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Newly-arrived guests must ________ at the hotel’s reception desk.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Building after building under water.Refugees in shelters.Thousands of others unsure where to go.Bodies in streets.This is what one of America's historic cities was reduced to this week by a powerful storm, Katrina(卡特里娜).The mayor of New Orleans says thousands may be dead.Hurricane Katrina also caused death and destruction in parts of Mississippi and Alabama along the Gulf of Mexico.

New Orleans is famous for its wild Mardi Gras celebrations.New Orleans is also a major port for foreign oil and other shipping trade.Yet the city of nearly five hundred thousand people was built below sea level.New Orleans has depended on levees to control floods from the Mississippi River.Katrina struck on Monday.New Orleans avoided a direct hit.But two of the levees failed the next day.Most of the city was flooded.Helicopters dropped huge sandbags to fill the breaks.But the water had no place to go.Pumping stations had no power.

America faces one of the worst natural events in its history.President Bush says the recovery will take years.People were told to leave the path of the storm.But some would not or could not.Many of those worst affected by Katrina are poor and black.African-American leaders and others were angry that government aid did not arrive faster.President Bush visited some of the damaged areas on Friday.He said the way officials reacted to the crisis was unacceptable.

Which is true of the following details about New Orleans?

       A.New Orleans is a newly-built city of America

       B.There were no black people in New Orleans.

       C.This is the first time that hurricane has stricken it.

       D.New Orleans is a major port for foreign oil and other shipping trade.

What does the underlined word “levees”(in the second paragraph) mean?

       A.trees      B.dams      C.ports      D.ships

Which is right about the Hurricane Katrina?

       A.It also caused the destruction in parts of Mississippi.

       B.A lot of people died in this disaster.

       C.It cut off the electricity supply of the city.

       D.All of the above is right.

What can we learn from the text?

       A.President Bush was not concerned about this disaster.

       B.The recovery of the city will take a few days.

       C.In this disaster the government aid didn’t arrive in time.

       D.In this city there were no pump stations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Wikipedia was founded as a branch of Nupedia, a now-abandoned project to produce a free encyclopedia (百科全书). Nupedia required highly qualified contributors, but the writing of articles was slow. During 2000, Jimmy Wales, founder of Nupedia, and Larry Sanger, whom Wales had employed to work on the project, discussed ways of supplementing (补充) Nupedia with a more open project. Multiple sources are suggested for the idea that a wiki might allow members of the public to contribute material, and Nupedia’s first wiki went online on January 10.

There was considerable resistance on the part of Nupedia’s editors and reviewers to the idea of associating Nupedia with a Web site in the wiki format (格式), so the new project was given the name “Wikipedia” and launched on its own domain (域名), wikipedia.com, on January 15. The domain was eventually changed to the present wikipedia.org when the not-for-profit Wikimedia Foundation was launched as its new parent organization. In March 2007, the word wiki became a newly-recognized English word.

In May 2001, a wave of non-English Wikipedias was launched — in Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. These were soon joined by Arabic and Hungarian. In September, Polish was added. At the end of the year, Afrikaans, Norwegian, and Serbocroatian versions were announced.

Anyone with Web access can edit Wikipedia, and this openness encourages inclusion of a great amount of content. About 75,000 editors — from expert scholars to casual readers — regularly edit Wikipedia, and these experienced editors often help to create a consistent style throughout the encyclopedia.

Editors are able to watch pages and techies (科技人员) can write editing programs to keep track of or correct bad edits. Where there’re disagreements on how to present facts, editors work together to arrive at an article that fairly represents current expert opinion on the subject. Although the Wikimedia Foundation owns the site, it’s largely uninvolved in writing and daily operations.

