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With the development of science and technology, new inventions, especially new electronic products, have made people’s lives easy and convenient. But as the saying puts: A coin has two sides.

One day, I was walking in the park with a friend and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the alienation(疏远) index goes up. You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.

Pumping petrol at the station? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe(刷)your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?

Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to a teller who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into ATM?

Pretty soon you won’t have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery shop. Some supermarket chains are using a self-scanner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those check-out people who look at you and ask how you are doing.

I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn't wise…they're a great help to us. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.

More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up a call because I didn't really have time to talk. The communications industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.

So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging, with people who live near me,no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.

1.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. The Advance of Communications Technology

B. The Consequences of Modern Technology

C. The Process of Communications Revolution

D. The Automation of Modern Communications

2. Paragraphs 5 to 7 are listed as examples, which show that the use of modern communications is ___________.

A. encouraging B. disappointing

C. satisfying D. embarrassing

3.The passage implies that _______________.

A. modern technology is bridging the people

B. modern technology is separating the people

C. modern technology is developing too rapidly

D. modern technology is interrupting our lives

4. What does the writer think to do with the modern technology?

A. We may use them no matter what others are doing.

B. We can throw them away and return to the ancient.

C. We can be far away from them forever.

D. We can use them less and communicate with the people around us.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I ________ a note. Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a ________ moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of ________ for the coming test or sporting event.

In early grade school they ________ their notes. But as children grow older they become self-conscious (有自我意识的), and ________ he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer ________ my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to ________ them but I still needed to write them, I ________ until the day he graduated.

Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move ________ for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college, ________ two internship (实习) in Washington, D.C., and ________ , becoming a technical worker in Sacramento. ________ short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was________ happy to have Marc back. Since I was ________ making lunch for his younger brother, I ________ one for Marc, too. Imagine my ________ when I got a call from my 24-yere-old son, ________ his lunch.

“Did I do something ________ ? Don’t you love me ________ , Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I ________ asked him what was wrong.

“My note, Mom,” he answered. “Where’s my note?”

1.A. carried B. found C. held D. included

2.A. difficult B. comfortable C. special D. separate

3.A. encouragement B. congratulation C. improvement D. explanation

4.A. answered B. loved C. wrote D. examined

5.A. lately B. by the time C. by the way D. gradually

6.A. enjoyed B. received C. understood D. collected

7.A. copy B. take C. read D. send

8.A. held up B. continued C. gave up D. followed

9.A. out B. to college C. to Sacramento D. home

10.A. completing B. organizing C. planning D. comparing

11.A. hopefully B. particularly C. certainly D. finally

12.A. Because of B. Except for C. Instead of D. As for

13.A. immediately B. equally C. especially D. generally

14.A. once B. still C. again D. even

15.A. fetched B. packed C. bought D. filled

16.A. fear B. anger C. surprise D. disappointment

17.A. waiting for B. worrying about C. asking about D. caring for

18.A. funny B. strange C. smart D. wrong

19.A. any more B. enough C. once more D. better

20.A. laughingly B. interestingly C. bitterly D. politely


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西临汾第一中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

(Q = Question; A = Answer)

Situation I

Q: If someone sits right next to me in an empty movie theater, is it rude to move?

A: Maybe, but nobody will fault you for it. Chances are that the close sitter doesn’t realize he disturbs you, so he may miss your annoyance. You undoubtedly aren’t the first person he’s met who needs enough room. Forgive his bad judgment, move quietly and enjoy the show.

Situation II

Q: If I use the bathroom at a store, do I need to buy something?

A: Consider frequency and urgency. Is this a one-time thing or an emergency? If so, you don’t have to buy anything, but it would be kind if you did. However, if you regularly use the bathroom at this place, then you are a customer, and you should act like one.

Situation III

Q: If someone is talking loudly on the bus, is there a nice way to ask him to keep it down?

A: No. Try other means: 1) Stare at him until he gets aware of it and quiets down. 2) Lift your finger in a silence motion(动作) and smile. 3) Put on earphones and ignore him.

Situation IV

Q: If I remember my friend’s birthday a day late, should I apologize or just wish her a happy birthday like nothing happened?

A: This is the reason why the word belated was invented. “Happy belated birthday!” is short for: “Well, I know I forgot, but then I remembered. Forgive me and happy birthday.”

Situation V

Q: Can I lie about seeing a text because I was loo busy or lazy to respond to it?

A: Don’t lie. Receiving a text does not mean you need to respond(回复) to it. Why waste a perfectly good lie when the truth will serve? “Yes,” you can say if ever asked, “I saw it.” No explanation is needed as to why you don’t respond.

