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18.People from every corner flooded into the streets that Christmas Eve."Frosty the Snowman,"and"Jingle Bells"(41)D in stores; on the pavements,the street singers performed happily.Everyone,was (42)B by someone else,delighted and cheerful.I was alone.
As one of 8kids of a Brazilian family,brought up in America's crowded apartment,I'd spent several years searching for aloneness.Now,(43)C,at 27,a college student after the (44)C  with my girlfriend,every cell inside me wanted to be alone,(45)A not at Christmas.My family had (46)Ato Brazil and my friends were (47)B with their own lives.Dusk was approaching,and the fact that I had to return to my (48)Dhome made me sad.Lights from windows blinked,and I hoped someone would (49)C from one of those homes to invite me inside with a Christmas tree decorated with shiny fake snow and(50)Bpresents.
At a market,I felt more(51)Awhen people were buying lots of goods,which (52)Athe gifts we received as children in my mind.I missed my family and wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.
Outside the church,a manger(小耶稣) had been set(53)C.I stood with others watching the scene,some of them(54)Dthemselves,praying.As I walked home,I realized that leaving Brazil was still a painful experience as I struggled with(55)BI had become in 15years in America.I'd mourned the(56)A,but for the first time,I recognized what I'd gained.I was independent,(57)D and healthy.My life was still ahead,full of(58)C.
Sometimes the best gift is the one that you give yourself.That Christmas,I gave myself(59)D for what I'd obtained up to now and promise to go forward.It is the best gift I've ever got,the one that I most(60)B.

49.A.go awayB.hang outC.turn upD.break in
52.A.called upB.called forC.called onD.called in

分析 本文为记叙了在那个圣诞节时,我送给自己的是肯定和许诺,肯定自己过去的努力,许诺自己将不惧一切,奋勇向前.那是我曾收到过的最好的礼物,我最珍惜的圣诞礼物.有时候,你送给自己的礼物才是最好的礼物.

解答 41-45 DBCCA    46-50 ABDCB     51-55 AACDB   56-60 ADCDB
41D 考查动词辨析 shared分享 played 玩耍;播放 served服务held持有;抓住.  由语境中的"Frosty the Snowman,"and"Jingle Bells"这两首耳熟能详的圣诞歌可知这里应是圣诞歌在商店播放,所以应选D.played.
42B 考查动词辨析.accompanied陪伴.employed雇佣 attended参加supported支持. 由后面一句话"I was alone."把我一个人独处的情形和周围的人都有人陪伴形成对比,故选B.
43C 考查副词辨析.usually经常地 extremely极端地.really真正地 eventually最终地.由前一句"I'd spent several years searching for aloneness."推理出多少年来一直在寻求独处的机会,现在这里我终于可以一个人了,所以选C 项eventually.
44C 考查名词辨析. break up分手 date约会.sympathy仁慈 concern关心.由原文"every cell inside me wanted to be alone"可知我之所以倍感孤独,推理出因为和女友分手了,所以选择C 项breakup.
45A考查并列连词辨析 so于是.but但是 and和 or否则.  虽然失恋想一个人待会儿,但是却不想圣诞节这样,前后有转折关系,所以选择A项but.
46A考查动词辨析  moved搬家 sli pped滑到.came来到.returned返回. 由第二段开头"As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family"知道我是巴西后裔,所以这里推理家人回去过圣诞了,故用returned,选A.
47D考查形容词辨析pleased感到满意的satisfied感到满意的occupied已占用的.bored感到无聊的. 我独自呆在街上,家人回巴西了,朋友们都在忙于自己的生活,这里"be occupied with"有"忙于"之意,故选D.
48D考查形容词辨析  shabby破旧的 empty空的 warm暖和的.cozy 舒适的. 夜幕降临,我不得不回到我那个空荡荡的 家,这让我很难过,所以填empty更衬托出孤单,故选D.
49C考查动词短语辨析.turn up出现,露面 hang out挂出,闲逛 go away走开 break in打断,闯入. 我希望灯光闪烁的房子里有人出现请我进去跟他们共庆圣诞,用"turn up"表示"出现"之意,最符合语境,因此选C.
50B考查形容词辨析 dealt处理好的 discounted已折扣的.wrapped包裹好的.donated被捐献的.圣诞树下的礼物一般都是包装好的,选B项.
51A考查形容词辨析..tired感到疲惫的 nervous紧张 excited感到激动的upset不安的,难过沮丧的. 第二段描述了作者在街上孤独的心情,在市场看到人们为圣诞购物的气氛,作者的心情越发难过了,所以选择upset最贴切,故选A项.
52A考查动词短语辨析 called up打电话;使想起 called for要求;需要 called on拜访  called in召集. 这里有点触景生情,别人购买的物品让我想起了孩提时代收到的礼物,我越发想家了,因此选A项.
53C考查副词搭配.  在教堂外面,为庆祝圣诞,小耶稣已经被架起来了,set up建立,竖起,符合语境,因此选C项.
54D考查动词辨析. hugging拥抱 bowing鞠躬.crossing横过,交叉 bending弯曲.由后面的"praying"可以看出旁边有的人正在祈祷,可以想象他们在用手在胸前划十字,用crossing更恰当,因此选D项.
55B考查关系词辨析. 由原文"leaving Brazil was still a painful experience as I struggled with   55  I had become in 15 years in America."可知离开巴西始终是我一次痛苦的经历,我一直在想,15年的美国生活让我变成了一个什么样的人,该处为what引导的表语从句,根据句意选B项.
56A考查名词辨析.cases情境limits限制.losses丢失.worries担忧.由后文"I recognized what I'd gained"知道,我意识到我得到了一些东西,推理出前面应该是为失去的难过,所以选择A项losses.
57D考查形容词辨析. lonely孤独的;荒凉的.educated受过教育的;有教养的.shy害羞 wealthy富有的. 由第二段"a college student"知道我是大学生,所以算得到很好的教育,选D项.
58C考查名词辨析.possibility可能性.sght视力;景象sadness悲.hardship悲伤. 由"My life was still ahead."知道生活会继续向前,会有一切可能,C合适.
59D考查名词辨析. surprise惊奇[来源:学,科.defeat打败prize奖 credit信用;信誉;信任.这个圣诞节我送给自己的礼物就是对自己已经取得的赞誉及对未来的承诺,所以选D项.
60B考查动词辨析.select挑选 value珍惜.save节省.admit[承这份礼物是我收到的最好的礼物,也是我最珍惜的."value"有"珍惜,重视"之意,因此选B项.