66. Jimmy Wales wanted a more open project because ______.

   A. he wanted to found Wikipedia

   B. Nupedia had its own disadvantages

   C. he earned less money from Nupedia

   D. Nupedia had been abandoned

67. The idea of connecting Nupedia with a Web site in the wiki format ______.

   A. gained a wide support

   B. came into being on January 15, 2000

   C. made Nupedia better and better known to the public

   D. weren’t welcomed by all Nupedia’s editors

68. Which of the following versions joined the Wikipedia in or after October 2001?

   A. English version.                       B. Norwegian version.

   C. Hebrew version.                       D. Arabic version.

69. Who are responsible to create the main style for the Wikipedia?

   A. Any readers of the Wikipedia     B. The techies.

   C. The Wikimedia Foundation.              D. The experienced editors.

70. Which of the following facts about Wikipedia most probably surprises readers?

   A. Its owner contributes less to its writing.

   B. It appeals to a wider audience.

   C. Its owner was founded only recently.

   D. It was evolved from Nupedia.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷)模拟卷(2) 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Building after building under water.Refugees in shelters.Thousands of others unsure where to go.Bodies in streets.This is what one of America's historic cities was reduced to this week by a powerful storm, Katrina.The mayor of New Orleans says thousands may be dead.Hurricane Katrina also caused death and destruction in parts of Mississippi and Alabama along the Gulf of Mexico.
New Orleans is famous for its wild Mardi Gras celebrations.New Orleans is also a major port for foreign oil and other shipping trade.Yet the city of nearly five hundred thousand people was built below sea level.New Orleans has depended on levees to control floods from the Mississippi River.Katrina struck on Monday.New Orleans avoided a direct hit.But two of the levees failed the next day.Most of the city was flooded.Helicopters dropped huge sandbags to fill the breaks.But the water had no place to go.Pumping stations had no power.
America faces one of the worst natural events in its history.President Bush says the recovery will take years.People were told to leave the path of the storm.But some would not or could not.Many of those worst affected by Katrina are poor and black.African-American leaders and others were angry that government aid did not arrive faster.President Bush visited some of the damaged areas on Friday.He said the way officials reacted to the crisis was unacceptable.
56.Which is true of the following details about New Orleans?
A.New Orleans is a newly-built city of America
B.There were no black people in New Orleans.
C.This is the first time that hurricane has stricken it.
D.It’s  a port for foreign oil and other shipping trade.
57.What does the underlined word “levees” (in the second paragraph) mean?
A.dams                   B. trees                    C.ports                    D.ships
58.Which is right about the Hurricane Katrina?
A.It also caused the destruction in parts of Mississippi.
B.A lot of people died in this disaster.
C.It cut off the electricity supply of the city.
D.All of the above is right.
59.What can we learn from the text?
A.President Bush was not concerned about this disaster.
B.The recovery of the city will take a few days.
C. In this city there were no pump stations.
D. In this disaster the government aid didn’t  arrive in time.
60. What kind of attitude does the author have toward the government ?
A. appreciative          B. optimistic              C. depreciative           D. humorous


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省厦门大学附属科技中学2009-2010学年度高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