1.How will you quiet someone down in a public place?

A. By talking to him directly.

B. By pointing angrily at him.

C. By looking purposefully at him.

D. By making fun of him continuously.

2.The underlined word “belated” in Situation IV probably means ________.

A. delayed B. returned C. predicted D. regretted

3.You will get annoyed in a theater when ________.

A. a person is too rude to you

B. a person sits too close to you

C. a person is too active

D. a person talks too loudly

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Different ways to change others’ manners.

B. Good manners to talk to people.

C. Proper manners to offer help to others.

D. Modern ways to mind your manners.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川广安、眉山、遂宁三市高三第一次诊断性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Li Hua and Wang Hai are students of Senior Three. They all work hard but have different learning methods. Li Hua listens to her teachers attentive and tries to catch everything the teachers say. She spends more time doing her homework. It is certain what she can go to bed earlier and always keeps energetic in the day.

However, Wang Hai had a different way of learning. He likes to stay up late at the night, so he often feels sleepy in class. Thus, he misses lots of key point and it usually spends him more time to finish his homework, that makes it difficult for him to concentrate what he is doing. I prefer Li Hua's learning method.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西抚州临川十中高二上学期12月月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student from Jordan. He wanted to learn more about American culture and hoped that he and Steve would become good friends. At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to have lunch with him. But after the term was over, Steve seemed distant. The two former classmates didn’t see each other very often at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steve’s change of attitude. “Steve said we were friends,” Yaser complained, “and I thought friends were friends forever.” Yaser was a little confused.

As a foreigner, he doesn’t understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances(相识的人;熟人) and close companions(伙伴) “friends”. These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade(逐渐消失). Now as Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates, their “friendship” has changed. In some cultures friendship means a strong lifelong bond between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out five American families moves every year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just quickly as well. People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with strangers. But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship. After an experience like Yaser’s , people who’ve been in this country for only a few months may consider Americans to be fickle(易变的). Learning how Americans view friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends in the American way.

1.According to the passage, ________made Yaser a little confused.

A. Steve’s inviting him to dinner

B. Steve’s cold attitude

C. Steve’s studying with him

D. Steve’s misunderstanding him

2.We can learn from the passage that_____.

A. Americans use the word “friend” in a very special way and like to develop a close friendship

B. American friendliness is always an offer of true friendship and is of great value

C. Americans think the friendship will last for ever, even though the shared activity ends

D. Americans always base their friendships with others on common interests

3.In Paragraph 2, the underlined word “they” refers to “_______”.

A. American friendships

B. American families

C. People from the United States

D. misunderstandings

4.This passage mainly tells us_____.

A. that people should not make friends with Americans.

B. that everyone needs friends.

C. the importance of keeping friendships

D. how Americans view friendship


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年陕西西安庆安高级中学高一第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Three Boys and a Dad

Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. Expecting a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be like a walk in the park,” he’d told his wife. “I’ll look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.”

Things started well, but just after eight o’clock, his three little “good kids”—Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex’s head as if it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍). Mike chanted “Where’s my toast, where’s my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.

Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy’s underwear on his head. Randy locked himself in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, although they were before their very eyes. Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.

By ten o’clock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.

At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre (日托所).“I suddenly have to go into work and my wife’s away. Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes?” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.

1.When his wife left home. Brad expected to .

A. enjoy his first day off work

B. watch TV talk show with his children

C. go out for a walk in the park

D. read the newspaper to his children

2.Which of the following did Randy do?

A. Drawing on the wall B. Reading in a room

C. Feeding the fish. D. Eating apple jam

3.Why did Brad ask the daycare centre for help?

A. Because he wanted to clean up his house.

B. Because he suddenly had to go to his office

C. Because he had to take his wife back

D. Because he found it hard to manage his boys at home.

4.This text is developed _____________.

A. by space B. by time

C. by process D. by comparison

5.At first, Brad thought he would be __________ on his first day off .

A. relaxed B. embarrassed

C.bored D. unhappy


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南常德石门第一中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





Dear Tom,

How are you doing these days? I’m writing to tell you something about my English teacher Miss Liu.




Did you do some interesting things last week? Would you like to tell me about them?

Best wishes,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁大连第八中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The sound of a mosquito can mean trouble in many parts of the world. The bite of the mosquito can be deadly. The insects carry serious diseases like malaria (疟疾). It is estimated that almost 630,000 people died from malaria and malaria­related causes in 2012, and most of these cases were in African countries.

