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. It is still unclear ______ the little boy got the CD player to work.

A. where                      B. what                        C. that                          D. how


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most 23-year-olds have not done enough in life to be worthy of having their own documentary(纪录片)

  Most 23-year-olds aren't LeBron James.

  The NBA superstar, who recently won gold at the Beijing Olympics, has just released More Than a Game. It is a documentary that follows his rise to stardom (明星地位) and how he and four childhood friends overcame long odds to win a national championship in high school.

  Combining footage (镜头) taken during James' career at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio, US, along with one-on-one interviews by writer/director Kris Belman, home videos, and personal family photographs, the film is about much more than basketball. At its core (核心) is a story of friendship, loyalty and love.

  "We set out with a goal as kids and we wanted to accomplish that someway, somehow by using basketball as a tool, not knowing that it was going to create other opportunities for us," James said. "We didn't know it was going to create a brotherhood and trust. We grew from kids into young men."

  While James is the star, his former teammates, Dru Joyce III, Sian Cotton, Willie McGee and Romeo Travis, play a major role in the film.

  Their journey began together as 8-year-old boys, winds through years traveling all over America playing in basketball tournaments and finishes in their senior season at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.

  At the time, Belman was a college film student. He set out to film James and his friends' season as his final school project, a 10-minute documentary. But after gaining the trust of the players and coach Dru Joyce, Belman spent two months filming and eventually teamed with producer Harvey Mason Jr to the full-length feature.

  James hopes the film will inspire youngsters (年轻人).

  "We set out with a goal when we were eight and we accomplished it when we were 18," he said. "It's a great story and I wanted to get it out to kids that have a dream, that they should continue to go after it, believe in it and live it if they want to accomplish something."

LeBron James achieved his goal set at 8 when         .

       A.he won a gold medal at the Beijing Olympics

       B.He won a national championship in high school

       C.he became a collage student

       D.he was interviewed by Kris Belman

Which of the following is unlikely to be included in the description of James?

       A.Friendly.  B.Faithful.   C.Hardworking.   D.Self-centered.

More Than a Game is           .

       A.James’ favorite story about his childhood

       B.a documentary filmed by James’ classmate

       C.a film made by Belman

       D.an article a bout James’ high school life

We can learn from the passage that More Than a Game is        .

       A.inspiring B.dull   C.puzzling   D.imaginary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Since my retirement(退休) from teaching music in 2001, I have spent a good deal of time painting as an artist. I actually began drawing again in the summer of 1995 when my father died, so perhaps I was trying to recover from the loss of my father, or maybe it was just that it brought back memories of him. In any case, I drew pen and ink animals and landscapes(风景画) much influenced(影响) by Krenkel and St. John for five years.

For some strange reason, I had been waiting until my retirement to start doing watercolors again, but as soon as I walked out of the school door for the last time I picked up my brushes and rediscovered Andrew Wyeth, who quickly became my favorite artist. I had looked through all the art books I had on my shelves and found his watercolors to be the closest to how I thought good watercolors should look. So I painted landscapes around Minnesota for three years and tried out many other types of painting. However, watercolors remained my first choice, and I think I did my best work there, showing my paintings at a number of art exhibitions.

Art is now together with my piano playing and reading. There is a time for everything in my world, and it is wonderful to have some time doing what I want to do. As Confucious once said, “At seventy I can follow my heart’s desire.”

What is the text mainly about?

A. Learning to paint in later life.                     B. How to paint watercolors

C. An artist-turned teacher                          D. Life after retirement

The author started drawing again in 1995 because_________.

A. he hoped to draw a picture of his father

B. he couldn’t stop missing his father

C. he had more time after retirement  

D. he liked animals and landscapes

We can infer from the text that the author__________.

A. had been taught by Krenkel and St. John

B. painted landscapes in Minnesota for 5 years

C. believed Wyeth to be the best in watercolors

D. started his retirement life at the age of severty

How does the author probably feel about his life as an artist?

