精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

  Soon it would be the holidays,but before that,there were year exams. All the students had been working 1        for some time,reviewing their lessons for the exams. If they didn't 2      ,they would have to retake them in September. There were usually a few who 3       ,but Jane didn't want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year,4       just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbara was 5        about her. She went to bed too 6       . The night before the first exam,Barbara 7       that she should have an early night and take a 8       pill. She promised to wake her up in the morning.

  As she was falling asleep,Jane was 9        that she might oversleep. Her 10       kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of 11      ,she went to sleep. In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall,looking at the examination 12       ,but she couldn't answer any of the questions. 13       around her was writing pages and pages. 14       she thought hard,she couldn't find anything to write 15       . She kept looking at her 16       . Time was running out. There was only an hour left. She started one question,wrote two sentences,17 and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started 18       . Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she 19        up. She was still in bed and it had all been a 20       dream. A minute later,Barbara called her name.

(   ) 1. A. universally   B. hard   C. unconditionally   D. unwillingly

(   ) 2. A. prepare   B. miss   C. join   D. pass

(   ) 3. A. succeeded   B. failed   C. passed   D. sneezed

(   ) 4. A. but   B. so   C. and   D. because

(   ) 5. A. excited   B. frightened   C. worried   D. delighted

(   ) 6. A. early   B. late   C. unconsciously   D. eagerly

(   ) 7. A. insisted   B. hoped   C. ordered   D. wished

(   ) 8. A. sleeping   B. resting   C. exciting   D. breathing

(   ) 9. A. sure   B. afraid   C. happy   D. pleased

(   ) 10. A. hand   B. eye   C. mind   D. body

(   ) 11. A. her sister   B. her parents   C. the lessons   D. the medicine

(   ) 12. A. result   B. marks   C. desk   D. paper

(   ) 13. A. The teacher   B. The students   C. No one   D. Everyone

(   ) 14. A. If   B. Though   C. So   D. How

(   ) 15. A. with       B. about   C. on   D. to

(   ) 16. A. watch   B. textbook   C. sister   D. subject

(   ) 17. A. gave up   B. put off   C. looked around   D. thought over

(   ) 18. A. examining   B. leaving   C. copying   D. crying

(   ) 19. A. raised   B. woke   C. stood   D. cheered

(   ) 20. A. nice   B. wonderful   C. terrible   D. special

1. B 根据reviewing their lessons for the exams可推知。

2. D 由have to retake them可推知。

3. B 由Jane didn't want to be one of them和前一句话可推知。

4. A前后形成对比,全句意思为"她已刻苦学习整整一年,可是临考前还得努力"。

5. C根据上下文之间的逻辑关系可推知。

6. B从下句的she should have an early night可推知,临近考试时她睡得很晚。

7. A根据从句中的虚拟语气形式可排除B、D 项,根据语境可排除C项。

8. A根据下一句和下一段第3句可知是"安眠药"。

9. B从上文可知,她担心睡过头。

10. C思维活动应在"大脑"中进行。

11. D后来终于睡着了,这说明之前吃的"安眠药"起了作用。

12. D从下两句可推知她看的是"试卷"。

13. D选项A不合常识,选项B主谓不一致,选项C不合上下文,应一一排除。

14. B与下一分句形成对比。

15. B根据语境,应为"不知道写什么"。

16. A根据look at和Time was running out可推知。

17. A 一题未做完又做下一题,说明暂时放弃了前一题。

18. D从第四个空格前的内容可知Jane极不愿意不及格并补考,为此刻苦学习了一年,而考试时却一败涂地,怎能不焦急不伤心。

19. B身体的剧烈晃动导致自己从睡梦中"醒"来。

20. C原来做了一个"可怕的"梦。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练31-40


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. For convenience,we may         . (classify)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  He held out the little red felt pillow and pointed to its tiny pocket,which held a quarter,instead of a tooth. "Look,mom!Look what the tooth fairy 1        me. Twentyfive cents!"

