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12.Flash Mob:The Pop Culture
If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station,you don't need to feel surprised.They are a flash mob.Who are they?Are they mobs (暴民)?(71)A Actually,a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place,do something unusual for a brief period of time,and then quickly separate.
A flash mob is usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks.(72)F At a predetermined time,they gather and perform some tasks such as exchanging books,coming together to look at the sky,waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their lungs for 30seconds.Then,they quickly disappear before the police can arrive.
Bill Wasik,senior editor of Harper's Magazine,organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003and the first successful flash mob gathered on June 3,2003  at Macy's department store.More than one hundred people stepped onto the ninth floor carpet department of Macy's department store,gathering around an expensive carpet.Following this flash mob,about 200people flooded the lounge of the Hyatt hotel and applauded for about fifteen seconds.(73)E
Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people.Such an activity might seem amusing,but it might also frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place.(74)G They also have enormous economic potential,such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.
(75)C People use it to do many things.For example,in 2009,Michael Jackson's fans took part in a flash mob to remember him.Hundreds of his fans gathered outside the railway station in Liverpool.They were singing and dancing Michael's famous song"Beat It"together.And in another example,some people took part in a flash mob to tell more people not to use negative words.
Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.
Don't be confused by their name.
People are attracted by the silly and harmless activities.
The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.
Using mobile phones,the flash mob can change their gathering place.
A later mob saw hundreds of people in Central Park making bird noises.
The messages may be forwarded to friends,who forward to more people.
Undoubtedly,flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.

分析 本文主要讲述了快闪族的概念,以及他们的所作所为.

71.A  承接上下文,意为:他们是暴民吗?不要被名字所迷惑.事实上他们是一群这样的人:突然出现在公共场合,在很短的时间内完成一系列不同寻常的事情然后迅速离开,故选A.
72.F  承接上下文,一般这种活动都是通过互联网或电子通讯组织好,一拨人提前告知另外一拨人或朋友,在提前决定好的时间来到某个地方进行一番活动,故选F.
73.E  承接前文,有明显的时间顺序,前面提到first,following this flash mob,所以这里是A later mob…,故选E.
74.G  后面提到经济方面的帮助,该空是政治方面的作用,故选G.
75. C  中心句,"快闪"越来越流行,人们可以利用它做很多事情,故选C.

点评 做七选五题目时要注意以下规则:1.放进去通顺,这一点是基础.凡不通顺的必错无疑;


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.Like many of my generation,I have a weakness for hero worship.At some point,however,we all begin to (1)B our heroes and our need for them.This leads us to ask:What is a hero?
Despite huge (2)A in cultures,heroes around the world (3)C share a number of similar characteristics that instruct and (4)D people.
A hero does something worth talking about.A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will (5)A But a hero goes beyond mere fame.
Heroes serve powers or principles (6)C than themselves.Like high-voltage transformers,heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by (7)D.
The hero lives a life worthy of imitation.Those who (8)A a real hero will experience life with new depth,enthusiasm,and meaning.A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve?What are they (9)B to live and die for?If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame,they may be (10)C persons but not heroes.Madonna and Michael Jackson are
famous,but who would claim that their fans find life more(11)B?
Heroes can make things change (12)C.They have a(13)A from the mountaintop.They have the skill and the charm to move the masses.They (14)B new possibilities.It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with attractive personalities,but the pace of change would be (15)D and the vision uncertain.

