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1There are seven c___________ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.

2If there is anything we can do, we would be ___________ (高兴) to help.

3Take all the ___________ (行李) and come with me.

4Oil and water can’t be ___________ (混合) up.

5He lives in a village s___________ by green trees.

6He was s___________ injured in yesterday’s accident. So he didn’t go to hospital.

7The hospital is ___________ (大约) five miles from the station.

8It was a terrible accident. All passengers ___________ (在船上)fell into the river.

9Most of us speak both English and French, but the city has French culture and ___________ (传统).

10To go to Russia from China, you must cross the b___________.

11This area is w___________ in fruits and flowers.

12From his t___________ look, we could see the boy is terrified with the stranger.

13The report of an earthquake in Ya’an on April 20, 2013 has been ___________ (证实).

14The rural ___________ (风景) was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.

15You can find out more advantages in ___________ (城市的) life than in rural life.

16—Where did you live as a child?

—A village ___________(包围)by hills on three sides.

17Professor Smith ___________ (使某人印象深刻)all his students with his great knowledge of history.

18Many road accidents occurred because motorists could not ___________(评估;测量)the speed of approaching vehicles.
























考查形容词作表语。句意:如果有什么我们能做的,我们将很乐意帮忙。分析句子可知要用形容词“高兴的”,故用pleased 。




考查被动语态。句意:油和水不能混合。 mix…up为固定搭配,mix的宾语为Oil and water ,所以要用被动mixed。


考查过去分词作状语。句意:他住在绿树环绕的村庄里。a village是被绿树包围。故用 surrounded by green trees


















考查名词。句意:乡村风光是如此的美丽,他决定再多呆一周。分析句子可知, scenery(风景)。


考查形容词。句意:你可以找到在城市生活比在农村生活更多的优势。urban (城市的)


考查过去分词作定语。句意:---你小时候住在哪里? ---一个三面环山的村庄。三面被山包围的,乡村被包围的,故用被动形式surrounded。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to Build a Better Breakfast

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that may actually be true. A study found that breakfast eaters were more likely to lose weight than those who didn't eat a morning meal. 1 But it's not just when you eat; it's what you eat. These tips will help you really rise and shine:

1. Eat even if you're not hungry.

Although you might not feel like eating first thing in the morning, it's a good idea to get something into your system. Eating within 90 minutes of waking up will jump-start your metabolism(新陈代谢)and keep you from getting hungry later. 2

2. Be boring.

Changing what you eat is a good idea in theory, but if you are watching your weight, you might want to stick with the same old menu. People who allowed their breakfast calories to change have larger waists(腰围)and a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome(代谢综合征)than folks who keep their morning calorie intake constant, no matter how much they eat the rest of the day. 3

3. Add peanuts or peanut butter.

By eating peanuts or peanut butter, the carbohydrates(碳水化合物)are taken in more slowly and blood sugar does not rise as high. 4 So they are less likely to snack later.

4. 5

There's an old saying that advises 'Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. " It's worth following. Those who eat a balanced 700-calorie breakfast over a 12-week period lower their blood sugar and blood pressure twice more than people who eat a 200-calorie meal. They also lose an average of 19.2 pounds and have lower levels of ghrelin, the "hunger hormone(激素).

A. Go big.

B. Pile on the produce.

C. Other studies link skipping breakfast with a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes(糖尿病).

D. So it's worth making the effort to hold it steady.

E. It could set you up for overeating throughout the day.

F. Just a banana will do the trick.

G. Plus women feel fuller for up to 12 hours after eating the peanut butter or peanuts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Of the 2,000 stock investors _______ last month, 90% was found _______ financial knowledge.