  I 2       his excitement,and we chatted for a few minutes about the 3        to which he would put his new wealth. I returned to my kitchen 4       ,but he lingered ,silent,a thoughtful look on his face. "Mom ," he 5      ,"is there really a tooth fairy,or do you put this money in my tooth pillow and take away my tooth?"

  6       I knew I would have to answer such questions,but in spite of seven years of preparation,I hadn't really thought through a 7       reply. I stalled (拖延) for time by asking, "What do you think,Simon?"

  "Could be 8      ," he reasoned. "It seems like something you would do,but I know some things are 9       ,too."

  "What would you like to think?" I 10,still uncertain about whether or not I was about to 11        his heart.

  "It doesn't really matter," he said with 12       "I like it either way. If there is a tooth fairy,that's pretty exciting,and if it's you,that's pretty nice,too."

  I concluded that no disappointment would 13        my answer,so I confessed to being his benefactor,and he 14        satisfyingly. I then cautioned him not to say 15        to his younger brother,explaining , " Each child is entitled to the magic 16        he or she is ready to ask the question that you did today. Do you understand that?"

  "Yes ," he said,17       He took great pride in his older brother 18       ,and I knew he would never spoil anything 19       . I considered the matter closed,but still he lingered in the kitchen.

  "Is there something else,Simon?" I asked.

  "Just one 20        question,mom. Does dad know?"

(   ) 1. A. gave   B. left   C. put   D. laid

(   ) 2. A. shared   B. accepted   C. understood   D. refused

(   ) 3. A. source   B. amount   C. purpose   D. quality

(   ) 4. A. games   B. activities   C. sports   D. lessons

(   ) 5. A. sighed   B. considered   C. confirmed   D. hesitated

(   ) 6. A. In surprise   B. Of course   C. In excitement   D. To my joy

(   ) 7. A. correct   B. wonderful   C. suitable   D. quick

(   ) 8. A. either   B. neither   C. both   D. none

(   ) 9. A. false   B. magic   C. true   D. bad

(   ) 10. A. said   B. paused   C. started   D. continued

(   ) 11. A. mend   B. break   C. kill   D. capture

(   ) 12. A. confidence   B. excitement   C. sadness   D. disappointment

(   ) 13. A. make for   B. result from   C. lead to   D. get from

(   ) 14. A. smiled   B. responded   C. wondered   D. murmured

(   ) 15. A. nothing   B. everything   C. anything   D. something

(   ) 16. A. before   B. when   C. until   D. after

(   ) 17. A. thinking   B. nodding   C. smiling   D. moving

(   ) 18. A. power   B. height   C. grade   D. role

(   ) 19. A. accidently   B. intentionally   

       C. continuously   D. contentedly

(   ) 20. A. much   B. many   C. more   D. most


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  For millions of Facebook users,choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. According to a study by researchers at the UT Dallas Center,the photos we select may reflect individual preferences,but they also appear to reflect more deeply rooted,unconscious cultural differences. Previous research has shown that culture can affect not only language and custom,but also how we experience the world and process information. Western cultures,for example,condition people to think of themselves as highly independent entities (实体) ,whereas East Asian cultures stress collectivism and interdependence.

  Dr. Denise Park,codirector of the Center at UT Dallas,and former graduate student Dr. Chih-Mao Huang of the University of Illinois,were curious about whether these patterns of cultural influence extend to cyberspace (网络空间) .In a paper published in the International Journal of Psychology,they examined the profile photographs of more than 500 active Facebook users from the United States and East Asia. Overall,they found that profile photos of Americans are more likely to focus on the individual's face,while the profiles of East Asians tend to less emphasize the face and include more background features. Americans also show greater smile intensity compared to East Asian Facebook users.

  The findings show marked cultural differences in the focus of attention among East Asian and American Facebook users. Moreover,they echo previous research on cultural influences on visual perception (感知) ,attention,and reasoning in the offline world.

  "We believe these findings relate to a cultural bias (偏见,偏差) to be more individualistic and independent in the US and more communal (公共的) and interdependent in Asia," said Park.

