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---Jane: What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening?

---Kate: I      just finished my homework and      to watch TV.

  1. A.
    have; am going
  2. B.
    have; was going
  3. C.
    had; am going
  4. D.
    had; was going

科目:高中英语 来源:0101 期末题 题型:填空题

单词拼写和完成句子 。
1. Most people living in p______ have a strong desire to earn more money.
2.The house was finally sold out at a r________ price. Both sides are quite satisfied with it.
3. What he is_______ (关心) about most is whether his son will go to an ideal college.
4. Seeing the man, Jane w________ in Mary's ear and then they burst into loud laughter.
5. They finished all the work in such a short time, which was beyond the boss's e_______.
6. Many advertisements are made _____ (视觉地) attractive to hold the audience's attention and try to
    persuade them to buy the products.
7. 他被堵在高速路上,所以没能赶上来机场送我.
   He was stuck in the highway and couldn't get to the airport in time to ___ ___ ____.
8. 居民都支持这个倡议,认为这是一个好措施.
   All the residents ____ _____ ____ ____ the proposal, considering it a good measure.
9. 当你被各种广告包围时,决定买东西之前一定要再三考虑.
   When you are surrounded by various advertisements, do____ ______before deciding to buy something.
10. 比尔?盖茨在大学三年级辍学,与保罗?艾伦一起创办了微软.
   Bill Gates ______ ______ in the third year of his college and founded Software with his friend Paul Allen.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二卷(非选择题 共35分)




M: Are you looking forward to your trip to Italy, Jane?                      

W: Yes, of course. I can’t wait to see Italy, Tom, but I’m afraid of the journey. My husband (76)i____ on flying , but I want to sail. You know,Planes really make me (77)  n_____                              

M: There’s nothing to be frightened of. How many planes fly (78) a______ the  Atlantic every day?     

W: I’ve no idea. (79) h________, I suppose.                             

M: And how often do you hear a plane (80) a________ ? Once or twice a year ? 

W: Yes, but planes fly so high and fast that once is (81) e_______ .           

M: Look, there are more road deaths per day than air deaths per year. Air is really safe (82) c________ with road.                              

W: I still prefer to go by sea. Ships may not (83) t______ fast but

M: It’s fine if you a good sailor, but have you have traveled far in the (84) r____ sea? 84._______

W: No, I’ve only been in a boat once. I sailed (85) d____ the River

tour. But in any case, I’d rather be sea-sick than dead.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写 写出各单词的正确形式

57. The scientist is calculating the ______(质量)of the planet.

58. After two hours’ journey, his______ (力气)gave out at last.

59. Before going on a diet, you’d better ______(咨询)your doctor.

60.The building was ______(包围)by the police that morning.

61.The house was finally sold out at a r____________ price. Both sides are quite satisfied with it.

62. What he is________ (关心) about most is whether his son will go to an ideal college.

63. Seeing the man, Jane w__________ in Mary’s ear and then they burst into loud laughter.

64. They finished all the work in such a short time, which was beyond the boss’s e____________.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Seeing the man, Jane w__________ in Mary’s ear and then they burst into loud laughter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

M: Hello!

W:  Hello, Mike! This is Jane.

M:  Oh. Hello, Jane!

W:  Listen, Mike! I’ve got a real problem.

M:  What is it?

W:  The car’s broken down.

M:  Oh, not again.

W: Yeah. I checked the oil and I checked almost everything. It’s just not starting at all.

M: You have to get rid of it, you know.

W:I know ,Iknow. But look, the thing is, I’ve got to pick Tom up at the airport. Can I…?

M: Use my car? Yes, of course.

W: That’ll be great! It’s very kind of you.

M: Come on when you like. I don’t need it till tonight.

W: OK! I’ll be around in about an hour. Thanks a lot!

M: It’s all right. See you then!

W: See you!

15.Why did Jane call Mike?

    A. To ask him to meet her.     B. To tell him about Tom.      C. To borrow his car.

16. Where will Jane be in about one hour?

   A. At Mike’s place.         B. At the airport.    C. At a garage.

17. What can we infer from the conversation?

   A. Jane has just learned to drive.

   B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.

   C. Mike will go to the airport.

