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   There may be no more movies based on the “Lord of the Rings” and “The (《指环王》中的穴居矮人) ” to hit theaters,but fans can still enjoy the fantasy world in real life through these “hobbit holes,” created by Green Magic Homes.

   Green Magic Homes,a company based in : Florida,creates homes covered in' grass and soil,; which allows homeowners to grow their own fruit and vegetables on the roofs of the tiny houses.

   It is said that the 妳í/ 膨办/?,(预,]模:

块) “hobbit holes” come with wooden doors and windows. The smallest size home can be 400 square feet. But Green Magic Homes founder,Gustavo Santander,said that more things can be fixed to the home. The company says that the houses can be built in extreme climates,including conditions in the desert or in the snow.

   These real-life “hob?ùt homes” can be designed :

to fit personal needs and interests,but the' company;also offers a list of suggested designs of different ^ shapes and sizes. The homes can be shipped anywhere in the world,from the company plant in Cancún,Mexico,to wherever you are in the world. The one-bedroom home can take about three days to build with the help of three people and a three-bedroom home takes about five or six days. Though the company makes other (环保的) products,the homes are the most popular.

   "It won’ t  have any electricity. So the only bills people will have to pay will be for the Internet and water usage,"said Sawn Linsey,the city s Public Works Director. Once it's done,they're going to lay about two feet of dirt on the top to keep it cool in the summertime,and warm in the winter.

9. The homes created by Green Magic Homes are linked with uThe Hobbit, because.

   A. they were designed for the Hobbit

   B. they are mainly used to make moyies

    C. they are used to grow fruit and vegetables   

    D. they are similar to the holes Hobbits live in

10. What do we know about the “hobbit homes”?

   A. They have a fixed size. 

   B. They are quite expensive.

    C. They are environmentally friendly.

   D. They are built for special climates.

11. Sawn Linsey’ s  attitude towards the “hobbit homes”

can be described as..

   A. doubtful .   B. supportive

    C. cautious   D. unfavorable

12. What is the text mainly about?

   A. The origins of Green Magic Homes.

   B. The development of “hobbit holes”.

    C. Comments on the movie “Lord of the

   D. A new type of home — the “hobbit holes”:

9.D. 推理判断题。根据第一段中的fanscanstill enjoy the fantasy world in real life through these “hobbit holes”可知,Green Magic Homes 所造的这些洞屋类似于《指环王》中的穴居矮人所居住 的洞穴。

10.C. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的'Thoughthe company makes other eco-friendly products,the homes are the most popular可知,这些房屋是环保型的。

11.B. 观点态.度题。根据最后一段中的It won’t ? have any electricity. So the only bills people will : have to pay will be for the Internet and water I usage可知,Sawn Linsey是支持这种房屋的。

12.D. 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要是对一种新型的房屋进行了介绍,故D项最符合文章主旨。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第40期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There is always something to be thankful for

    A famous writer was in his study. He picked up his pen and wrote:

** Last year,I had an operation and my gall bladder (胆嚢) was removed. I was stuck in bed due to this operation for a long time.

** The same year I reached 60 and had to give up my favourite job.

** The same year I experienced the sorrow of the death of my father.

** And the same year my son had a car accident. He had to stay in hospital for several days. The destruction of the car was another loss.

    At the end he wrote: It was such a bad year!

    When the writer's wife entered the room,she found her husband looking sad. From behind his back she read what was written on the paper. She left the room silently and came back with another piece of paper and placed it on. the side of her husband's writing.

    The writer saw the paper which read:

** Last year I finally got rid of my gall bladder due to which I had spent years in pain.

** I turned 60 with sound health and got retired from my job. Now I can make good use of my time to write something better with more focus and peace.

** The same year my father,at the age of . 95,passed away without depending on anyone and without any serious condition.

** The same year,my son was blessed (保佑) with a new life. My car was destroyed but my son survived. 一

    At the end she wrote: This year was a great blessing and it passed well!

    See!The couple had different viewpoints on the same incidents. In our daily lives we should see that it's not happiness that makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes US happy. There is always something to be thankful for!

Translate the underlined paragrah into Chinese.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

        B  ★★★★☆

    Americans gone super!Super-sized,that is. New Yorker Morgan Spurlock tells the truth about what is really in food and how much fat Americans gain in the new documentary,iSwperszze Me!In America around 75 million people are overweight.

    Morgan Spurlock put the issue of obesity to a test: eating nothing but McDonald's for an entire month. He faced many effects. For example,after the first week,his body fat increased by 5%. After the entire month,he gained 24. 5 pounds. His cholesterol (胆固醇) increased 65 points. He got frequent chest pain,nausea (恶心)depression,headaches,etc. He nearly doubled his risk of heart disease.

    During his experiment,he traveled the country to find out what we,re really eating. He met a man who had eaten 19 ,000 big hamburgers from McDonald,s. He discovered that children knew more about Ronald McDonald than George Washington or Jesus. He tried over ten times to schedule an interview with the head of McDonald's,but didn’t get a reply.

