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1.Annie,a neighbor's daughter,was away for her first semester at college this school year.She is a very sweet girl but just a bit shy.When her birthday came around,I found out she was feeling a bit (11)A.
    Her family is quite poor and (12)B are tight,so there wouldn't be any birthday visitors.I wanted to (13)C her a card and maybe a small gift to (14)D her day a bit.I got her school(15)C from her mom and planned to pick something up.Then I got a(n)(16)A!
    I(17)B perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here.I bought some balloons,birthday hats,and (18)Cnovelties(新颖小巧而廉价的物品) at a store.I took a small (19)Cand asked three other people in my area at work to (20)B"Happy Birthday"and send some birthday wishes to her.It was such fun making the recording!Other people (21)Dwhat we were doing and (22)Atheir voices,so it really sounded like we had a party going on!
    Then I bought her a small present and a card as (23)Bplanned.The real fun was packing them to be sent.I (24)Ceverything so it was like opening a mini birthday party!At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles (25)Dsending them off.I got a call a few days later.Annie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the (26)Agot together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived.She sounded so (27)Band I was so glad that she had some friends to (28)Cher special day with.
It was such an easy and (29)Cthing to do.The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it.And Annie (30)Dme it was the most fun birthday she would remember!

21.A.took outB.set outC.gave outD.found out

分析 本文作者主要讲述了自己与其他人一起为家境比较贫穷的女孩Annie筹备以及安排生日派对的过程;另外,文中还讲到了这次由作者他们精心组织的生日聚会使Annie感到很高兴,并表示她将会永远记住这个最有趣的生日.

解答 答案:
11.A   联系上下文    根据下文可知,由于Annie家里很穷,所以不会请太多的客人来为她庆祝她的生日;因此可推测出此处的意思是:当她的生日到来的时候,我发现她有点孤独;故选A.
12.B   联系上下文    根据上一句"她家里很穷"可知,他们应该是在经济上不宽裕;finances财政,资金;故选B.
13.C    考查句意理解    此处指的是:我想给她寄一张生日贺卡;故选C.
14.D   联系上下文   承接上一句可知,这里的意思应是:或许一份小礼物可以让她在那一天高兴起来;brighten 使快乐高兴;故选D.
15.C   考查句意理解  由于作者想给Annie寄生日礼物,可知这里指的应是:作者从Annie的母亲那里得到了学校的地址;故选C
16.A  联系上下文    根据下文讲述了作者给Annie准备礼物的过程,可知本句的意思是:然后我有了一个想法!故选A.
17.B   联系上下文    根据下文讲到了作者在商店买了一些气球,生日帽以及其他一些新颖小巧而廉价的物品,可知此处指的是作者的想法,故选B.
18.C  考查句意理解以及不定代词     由于气球,生日帽本身就是小巧而廉价的物品,故此处应将二者排除在外,指的是:其他的;A.another指"再一,又一"; B.others 是other的复数形式,泛指"另外几个","其余的";C.other"其他的",后跟名词的复数形式;D.one 泛指一个;故选C.
19.C   联系上下文   根据下文"It was such fun making the recording!"以及"The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it"可知,此处作者带的应是录音机;故选C.
20.B     联系上下文   根据下文"so it really sounded like we had a party going on所以这听起来真的像我们举行一个派对!"可知,此处的意思是:为她唱"生日歌"以及送上生日的祝福;故选B.
21.D    联系上下文   根据下文作者的描述"所以这听起来真的像我们举行一个派对!"可知,这里指的应是其他人发现了我们在为Annie庆祝生日,然后加入了进来;A.took out 除去,拔掉;B.set out 动身,出发;C.gave out分发,公布; D.found out发现;故选D.
22.A   联系上下文    根据上下文可知,此处指的应是:其他人发现了我们在做的事情,也加入了他们的声音;故选A.
23.B    联系上下文     根据上文可知,为Annie买一份小礼物以及给她寄贺卡是作者原来的打算;故选B.
24.C      联系上下文    根据下文"it was like opening a mini birthday party"可知,这一切都是作者的精心安排;故本句的意思应是:我安排好了一切,所以就像是要开一个小型的生日聚会!故选C.
25.D     考查句意理解以及从属连词   本句的意思是:在把它们寄出去之前的最后时刻,作者又添加了一包纸杯蛋糕和一盒生日蜡烛;此处指的是:在…之前,故选D.
26.A    考查句意理解    根据文章开头"was away for her first semester at college"可知,Annie是在学校里,故选A.
27.B    联系上下文       根据最后一句"it was the most fun birthday she would remember"(这是她会记住的最有趣的生日),可知Annie很高兴;故选B.
28.C    考查句意理解     此处指的是:Annie能有一些朋友可以与她一起分享这特别的一天,作者感到很高兴;故选C
29.C    考查句意理解以及形容词    本句的意思是:这是一件既容易又有趣的事情;fun意为"有趣的";funny意为"使人发笑的,滑稽的";故选C.
30.D  考查句意理解    本句的意思是:Annie告诉我这是她会记住的最有趣的生日;故选D.