In the United States, a group of California scientists are working to develop a more effective and less costly substance (物质) to protect people from mosquitoes. The researchers are investigating the sense of smell in mosquitoes. They found the insects use the same receptor for identifying carbon dioxide in human breath as they do for the smell of our skin. Anandasankar Ray, who is leading the investigation, says scientists tested more than a million chemical compounds (化合物) until they found a substance called Ethyl Pyruvate. He says Ethyl Pyruvate makes the mosquitoes' receptors inactive. “When we apply Ethyl Pyruvate to a human arm and offer it to hungry mosquitoes in a cage, very few of the mosquitoes are attracted to the human arm because only a few of them are able to smell it out,” said Ray.

Genevieve Tauxe, a member of the research team, says it was not easy to find the neurons (神经元) of noble cells that recognize both the smell of human breath and skin. “With the device used to examine the mosquito, we are able to insert a very small electrode (电极) into the part of the mosquito's nose, where its smelling neurons are and where the smell is happening,” said Tauxe.

Anandasankar Ray says a product based on Ethyl Pyruvate may cost less to produce than DEFT, the most effective chemical treatment now in use. He says DEFT is too costly for most people who live in areas affected by malaria.

“Perhaps by finding smells that can attack other target receptors, we will be able to improve upon DEFT and finally have the next generation of insect behaviour control products,” said Ray.

1.The underlined word in the second paragraph probably means ________.

A. a substance that protects people from mosquitoes

B. a piece of equipment that sends signals

C. a device that reacts to light

D. a sense organ that reacts to changes

2.According to the passage, Ethyl Pyruvate can ________.

A. kill the mosquitoes' smelling neurons

B. cause the mosquitoes to lose their senses of smell

C. result in the inactiveness of the mosquitoes' receptors

D. make the mosquitoes uninterested in human breath and skin smell

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Ethyl Pyruvate—an Insect Behaviour Control Product

B. Malaria—a Serious Disease Causing 630,000 Deaths

C. Scientists Find a New Substance to Fight Mosquitoes

D. A New Generation of DEET Has Been Developed to Kill Mosquitoes

4.This passage most probably appears in ________.

A. a textbook of medical schools

B. a collection of doctors' essays

C. the column of newspaper ads

D. the health column of a magazine


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

iPhone owners are vainer and spend more on clothes and grooming (仪容) than those who have BlackBerrys and Android phones, new research claims.

BlackBerry owners earn the most and are more likely to have long-term relationships, while people with Android handsets are most creative and the best cooks.

The study, carried out by TalkTalk Mobile, surveyed 2,000 owners of the three major smartphone brands to determine whether the choice of handset was an extension of their personality. The study rated users in various walks of life using a point scoring system including personalities, daily habits and the type of industries they work in.

Other results from the study found that people with an iPhone are more image conscious and generally rate themselves more attractive than those with other handsets. They are most likely to describe themselves as adventurous, bright and are most likely to work in media, publishing and education. They also believe their boss rates them highly. Apple owners also tend to have done more travelling and are the most active on social media sites.

BlackBerry owners were found to be the least punctual, but despite putting in the least hours at work they are the most active phone user — sending more texts and making more calls in the average day than any other phone user. They are more social and have more friends overall. They also earn nearly two and a half thousand pounds a year more than other smartphone owners, with an average salary of $27,406. BlackBerry users classed themselves so loud and mainly work in the health, finance or property sectors. They were also found to drink more tea and coffee each day than any other phone user.

Android owners were found to watch more TV than others and drink the most alcohol — consuming more in an average week than iPhone and BlackBerry drinkers. They have the most jobs in engineering, the government and public services and environmental services. They have the best manners and are more shy and relaxed than their counterparts.

Dan Meader, Director of Mobile at TalkTalk, said, “Many of us have our mobile phones on us almost constantly so they do become an extension of us in many ways. It’s interesting to see then how the choice in handset may reflect different aspects of personality and the results do show some unusual differences.”

1.The underlined words “image conscious” (Paragraph4) mean “caring about ________”.

A. income B. appearance

C. social media D. interpersonal relationships

2. What were Android users found to be like?

A. Loud. B. Brave. C. Polite. D. Confident.

3. Dan Meader may agree that the kind of mobile phone we use ________.

A. will decide the way we live our life

B. can be a window into the lives we lead

C. can change our personalities gradually

D. has become the most important part of our life

4.How is the text organized?

A. By drawing comparisons. B. By giving reasons only.

C. By providing examples. D. By giving solutions.

