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Last year, my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding. After thereception(招待会), we were ______ for a bus to go back home. It was nine o'clock at night, and although many buses ______, none stopped.

We waited for one hour and were getting ______. We couldn’t stay there for all the _____ because it was a weekday, and we both needed to _____ the next day. It was almost 10 p. m. when a family who had _____ the same wedding passed by in their car. Probably _____ that we were waiting for some ______ of transport, they stopped and gave us a lift.

I was ______ by their kindness, and I expressed my feeling of being ______ to them.

When we reached our town, the family _____ us at the nearest place where we could catch a shared taxi to get back to the place where we had _____ our bike. On the _____, a man stopped the taxi. The _______ saw his clothes and asked him whether he had money to pay the ______. The man ______ his head and said, "No." When hearing this, the driver _____ to take him. I remembered my own experience a few minutes earlier, and I told the driver to _____ him to sit with us and I would pay his fare.

What a(n) ______ chance to pass on the family's act of kindness! That night, I felt a lightness in my heart, and I went to sleep ______, filled with joy about what I had done. I hope this kindness can continue all over the world with your help!

1.A. waitingB. expectingC. visitingD. guessing

2.A. emptiedB. gatheredC. promisedD. passed

3.A. embarrassedB. hopelessC. asleepD. dangerous

4.A. noonB. morningC. afternoonD. night

5.A. appearB. stayC. workD. rest

6.A. joinedB. heldC. attendedD. observed

7.A. hopingB. realizingC. rememberingD. insisting

8.A. meansB. changesC. ideasD. choices

9.A. surprisedB. terrifiedC. beatenD. moved

10.A. stressfulB. kindC. luckyD. thankful

11.A. stoppedB. helpedC. threwD. dropped

12.A. parkedB. repairedC. boughtD. changed

13.A. averageB. increaseC. runD. way

14.A. passengerB. ownerC. driverD. policeman

15.A. priceB. fareC. dinnerD. visit

16.A. noddedB. shookC. raisedD. hid

17.A. offeredB. refusedC. orderedD. planned

18.A. adviseB. forbidC. encourageD. allow

19.A. immediateB. terribleC. luckyD. funny

20.A. sadlyB. nervouslyC. happilyD. curiously


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆哈密地区二中高二下期末考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


A group of kids at McIntyre Elementary School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, have created a special bench to make sure their fellow classmates aren’t left out on the playground. Called the “Buddy Bench”, students can use the seat as a safe and supportive place to let others know they’d like to be included in playtime, but may be too shy to ask.

The concept of the Buddy Bench is simple: Students who want to partake in playground games and activities, but may feel hesitant, can take a seat, which signifies(表明) to other children on the playground that they may need something extra to encourage them to participate.

The idea for the bench came about last year, when Farrell, school counselor at McIntyre Elementary, was conducting a leadership group to help students overcome shyness and gain confidence. Four fourth-grade students came up with the idea for the Buddy Bench in this workshop, and worked with Farrell to draft a letter to present to the Parent Teacher Staff Organization to make the bench a reality. The PTSO approved the students’ proposal, and installed(安装) a bright metal bench with a cheerful sign that reads “Buddy Bench” on the school’s playground.

Since it was installed on Nov. 16, the bench has been effective. The simple concept has resonated with(引起共鸣) the students, and already has created a better environment within the school community.

“Each day, I go to see the buddy bench working,” Farrell said. “The lessons they are learning now will benefit them their entire lives. It is simply a beautiful example of kids wanting to be kind and continue to be kind every day.”

1.Who is Buddy Bench created for?

A. Students who love games and activities.

B. Students who want and continue to be kind.

C. Students who are left out on the playground.

D. Students who are in Farrell’s leadership group.

2.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The PTSO.B. Buddy Bench users.

C. The workshop members.D. Farrell and teachers.

3.Which of the following statements can show “the bench has been effective”?

A. The workshop kids have set a good example.

B. More and more creative ideas have come up.

C. The PTSO has decided to provide more buddy benches.

D. Some shy students have found friends on the playground.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南鹤壁高级中学高三上期周练英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Camels certainly like eating green grass, not dry grass. But 1. (strange), camels always keep looking for dry grass 2. their stomachs are filled up.

A classmate of 3. (I) whose home is on the edge of Turpan Basin in Xinjiang told me his home has two camels; he said you could imagine a camel’s appetite, for it can slowly swallow dozens of kilograms of hay (干草). I asked him 4. camels eat hay, not green grass. He said the camel is a kind of animal with 5. strong sense of suffering, 6. (fear) its master letting it travel through the desert the next day, and the hay in its stomach is more hunger-resistant 7. green grass.