A. Very enjoyable.   B. A bit regretful     C. Rather busy.        D. Fairly dull.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Austin Children’s Museum

This 7,000-square-foot museum aims to entertain and educate children up to age 9. In its Global City exhibit, people can go shopping for groceries, order lunch at a diner, pretend that they’re doctors or construction workers, and more. In other fun exhibits, they learn about Austin’s history, explore the world of water, and experience life on a large Texas farm.

Open time: From Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.

On Sunday, 12:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.

Address: 201 Colorado St, Austin, Texas 78701

Phone: 512-4722499

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Founded in 1899, it is the world’s oldest children’s museum, featuring interactive exhibits, workshops, and special events. The Mystery of Things teaches children about cultural and scientific objects and Music Mix welcomes young virtuosos (名家).

Open time: From Wednesday to Friday, 2:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m.

On Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.

Address: 145 Brooklyn Ave, Brooklyn, New York 1213

Phone: 718-7354400

Children’s Discovery Museum

This museum’s hand-on exhibits explore the relationships between the natural and the created worlds, and among people of different cultures and times. Exhibits include Streets, a 5/8-scale copy of an actual city, with streets lights, and waterworks, which shows how pumps can move water through a reservoir system.

Open time: From Monday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.

On Sunday, from noon. Closed on holidays.

Address: 180 Woz Way, Guadalupe River Park, San Jose, California 95110

Phone: 408-2985437

Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

This museum is the largest of its kind. Exhibits cover science, culture, space, history, and explorations. Among them are the Space Quest Planetarium (additional fee), the 33-foot-high Water Clock, the Playscape gallery for preschools, and the Dinosphere exhibit, along with hand-on science exhibits.

The largest gallery, the Center for Exploration, is designed for ages 12 and up.

Open time: From Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.

Closed on Thanksgiving Day and December 25.

Address: 3000 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208

Phone: 317-3343322

Suppose that December 25 is Tuesday, which of the following museums can you visit?

    A. Austin Children’s Museum.   B. Brooklyn Children’s Museum.

    C. Children’s Discovery Museum.    D. Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

If you want to see how pumps can move water through a reservoir system, you should visit the museum in _____.

    A. Texas    B. New York     C. California   D. Indiana

After entering the museum you need to pay an additional fee to see _____.

    A. the Center for Exploration   B. the Space Quest Planetarium

    C. the Global City exhibit  D. Waterworks

Which of the following is not exhibited in Children’s Museum of Indianapolis?

    A. culture     B. history      C. explorations    D. special events

The purpose of writing this passage is to _____.

    A. ask adults to visit museums

    B. compare some museums and decide which one is the best

    C. introduce some museums and encourage parents to visit them with their children

    D. introduce some exhibits and museums to foreigners


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When your pet meets your infant(婴儿),it might not be love at first sniff. When Jennifer brought her baby home from the hospital, her cherished dogs had very different reactions. Her Boxer, Sonya, was immediately gentle and protective. But Tiger, the Pomeranian, was less welcoming. “If any diapers(尿布)or toys were on the floor, he peed on them,” says the Greenbrier, mom. In the eyes of a pet, there’s a new star in home who’s stealing his spotlight. Even the gentlest animal will probably act up if he doesn’t get his usual attention. These simple steps will help your pet adjust and keep your baby safe.

     Introduce Them with Care

Your newborn and per’s first encounter can set the tone for their relationship. To make it as smooth as possible, try this trick from Caryn Ruiz:“Before we left the hospital, my husband took blankets home to our dog, Daisy, so she’d know our newborn Devon’s smell.” When you get home, have your husband carry the baby so you can greet your pet without worrying about her jumping on you. A cat will likely walk away at first, while a dog probably wants to investigate right away.

To introduce your baby, get down on your pet’s level and let her have a hello sniff. Don’t panic and pull your baby away unless your pet is barking or hissing, because it’ll send the message that the baby is a threat.

