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11.It is strange thatheshouldhavepassed the test at his first attempt.He is so absorbed in computer games.(pass)

分析 he should have passed

解答 答案:he should have passed.
在本句中重点在于表示"竟然通过了考试",should作情态动词时可以表示"竟然",should have done竟然已经干了某事;在It is necessary (natural,strange,important) that等句型中,后面主语从句的谓语动词要用"should+动词原形"结构.故答案为he should have passed.
It's necessary that we should have a walk now.我们有必要出去散散步.
It's important that we should take good care of the patient.重要的是我们要照顾好病人.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.A.Never respond before you think twice.
B.Put personal files online.
C.Don't post anything without a second thought.
D.Protect your private material.
E.Establish your online identity and reputation.
F.Express your anger in a proper way.
The virtual world is full of opportunities to share with people around the world.It's also a place where nothing is temporary and there are no"take-backs."A lot of what you do and say online can be got back online even if you delete it-and it's an easy thing for others to copy,save,and forward your information.
Anyone who accesses your profile on a social networking site can copy or screen-capture information and photos that you may not want the world to see.Don't rely on the site's default settings.Read each site's instructions or guidelines to make sure you're doing everything you can to keep your material private.If someone logs on to a site and pretends to be you,they can trash your identity.Pick passwords that no one will guess (don't use your favorite band or your dog's birthday; try thinking of two completely random nouns and mixing in a random number),and change then often.Never share them with anyone other than your parents or a trusted adult.Not even your best friend,boyfriend,or girlfriend should know your private passwords!
    Things that seem funny or cool to you right now might now seem so cool years from now-or when a teacher,admissions officer,or potential employer sees them.A good and reliable way is; if you'd feel unnatural if your grandmother,coach,or best friend's parents saw it,it's probably not a good thing to post.Even if it's on a private page,it could be hacked or copied and forwarded.
    Research shows that a high percentage of teens receive improper messages and requirements when they're online.These can be scary,strange,and even embarrassing.If you feel troubled by a stranger or a friend online,tell an adult you trust immediately.It is never a good idea to respond.Responding is only likely to make things worse,and might result in you saying something you wish you hadn't.
    If you are eager to let out an angry comment on a message board or blog,it's a good idea to wait a few minutes,calm down,and remember that the comments may stay up (with your screen name right there) long after you've regained your temper and maybe changed your mind.You might feel anonymous or disguised in chat rooms,social networks,or other sites-and this could lead to mean,insulting,or abusive comments toward someone else,or sharing pictures and comments you may later regret.We're all heard of cyber bullying (网络欺凌),but most people think online bullying is something people do intentionally.But sharing stuff or dropping random comments when we're not face to face with someone can hurt just as much,if not more.And it can damage how others see you if they find out.A good rule to remember; if you wouldn't say it,show it,or do it in person,you probably don't want to online.
Chances are,you've already checked your"digital footprint"-nearly half of all online users do.Try typing your screen name or email address into a search engine and see what comes up.That's one way to get a sense of what others see as your online identity.In general,if you have questions about the trail you're leaving online,don't be afraid to ask a trusted adult.Sure,you might know more about the online world than a lot of adults do,but they have life experience that can help.Your online identity and reputation are shaped in much the same way as your real-life identity,except that when you're online you don't always get a chance to explain your tone or what you mean.Thinking before you post and following the same rules for responsible behavior online as you do offline can help you avoided leaving an online identity trail you regret.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.In the past hundred years,there have been frequent natural disasters,such as floods,droughts,windstorms,earthquakes and the seismic sea waves.The disasters (16)have killed(kill) millions of people,destroyed countless homes,(17)and wiped out numerous pieces of farming land.
Now more and more people have come to realize that those natural disasters have much to do with (18)whatwe have done to the earth.We have cut down too many trees in the forest,we have(19)badly (bad) polluted the environment,and we have shocked  (20)ourown home-planet time and again.As is known to all,as a result,climates have become abnormal,rainwater rushes (21)down/along hillsides angrily,and the underground energy often goes up to erupt on us.Even a great many well-structured buildings can (22)be destroyed( destroy).So(23)it is urgent for us to stop damaging the earth.We should make it a lovely place,(24)which is suitable for us to live in,for we have nowhere (25)to go(go) and survive except where we are now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-I reminded you not to forget to turn off the lights when you left the classroom.
-        .(  )
A.So did IB.So you didC.So do youD.I do so


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main ________facing the government.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-Wow!Han Hong will attend the TV show:I AM A SINGER Season Three.
-_____?I'm not interested in pop music.(  )
A.How comeB.So whatC.AnyhowD.Instead.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannotafford (支付)to buy a house there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.You think you know your dog.(36)C She probably recognizes you when she sees you.But can a dog tell by simply looking at you whether you have a happy or an angry expression on your face?Researchers in Austria have taught pet dogs to know the difference.
(37)A When dog owners shout or speak in a strong,sharp voice,dogs often act guilty and quietly move away from the area.
Recently,researchers found that dogs can look at our faces,and tell the difference between a smile and a frown.The animals were able to recognize a look of approval from one of disapproval.Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine performed a series of experiments.(38)F They showed the dogs two pictures of either the upper or lower half of a person's face.On one picture,the person looked happy.The other appeared angry.The dogs were then shown images of the eyes or mouths of people they had never seen before.
(39)D  Once the dogs learned to recognize which image was happy or angry,they could easily identify the same expressions in pictures of any face.Future studies will try to show whether dogs can learn the meaning of facial expressions.(40)G
The researchers'findings were published in the journal Current Biology.They provide the first solid evidence that humans are not the only species that can read the body language of another species.

A.Dogs are very aware of sound.
B.Dogs have feelings just as you do.
C.But how well does your dog know you?
D.They were also shown the left half of the faces used in training.
E.Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time.
F.They taught dogs to recognize facial expressions.
G.For example,whether a frown shows that someone is angry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.It was only when they returned to Italy from China____________ Marco Polo,who was then 15years old,first met his father.(  )