The camel has the best tolerance. Unfortunately, many people can only see a camel’s outstanding performance, but few understand its 8. (prepare) made for it.

Life, 9. a camel traveling through the desert, 10. (need) the adequate accumulation, but not everyone can understand it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届吉林梅河口五中高三上段测(一)英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 对生活造成的影响;

2. 建议采取的措施

要求:1. 词数 100 - 120;

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:雾霾haze 雾霾天气hazy weather

Recently hazy weather has occurred in many areas of China.________________________











科目:高中英语 来源:2017届吉林梅河口五中高三上段测(一)英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The young boy was sitting on the ground in the refugee(难民) camp playing with an empty tin. Other children were standing around watching him with envious eyes.

Envy? Of an empty tin?

This tin was indeed no worthless piece of trash—it was a splendid truck, complete with wheels and grille(铁栅) and floor. The vehicle even had remote control, a frayed piece of string from the “engine” to the hand of the owner.

The tin had lost all its original markings. But its first load had probably been sardines(沙丁鱼). Later the tin had been left with other rubbish behind the refugee camp clinic, and the boy had found it on one of his daily expeditions into the “big world”.

For thousands of refugee children, a tin 1ike this rates high on their list of wants. It can be used for many purposes, as jewellery, as a toy, for drinking or as a medicine box.

Many refugee children would consider it the happiest day of their lives if they received a handful of marbles(弹珠) as a present.

They dream of gifts which children in developed countries take for granted.Maybe a book to read, or a pencil and an exercise book of their very own.

Their imagination can create toys,but it cannot create books.Someone else must provide them.A more costly and valuable gift they cannot imagine.

1.How do you think the young boy may feel when he gets something to read?

A. depressed. B. frustrated.

C. excited. D. frightened.

2.Other children envied the young boy because the boy ________.

A.had something to play with

B.got some sardines to eat

C.received a handful of marbles

D.had a real truck toy

3.What is implied in the last paragraph of the text?

A.The society should donate(捐) some toys for the refugee children.

B.The refugee children are more imaginative rather than creative.

C.The refugee children are more creative rather than imaginative.

D.The society should offer the refugee children things for study.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.An Enviable Toy Present B. Sardine Tin—A Precious Toy

C.A Splendid Truck Toy D.A Poor Refugee Cam


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届贵州铜仁一中高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A. B. C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but that's impossible. For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic. They are curious and unusually patient and they are also the hardest-working people I have ever met.

In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents. Many times the subjects in the classes center on families and friends. I teach many students a year, talking to them freely.

The cost of living here is very low compared with that of the US. The city of Xiang Fan I live in isn't large and I live better. Non-imported(非进口的) foods are very cheap, so are clothing and articles of everyday use. The cost of public transportation is very low, too. Chinese value education. However, it is reported that many children can't afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school in some poor areas in China. But they organized Project Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. In my opinion, Project Hope is of great importance to the development of the rural education.

When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes China has gone through. While it is true that economic miracles have not reached many areas of China, but we also have the same problems.

When I am asked which country I consider better, China or the US, my answer has always been the same, “We are not worse or better than each other, we are only different.”

1.What does the author think of Chinese people?

A. He thinks most Chinese people hardly work.

B. He thinks most Chinese people are proud.

C. He dislikes most Chinese people.

D. He praises most Chinese people a lot.

2.What is the author doing in China?

A. He is teaching English in a school.

B. He is visiting the places of interest.

C. He is studying in a college.

D. He is on business.

3.What are NOT cheap in China in the author's opinion?

A. Clothes and shoes made in China.

B. Local foods.

C. Imported foods.

D. Public transportation tickets.

4.We can infer from the passage that the author thinks ________.

A. the westerners have got to know China well

B. the progress of China is seldom reported in the US

C. China's economic miracles have appeared everywhere

D. the education in rural areas is never cared about in China


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年湖南浏阳一中高二上入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Make a five-minute film and win!

Do you love the summer holidays but hate being bored? Then why don't you enter the Film Street Summer Shorts Competition by making a short film this summer with your family and friends?

What you have to do

To enter the competition, you have to make a short film that around 5 minutes long (It can be shorter but not longer!) on a digital camera, or mobile phone.


The best short film entered into our competition will be shown in Film Street's Cinema and you'll win a Cineworld Cinemas pass for yourself and there more for other members of your film crew. If you have a Cineworld Cinemas pass, you can watch as many films as you like for a year, for free, at any Cineworld Cinema!


.We can't show films that tell others about either your, or any other kids', name or address.

.We can't show films that hurt, harm or insult(侮辱) other people。

.We can't show films that have bad language.

Copyright Checklist

Getting permission to use someone else's work in your film can be expensive, so check your film to make sure that:

.Your film is original and you haven't copied someone else.

