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       He _______ cards with his friends, but now he _______ a walk after supper.

       A. used to play; is used to having  B. is used to playing, used to have

       C. used to play; is used to have     D. is used to playing; is used to have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. The Big House of Qiao Family (乔家大院) is a perfectly p__________________ old house.

2. It suddenly o_____________ to her that she had once seen the man somewhere before.

3. Bank cards are p________________ useful when travelling and there are often insurance benefits if you pay for your travel with them.

4. The police want those who have w____________ the accident to call them and provide them with enough evidence.

5. More often than not, it is difficult to c______________ the exact meaning of a Tang poem in English.

6. She wrote several letters to the government about the air pollution, but got no r_____________.

7. Today, the boss announced that smoking was f__________________ during office hour.

8. Akitt was u_______________ about the time of the recovery so he looked very depressed.

9. Though rich, she lives a simple life. She r____________ wears expensive jewellery.

10. I was very d_________________ by the failure, but I still hoped we could find a solution.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州市2010届高三模拟考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger. w.w I was not very good at English and math. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.

One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the “big prison for kids”.

 I tried really hard for weeks. I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things.

The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.

I went to Mr. Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big prison if I got another E on my report card. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned. I smiled at him and said, “Mr. Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”

He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.

“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and stuff like that,” I said.

The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books. While on the school bus, I opened it: Geography, B+; Mechanical Drawing, C-; English, D-; History, C-; Gym, B+; Art, C; Math, D-.

That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received. Because I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.

1. From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is ______ in some subjects.

A. mind-blowing          B. slow-witted             C. fun-loving       D. badly-behaved

2. Where may the boy live according to the passage?

A. In an orphanage.                                                            B. In a big prison.    

C. In the school dormitory.                                         D. In his home.

3. What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?

A. D-.                             B. C.                    C. B+.             D. E.

4. The underlined word “tucked” in the passage most probably means “________”.

A. stuck                             B. listed              C. hid           D. copied

5. The reason why the boy remembers Mr Young is that _________.

A. he missed one of his fingers                    B. he treated his students very well

C. he understood the boy              D. he taught his students in a special way



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度北京一零一中高二第二学段模块英语卷(必修6) 题型:其他题


1. The Big House of Qiao Family (乔家大院) is a perfectly p__________________ old house.

2. It suddenly o_____________ to her that she had once seen the man somewhere before.

3. Bank cards are p________________ useful when travelling and there are often insurance benefits if you pay for your travel with them.

4. The police want those who have w____________ the accident to call them and provide them with enough evidence.

5. More often than not, it is difficult to c______________ the exact meaning of a Tang poem in English.

6. She wrote several letters to the government about the air pollution, but got no r_____________.

7. Today, the boss announced that smoking was f__________________ during office hour.

8. Akitt was u_______________ about the time of the recovery so he looked very depressed.

9. Though rich, she lives a simple life. She r____________ wears expensive jewellery.

10. I was very d_________________ by the failure, but I still hoped we could find a solution.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger. w.w I was not very good at English and math. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.

One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the “big prison for kids”.

 I tried really hard for weeks. I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things.

The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.

I went to Mr. Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big prison if I got another E on my report card. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned. I smiled at him and said, “Mr. Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”

He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.

“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and stuff like that,” I said.

The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books. While on the school bus, I opened it: Geography, B+; Mechanical Drawing, C-; English, D-; History, C-; Gym, B+; Art, C; Math, D-.

That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received. Because I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.

1. From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is ______ in some subjects.

A. mind-blowing       B. slow-witted           C. fun-loving            D. badly-behaved

2. Where may the boy live according to the passage?

A. In an orphanage.                                             B. In a big prison.    

C. In the school dormitory.                                     D. In his home.

3. What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?

A. D-.                        B. C.                  C. B+.          D. E.

4. The underlined word “tucked” in the passage most probably means “________”.

A. stuck                        B. listed             C. hid           D. copied

5. The reason why the boy remembers Mr Young is that _________.

A. he missed one of his fingers               B. he treated his students very well

C. he understood the boy             D. he taught his students in a special way


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州47中2010年高考考前模拟 题型:阅读理解


I remember my math teacher Mr.Young very well.He stood out because the kids made fun of him.He was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger.w.w I was not very good at English and math.No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.

One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the “big prison for kids”.

I tried really hard for weeks.I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things.

The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.

I went to Mr.Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big prison if I got another E on my report card.He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned.I smiled at him and said, “Mr.Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”

He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.

“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young.Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and stuff like that,” I said.

The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books.While on the school bus, I opened it: Geography, B+; Mechanical Drawing, C-; English, D-; History, C-; Gym, B+; Art, C; Math, D-.

That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received.Because I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.

1.From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is ______ in some subjects.

A.mind-blowing                     slow-witted

C.fun-loving                                         D.badly-behaved

2.Where may the boy live according to the passage?

A.In an orphanage.                In a big prison.

C.In the school dormitory.        D.In his home.

3.What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?

A.D-.          C.             C.B+.           D.E.

4.The underlined word “tucked” in the passage most probably means “________”.

A.stuck                            listed         C.hid        D.copied

5.The reason why the boy remembers Mr Young is that _________.

A.he missed one of his fingers                       he treated his students very well

C.he understood the boy            D.he taught his students in a special way