So you have been called for an interview-well done ? Your effort has been paid off . Now to get the job , you will fell better at the interview if you show an understanding of the nature of the organization .
Ask a member of family or a friend to act as the employer and to give you an unreal interview . Be as realistic as possible , answer the questions seriously . Afterwards discuss how it went .
Think about how the employer would prefer to see you look . Remember the majority of employers are over 30 .
It is not wise to rush out and buy new clothes which will be worn for the first time at the interview . You’ll feel more at ease (自在) in a familiar dress .
Carelessness in any of these could cost you the job . Arrive at least 15 minutes before time . This will give you a chance to have a look around , read the notice broad and get the feel of the place .
Being late at interviews produces a bad impression. The first impression the interviewer gets of you formed as you walk through the door , so take a couple of deep breaths .
Be ready to shake hands of the interviewer offers .
Don’t take a seat until asked . Then sit comfortably .
Make eye contact when you are greeted and again if you shake hands , and during questioning . Eye contact is a form of non-verbal(非语言的) greeting .
Remember the interviewer’s name and use it from time to time .
Be ready for the question “Is there anything you want to ask?” Before the interview you should get ready for two or three such questions. Look on these not just as a chance to get information but as a means to improve your prospects (前途)in the employer’s estimation(判断). 
Asking can show knowledge and avoid mistakes even before you begin . You can check on these later , when the hope for job is offered . 
And if you fail , look upon the interview as an experience in itself , learn from it .
We wish you good luck and good job hunting .
72.Before you go to see the employer , it is better for you to_____________ .
A.put on your newly-bought clothes
B.have you hair cut
C.buy some modern and beautiful ties , shoes . etc
D.find a dress which you’ve got used to
73.To make a good impression , it is important for yo_____________ .
A.to walk through the door quickly
B.not to see the interviewer’s eyes
C.to sit down in front of the interviewer
D.to remember the interviewer’s name and use it sometimes
74.The underlined word “eye contact” means_____________.
A.looking at each other for a long time
B.a kind of greeting without any words
C.shaking hands with the employer again and again
D.a way of getting a wonderful job
75.People usually do the following things before a job interview, which is the right order for doing them ?
a. Asking a friend to give you an unreal interview .
b. Understanding the nature of the organization .
c. Paying attention to your clothes .
d. Arriving at the place of the interview on time .
e. Getting some information from the advisers .
A.a, e, b, c, d     B.d, c, b, a , e     C.b, e, a , c, d     D.e, d, a , b, c


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年度高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


So you have been called for an interview-well done ? Your effort has been paid off . Now to get the job , you will fell better at the interview if you show an understanding of the nature of the organization .

Ask a member of family or a friend to act as the employer and to give you an unreal interview . Be as realistic as possible , answer the questions seriously . Afterwards discuss how it went .

Think about how the employer would prefer to see you look . Remember the majority of employers are over 30 .

It is not wise to rush out and buy new clothes which will be worn for the first time at the interview . You’ll feel more at ease (自在) in a familiar dress .

Carelessness in any of these could cost you the job . Arrive at least 15 minutes before time . This will give you a chance to have a look around , read the notice broad and get the feel of the place .

Being late at interviews produces a bad impression. The first impression the interviewer gets of you formed as you walk through the door , so take a couple of deep breaths .

Be ready to shake hands of the interviewer offers .

Don’t take a seat until asked . Then sit comfortably .

Make eye contact when you are greeted and again if you shake hands , and during questioning . Eye contact is a form of non-verbal(非语言的) greeting .

Remember the interviewer’s name and use it from time to time .

Be ready for the question “Is there anything you want to ask?” Before the interview you should get ready for two or three such questions. Look on these not just as a chance to get information but as a means to improve your prospects (前途)in the employer’s estimation(判断). 

Asking can show knowledge and avoid mistakes even before you begin . You can check on these later , when the hope for job is offered . 

And if you fail , look upon the interview as an experience in itself , learn from it .

We wish you good luck and good job hunting .

72.Before you go to see the employer , it is better for you to_____________ .

A.put on your newly-bought clothes

B.have you hair cut

C.buy some modern and beautiful ties , shoes . etc

D.find a dress which you’ve got used to

73.To make a good impression , it is important for yo_____________ .

A.to walk through the door quickly

B.not to see the interviewer’s eyes

C.to sit down in front of the interviewer

D.to remember the interviewer’s name and use it sometimes

74.The underlined word “eye contact” means_____________.

A.looking at each other for a long time

B.a kind of greeting without any words

C.shaking hands with the employer again and again

D.a way of getting a wonderful job

75.People usually do the following things before a job interview, which is the right order for doing them ?

a. Asking a friend to give you an unreal interview .

b. Understanding the nature of the organization .

c. Paying attention to your clothes .

d. Arriving at the place of the interview on time .

e. Getting some information from the advisers .

A.a, e, b, c, d     B.d, c, b, a , e     C.b, e, a , c, d     D.e, d, a , b, c


