines and generators

C.falls from the lake to the river below the dam

D.runs fast


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


While I was on vacation last week, I decided to visit some restaurants 【1】 (try) some local food. However, I didn’t know about the types of restaurants available, so I checked an online restaurant guide to give me some ideas and tips. I was 【2】 (main) interested in seafood restaurants, so I searched 【3】 restaurants within a reasonable walking distance from my hotel, and I 【4】 (find) seven of them. Next, I reviewed the online menus of the places to check the 【5】 (dish) they prepared and the average cost of a meal. However, price is not my first 【6】 (consider); I enjoy a restaurant 【7】 has a wide selection. Next, a restaurant’s background music, decorations and wall hangings, seats and tables can always add to the dining experience. If I go to a Mexican restaurant, I will expect to see 【8】 restaurant decorated in the Mexican style. Finally, I always consult restaurant reviews to find out what other people thought about the restaurant and 【9】 (they) experiences. What was the quality of the food? Did the server provide fast and friendly service? 【10】 (do) some research before you go can make dining a more pleasurable and predictable experience.