1. A.laughB.questionC.askD.think
2. A.differenceB.similaritiesC.changesD.suggestions
4. A.frightenB.surpriseC.damageD.inspire
5. A.listenB.enjoyC.ignoreD.hate
6. A.poorerB.smallerC.largerD lower
7. A.parentsB.childrenC.neighborsD.ordinaries
8. A.imitateB.dislikeC.thinkD.select
9. A.boredB.willingC.hopelessD.doubtful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The Hunan Satellite TV(HNTV) show"Where are we going,Dad?"is a big hit.Many famous stars brought their children to a strange village alone,and they had to spend 72 hours with their children there.The program fully showed us a modern version of the"how to be a good father".As the young parents today are too busy to take care of their children,this new form of"Lost on the way"played by nanny Daddy and cute kids triggered(触发)a lot of people's emotional resonance(共鸣).Both the kids and their parents will find that their hearts are being drawn closer.But this kind of feeling has just proved that there is a big spiritual barrier between the modern parents and children.
The TV shows like"Children are hard to support!","Where are we going,Dad?","hot mom"and"cute kids"are becoming more and more popular.All of these show the new parents'confusion in children's education and the appeal for the balance between career and family.
In real life,on the one hand the young parents feel helpless because they are too busy to accompany their children under the pressures of work and life; on the other hand they continue to do so.The data collected by HNTV shows that nearly two-thirds of their audience are female,among whom 36% are aged from 25 to 34.We can imagine such a scene that one evening a young mother is watching the show with her young children,while her husband is still at work or trapped in socializing,or maybe is just playing computer games in the bedroom.The story of a child without the company of father is still going on.In fact,it is sometimes the same to mothers.In a modern family,it is often the old who take the responsibility of raising a child.The participation of mother in the children's education is also very low.
It is just this kind of confusion where the parents have gone in the modern family education,and where the parents will guide their children to go that"Where are we going,Dad?"shows us.If a child wants to grow up healthily and safely into a modern citizen with independent personality and free spirit,it is very important for him or her to follow the parents who serve as their first teacher.Maybe this is the real reason why such kind of TV programs could get hot.The truth is that children will go where their parents go; and society will go where the children go.
32.In raising a child in modern society,parents shouldC.
A.play computer games with their children
B.keep their children at home to avoid socializing
C.balance well between family and career
D.break down the barrier between children and teachers
33.Which of the following can be inferred in the passage?A
A.Parents shouldn't entirely leave the education of children to the old.
B.36% of the audience of the program are female aged from 25-34.
C.The program shows us the confusion where the parents and children will go to play.
D.In a modern family it is often mothers who are responsible for raising a child.
34.Which one is the best title of the passage?A
A.Confusion Behind"Where are we going,dad?"
B.Modern Education is Important
C.Nanny Daddy and Cute Kids
D.New problems in Modern Children's Education
35.What attitude towards modern family education does the author express in the second paragraph?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.My oldest child,Emma,just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of college.These days,friends and family have begun flooding me with one question:What is she going to do after graduation?
The job market is,after all,awfully tough.Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank published a study showing that"recent graduates are increasingly working in low-paid jobs or working part-time."The bright spot,according to the study,is for students who majored(主修) in STEM-science,technology,engineering and mathematics-areas in which recent graduates"have tended to do relatively well".
But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college.She's an American Studies major with a focus on the politics and culture of food.For quite a while,I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that I'm not the least bit worried she will find a good job.Yet the more I've thought about it,the more I've decided to be honest."I'm not sure what Emma is going to do,"I now say."But she's gotten a great education and has really found her interest.-and I know those things will serve her well over the course of her life."
Nowadays,more and more universities and colleges are being measured by the salaries of their recent graduates.In this climate,encouraging your kid to study the humanities,seems,at best,unwise or,at worst,unconcerned with earning a living.But a college is not a vocational(职业) school.And promoting STEM subjects should not be society's only answer to helping the next generation grow in a competitive world.
From the beginning,we never urged Emma to pick a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money,as more and more families are doing.To Emma,what really matters will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time:Emma's contribution to the world and how happy she is in it.
25.The author's friends and familyC.
A.are worried about Emma's safety
B.have been worrying about the flood
C.are concerned about Emma's future  
D.are worried about the job market
26.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?C
A.The number of the graduates is increasing.
B.STEM graduates can be better employees.
C.STEM graduates are in relatively greater demand.
D.More and more graduates like to do a part-time job.
27.Why did Emma choose a major in the humanities?A
A.Because she is interested in it.
B.Because her mother told her to.
C.Because it is increasingly popular.
D.Because she wants further education.
28.According to the author,what matters most in choosing a major is thatD.
A.it should be among the STEM
B.it should be fashionable and interesting
C.it should allow a good job and a high salary
D.it should bring achievements and happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.Long long ago,a circle missed one piece of its own.The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around looking for its (36)B piece.But because it was (37)A   and therefore could roll only very slowly,it(38)C  the flowers along the way.It(39)B with the worms.It enjoyed the sunshine.It found lots of different pieces,but (40)D  of them fitted.So it left them all by the side of the road and (41)Dsearching.Then one day the circle found a piece that fitted (42)C.It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.(43)B it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,(44)B fast to notice the flowers or talk to the worms.After it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it (45)A,left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.
The (46)Aof the story,I suggest,is that in some strange (47)C we are more whole when we are missing something.The man who has (48)D is in some ways a poor man.He will never know what it (49)B like to nourish his soul with the dream of something (50)A.When we accept that (51)Cis part of being human and when we can continue rolling (52)Dlife and appreciate it,we will have (53)Ca wholeness that others can only desire,which,I believe,is (54)DGod asks of us-not"Be perfect",not"Don't even make a mistake",(55)A"Be whole".

