精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
6.The teacher asked us notto make(make)so much noise.

分析 老师要求我们不要那么吵.

解答 答案是to make;本题考查动词不定式;题干中考查了短语ask sb.to do sth(要求某人做…)的否定式ask sb.not to do sth.(要求某人不做…),故答案是to make.

点评 本题是要求用所给动词的适当形式填空,解题时首先考虑句中需要的是谓语动词还是非谓语动词;其次,如果是谓语动词关注时态、语态和数的变化;如果是非谓语动词要联系非谓语的基本用法判断非谓语的形式.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.---People should spare no efforts to protect the environment.
---________.Air pollution does harm to our health and fine particle air pollution,also called PM2.5 has now become a serious problem.(  )
A.All rightB.Take it easyC.Go aheadD.Exactly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Honesty play an important role in our daily life.It is not only the best policies,but a principle of dealing with affairs.Take the friendship for example.If you are honest man,your friends will be honest to you on return.When you are sad,he will comfort you; when you were in trouble,they will help you.However,if you are a dishonest man,and your friends will leave you alone sooner or late.What's worse,you will be looked down upon by them and regard as a public enemy.In short,honesty is very important in our daily life.Honesty is absolute essential for a good and happy life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for coming to see me off.
-Goodbye,and________!(  )
A.congratulationsB.cheer upC.all the bestD.go ahead


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Are you almost ready to go,mom?I'll go and pull the car out of the garage.
-OK-just _____.I'll have a last look at the windows.(  )
A.waitB.a minuteC.calm downD.no way


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.In most towns today,you can see teenagers standing over electronic machines with flashing lights,shooting at spaceships from other planets and dropping bombs on strange monsters(恶魔).The machines have names like Space Warrior,Dark Invader and so on.It used to be believed that damage was done only to those strange visitors from outer space,but now it seems that they are striking back.
 Many teenagers like electronic games so much that they can't stop playing.They spend hours tightly holding the joystick controls and constantly pressing buttons marked"fire".They develop pains on their fingers because of the constant pressure.They play and play that the pains have no chance to cure properly.The rapid wrist movement required to guide the spaceship across the screen causes another problem:The muscles of the wrist and arm become so inflamed and swollen(充血红肿) that they press against the bones.This condition is what doctors now call"Space Warrior's Wrist".
Other strange aches and pains also are likely to affect the elbows and shoulders.
Another even more alarming problem is shown by the case of a 17-year-old girl which was recently reported in the British Medical Journal.She had been playing various kinds of electronic games for more than two hours a day.Her father repaired games and machines and she could use the cassettes and systems in his workshop as often as she liked.One day,after playing a game called Dark Invader,she lost consciousness(晕倒) and fell to the floor.
Doctors who examined her found she was suffering from an unusual illness caused by lights flashing at a particular frequency.

12.Electronic games are found very popular withD.
A.people living in towns                   
B.students studying in high schools
C.girls working in their father's workshops    
D.young people
13."Space Warrior's Wrist"is caused byA.
A.constantly pressing the buttons            B.rapidly moving across the screen
C.tightly holding the joystick controls      D.inflamed and swollen muscles of the wrist
14.The case of a 17-year-old girl given by the writer shows that the writerC.
A.supports playing electronic games    
B.feels very sorry for the girl
C.disagreed with young people's playing electronic games
D.feels worried about young people's poor health
15.From the passage we can conclude that playing electronic games isB.
A.enjoyable and helpful to the study     
B.exciting but harmful to the health and study
C.interesting but harmless to the eyes     
D.amusing and satisfying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.This is __________challenging job I mentioned to you the other day.Have you had anyone in __________  mind for it now?(  )
A.a; theB.a;/C.the;/D.the; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Jane was permitted to begin her work after her mother came tosupport(支持) her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Time management skills are important for all areas of personal and professional life; when they are well-developed,you can increase your effectiveness,avoid missing deadlines and maintain peace of mind.When you are running a training session to teach time management,consider ways to help participants learn strategies to organize their lives.
For many people,goal planning is an important part of time management.In a training session,teach participants to learn how to assess their work and personal needs and set goal for the long and short term.Once each person has listed their goals,work together to split each goal into smaller,more achievable parts.By splitting goals into preparation and execution (执行),you can make them feel less anxious.Talk through ways that each person can use an hour or so each day to prepare for coming projects,thereby making their lives more manageable.
A common problem in effective time management is procrastination 拖沓),which can also be a problem when a person has so many things to do that they cannot figure out where to start.
Teach participants to keep an activity log that will help them recognize when they tend to
procrastinate.Then,work together to figure out why they are procrastinating:fear,confusion,disorganization or distaste for the task at hand.As a training group,brainstorm ideas that might help them out of these situations.Participants might learn to reward themselves after completing each task,keep a to-do list that won't let them ignore pressing matters,or set deadlines.
Disorganized people tend to have a more difficult time managing their time effectively because they have to dig through a mess of appointments and physical objects each time they want to start a task.Work with each training group of participant to figure out organization systems that might work for their individual situations.Busy executives might have better luck with a digital organizer that operates at the same time with their computer than they would with a paper planner,for example.With systems in place to organize communication,files,financial data and personal information,your trainees will be better able to locate the things they need for a new task.
In an age where people are constantly connected to cell phones,computers,televisions and
other electronic devices,it can be difficult to concentrate on a task for any length of time.For a training session about time management,help participants figure out ways to reduce the interruptions that negatively impact their productivity.You might suggest that they check their emails only once every two hours,for example,or reduce the number of unnecessary meetings.
Work with participants to identify alternate working spaces with fewer interruptions,discourage drop-in visits or consider alternate working hours.
Title:Time Management Training Ideas
Passage outlineSupporting details
Improve goal (66)planningHelp set goals by(67)teaching participants how to assess their
work and personal needs.
Work together to split listed goals into smaller parts.
Discuss ways thoroughly to make  (68)preparations   for coming projects.
Avoid procrastinationTeach participants to keep an activity log to find the time and
the  (69)reason(s)  they tend to procrastinate.
(70)Brainstorm ideas to help participants out of these situations.
Be better (71)organizedFigure out the systems to help individuals manage time
Train participants to locate what they need for a new task
with proper planners.
Deal with(73)interruptionsHelp participants with ways to reduce what has  (74)negativeimpacts on their productivity.
Identify alternate working spaces or working hours and
discourage visits that are not  (75)scheduled/planned/appointed/arranged