点评 做本题时,首先要快速浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意,缕清作者的写作思路;然后结合上下文,逐句分析,并正确理解每一句话的意思;最后结合选项中各单词或短语的意义及用法,找到符合文意的选项.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Nowadays students study hard and they are always under a lot of pressure.It's necessary for them to have some ways to ease stress and minds.
注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;      ②除诗歌外,文体不限;
③文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;           ④词数为120左右.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.It's said that she worked hard and was soonpromoted(升迁).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.--It's very kind of you to help me with my English
--           (  )
A.That'rightB.Don't say to
C.It's my pleasureD.Never mind


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


Saturday,May3                           Fine
This morning,                  .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

When a mother is asked what shortcomings her son has,she says many without stop.But when asked about his strengths,she thinks of none.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Recently,I have made a survey in my class on how they study.They have different methods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Some recent surveys show that the health conditions of many white collar employees and office workers are rather critical.Death cases among white collar employees and office workers are increasing year by year and these cases are generally believed to have been caused by overwork and spend little time taking rest or doing exercise.If their offices are within the distance of half an hour's walk,some office workers now choose to go to work on foot.Ms.Wang,who works in a foreign enterprise in Beijing,has been walking to her office for more than six months now."I usually have a tight work schedule and can't find time to do exercise.So I choose to walk to work."As she said,if the office is not far from home,most women would like to go to work on foot.Walking is good for their health and can help them to keep good figuresas well.
Apart from walking to office,one can also find time to do exercise when one is at work.The simple way is to abandon the lift.Mr.Yang who works in the Passenger Service Department at Beijing Airlines,is one of such men who frequently climb stairs to his office."I only use the lift whenever I am with my colleagues or my boss.Otherwise,I would climb stairs instead of taking the lift."
In addition,some office workers try to find time to go to gym at the end of a day.Ms Sunny works in a law firm.She goes to the gym several times a week when she has the time."I go to the gym every weekend.During the weekdays,I will also go there whenever I have the time."Ms Sunny and her husband both have a gym membership card for a whole year.The cards cost them a lot of money.However,they think it is worth it.
56.What is the best title of the passage?(No more than 10 words.)Office Workers Try to Keep Healthy
57.How many ways that office workers keep healthy are mentioned in the passage and what are they?(No more than 15 words.)Three.They are walking to office,abandoning the lift and going to a gym
58.Please explain the underlined phrase"keep good figures"in English.(No more than 5words.)keep slim/be in good shape
59.Why are death cases among white collar employees and office workers increasing year by year?(No more than 15 words.)Because they overwork for a long time/Because they are too busy to have time for a rest
60.As a student,which is the best way of keeping o more than 20 words.)I think that students can do exercise during the break.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.All parties made their final efforts,_______  to reach a compromise of some kind.(  )
A.seekingB.to seekC.to have soughtD.having sought

