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     A hospital is needed by every living person at the time of birth, death, physical injuries, or sickness. It is always a   1   place where family members can gather around the person who needs the   2   of well
trained medical doctors and nurses.
     As Nicole Hagen and Ricky Beebe were born into the Hagen family in 1998, the parents were both in
the delivery (分娩) room. This is a   3   as the tradition has been for the father to be in the next room. 
  4   hospitals have a birthing room where there is an extra sofa and a chair for the father to either sit or
even to sleep on next to his wife. Many   5   are taken of the new baby within a few minutes of his or her
   6  . Even a video can be made with the proud father taking pictures of the doctor, nurses, mother, and
baby. A nurse may take a   7   picture of the father, mother, and baby. Young children will not see the
baby   8   the doctor and nurses allow them into the room many hours later.
     At the death of Grandma Hagen, the adult children   9   at her bedside. As she was dying, her children
talked to her, read the Bible, and even sang some of her   10   songs. The nurses would check on her very often and the doctor came as his time   11  . She was given pain pills   12   her last few hours would be as
   13   as possible. When she died the family cried together in sorrow for the loss of their mother. Grandpa Hagen had died fourteen years   14  . Grandma Hagen was 82 when she died.Doctors operate on broken bones   15   by accidents in factories or car accidents. Children sometimes fall down stairs where an arm
is   17  . Athletes get hurt in   16   of football, basketball, baseball, track, and soccer. Most injuries are
repaired very successfully   18   the great skill of the doctor.
     Illness from disease, alcohol, or smoking often requires a person to stay a long period in the hospital.
People like to recover   19  . However, if medical care is needed, a hospital may be the   20   home for
some patients.
(     )1. A. beautiful      
(     )2. A. operation      
(     )3. A. development    
(     )4. A. Modern          
(     )5. A. things          
(     )6. A. chance          
(     )7. A. valuable        
(     )8. A. until          
(     )9. A. gathered        
(     )10. A. old            
(     )11. A. went by        
(     )12. A. so that        
(     )13. A. happy          
(     )14. A. ago            
(     )15. A. made          
(     )16. A. broken        
(     )17. A. cases          
(     )18. A. in the form of
(     )19. A. at once        
(     )20. A. usual          
B. big        
B. help        
B. fact        
B. New        
B. gifts      
B. falling    
B. necessary  
B. as          
B. looked      
B. favorite    
B. arrived    
B. even though
B. pleased    
B. faster      
B. caused      
B. raised      
B. conditions  
B. thanks to  
B. at home    
B. common      
C. quiet      
C. check      
C. question  
C. Many      
C. people    
C. birth      
C. family    
C. if        
C. pointed    
C. own        
C. remained  
C. as if      
C. comfortable
C. later      
C. controlled
C. pained    
C. games      
C. out of    
C. easily    
C. second    
D. nice      
D. medicine  
D. try        
D. Large      
D. pictures  
D. sight      
D. hospital  
D. when      
D. smiled    
D. new        
D. allowed    
D. that      
D. lucky      
D. earlier    
D. brought    
D. stretched  
D. playground
D. from      
D. as well    
D. free      
1-5 CBAAD   6-10 CCAAB    11-15 DACDB    16-20 ACBBC

科目:高中英语 来源:山西省期中题 题型:完形填空

     A man and his wife arrived in Boston by train.After getting off the train, they walked without an    1   
into the outer office of Harvard’s president.So they were stopped by his secretary and kept    2    
For hours, the secretary took no notice of them, 3 that the couple would finally become disappointed and    4   .But they didn’t.The secretary finally decided to disturb the president, though 5
     A few minutes later, the president walked towards the couple with a 6face.The lady told him, “We
had a son that 7 Harvard for one year.He loved Harvard.He was8_ here.But about a year ago, he
was accidentally killed.My husband and I would like to 9 a memorial(纪念物)to him, somewhere
on campus.”
     The president wasn’t moved .Instead, he was    10   .“Madam,” he said, “we can’t put up a
statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died.If we did, this place would look like a   11  ,” “Oh, no,” the lady 12 quickly.“We don’t want to put up a statue.We would like to give a 13 to
Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes and 14 at the couple and then exclaimed, ” A building! Do
you have any 15   how much a building costs? We have spent over $7,500,000 on the campus building
at Harvard.” For a moment the lady was silent.The president was 16 , because he could get rid of
them now.Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a 17 ? Why
don’t we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. 18 their offer was turned down.Mr.and Mrs.
Stanford traveled to California where they founded Stanford University     19   after them, a memorial to
a son that Harvard no longer 20 about.
(     )1. A.choice  
(     )2. A.waiting
(     )3. A.hoping  
(     )4. A.go down  
(     )5. A.hopelessly
(     )6. A.pleasant
(     )7. A.attended
(     )8. A.clever  
(     )9. A.set about
(     )10.A.satisfied
(     )11.A.park    
(     )12.A.explained
(     )13.A.building
(     )14.A.laughed  
(     )15.A.suggestion
(     )16.A.bored    
(     )17.A.department
(     )18.A.Once    
(     )19.A.named    
(     )20.A.talked  
B.go out   
B.set up    
C.go away    
C.set down    
D.go around  
D.set off    