点评 完型填空,解题时要抓住文章的脉络,一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Animals are considered to be endangered if the species is close to extinction throughout all or most of its environment.Animals become endangered for a variety of reasons.
Some animals become endangered when their habitats contain resources for humans.For example,commercial forest cutting in the Amazon Rainforest has seriously reduced the population of many animal species and lead to the extinction of other groups.Land itself is an important resource to humans since it provides us with living space,and when people replace animal habitats with human habitats,it can lead to larger loss of natural species.
Commercial and industrial operations may reduce land or water for animals and pollute their environment.Due to water pollution,the baiji,a fresh water dolphin native to China,was declared extinct,meaning it's unlikely the population can recover.Even noise pollution from human activities can lead to the disorder of animal behavior.
Another cause that makes animals become endangered is over-fishing or over-hunting.Over-hunting whales led to near extinction of many species of whales.
The introduction of a non-native species to a habitat may make animals become endangered.The native species may not defend against a new one,and the effects can be dangerous.In Australia,the introduction of the common house cat led to the extinction of the red-fronted parakeet and has seriously damaged the populations of several small animals.
Introduced species can also bring new diseases with them.As a result,animals become endangered.Native animals may not have the power to fight against non-native diseases,and population levels can suffer.Another cause of disease is human-introduced chemicals.The use of DDT is believed to be one of the leading causes in driving the California Condor to near extinction.
When animals become endangered,the entire food chain can be affected.For example,in 2008 disease seriously harmed the honeybee,which is largely responsible for pollinating(授花粉)  plants,including many fruits and vegetables.Without their pollination,a very large part of the human diet could be reduced.In fact,if the honeybee should become extinct,our life would be affected and billions of dollars would be lost.Therefore,many people argue that when animals become endangered it is in man's own self-interest to protect them.

61.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.ways of protecting animals'habitats
B.effects caused by species endangerment
C.dangers of bringing in non-native species
D.reasons why animals become endangered
62.Which of the following examples shows that environmental pollution may cause species endangerment?B
A.The extinction of the whales.
B.The extinction of the red-fronted parakeet.
C.The decreasing population of the dolphin.
D.The effect of the honeybee on the human diet.
63.Why is it dangerous to introduce a non-native species to a habitat?A
A.Native species are likely to die from the new diseases.
B.It's hard for non-native species to survive.
C.Non-native species will take up more space.
D.Native species are so powerful for non-native species.
64.The California Condor is in danger of dying out because ofB.
A.loss of habitat                                                       
B.harmful chemicals
C.forest cutting                                                        
D.unfamiliar diseases
65.We can infer from the last paragraph thatD.
A.humans are to blame for species extinction
B.small animals mean little to the whole food chain
C.protection of the honeybee has cost billions of dollars
D.humans protect animals for the benefit of themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.It is a general rule that all types of activity result in boredom when they are performed on (61)a routine basis.Actually,we can see this principle at work in people of all (62)ages(age).For example,on Christmas morning,children are excited (63)about playing with their new toys.But their interest soon dies down and by January (64)it is those same toys that can (65)be found(find) put away in the basement.The world is full of half-filled stamp albums and unfinished models,each (66)standing(stand) as a monument to someone's passing interest.Adolescents enter high school with great (67)excitement(excite) but are soon looking forward to graduation.And then,how many adults,(68)who now complain about the long drives to work,eagerly drove for hours at a time when they first got their driver's license?Before people retire,they usually plan to do a lot of great things,which they never had time to do while working.But soon after retirement,all of the hobbies become as boring as the jobs they (69)left/have left(leave).And,like the children in January,they go searching for new toys.Therefore,it is high time that you (70)added/should add(add) variety to your daily life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Clerk:(64)Can I help you?
Mary:Yes,please.I want a pair of(65)shoes.
Clerk:What(66)colordo you want?
Clerk:Here you are.
Mary:How(67)much are they?
Clerk:Nine dollars.
Mary:I'll(68)take them.Thanks.
Clerk:You're welcome.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Rather than_______ letters many people would telephone these days.(  )
A.to writeB.wroteC.writeD.writing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.If you get into the forest with your friends,stay with them always.If you don't,you may get lost.If you really get lost,this is (81)what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don't try to find your friends-let them find you.Meanwhile,give them a signal (82)byshouting or whistling three times.Any signal (83)given(give) three times is a call for help.Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not (84)simply(simple) making noise for fun.They will then start looking for you.
If you don't think that you will get help before night (85)comes (come),try to make a little"house",(86)using(use) branches with lots of leaves.Also,make (87)yourself(you) a soft bed with leaves and grass.
If you get hungry or need to drink water,you will have to leave your little house (88)to look(look) for a river.Don't just walk away.Pick off small branches (89)and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.Remember,(90)the most important(important) thing to do when you are lost is stay in one place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

