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() 30. —What do you think of the film Devil and Angel?

—Oh,it's one of films I have ever seen.

   A. amazing   B. more amazing

C. most amazing   D. the most amazing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Most of us are aware that taking breaks from physical activity is necessary to recover and prevent injuries. Taking breaks in our mental work is equally helpful.

           Recent studies show that those who give in to some kind of distraction once an hour perform better than those who just keep at it without a break. After a while,our brains can't focus so well,and we become unable to continuously treat the task as important. Taking a break allows us to come back to the job at hand with renewed energy and a sense of purpose.

           No matter how much we love our work,we cannot keep creating when we are on empty. Something as simple as a ten-minute conversation with a friend,or watching an inspiring video can give us much needed help,or point us in a new direction if we* re stuck. It is difficult to see things from a new point of view when we come at it the same way all the time. Taking a step away might be just what we need to (恢复精力) .

           We are not designed to sit around all day. As difficult as being sedentary(需要久坐的) is on our bodies,it's not helpful for our creativity and productivity,either. Getting up for a few minutes and getting our blood flowing and some more oxygen to the brain are a necessary piece of the v^ork day.

          If you know you typically have an afternoon energy slump(锐减), consider doing exercise during the lunch-time hours. Studies have shown that appropriate activity can boost creativity and productivity for two hours afterward. Plus,the change of scene and focus may just be something you need for your next breakthrough at work.

           The next time you feel guilty about taking a break, consider how much more effective it may make you in the long run.

13. According to Paragraph 2 ,recent studies show.

   A. our brains react negatively to distractions

   B. people are always working without a break

   C. taking breaks from work benefits productivity

   D. taking breaks from physical activity can prevent injuries

14. In the author's opinion,a sedentary lifestyle .

   A. is necessary sometimes

   B. means good productivity at times

   C. cannot be avoided by today's people

   D. is harmftil both physically and mentally

15. The text is meant to show the importance of.

   A. creativity at work

   B. treating work seriously

   C. taking breaks at work

   D. high productivity at work

16. Where does the text probably come from?

   A. A book review.

   B. A research plan.

   C. A science report.

   D. A business report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


             Lots of students do experiments on plants for their science projects. Scientists do this as well. Have you ever heard of a lie detector? It is something that police can use to figure out if you are lying or not. The machine can feel the energy in your body. If your energy moves fast,it shows you are nervous and may be lying. If it is slow and steady,it shows you are relaxed and probably honest.

             Scientists attached these same machines to plants,not to see if they are lying of course,but to see what makes them nervous,what makes them calm,and what makes them excited. They found many interesting things. First,they discovered when live fish were being cut up or live lobsters(龙虾) were being boiled,the plants got very upset. They seemed to respond to the fear of the living seacreatures.

            Besides,scientists found the plants actually got excited when their owners were coming home. What was even more interesting was that the plants got very excited 'when the owners stepped into the room. It seemed that the plants were so connected with their owners that they could pick up their owners’ intention to come home.

Plants also seemed not to like to be cut. When the owners pulled out a pair of scissors to cut them,they got upset. Scientists tried to frighten the plants and pretended they were going to cut them,but the plants did not get nervous in that case at all. It was as if they could read the owners’ mind. So,when taking care of your plants,remember that they are sensitive and smart.

1. The first paragraph mainly talks about.

   A. why a lie detector is popular

   B. when a lie detector ean be used

   C. how a lie detector works on plants

   D. what a lie detector is and how it works

2. What was the scientists’ purpose of attaching lie detectors to plants?

   A. To help plants grow faster.

   B. To see if plants are good liars.

   C. To see what causes plants* emotional changes.

   D. To help plant owners communicate with plants.

3. The result of the experiment is that.

   A. plants were happy to work with lie detectors

   B. plants got more relaxed when they were alone

   C. plants could"protect themselves when threatened

   D. plants might understand their owners in some way

4. What did the scientists use the scissors for?

   A. Cutting the plants. 

   B. Tricking the plants. 

   C. Replacing the lie detector.

   D. Frightening the sea creatures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

68. If she shows any signs of (ill) , take her to the doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. I was still (wake) when my parents went to bed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内谷,用as soon as,unless或 s? ... that 填空。

    I was busy last week I had no time to go to the movies. I planned to watch a movie today. I asked Joe to go with me,he said OK. But ^?iis mother said he finished doing his' homework,he couldn’t go. Then Joe told me that he finished,he would call me. So I stayed at home waiting for his call. But I felt bored

I went out alone. An hour later,Joe called me and we went to the cinema together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 25. The shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.

   A. calendar   B. research .

C. decision   D. invitation


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Eric went out without an umbrella just now.

It's raining heavily now.

   A. That's OK   B. Sounds,good

C. It's silly s D.not a big deal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. Mrs. Smith (lead) them along a dark hallway to a small room.