  The research also found that cultural influences over our selfpresentation online can shift over time and from place to place. In one of the study samples,Americans studying in Japan and Japanese studying in the US both showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of their host country.

  "Facebook constitutes an extended social context in which personal profiles mirror various individual characteristics,private thoughts,and social behaviors," noted Huang. " As such,the study presents a new approach to investigate cognition and behaviors across cultures by using Facebook as a data collection platform."

(   ) 1. The underlined word "condition" in the first paragraph probably means         .

   A. advise   B. instruct   C. shape   D. forbid

(   ) 2. We can know from the passage that Mongolians probably emphasize         .

   A. cultural influences   B. social behaviors

   C. independent existence   D. collective power

(   ) 3. It can be inferred that a Korean studying in the US is likely to         .

   A. use a picture of his face on Facebook

   B. adjust to American preferences quickly

   C. change his profile photos from time to time

   D. put up a photo of his apartment on Facebook

(   ) 4. According to Dr. Huang,Facebook can help to         .

   A. make up a more extended social context

   B. study the diversity of worldwide cultures

   C. promote communication between east and west

   D. combine different cultures from different aspects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  My good friend Will recently asked for some advice dealing with what he calls" The Rush Hour":... now between4:00 and5:00 has become the Rush Hour for me: how many proposals,quotes,emails,phone calls can you get out before most people head home? That hour never has enough minutes anymore.

  For many the term" Rush Hour" refers to the mad rush to get home from work and relax,but many people deal with Will's version every day. It's the mad rush to finish everything you need to get done so that you can get into your car and battle the other rush hour.

  Doesn't sound like a very productive way to work or loads of fun now,does it? For me,having anything wait until the last minute can be a major stress and I avoid it whenever possible. So,having trouble with "rush hour" yourself? I've got a few tips that might help.

  A threestep approach can keep tasks from stacking (堆积) up in the last hour of the day.

1. Plan your day.

2. Do easy tasks first.

3. Don't procrastinate. Proper Planning Is Key.

  Planning out your day(and your week and your month) can be a real help. If you take a few minutes early in the day to get a handle on what you need to do you can better manage your time and keep tasks from stacking up. Tackle Easy Stuff First.

  Once you've done your planning,do yourself a favor and set aside some time to clear any small stuff off your plate. The things that tend to pile up at the end of days are usually smaller tasks,and there are usually quite a few of them. Knocking things out early on will help you build a productive momentum (推动力) for your whole day. The Early Bird Gets The Worm.

  The best way to avoid" rush hour" is to be sure you've finished everything early. Make sure you're getting an early start on all your tasks. I'm a huge fan of the quick start; it really does work.

  You don't even have to make significant progress on your tasks. Sometimes even the smallest effort at the beginning can make a ton of difference in the long run. Just remember,every little bit you can get done early is a bit you won't have to deal with during your"rush hour".

(   ) 5. A good suggestion to dealing with "rush hour" is that         .

   A. you'd better finish all the tasks as early as you can

   B. you'd better get a handle on what you need to do after the task

   C. you'd better get home from work earlier than usual

   D. you'd better come to the difficult jobs first

(   ) 6. Which of the following words has the same meaning as the underlined word "procrastinate"?

   A. Delay. B. Produce. C. Obtain. D. Hurry.

(   ) 7. In which of the following situations the" Rush hour" will come to you more often?

   A. When you make some arrangement before the tasks begin.

   B. When you finish your jobs step by step.

   C. When you manage to solve your problem before the deadline.

   D. When you keep the easier thing halfdone for a long time.

(   ) 8. According to the passage,what does the author probably prefer to do?