10.Old age may not sound (61)exciting (excite).But recent findings provide good news for older people and for people (62)worried (worry) about getting older.
The findings came from (63)a survey of more than 340,000adults in he United States.The Gallup Organization questioned( 64)them by telephone in 2008.At that time,the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five.
The researchers asked questions about emotions like happiness,(65)sadness(sad) and worry.They also asked about mental or emotional stress.The research team found that levels of stress were (66)highest (high) among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five.Stress levels dropped (67 )sharply (sharp) after people reached their fifties.
Happiness (68)was highest among the youngest adults and those (69)in their early seventies.The study also showed that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older.(70 )However,woman at al ages reported more sadness,stress and worry than men.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.It was my first day in Hangzhou,the Chinese city famous for its natural beauty and history and I didn't have much time to spare.I wanted to see(61)asmuch of the city as possible in the two days (62)beforeI was to return to Guangzhou.My first task was to decide where to go and (63)howto get there.I took out my guide book in which there was a lot of information about the city's well-known tourist(64)attractions(attract) and started to read.At that moment  an  attractive young lady(65)who/that noticed  my  book  came up  to  me  and  introduced (66)herself.She said her name was Miss Bai She and kindly offered to show me(67)around the city.I was delighted and was about to accept her proposal when she suggested we first (68)go (go)  to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge.I quite liked the idea of visiting the West Lake but wasn't so sure about crossing the Broken Bridge(69).If/Sinceit was broken,did she expect me to jump across?And I couldn't swim,so if I fell in then I would drown.That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation,(70)closed (close) my book and walked away.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.British men are encouraged to cry.
There are certain things British men like to believe about themselves.The first is that one day they will again win the World Cup.They also believe they do not cry.Over the centuries,Britons are believed to have a"stiff upper lip".But is this true?
Yes,it is.A recent study arranged by Kleenex on how the British express their emotions reveals that 95 percent of them still containtheir emotions.
Moreover,while 72 percent think this is unhealthy,19 percent can't remember the last time they"let it out".As a result,Kleenex is launching the"Let It Out"campaign that encourages Brits to grab a tissue and have a good cry.
These days,however,the male Briton's attitude toward crying is changing.Though the majority still struggles to open up emotionally,a 2004 study by Oxford's Social Issues Research Center found that 77 percent of British men considered crying in public increasingly acceptable.Half of London males admitted crying in front of their mothers.Scotsmen are the least emotional,although they are the most likely to cry at weddings.
Peter Marsh,director of the center,said:"Crying can now indicate sensitivity rather than weakness.Like with David Beckham,crying because you're dropping off your boy at nursery isn't seen as weak."
Winston Churchill was said to be a frequent crier,shedding tears at seeing a survivor in an air raid shelter,and when he saw his wife after a long absence.
Psychologists say that while society has accepted that men can cry,there are limits.Ronald Bracey,a consulting psychologist,said:"If a man began to cry when he was having stitches(缝针)in hospital,he would be considered as a coward.Men still need to be seen as strong when it comes to physical pain."
67.What does the passage mainly deal with?D
A.Impression of British men.
B.British men's dream of the World Cup.
C.Advice on how to control emotions.
D.Different attitudes British men have towards crying.
68.Which of the following concerning the British men is NOT true according to the passage?C
A.They are supposed to easily control emotions over the centuries.
B.They are confident that they will again get successful in the World Cup.
C.About 50% of Britons admitted crying before their mothers.
D.Nowadays,the male Briton's attitude toward crying is changing.
69.The word"contain"in paragraph 3 meansB.
A.store         B.hold back          C.include          D.stir up
70.What does the author think of the British men's crying?C
A.They should cry if hurt.
B.They should keep firm not to cry to show they are not wimps.
C.They should be brave in face of physical pain and cry if necessary when facing other problems.
D.They should"let it out"whatever problems they meet with.

