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IV.下面短文中的名词性从句中共有八处错误,请 找出并改正。

      New parents are always worried about they might be making a mistake with their new baby. The baby cries,and they don't know they should let him cry or pick him up. The baby is sick,and they have no idea that they should do. “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." This is that Benjamin Spock wrote in his famous book Dr. Spock 's Baby and Child Care.

      Before Dr. Spock's book appeared,experts suggested that parents avoided giving their children too much attention. They told parents to break children's bad habits. However,Spock disagreed and decided that he will write a book. In his opinion,it is natural when every baby needs to be smiled at,talked to and played with. He told parents to be natural and enjoy their baby.

        There is no doubt whether Dr. Spock will be remembered for his common-sense advice.

1. …worried about they …                      about→ that

2. . .. don't know they …                      know 后加 whether / if

3. . .. no idea that...                          that  what

4. . .. that Benjamin Spock ...                     that what

5. . .. parents avoided giving...                   avoided  avoid

6. . .. he will write ...                           will would

7. . .. is natural when ...                          when that

8. . .. no doubt whether...                            whether that

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第42期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I.选用方框内合适的内容填空(每项限用一次) 。

should,    shall,    had to,   could,   must,  can' t,

would,    might,     needn't,   don't have to

1. By the time she was eight,she read Greek and Latin.

2. If you really want to get fit,you take regular exercise.

3. When the price of petrol rose rapidly,many peoplego to work by bus.

4. Can you imagine traveling before the invention of railways? It have been slow.

5. 1 still remember my happy childhood when my mother take me to Disneyland at


6. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I have carried my umbrella with me.

7. I  go to work tomorrow because it is


8. —I haven't got the reference book yet,but I'11 have a test on the subject next month.

—Don’t worry. You have it by Friday.

9. —Where did I put my training shoes? I can't remember.

一They be in the car. You often leave

them there.

10. 一Is that your daughter's coat?

—It be hers. It's much too big.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. It is a pity (你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          I rented a car yesterday and drove about 5C miles from Paris to Chartres. The area around Chartres is very flat. That's probably 1. it was built here. At first,I wasn’t sure 2. I should take a guided tour of the cathedral(大教堂) .I like to wander around on my own. But this time I decided to go for it,and I'm really glad that I did — the guide was excellent!She talked a lot about 3. the cathedral was built — it was begun before 1200 — and told us 4. the building materials came from. Some of the stone was transported from hundreds of miles away — I’ 11 never understand 5. they managed to do that.

           6. designed the cathedral isn't known.It is clear 7. in those days architecture(建筑艺术) was a  cooperative(合作的) effort. She also gave us some idea of 8. conditions were like for the builders. It sounds like an extremely hard life. I thought 9.  the stained-glass windows were impressive. After the tour,I looked again at my guidebook and noticed 10. it mentioned the climb” up the north tower,so off I went. For me it was a long,exhausting climb,and there were times when I didn’ t know 11. r  d make it. The great view was certainly worth the effort when I got to the top.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[语境展示]阅读下面句子,并从a -d中找出与1-4中的refer to相付首


1. He gave the speech without referring to his notes.

2. Although she didn't mention any names,everyone knew who she was referring to.

3. I have examined all the documents referring to the matter.

4. This author begins by referring to the early history of India.

a.涉及,与 相关b.提到,说起c.查阅,参考d.指的是

[自我归纳]refer to在以上各句中的意思分别为:

1→ 2→ 3→ 4→


1.The new law does not refer to land used for farming.

2. If you don't know what it means,refer to the dictionary.

3. Which companies was she referring to when she spoke of competing firms?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. I made a promise to myself I would get a week's rest after those busy days. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Who gave him permission to leave class early?

Who him leave class early?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. the temple once stood is now a large parking garage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 这本书是专为第一年学习英语的青年人用的。

The book     youngsters in their first year of learning English.

