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10.The Great Barrier Reef is home to brightly colored fish,eye-catching coral,and swaying seaweed.What else is hiding in the world's largest coral reef?Scientists recently dived into the water to find out.A team of scientists explored the reef,located along Australia's northeastern coast.They also checked out Ningaloo Reef on the country's western coast.The searches turned up hundreds of animal species,including some that may be new to science.Scientists spied worms shaped like trees,big-clawed shrimp and jellyfish.
"It is awe-inspiring to know that so much of what we see has not yet been described,"says Patricia Hendricks,who took part in the expedition.That is a trip with a specific goal."The reef is truly a beautiful place with so many mysteries."
Scientists wanted to get a closer look at some of the underwater cities'lesser-known residents-soft coral.Using netted bags and their hands,the scientists searched the reefs.They found about 130types of soft coral that may be new species.A lot is known about hard coral,but soft coral is more of a mystery.The creatures are very diverse,or varied.Some are shaped like bushes or fans.Others are whips that twist with the currents.They grow in rainbow of colors.Despite the variety,some types of soft coral look very similar to one another,"This makes them a challenge to study,and so very little is known about them."Hendricks told ER News.She and other researchers took samples of the soft coral.The scientists also zeroed in on what was living in and around the coral.They hope to identify the new species.
The reef research isn't done yet.The scientists plan to return to same three spots annually for the next six years.They left 36plastic"houses"stuck to the ocean floor.The scientists hope some of the coral reefs'residents will move into the houses over time.That will make it easier for scientists to study the creatures on future trips.
The scientists'findings could give humans a hand.Some marine life is used in medicine.Researchers can also study how the creatures deal with pollution and climate change.That mightgive scientists ideas on how people could better adapt or change.Knowing what creatures live in oceans is important,scientists say,because on-third of the world's coral reefs are endangered."If we don't know what is present in the first place,how are we ever going to protect it properly?"asks Hendricks."Learning about new species is an important step."

53.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.Scientists find surprises in the Great barrier Reef.
B.Soft Coral no longer remains a mystery.
C.Scientists left 36plastic houses to the ocean floor.
D.Scientists made explorations to deal with ocean pollution.
54.According to the passage,what makes the study of the soft coral a big challenge?C
A.The diversity of the soft coral. B.Many unknown species.
C.The similar appearance.          D.Various shapes and colors.
55.What does the writer mean by"That might give scientists ideas on how people could better adapt,or change."(Para.5)?B
A.Ocean species may be of great medical value in the future.
B.A study of ocean creatures'adaptation may assist scientists in their research.
C.Research on ocean creatures will help solve the pollution problem.
D.Studying new ocean species will help improve people's living environment.
56.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.the scientists discovered many ocean species by accident
B.coral reefs in the world are endangered because of climate change
C.the Great Barrier Reef has been attracting more scientists'attention
D.the samples of the soft coral enables scientists to further explore the ocean.

分析 科学家在大堡礁发现了许多新奇的动物物种,其中包括一些待确认的新物种,并且研究大堡礁的海域还可以用来解决污染问题.

解答 53.A.主旨大意题.由全文内容得,科学家在大堡礁发现了许多新奇的动物物种.故选A.
55.C.细节理解题.由第三段some types of soft coral look very similar to one another,"This makes them a challenge to study可知,使研究软珊瑚具有挑战性的是它们之间外表十分相像.故选C.

点评 在对科技说明文进行阅读理解是,考生可以尤其注意中心句,中心段(首尾)、转折句和问题中出现的词,尤其是一些很有特点的词如专有名词.在文段中快速找到相应词语所在位置,问题的答案往往就在附近.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.I was traveling in a small place in New York.That place had no taxi for a short (41)distance (distant).One had to take a rickshaw(人力车).
I called out for an old man in the(42)waiting (wait) line.Before I got on the rickshaw,I (43)automatically (automatic) asked how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall.I (44)was told (tell)"10dollars".Then I started bargaining.He just gave a hard smile and said,"(45)Whateveryou feel like,please give me.It is not necessary to bargain on this small amount."
I was a bit ashamed at myself and kept quiet while he continued,"(46)Unlike (like) those taxis,my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel(柴油) or even gas; it runs on my sweat.So please give it to me with a smile,for the money has to feed so many (47)hungry (hunger) mouths at home."
When we reached the Mall,I gave him the money and the smile(48)as requested and added (49)a gentle pat on his back.He smiled back as if (50)to give (give) me a receipt and I would preserve his smile for a long time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.I can't imagine living alone on the lonely island for such a long time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.On a very cold winter day,there was a drunken guy(41)whodecided that he would go fishing on the ice in the lake.
He packed up all his fishing tools and set out in search of a (42)suitable (suit) spot.Eventually he came across a huge area of ice and decided that since he(43)had come (come) to the lake,he would stop there and gave it (44)a go.He took out a saw(锯) from his tool box,and started to saw a hole in the ice.(45)Suddenly (sudden),a loud voice beside him,"There is no fish here."came.The drunken man looked (46)around/about/round but he couldn't find anyone.So he decided to ignore the voice and carried on (47)sawing(saw).Again,the voice sounded,"I've told you once,there is no fish here!"He looked at the surroundings again,but there were still no people there.So he returned to his task."Stop it!"shouted the very sounding voice,"You'd better get out of here quickly (48)or you will get into trouble.""Who are you?"The drunken guy shouted."You don't scare me!""Watch out and listen to me,"(49)replied(reply) the voice,"I'm the(50)manager(manage) of this Skating Rink!(溜冰场)"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