   A. To leave everything undone until the last moment.

   B. To battle one rush hour after another.

   C. To finish his task whenever possible.

   D. To have an extra work more frequently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The little girl spoke with difficulty. She asked the clown if he brought the moon. He said he would get it,but first he wanted to know how 1        she thought the moon was. Lenore answered , " It is as big as the nail on my finger. I know this is so,because when I put my small 2      ,in front of the moon,my fingernail covers it."The clown then asked her how far away she thought the moon was. She said that it was not as high as the 3        near the window. She knew this because sometimes the moon got 4        in the top of the tree. The clown had one more question, "What do you think the moon is made of?" The princess laughed and said, "Of course,it is made of 5       .”

  The clown left Lenore and went to see the king's 6       . He made a round moon of gold,a little smaller than the fingernail of the Princess. Then he put the moon on a gold 7        so that Lenore could wear it on her neck. The clown took it to Princess Lenore. She was so 8        that she quickly got well. The next day she got out of bed and played in the garden. The king was happy,but then he began to 9       . He knew the moon that night would be bright in the sky. If his daughter saw it,she would know that the moon on her neck was not 10        the moon.

  Again he quickly 11        for his clown. The clown said, "I think that Princess Lenore is 12        than your officials and knows more about the moon than they do. I will ask her to explain how the moon can be on her neck and in the sky." The clown went to Lenore's room. She was in bed but not 13       . The clown asked her,"How can the moon 14        in the sky when it is hanging around your neck?" She looked at him and laughed. She said, "That's a 15       question. When I loose a tooth,a new one grows in its 16      ,doesn't it? It is the same with the moon. And I think it is the same with everything." Her voice got17 . And the clown looked at her 18        and saw that she was asleep. He covered her 19        with the blankets and walked quietly out of her room on his 20       .

(   ) 1. A. nice   B. bright   C. big   D. small

(   ) 2. A. finger   B. mirror   C. glass   D. box

(   ) 3. A. building   B. pole   C. tree   D. tower

(   ) 4. A. caught   B. lost   C. trapped   D. tied

(   ) 5. A. copper   B. silver   C. gold   D. cheese

(   ) 6. A. adviser   B. jeweler   C. mathematician   D. doctor

(   ) 7. A. pin   B. case   C. box   D. chain

(   ) 8. A. energetic   B. encouraged   C. surprised   D. happy

(   ) 9. A. worry   B. relieve   C. doubt   D. hesitate

(   ) 10. A. truly   B. really   C. practically   D. just

(   ) 11. A. searched   B. allowed   C. applied   D. called

(   ) 12. A. younger   B. weaker   C. wiser   D. stronger

(   ) 13. A. sleeping   B. playing   C. reading   D. singing

(   ) 14. A. smile   B. shine   C. swing   D. float

(   ) 15. A. difficult   B. confusing   C. foolish   D. different

(   ) 16. A. place   B. space   C. mouth   D. room

(   ) 17. A. louder   B. lower   C. softer   D. happier

(   ) 18. A. happily   B. strangely   C. closely   D. respectfully

(   ) 19. A. attentively   B. carelessly   C. quickly   D. gently

(   ) 20. A. toes   B. feet   C. hands   D. knees


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  As a high school coach,I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I rooted as hard for victory as they did.

  A dramatic incident,however,following a game in which I acted as a referee,changed my view on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle,New York,between New Rochelle and Yonkers High.

  New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien,Yonkers by Les Beck. The gym was crowded to capacity,and the volume of noise made it impossible to hear. The game was well played and closely contested. Yonkers was leading by one point as T glanced at the clock and discovered there were but 30 seconds left to play.

  Yonkers,in possession of the ball,passed off―shot―missed. New Rochelle recovered―pushed the ball up court―shot. The ball rolled tantalizingly (令人着急地) around the edge of the basket and off. The fans screamed.

  New Rochelle,the home team,recovered the ball,and tapped it in for what looked like victory. The noise was deafening (震耳欲聋的) .I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer (蜂鸣器) because of the noise. I checked with the other official,but he could not help me.

  Still seeking help in this confusion,I approached the timekeeper,a young man of 17 or so. He said, "Mr. Co vino,the buzzer went off as the ball rolled off the rim,before the final tapin was made."