A.surveyed; lackingB.having been surveyed; to lack

C.surveyed; lackedD.to have been surveyed; lack


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The children rise at about 7 AM on school days and later on weekends, to start the day. The counselor(辅导员) is available to help the children with dressing, calming any anxieties, or planning the day ahead. Breakfast is at 8:30 AM in the dining room. The school day begins at 9 AM. Students eat lunch with their classmates in the dining room at noon. At 3 PM each group returns to their dormitory(宿舍) and meets with at least one counselor for a light snack(点心) while discussing the day's events and plans for the rest of the day. The day is planned to suit the individual(个人的) needs of each child. The activities in which the children engage(从事) are widely varied and may be indoors or outdoors, quiet or active, in the dormitory, in one of the recreational areas, or off school grounds. Students periodically(定时地) go on an outing alone with a counselor or with their group and there are several hobby groups and planned activities in which the children join depending on their interests and talents. Some of the group activities include gardening, drama, art, ceramics, dance and movement, basketball, softball, volleyball, and music lessons. Dinner is at 5:45 PM. Evening activities are generally quieter, to help students wind down for the night. Students have an evening snack between 8:30 and 9:30 PM and lights go out at 9:30 or 10:00 PM. A trained residential counselor is in the dormitory at all times while children are present. Since some counselors live at the Orthogenic School, if an emergency(紧急情况) occurs during the night, there are extra adults readily available to help.

1The whole text mainly give us an introduction to _____.

A. a typical(典型的) day of a school

B. some activities of the children at school

C. the way the school educates the students

D. the success the school has made in the past years

2The underlined word “varied” means _____.

A. of many kinds B. of great use

C. of great help D. of great importance

3Children join in all kinds of activities according to _____.

A. their counselors B. their parents

C. the weather D. their interests or talents

4When at school, children are cared for _____.

A. from 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. B. from 7 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

C. the whole day D. half a day


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Queen Victoria was monarch(统治者)of Great Britain from 1837 until her death in 1901. This period is often called the Victorian Age.

Queen Victoria was a stern and serious woman. One reason she was so serious was that she had suffered a great loss. When she was twenty years old, she married a German prince named Albert. Victoria and Albert were deeply in love, and their marriage was extremely happy. In 1861, after they had been married for twenty-one years, Albert died, leaving Queen Victoria heartbroken. For the rest of her life, the lonely Victoria mourned his loss. It was customary in those days for a widow to dress in black for a short time after the death of her husband. But Queen Victoria dressed in black for forty years. And for forty years, as another sign of her grief, she wrote her letters on white paper edged in black.

Even before Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria was known as a very serious woman. She had a strong sense of duty and worked very hard at all her tasks. In her diary she wrote, “I love to be employed; I hate to be idle.” She never forgot that she was Britain’s queen and always acted with great dignity. Victoria had high ideals and moral standards that sometimes made her seem stuffy(保守的). She was also very sure of herself. She always thought that she was right, and she expected everyone to agree with her.

1Which of the following statements about Queen Victoria is NOT true according to the passage?

A. She had great confidence in herself.

B. She ruled Great Britain for sixty-four years.

C. She enjoyed her marriage to a German prince.

D. She became a serious woman after her beloved husband died.

2Queen Victoria wrote her letters on white paper edged in black because ______.

A. she was a very stern woman

B. black was her favorite color

C. that was one way to show her feeling of sadness

D. it was a custom among monarchs of Great Britain

3All of the following characteristics EXCEPT ______ can be used to properly describe Queen Victoria.

A. moral B. lonely

C. hardworking D. idle

4The underlined word “mourned” in paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. felt sad or sorrowful in a social situation

B. expressed publicly one’s sadness because of someone’s death

C. checked regularly in order to find out what was happening

D. feel or express deep regret for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







A microblog is a kind of online diary that covers a wide variety of topic from daily incidents to major global events. It provides brief and regular information what is open to the public. As a new way of communication, a microblog definitely had a positive influence on our life because it makes it convenience for people to express their feelings and opinions. Besides, it allows news and messages spread more quickly and wide than ever before. Therefore, it also affects our life negatively because it is possible for people to give away of their personal information. Worse still, some false information is likely to prevent the public from tell right from wrong. What’s your attitude for microblog?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where is the man going?

A. To a college. B. To a hospital. C. To a bank.

2How far is it from Main Street to Water Square?

A. Two blocks away. B. 20 minutes’ walk. C. 50 meters away.

3Where are the speakers now?

A. On Main Street. B. At Park Road. C. On Rain Avenue.

4How many left turns should the man take?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


内容包括:1. 简单介绍太极拳。例如:是中国传统武术的一种;大约400年历史;全球有3亿太极拳练习者,等等。2. Chris几条有关学习太极拳的建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

可能用到的词汇:Tai Chi太极拳;martial art武术:

Dear Chris,









Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why does Rick want to buy a bicycle?

A. To train for a race.

B. To join a bicycle club.

C. To get some exercise.