5.Easter was always my favorite holiday.Three years ago,Easter Sunday,as usual,(41)Bwith giving our seventeen-year-old son his basket in the morning and seeing the (42)Aon his face as he looked through it.We then went to church and had our Easter dinner.
But that was the last(43)Dmoment in my life.I lost my son to a terrible (44)Con the way home that very day.He was taken to the nearby hospital.(45)Cdid all they could,but my son(46)Ano brain activity and I was told he would not(47)B.They asked if we would (48)Bdonating his organs to Gift of Life.
I never thought(49)D  about being an organ donor myself.But when asked to donate my seventeen-year-old son's organs,my emotions(情感) went(50)A.Finally,I was able to pull it together and(51)Cto donate his organs.Gift of Life had a lot of work ahead of them in(52)Amatches for my son's organs.But almost immediately they came back with a perfect(53)Afor his heart-a sixteen-year-old girl who lived in another state.
The following afternoon,a close friend of my family told my sister she believed she knew where my son's heart was going.A phone call to the aunt of this child pretty much (54)Dher niece was the one receiving my son's heart.Now I understood that (55)BI lost my son,he was saving a girl who had been sick since she was eight years old.(56)Cthat,I had no(57)Dthat I had made the right decision to donate my son's organs.
Gift of Life (58)Bbroke their confidentiality agreement(保密协议) but since we had all figured it out ourselves,I was able to meet this(59)A,along with her family,a year after my son's death.Since then,we have grown(60)D.It is surprising how much our families have in common.Every time I saw the girl's smiling face,it felt as if my son had never left us.
45.A.TeachersB.PolicemenC.DoctorsD.My family
47.A.pull backB.pull throughC.pull upD.pull over
55.A.unlessB.even thoughC.becauseD.since


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.This Saturday morning I was having a walk around,enjoying the quiet morning,beautiful weather and lovely life,with my dog Jett running (16)enjoyably(enjoy) beside me.
At one home I passed,I noticed a newspaper that(17)was lying(lie) by the roadside instead of near the door.Thinking I would make someone else's life a little(18)easier(easy),I picked up the paper and gently threw it towards their door. (19)Butinstead of landing on the doorstep,the paper sailed(20)in the wrong direction because of the strong wind and landed on the roof of a big truck in the driveway.
   No one saw the funny scene but me and I burst out laughing.It was very quiet and they were probably still sleeping.It was too early to knock on the door and tell the homeowner(21)where their newspaper was.(22)instead,instead I walked home,got dressed and went to the store to make it right.
   I returned a little later with a new newspaper and a basket of strawberries freshly(23)picked(pick) from my garden.I found the homeowner in the driveway with some of his friends.With a deep breath I came up to him and said,"I hope you have a great sense of humour."I explained what had happened to(24)hisnewspaper.
   Hearing this they all laughed loudly and I couldn't help but smile all day.I've heard it said."Character is what you do(25)when/while/asnobody is looking."I should be a man of character!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.As the world prepares to mark the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8,a new report details the progress and challenges girls face in getting an education.
The report-from the Education for All Fast Track Initiative-highlights the importance of girls'education for economic(经济的) and social development.It follows progress in Ethiopia,Burkina Faso,Ghana,Guinea,Mauritania,Mozambique and Niger.
Prema Clarke,author of Fast-tracking Girls'Education,says,"Progress for girls'education is that they can leave their homes,leave their families and come to a place to study and to learn.And that's a big achievement because otherwise these girls have to stay at home,looking after their brothers and sisters,doing the cooking or doing the cleaning."
She says progress toward the Millennium Development Goals and those of Education for All"is allowing and enabling girls and forcing countries to look at this issue(问题) and to ensure that interventions (干预) help girls attend school."
Improving education for girls brings many benefits,says Clarke."It means that girls can then enter the workforce.They can look after their own families much more effectively.They can prevent child death rate.They can educate their own girl children when they begin to expand their own families."Studies show that having an educated female population helps to improve a country's health and economic well-being.
The report says,"In developing countries,too many girls are not in school,and many girls face continuing health risks and danger just walking to class."
"Especially in the fragile and post-conflict countries and in many of the African countries,this is a real issue,"she says.Till now,the interventions have been so focused on providing schooling and providing teachers,etc.And now I think there is much more expanded focus on looking at specific(特定的)communities of girls within at-risk groups that now need much more specific attention and much more creative solutions(解决方法) to help them attend school."

64.The underlined word"highlights"in Paragraph 2probably meansB.
A.shows           B.stresses           C.remarks          D.improves
65.According to Clarke,improving education can provide girls with all the opportunities EXCEPTD.
A.to educate their own girl children     B.to prevent child death rate
C.to enter the workforce                 D.to study abroad
66.This passage is intended toA.
A.promote the progress in girls'education
B.talk about the benefits of improving girls'education
C.give some information about the education girls are facing
D.sing high praise for the girls'education
67.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.the girls'educational situation in developing countries is still serious
B.girls were free to go wherever they wanted to in the past
C.there are enough teachers in most of the African countries
D.International Women's Day was first celebrated on March 8in 1900.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Where was ________ the first meeting of the Chinese Communist Party was held?(  )
A.the place thatB.it thatC.thatD.what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Her father doesn't play sports every day.(改为肯定句)
Her fatherplayssports every day.