    In the end,I found myself disappointed with the documentary. It wasn 51 the lack of information. In fact,if this was based on information,I’d give it 5 stars. Spurlock didn't let the information speak for itself. If he had,this documentary would have been brilliant. His points were overstated.

    He ended the documentary by saying, “Who do you want to see go first? You? Or them?” I believ? the point he’s trying to make is that eating fast foods will endanger US. But it’ 11 take a lot more than a :hamburger once a month to kill US. Yes,if you eat McDonald's every day,you need to change your :eating habits. But scaring the rest of US into eating i vegan pies every day? No,thank you. r II take my coke super-sized.

5. To make Supersize Me,Spurlock .

   A. traveled around the world

   B. risked his health to do a test 

    C. turned to professional advice

   D. seldom cared about his heart disease

6. The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means that children

   A. often eat junk food

   B. have no religious beliefs

    C. know little about George Washington   

    D. show more interest in business than history

7. Why was the author unsatisfied with Supersize Mel

   A. It lasted too long.

   B. It gave unclear points,

    C. It failed to convince him.

   D. It provided limited information.

8. Which of the following will the author probably agree with?

   A. Hamburgers help people remain healthy.

   B. It is okay to eat fast food sometimes.

    C. It is hard to develop good eating habits.

   D. We should eat more fruit and vegetables.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Nomads (游牧民族) who live in .the Sa?iara Desert of North Africa rely on a most unique animal for transportation — the (单峰骆驼) .Because it is necessary for desert travel,the dromedary is sometimes called the "ship of the desert ”

  Several (因素) make the dromedary suitable for long desert trips. It can go for long periods 3 GUut food. ?he (驼峰) on a camel's back serves as its food reserve. When it has little to eat,It changes the fat from its hump into energy. The earner’s  hump can weigh up to 80 pounds or more. When the animal has to depend on its reservoir of fat,the hump becomes much smaller. Thus,it is easy to recognize a wcll-fcd camel by the size of Its hump.

  Many people believe that camels store water 1?1 their humps. This is not true. Their ability to go for days without drinking is because of other factors. First,camels are able to drink large quantities of water at one time. Some have been known to drink 53 gallons in one day. Second,the camel sweats very little  and can staAd great body temperatures. As a result,it keeps most of the water it drinks and can travel severaUiundred miles without stopping to drink.

  Other physical characteristics enable the camel to stand unpleasant desert conditions. It can completely :close its nose,thus protecting it from sandstorms. Its;eyes are protected from sand and sun by overhanging lids(眼皮) and long toAes (睫毛) ,and its broad feet keep it from sinking into the soft sand. No other :animal is better equipped for life in the desert than the camel. In fact,camels serve the nomadic peoples of North Africa in many ways.

5. What's the main idea of the text?

   A. The dromedary is the most valuable animal.

   B. The dromedary is well protected by nomads,

    C. The dromedary is best equipped for desert life.

   D. The dromedary's hump is of great importance.

6. According to the text, ? iomedaiy’ s  hump.

   A. can weigh up to 80 kilograms

   B. is usually large when it is well-fed

    C. makes it easier to ride on than other animals   

    D. can absorb the fat from other parts of its body 

7. The dromedary can go for days without drinking  partly because.

   A. its hump can store water

   B. its body temperature is low

    C. it never sweats during desert trips   

    D. it drinks large amounts of water at a time

8. What may be talked about following the last paragraph?

   A. Nomads’ lifestyle.

   B. The dromedary's living habits.

    C. The important roles the dromedary plays in nomads’ life.

   D. The differences between the dromedary and other camels.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Adding math talk to story time at home is a winning method for children's math achievement. A study by psychologists (心理学家) showed a marked increase in math achievement among children whose families used Bedtime Math,an iPad app that provides math problems for parents and children to solve together. The app’ s  effect was especially strong for children whose parents are anxious or uncomfortable about math.

   Previous research from this group showed the importance of adults’ attitudes about math to children's math success. The new findings proved that highly organized,positive 似(交流) around math at home could cut the link between parents’ uneasiness about math and children's low math achievement. ”Many Americans experience high levels of anxiety when they have to solve a math problem,with most adults feeling worried at least about math/' said Beilock,author of a book about stress and performance. aThese math-anxious parents are probably less likely to talk about math at home,which affects their children's ability in math."

   The study stressed the importance of learning math outside of the classroom. "For many families,reading stories is a regular part of a child's daily life.But when it comes to math,parents widely believe that it is the responsibility of schools,and they pay less attention to their children^ math learning at home,” said Levine,professor of Education and Society in Psychology. uWe found brief,high-quality parent-child interactions using Bedtime Math increased children's math learning during the first grade."

   The app was especially beneficial for children of very math-anxious parents,whose gains in math achievement over the course of the school year were huge when they used the math app. Even infrequent use of the math app — once a week — improved children's  math performance.