    Learn the Safety Basics

No matter how smoothly the introduction goes, there are certain safety rules you should follow. Never leave your baby alone with the pet. Even the gentlest animal can react unpredictably. Your baby’s crying could frighten your cat, or your dog could suddenly become territorial. Consider setting up baby gates to limit your pet’s access. To keep your cat from jumping into the bassinet(有篷盖的摇篮), try putting mosquito netting over the top. Cats hate sticky paws, so keep the crib(有栏杆的婴儿床)and changing table off-limits by lining the edges with sticky strips made for furniture. You can also train your dog to sleep in a crate(大木箱).

At the beginning of the passage, the author uses the stories to_____.

A.illustrate possible reactions when pets meet a newborn baby

B.show that pets don’t like a newborn baby

C.prove how friendly a pet is when it meets a newborn baby

D.introduce how terrible the pets are when a mother gets a baby home

Who is Sonya mentioned in the 1 st paragraph?

A.Jennifer’s dog.                        B.Jennifer’s baby.

C.Jennifer’s husband.                    D.A pet expert.

What can we infer from the passage?

A.Cats are more welcoming than dogs when they meet a newborn baby.

B.You must show your baby to your pet dog when it is barking.

C.You should never keep a baby together with your pet.

D.The first introduction of your newborn baby to your pet is important.

According to the passage, to keep your baby safe, you should do the following things EXCEPT_____.

A.introducing your baby to your pet with care

B.leaving your baby alone with your pet at the first day when they meet

C.setting up baby gates to limit your baby

D.keeping your pet away from your baby


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省九江一中高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

American author Mark Twain once noted that “life would be surely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.” Twain’s words were only one of many complaints about aging. The ancient Greek poet Homer called old age “hateful”, and William Shakespeare termed it “terrible winter”.
Alexander the Great, who conquered most of the known world before he died around 323 B.C., may have been looking for a river that healed the ravages of age. During the 12th century A.D., a king called Prester John ruled a land that had a river of gold and a fountain of youth.
But the name linked most closely to the search for a fountain of youth is 16th-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon. He thought it would be found in Florida. In St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U.S., there’s a tourist attraction. It is said to be the fountain of youth that Ponce de Leon discovered soon after he arrived in what is now Florida in 1513. However, elderly visitors who drink the spring’s water don’t turn into teenagers.
But the tale of the search for a fountain of youth is so appealing(有吸引力的) that it survives anyway, says Ryan K. Smith, a professor of history. “People are more attracted by the story of looking and not finding than they are by the idea that the fountain might be out there somewhere.”
Still, a few grains of truth have helped to support the story. Kathleen Deagan, a professor of archaeology, says a graveyard and the remains of a Spanish mission dating back to St. Augustine’s founding in 1565 have been discovered near the so-called fountain of youth. Michelle Reyna, a spokesperson for the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park in St. Augustine, says the fountain has been a tourist attraction since at least 1901 and may have been attracting visitors since 1860.
【小题1】According to the passage, who searched for a fountain of youth?

A.Ponce de LeonB.William Shakespeare.C.Kathleen DeaganD.Michelle Reyna
【小题2】What does the underlined word “ravages” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.Growth.B.Limits. C.Damages. D.Benefits.
【小题3】What is the attitude of people towards the fountain of youth?
A.People find much pleasure in looking for it.
B.People believe the existence of it somewhere.
C.People have no interest in searching for it.
D.People consider the idea of the fountain of youth absurd(荒谬的).
【小题4】The passage mainly tells us _____.
A.how the fountain of youth came into being
B.why some famous people hate becoming old
C.how to remain young forever
D.whether the fountain of youth exists
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The underlined words “the story” refers to Alexander the Great ruling a land that had a river of gold and a fountain of youth.
B.Augustine, which is the oldest city in the U.S, lies in Florida.
C.Some elderly visitors find themselves younger after drinking the water from the fountain of youth.
D.Kathleen Deagan is the spokesperson for the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park.