科目:高中英语 来源:0128 期中题 题型:完形填空

     A beautiful girl was shopping with her mother in Blue-sky Market. It was   1   hard outside. Many people
all stood there under the awning (遮雨篷). They waited, some patiently,others impatiently because of the bad
     The girl's   2   was so sweet. "Mom, let's run through the rain,"she said suddenly.
     "What?" Mom asked.
     "Let's run through the rain!"
     "No, Honey. We'll   3   until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
     The child waited about another.   4   and repeated, "Mom, let's run through the rain."
     "We'll get   5   if we do," Mom said.
     "No, we won't, Mom.That's not what you said this   6  " the young girl said as she tugged (拽) at her
mom's arm.
     "This morning?   7   did 1 say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"
     "Don't you   8  ? When you were talking to Daddy   9   his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through
this, he can get us through  10 '!"
     The people became  11 . Nothing could be  12  but the rain.Mom thought for a moment about what she
would say. 
     "Honey, you are  13 . Let's run through the rain."  14  they ran off. People all stood watching, smiling
and laughing as they  15  past the cars and through the puddles (水坑). They  16  their shopping bags over
their heads. They got wet through, but they were  17  by a few who laughed like children all the  18  to their
     People can  19  your money and health, but no one can ever take away your memories. So, don't  20  to
make time to make memories every day.
(     )1. A. blowing      
(     )2. A. sound        
(     )3. A. leave        
(     )4. A. second        
(     )5. A. wet          
(     )6. A. morning      
(     )7. A. When        
(     )8. A. say          
(     )9. A. with          
(     )10. A. something     
(     )11. A. surprised    
(     )12. A. seen        
(     )13. A. right        
(     )14. A. Because      
(     )15. A. walked        
(     )16. A. held       
(     )17. A. watched      
(     )18. A. time       
(     )19. A. take away    
(     )20. A. try         
B. snowing         
B. voice           
B. go             
B. minute         
B. hurt            
B. afternoon       
B. What           
B. stop           
B. for            
B. anything        
B. sad              
B. smelled        
B. clever          
B. While          
B. rushed         
B. brought        
B. helped          
B. way             
B. take up          
B. hope             
C. raining         
C. noise          
C. run            
C. month          
C. lost           
C. evening        
C. Why           
C. ask            
C. about          
C. other          
C. silent          
C. heard          
C. stupid         
C. Then           
C. jumped         
C. threw          
C. saved          
C. direction        
C. take off       
C. forget         
D. shining     
D. language    
D. wait        
D. day         
D. bad         
D. night       
D. How         
D. remember                              
D. of          
D. another     
D. nervous     
D. known       
D. brave       
D. But         
D. stepped     
D. pushed      
D. followed    
D. money       
D. take back   
D. decide      


科目:高中英语 来源:0125 期中题 题型:完形填空

    A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always   1   the dog inside
the house.
    One evening they wanted   2   to the cinema,   3   they left the dog in the house and locked the door and
their   4  . They went there   5   their car. When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the
gate and put the   6   away. But when they came to the   7   door, they found that part of the glass on the
door was   8  . The door was unlocked and   9  . A  10 ! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms
to see  11  things the robber had taken. But everything was in the  12  place and nothing at all  13 .
    The dog  14  in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was  15  the dog. "Why didn't you keep the house?"
she said. The dog was  16  to see its owners. It began to wag its tail (摇尾巴) and then it went to a corner
of the room and picked up something in its  17 . It went to the lady and  18  the thing at her  19 . When the
lady went to pick it up, she gave a scream (尖叫). Can you guess what the dog's present was? It was … a …
man's  20 !
(     )1. A. stayed         
(     )2. A. go               
(     )3. A. so              
(     )4. A. garden's gates  
(     )5. A. off             
(     )6. A. film           
(     )7. A. back            
(     )8. A. stolen           
(     )9. A. half-open        
(     )10. A. robber         
(     )11. A. when             
(     )12. A. right           
(     )13. A. to miss         
(     )14. A. was slept        
(     )15. A. afraid of       
(     )16. A. sad              
(     )17. A. leg             
(     )18. A. pulled          
(     )19. A. hand            
(     )20. A. finger          
B. left         
B. to go          
B. but             
B. gardens' gates
B. on             
B. dog            
B. front         
B. fixed           
B. half-opens      
B. waiter        
B. where           
B. good            
B. to be missing       
B. asleep         
B. angry with       
B. pleased         
B. hand          
B. ate             
B. feet         
B. face            
C. ordered       
C. going       
C. then          
C. gardens gate
C. in            
C. car           
C. garden        
C. broken         
C. half-opened 
C. neighbor       
C. that           
C. wrong         
C. was missed     
C. was sleeping
C. worried about        
C. quick         
C. tail        
C. dropped       
C. leg       
C. heart         
D. asked            
D. gone           
D. because             
D. garden gate   
D. by               
D. garden           
D. garden's          
D. repaired          
D. half-opening                      
D. murder             
D. what              
D. just             
D. was missing      
D. fell sleeping  
D. surprised at       
D. clever           
D. mouth             
D. barked           
D. ground         
D. teeth            