9. The app is most suitable for children.

   A. who are good at math

   B. whose parents are poor in math

    C. who are ready to study math in college   

    D. whose parents spend little time with them

10. What do parents think of math in general?

   A. It depends on school education.

   B. It should be learned by oneself.

    C. It should be highly valued at home.

   D. It is less important than other subjects.

11. What suggestion can parents get from the text on math learning?

   A. They should be honest about their math.

   B. They should learn from children carefully.

    C. They should respect children's learning habits.

   D. They should discuss math with their children actively.

12. The author writes the text mainly to.

   A. advertise an app Bedtime Math

   B. show different ways to learn math 

    C. stress the importance of story time

   D. explore the best time for learning math .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   The grizzly bear is found in rocky mountains and remote forests of North America. Grizzly bears are geiierally larger and more heavily b?i?t than other bears. Compared with black bears,they have a unique (隆肉) on their shoulders and longer claws (脚 爪) .The claws are better suited to digging rather than tree climbing. Grizzlies also have very thick fur that keeps them warm in terrible and snowy winters,and that is usually dark brown in color. The name “grizzly” comes from the gray-tipped hairs these bears get as they grow older.

   The average male grizzly bear weighs between 400 and 600 pounds (180 to 270 kg) . In spite of its huge size,the grizzly can move at a speed of up to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour) over short distances. Like all bears,it is a good swimmer. 

   Grizzly bears sleep through the winter,and need to eat a lot in the summer and fall in order to build up enough fat reserves to survive the winter period.Ninety percent of the grizzly's diet consists of;vegetation such as roots,pine nuts,mushrooms and :berries. It also feeds on mammals,fish and honey.However,though they have obvious physical :advantages,grizzly bears rarely view humans as prey (猎物) .Even so,they can be aggressive to humans if :disturbed. For this reason,campers are warned to :hang food at a height beyond the bears’ reach to avoid attracting them.

5. What is said about older grizzly bears?

   A. They sleep longer.

   B. Their fur gets thicker.

    C. Their hairs change color.

   D. They become more aggressive.

6. How are grizzly bear^nd black bears alike?

   A. They are good climbers.

   B. They are able to swim well,

    C. They are very similar in size.

   D. They have a hump on their backs.

7. According to the text,what does the grizzly bear mainly feed on?

   A. Fish.       B. Honey,

    C. Mammals.     D. Plants.

8. According to the text,what are campers advised to do?

   A. Avoid feeding the bears.

   B. Stay out of sight of the bears.

   C. Keep the campsite clear and clean.

   D. Place food out of the reach of bears.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


be used to,take a risk,run out,cut off,be in control of

1. Our sugar yesterday. I must buy some today.

2. Mrs. Brown some flowers from the bush

3. Mario has been in China for three years and he eating Chinese food.

4. A good teacher must his class.

5. They by going through the forest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

How to write a short story in a day

June 25,2016 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm London,United Kingdom

Ticket information

Ticket type

Sales end


How to write


a short story

Jun 25,2016

(Including lunch

in a day

and drinks)

Event details 

Write your own story//ww scrí?c/i (从零开始) here with Alba Arikha 

Imagine you could write a great short story? Give it a try at this unique Masterclass with author Alba Arikha. In the space of just one day,you* 11 learn how to find your voice,develop your writing skills and make up a storyline. Then,you’ 11 write your own short story from scratch. .

During this highly interactive (互动的) course,you’ 11 take part in practical exercises and writing,enabling you to develop your skills and build your confidence. Along the way,you* 11 receive help,from making up a storyline to developing characters. Plus,you, 11 have the opportunity to receive feedback (反馈) on your work. By the end of the day,you’ 11 have finished writing a story of at least 500 words in length and have the skills and confidence to continue your writing journey after the class.


  . The key parts of a great short story

  . Writing techniques that can be put into practice immediately

  . How to find your voice as a writer

  . Creating a storyline from scratch

  . Character development

  . Choosing th? point of view that's right for your story 

  . Examples of great short stories

  . Write your own short story during the class 

Course preparation 

Attendees are encouraged to bring in a short' story of their own to be discussed in class.

Tutor profile 

Alba Arikha is an author whose works include Walking on Ice and Muse. Alba is also a highly experienced creative writing teacher,and has written for various publications including The New Republic and Tatler. Find out more on her website.

If you have any questions about the Guardian Masterclass program,please contact US by email at masterclasses@theguardian.com,or by telephone on 0800 088 2586.

13. What can we leam about the “How to write a short story in a day”?

   A. It costs you about $250.

   B. It is hosted by Alba Arikha. 

   C. It lasts about four hours.

   D. It sells its last ticket on June25

14. During the course,you will .

   A. read Alba Arikha’ s books

   B. interact with Alba Arikha

   C. write a story about Alba Arikha   

   D. comment on other learnersJ stories

15. What should you bring in order to attend the course?

A delicious lunch. B. A story of your own. 

   C. Alba Arikha's books. D. Drinks for breaks.

16. If you want to know more about Alba Arikha,you can .

A. read hqr works,        B. send her an email 

C. give her a phone call   D. look through her,website


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. There’s something wrong with his two f and he can't walk.