41.A.carried outB.put onC.worked outD.kept on
43.A.AlthoughB.Now thatC.UnlessD.As long as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Waiting for the airplane,I was happy to get a seat by myself.Just then,an air hostess approached me and asked,"Would you mind (26)B your seat?A couple would like to sit together."The only (27)C seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带),a black-and-blue face,and a sad expression."(28)B am I going to sit there,"I thought immediately.But a soft voice spoke,"She needs help."Finally,I (29)A to move to that seat.
The girl was named Kathy.She got(30)D in a car accident and was now on her way for (31)A.
When the snack(快餐) and juice arrived,it did not take me long to (32)C that Kathy would not be able to (33)B herself.I considered (34)A to feed her but hesitated,as it seemed too (35)A to offer such a service to a (36)D.But then I realized that Kathy's need was more (37)C than my discomfort.I offered to help her eat,and (38)B she was uncomfortable to accept,she (39)Das I expected.We became closer and closer in a short period of time.By the end of the five-hour trip,my heart had (40)A,and my(41)C was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.
I was very glad I had reached (42)Dmy comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her.Love (43)D flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us (44)A.When we are ready to serve another(45)B,we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

28.A.No problemB.No wayC.No wonderD.No doubt


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4."I'm more nervous right now than when I ______,"Jane said,as she saw the group of reporters waiting anxiously at the exit of the gym.(  )
A.had competedB.competeC.was competingD.have competed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.---Why are the Woods selling their belongings?
---They        to another city.(  )
A.had movedB.have movedC.movedD.are moving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Once there was an 11-year-old boy who went fishing with his father in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.On the day before bass (巴斯鱼) season opened,they were fishing early in the evening,catching other fish with worms.Then the boy tied on a small silver lure (鱼饵) and put it into the lake.Suddenly he felt that something very big pulling on the lure.His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully brought the fish beside the bank.Finally he lifted the tired fish from the water.It was the largest one he had ever seen,but it was a bass.
The boy and his father looked at the big fish.The father lit a match and looked at his watch.It was 10 p.m.-two hours before the season opened.He looked at the fish,then at the boy."You'll have to put it back,son,"he said.
"Dad!"cried the boy."There will be other fish,"said his father."Not as big as this one,"cried the boy.He looked around the lake.No other fishermen or boats were in sight in the moonlight.He looked again at his father.
Even though no one had seen them,nor could anyone ever know what time he had caught the fish,the boy could tell from his father's voice that the decision couldn't be changed.He threw the huge bass into the black water.The big fish disappeared.The boy thought that he would never again see such a big fish.
That was 34 years ago.Today the boy is a successful architect in New York City.He often takes his own son and daughters to fish at the same place.
And he was right.He has never again caught such a large fish as the one he got that night long ago.But he does see that same fish…again and again…every time he has an ethical (道德的) decision to make.For,as his father had taught him,ethics are simple matters of right and wrong.It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.
68.What happened when the big fish turned out to be a bass?C
A.The boy and his father discussed what to do with the big fish.
B.The boy threw the bass back into the water willingly.
C.The father lit a match in order to check the time.
D.They worried other fishermen may discover what they had done.
69.From the text we know that the fatherD.
A.didn't love his son         
B.always disagreed with his son
C.disliked the huge fish           
D.was firm and stubborn 
70.How did the boy feel when the huge bass was thrown into the water?C
71.The successful architect went fishing with his children at the same place becauseB.
A.they might catch a big fish there
B.he was taught an important lesson there
C.it was a most popular fishing spot               
D.their children enjoyed fishing there.