科目:高中英语 来源:0118 期中题 题型:完形填空

     A Fool's Day falls on 1st of April. People   1   forget the significance (意义) of the day.
     In March 1980, I was   2   at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had   3   to go to
another university after graduation and had   4   application (申请) forms to several   5  . Every morning I
arrived at the porter's office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no   6   came.
     On April 1st, as I was eating my   7  , Huang came in, with a toothbrush (牙刷)   8   in his hand.   9   
fearing that he might forget the important news, he passed me the  10 . "Morning, Wu," he said, "I saw
Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University,
and asked you to go and get it  11  possible." I jumped with  12
     I even didn't  13  my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G's office but he wasn't  14 . I then went to the
secretary's room and  15  everything to her. She opened Mr. G's room. I looked at everything. There didn't
seem to be a letter for me. "If he had asked you to pick it up from here," said the secretary, " he would
have put it in  16  or simply left it to me."
     Greatly  17 , I walked out of the room and  18  the secretary lock it.  19  the secretary's eyes  20 .
"Sorry," she said. "It's April Fool's Day!"
(     )1. A sometimes  
(     )2. A. staying  
(     )3. A. continued 
(     )4. A. returned  
(     )5. A. people    
(     )6. A. application
(     )7. A. dinner   
(     )8. A. still   
(     )9. A. Because of 
(     )10. A. message  
(     )11. A. if      
(     )12. A. the news  
(     )13. A. take      
(     )14. A. anywhere  
(     )15. A. asked         
(     )16. A. the office 
(     )17. A. disappoint  
(     )18. A. watched  
(     )19. A. Quickly  
(     )20. A. closed   
B. never    
B. working   
B. planned   
B. taken    
B. colleges   
B. report     
B. lunch    
B. even      
B .As if    
B. sign      
B. as soon as 
B. the letter  
B. finish    
B. in        
B. tells    
B. his desk   
B. disappointed   
B. noticed   
B. Strangely  
B. opened    
C. always        
C. visiting      
C. went         
C. brought       
C. cities        
C. reply           
C. supper       
C. yet             
C. After        
C. letter      
C. when          
C. joy            
C. eat            
C. at             
C. explained     
C. the room       
C. disappointing    
C. saw         
C. Finally      
C. brightened   
D. seldom                      
D. studying                    
D. remembered                  
D. sent                      
D. offices                     
D. chance                        
D. breakfast                 
D. already                       
D. While                     
D. notice                      
D. as fast as                  
D. luck                        
D. have                        
D. away                          
D. answered                  
D. an obvious (明显的) place  
D. disappointment                
D. got                         
D. Suddenly                  
D. darkened                    


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 期中题 题型:完形填空

     A doctor was once teaching a class of medical students at a famous   1   in London. An injured man
was   2   in, and the doctor turned to   3   of the students and asked him, "What is   4   with the man?"
     "I don't know, sir," the student answered. "Shall I examine him and   5   out?" "There is no   6   to
examine him," said the doctor. "You should know without asking questions. He has   7   his right knee.
Don't you notice the way he walked? He hurt it by   8   it in the fire. You see his   9   are burnt away at
the  10 .This is Monday morning. Yesterday was  11 , but on Saturday the roads were  12  and muddy.
The man's trousers are muddy  13 .The man fell down on Saturday  14 ."
     The doctor then turned to the man and said, "You  15  your wages (周薪, 工资) on Saturday and
went to a  16  house and drank too much. You  17  wet and muddy on the way  18 .You tried to dry
your clothes  19  the fire when you got home.  20  you had drunk too much, you fell on the fire and
burnt your knee. Is that right?"
     "Yes, sir," said the man.
(     )1. A. university
(     )2. A. brought  
(     )3. A. some    
(     )4. A. wrong   
(     )5. A. look    
(     )6. A. time    
(     )7. A. examined  
(     )8. A. to burn  
(     )9. A. trousers  
(     )10. A. end    
(     )11. A. rainy   
(     )12. A. crowded  
(     )13. A. all right 
(     )14. A. instead  
(     )15. A. had    
(     )16. A. lonely   
(     )17. A. remained 
(     )18. A. somewhere 
(     )19. A. by     
(     )20. A. Although 
B. college  
B. put      
B. any    
B. matter   
B. see    
B. need    
B. wounded     
B. burn   
B. right   
B. knee   
B. raining  
B. dry    
B. all over 
B. night   
B. paid   
B. nearby  
B. burned  
B. there  
B. in    
B. Unless  
C. town   
C. phoned  
C. one    
C. happened 
C. turn   
C. doctor  
C. hit    
C. burnt   
C. left   
C. food   
C. cold   
C. wet    
C. very much   
C. either  
C. accepted 
C. beer   
C. got   
C. here   
C. on    
C. Because 

D. hospital     
D. fetched      
D. all          
D. injured      
D. find         
D. hurry        
D. hurted       
D. burning      
D. either       
D. front        
D. fine         
D. difficult    
D. through                    
D. morning      
D. spent        
D. public       
D. appeared    
D. home        
D. of          
D. However     

