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【题目】Almost every child is scared of something, from monsters in the cupboard to dogs in the park. But the fact that such fears are common and normal doesn’t mean they can be taken lightly. Kids experience fears and phobias (恐惧症) much more strongly than adults. And the influence of the fear can be physical as well as psychological (心理的). It can build up so they almost seem scared of everything-a kind of childhood anxiety. Dr. Creswell says: “Your child may always seem to expect the worst to happen and lack confidence as they grow up.” So don’t make the same old mistake of treating them as if they’re silly for being a “scared cat”. Handling the fears is essential.

Children can be born nervous and if you have such a baby, you’ll tend to prevent them from getting worried. So if they fear dogs, You’ll keep them away from dogs, but in fact that can just confirm to the child that dogs are scary. What is worse, keeping your child away from what they fear can turn that feeling into a phobia. Instead, you should encourage them to get in touch with the thing they fear, in a safe and supportive environment. Dr. Andy Field, a researcher of childhood fears, says: “You shouldn’t force, for example, an anxious child to go up to a dog. But you can approach it yourself, show them there is nothing to be afraid of, stroke (抚摸) it, and talk about the dog being friendly. Once your child dares to stroke a dog-one that’s good with children, of course-then you should encourage them to carry on until they feel calmer, and reward them for‘being brave’.”

1Children’s fears are usually taken lightly because .

A. they will not develop into phobias B. their influence is psychological

C. they exist widely in the world D. they will disappear gradually

2If we fail to help children to overcome fears, they will .

A. make the same old mistake B. overcome them by themselves

C. experience the worst of things D. grow up lacking self-confidence

3According to Dr. Andy Field, if a child is afraid of a cat, parents should .

A. tell the child not to be afraid of it B. show the child it’s safe to approach it

C. keep the child away from it D. ask the child to stroke it







1细节理解题。由第一段But the fact that such fears are common and normal doesn’t mean they can be taken lightly虽然这种恐惧很常见且平常,但不应该轻被忽视。可知,孩子的恐惧被忽视的原因是因为它是普遍存在的。故C选项正确。

2推理判断题。由第一段It can build up so they almost seem scared of everything-a kind of childhood anxiety. Dr. Creswell says: Your child may always seem to expect the worst to happen and lack confidence as they grow up可知,这种恐惧可以增强,导致他们害怕一切事物。 因此,如果我们不帮助孩子们克服这种恐惧,那他们有可能变得什么都怕,可能总是觉得最坏的事情会发生,对自己没有一点儿信心。故D选项正确。

3推理判断。由最后一段Instead, you should encourage them to get in touch with the thing they fear, in a safe and supportive environment和下文与狗接近的例子。我们可以推理判断出,如果孩子怕猫,虽然不能强迫孩子接近它,但是父母可以示范去接近它,来消除孩子的恐惧。故B选项正确。

事物共性推断是根据文章中所阐述的细节,运用自己 掌握的基础知识进行分析、推敲,从而得出对另一个共性事物的看法的一种推断方法,解答此类题,不仅需要我们有一定的生活基础知识,而且还需要对细节以及有关背景知识有一个充分的理解。小题3要求推断出如果孩子怕猫,父母应该怎么做?但是短文内并没有提到猫,而提到是狗。但我们知道猫和狗都是日常生活中经常见到的动物,都会弄伤人类,孩子们都可能害怕他们。这就是他们的共性。所以我们能从人们接近狗的例子中推断出,如果小孩子怕猫,那么父母也可以采取像接近狗的例子那样的做法,以此来消除孩子的恐惧感。故正确答案很快就会被找出。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A BBC film crew was working on the remote Lord Howe Island for a new wildlife documentary called Drowning in Plastic. They filmed many birds that 1 (die) for no clear reason. After some research, they found out the truth—2 caused the death of the birds was that their stomachs were literally too full of plastic. The documentary team also filmed biologists 3 (work) on the island to save the birds. The scientists captured hundreds of chicks and removed plastic from their stomachs to give them a chance of 4 (survive).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When the winter approaches, tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack can be found on the street corner in northern China. Since the ancient times, it 1 (be) very popular with natives, especially children.

Tanghulu is 2 (common) made of haws (山楂), which are rich in vitamin C and are known 3 (have) traditional Chinese medicine properties. According to a legend, 800 years ago, one of the emperor’s 4 (wife) was sick and had 5 poor appetite. The doctor suggested that she eat 10 haws 6 (boil) with sugar before dinner. She recovered within two weeks. Later, the prescription was passed on 7 ordinary people. People put haws on a stick, dipped them in hot sugar syrup (糖浆) and dried. The syrup finally turned into a solid coating, like crystal on the surface of haws. That is 8 they are also called bingtanghulu. 9 origin story says that the very first tanghulu only had two haws: a small one on the top and a big one below, making it resemble a hulu, a bringer of good luck.

With sour haws and sweet sugar, the taste of tanghulu is a combination of flavors, which often 10 (remind) people of their happy childhoods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The pubic demanded that a stricter law on gun ownership ________ (make) to reduce the rate of gun killing in the state.

2You can never imagine what difficulty I have_________ (deal) with work pressure.

3People take _______ for granted that what they read, hear or see from the media is reliable.

4Opposite stands St. Paul’s church, __________ you can hear some lovely music.

5_____(bite) by the snake in the bush, Susan was sent back to the camp.

6The soldiers, who just returned from the battles, received an _________(enthusiasm) welcome from the local people.

7Your parents were worried about you. You shouldn’t __________(leave) without a word.