.There are no scenes of branding on shop signs, books, magazines or CDs.

.There are no scenes of someone else's artwork.

Address and Date

Post your finished film on tape, CD or DVD by Monday, October1st, 2007 to:

Unit 6,Third Floor, The Bond

180-182 Fazeley Street; Birmingham

So what's stopping you? Start making your Film Street Summer Short now!

1.Who is the passage written for ________.


2.From the third paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A.the winner can watch films for free for one year at any Cineworld Cinema

B.the competition is held by Cineworld Cinemas

C.the winner's short film can be shown in any cenema

D.the winners film will be paid for his short film

3.The underlined part "original" is closest in meaning to ________.

A.interesting enoughB.full of exciting moments

C.good for childrenD.made by yourself


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆八中高三上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Join in the holiday fun at the powerhouse this month linked to our new exhibition , Evolution & Revolution : Chinese dress 1700s to now . DON’T FORGET out other special event , the Club Med Circus School which is part of the Circus ! 150 years of circus in Australia exhibition experience !

◆ Chinese Folk Dancing : Colorful Chinese dance and musical performances by The Chinese Folk Dancing School of Sydney . Dances include : the Golden stick dance and the Chinese drum dance . A feature will be the Qin dynasty Emperor’s court dance . Also included is a show of face painting for Beijing opera performances .

Sunday 29 June and Wednesday 2 July in the Turbine Hall , at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm.

◆ Australian Chinese Children’s Arts Theatre : Well-known children’s play experts from Shanghai lead this dynamic youth group . Performances include Chinese fairy tales and plays .

Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July in the Turbine Hall , at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm .

◆ Chinese Youth League : A traditional performing arts group featuring performance highlights such as the Red scarf and Spring flower dances , and a musician playing Er Hu .

Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall , 11:30 am to 1:30 pm .

◆ Kids Activity : Make a Paper Horse : Young children make a paper horse cut-out . ( The horse is a frequent theme in Chinese painting , indicating a kind of advancement . ) Suitable for ages 8-12 years .

Sunday 28 June to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall , 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm .

◆ Club Med Circus School : Learn circus skills , including the trapeze , trampolining and magic . Note only for children over 5 : There are 40 places available in each 1 hour session and these must be booked at the front desk , level 4 , on the day .

Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 July at 11:30 am & 1:00 pm .

Enjoy unlimited free visits and many other benefits by becoming a family member of the Powerhouse . Our family memberships cover two adults and all children under the age of 16 years at the one address .

Members receive Powerline , our monthly magazine , discounts in the shops and the restaurants , as well as free admission to the Museum . All this for as little as $50.00 a year ! Call (02)9217 0600 for more details .

1.When can you watch the Chinese drum dance ?

A. On July 2 . B. On July 3 . C. On July 6 . D. On July 8 .

2.To learn the magic tricks , you can go to __________ .

A. Kids Activity .

B. Chinese Youth League .

C. Club Med Circus School .

D. Children’s Arts Theatre .

3.What is required if you want to enjoy free visits to the Museum ?

A. Calling (02)92170600 .

B. Gaining family membership .

C. Coming for the holiday fun .

D. Paying powerline $50.00 a year .

4. What is the main purpose of the text ?

A. To attract visitors .

B. To present schedules .

C. To report the performances .

D. To teach kids Chinese arts .


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届东北师大附中高三第六次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


In our daily life, everyone wants to be happy. Then, do you know how to be happy? Here are four ways for you to find more pleasure in your life.

Play that song you love so much. As a preschooler can tell you, 1. . When you experience something more than once, you notice more details about it each time, and it increases your enjoyment. That’s why you love revisiting that jazz club, favorite restaurant, and beloved old Woody Allen movie. Of course, you can overdo it.

Don’t buy boxed sets of DVDs. EconomistTyler says that much of the joy we get from our buying lies in the experience of finding them out, getting them home, and opening them up. 2. . Buy things one at a time and space out the pleasure.

3. . People long ago spent almost all of their time outside with trees, water, and sky around. The world in which most of us spend our time nowadays is unnatural and can harm the spirit. Even being close to nature for a short time can make us happy. In addition, physical contact with animals works wonders. 4. . It increases the brain chemicals connected with pleasure and decreases those connected with stress. Even people without pets can get some of the effect by hanging out for a few minutes at a dog shelter.

Wear a smile on your face. Like it or not, smiling improves your mood. That’s why people react better to you when you look happy, which in turn leads you to be happy. 5. .

A. Look outside

B. Love pets

C. You can pet an animal

D. playing songs can benefit you

E. repetition can lead to pleasure

F. If you receive 18 DVDs in one package, you’ll use up the excitement all at once

G. What’s more, looking happy fools your brain into thinking that you are happy