  I was in the unenviable position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the sad news.    "Dan,”I said, "time ran out before the final basket was tapped in. Yonkers won the game."

  His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, "I'm sorry,Dad. The time ran out before the final basket."

  Suddenly,like the sun coming out from behind a cloud,Coach O'Brien's face lit up. He said, "That's okay,Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm proud of you."

  Turning to me,he said, "Al,I want you to meet my son,Joe."

  The two of them then walked off the court together,the coach's arm around his son's shoulder.

(   ) 5. If the buzzer went off after the final basket,the result of the game would be that

   A. Yonkers won the game by one point

   B. Yonkers won the game by two points

   C. Yonkers and New Rochelle tied the game

   D. New Rochelle won the game by one point

(   ) 6. Which of the following happened first?

   A. The buzz went off.

   B. Yonkers was leading by one point.

   C. The timekeeper spoke to me.

   D. I checked with the other official.

(   ) 7. What does "I was in the unenviable position" mean?

   A. To be a referee is a tiring thing.

   B. I had to do something awkward.

   C. It was difficult to make a judgment.

   D. I made a mistake during the game.

(   ) 8. What seemed to be more important to Dan O'Brien is         .

   A. a close game   B. winning a game

   C. his friend Al   D. his son


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Do you know what Down Syndrome is? It's a disease in which an extra chromosome (染色体) causes a( n) 1       disability that makes it harder for one to learn things. When my mom first told me I had Down Syndrome,I was 2        that people would think I wasn't as smart as they were,or that I talked or looked 3        I just want to be like everyone else,so sometimes I wish I could 4        the extra chromosome.

  Having Down Syndrome,however,doesn't make me feel too different. I am 5        of who I am. I am a hard worker,a good person,and I 6        about my friends. My 7       is also a lot like yours. I read books and watch TV,and I think about the 8       ,like who I'll marry. I get along well with my sisters 9       when they take my CDs without asking!

  Sometimes it's hard being with 10        kids. For instance,I don't drive,but a lot of kids in my school do. I try not to let things like that 11        me and just think of all the good things in my life,such as the fact that I've published two 12        and right now someone else is 13        my songs.

  It's true that I don't learn things as 14        as others,but that won't stop me from 15      . I just know that if I work really hard and be myself,I can do almost 16       .

  I can't change the 17        that I have Down Syndrome,but one thing I would like to change is how people think of me. I'd tell them: 18       me as a whole person,not just the person you see. Treat me with 19       ,and accept me for who I am. Most importantly,just be my friend. 20      ,I would do the same for you.

(   ) 1. A. physical   B. intellectual   C. spiritual   D. actual

(   ) 2. A. excited   B. surprised   C. annoyed   D. worried

(   ) 3. A. different   B. simple   C. low   D. ugly

(   ) 4. A. call on   B. ask for   C. pick up   D. give back

(   ) 5. A. fond   B. tired   C. proud   D. afraid

(   ) 6. A. talk   B. care   C. dream   D. worry

(   ) 7. A. study   B. interest   C. life   D. condition

(   ) 8. A. future   B. marriage   C. dream   D. profession

(   ) 9. A. including   B. providing   C. despite   D. except

(   ) 10. A. disabled   B. typical   C. special   D. unusual

(   ) 11. A. upset   B. attract   C. control   D. prevent

(   ) 12. A. articles   B. poems   C. novels   D. songs

(   ) 13. A. considering   B. singing   C. criticizing   D. buying

(   ) 14. A. hard   B. soon   C. far   D. fast

(   ) 15. A. struggling   B. exploring   C. trying   D. experimenting

(   ) 16. A. something   B. nothing   C. anything   D. none

(   ) 17. A. fact   B. idea   C. dream   D. trouble

(   ) 18. A. Help   B. Judge   C. Love   D. Forgive

(   ) 19. A. pity   B. surprise   C. respect   D. satisfaction

(   ) 20. A. In fact   B. In all   C. Above all   D. After all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. John preferred to go into business alone        anyone else.(team)