8The film _________(set) in a fictional island and mainly depicts two brave men working together to beat the green-eyed monster.

9They threatened to shoot him and robbed him ______all his possessions.

10I just heard _______ bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A home science experiment recently took the world by storm. Two teens from Toronto, in Canada, sent a Lego man rising above the Earth and captured their tiny astronaut’s trip on film.

Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad,both 17, used a weather balloon to launch their plastic lego model 16 miles above the Earth. This is inside a part of Earth’s atmosphere.

The two teens were inspired by a similar project performed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). The MIT students had launched a weather balloon with a camera into near space and taken many unusual images of the Earth. Mathew and Asad then spend four months figuring out how to launch their own spacecraft into the space.

Travelling to space is expensive for NASA, but Mathew and Asad worked hard to keep their costs down. They bought much of their equipment used and even sewed the Lego man’s parachute by hand. In total, the project cost only$400.

“We had a lot of anxiety on launch day because there were high winds when we were going up,”Mathew told reporters. They had to pump extra helium(氦)into the balloon so that it would rise quickly and avoid being blown too far off course by the strong winds.

The toy astronaut’s journey lasted 97 minutes before the balloon broke and he fell back to Earth. Mathew and Asad then spent two weekends looking for their spacecraft. It had landed 76miles away from the launch site.

The student scientists are currently finishing up their final year of high school and applying for colleges. They are also looking into more do-it-yourself space projects.

“I guess the sky is not really the limit anymore,” Mathew told reporters. “We never knew we’d get this far. It’s been a lesson for us that hard work pays off.”

1By saying “took the world by storm” in the first paragraph, the writer meant the experiment______________.

A.destroyed the world

B.flooded the world

C.fascinated the world

D.managed the world

2Which of the following about the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is right?

A.They were examples for Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.

B.They helped Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad to achieve dream.

C.They launched weather balloon together with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.

D.They studied with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad in the same school.

3How did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad keep their costs down?

A.By sewing the weather balloon themselves.

B.By borrowing spacecraft from the MIT students.

C.By making their spacecraft by hand

D.By using second-hand equipment

4What problems did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad have on launch day?

A.They ran out of helium

B.The wind was too strong

C.The balloon suddenly broke

D.Their spacecraft was blown away.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

Today is Sunday. The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life. At about 9:00 a.m., I go to the bookstore with my friends. There was a lot of new books. I didn’t know what one to buy because these books were all useful to me. At 10:00, we went to cinema. The film was called Titanic but some people were waiting outside the booking office. It took to us about 3 hours to see it. Having seen the film, everyone was deeply moving. Some of my friends even burst out tears. From the story, I understand that love is noble and valuable. That’s a really wonderful film. It is very worth seeing again.

What a happy day! I hope tomorrow I will be happier!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Four Habits to Help You Succeed

Weallwanttosucceed, whetheritisin losingweightorlearningtheguitar. Forthosewhohavetriedandfailed, successseemsdifficulttounderstand. Why does one person succeed while another person fails? 1

1. Identifyyour corevalues.

Findingyourcore valuesisinlinewithcreating innermotivation.2 Pick a handful of thingsandwritethemdown. Remindyourselfofyourvalues every day, and reflect on whether you are honouring those values through your work.


Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement, while adjusting well to your core values. Focus is key here. 3 If you perform many tasks at a time, you might never complete your projects because they will take far too long.


Setadateforsuccess. Identifywhenyouhopetoachieveyourgoal. 4

Bysettingatimelimit, youaremakingtheprocessmore real.


Failurecan’tbeavoidedwhenyoutakerisks. Manypeoplegiveupfartooearly. Usefailure. Treatitasagoodthing, andmoveon.

A.Themorefocusedyouareononegoal, thehigherchanceyouhaveofsuccess.



D.Stick to your goal.

E.Keepitrealistic, whilenotgivingyoutoomuchtime.


G.Pushyourselftobecourageous, andtakethatnextstep.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 作为青少年,深受许多无名英雄和科学家的事迹感动;

2. 他们的价值;

3. 力争做一个真正的明星


注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加情节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Good morning, everyone. During the tough battle against COVID-19,


That’s all. Thank you for listening.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Travelingalonegivesyouthefreedomtocreateyourownscheduleanddoasyouplease. 1 Forexample, atravelpartnercanprovidepracticalsupportandcelebrateintherewardsof first-handexperiencewithunfamiliarlocationsandcultures.Hereareseveralstepstofinda travel partnerwhowillimproveyourjourney.2 Travelingshouldbefun.Whenyouareonatrip,youwillwanttodolotsofactivities thatyouenjoy.Preferably,yourcompanionwillwantto dothesame things as you.

Discussfinancialplans.Beforeyoutravel,youshouldplanabudget. 3 You don’t want tobeplanninganexpensivegetawaywhenyourfriendislookingforbudgettravel.

Haveanhonestconversation.Ifyouarethinkingabouttravelingwithacompanion,take sometimetohaveanopendiscussion.Scheduleatimetositdownandtalk.Trysaying,"Iknowwe'vetalkedabouttheideaoftravelingthroughEuropetogether.Let'shaveacoffeethisweekandactuallytalkthatthrough." 4 Youshouldalsotalkaboutyourtravelstyle.

Findsomeonewhoisflexible.Chooseatravelpartnerwhocanadjust.5Maybe it will rainonthedayyouplannedtovisittheGrandCanyon.Oryoumightnotbeabletoget reservationsatthatFrenchrestaurantyou'vebeendyingtotry.








