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   When nine-year-old Buddy awakened on that Saturday before dawn,there was almost two feet of snow on the ground. However,he wasn't about to let a little 1  weather keep him from a most important job. Buddy had just become an altar boy(祭坛侍者) , and had been 2 to get to the church before 6 a.m.

   When Buddy came downstairs,his mother had just 3  . “The roads haven’t been 4,honey ,” she said,looking out at the 5 deserted street. “I can't drive you to church — we’d get 6 . Maybe you’d better stay home."

   “No,Mom." Buddy was 7 . After all,a promise was a promise. “I can 8 , honest. It’ 11 be fun."

   Buddy's mother looked 9 . It was almost two miles to church. But,their little town was 10 and safe. What harm could possibly come to her 11 ? And she was proud that he took his 12 so seriously. “Well...” she smiled. “Be sure to put on 13 clothes."

    At first,since his route was downhill,breaking a path through the new snow was 14 . It seemed like a winter wonderland (仙境)all quiet and clean. But as Buddy 15 walking,the drifts (雪堆) seemed higher and higher. His legs began to 16 . He hoped to reach the church so someone there would help him 17 ,and sit him near a heater to warm his quickly-freezing fingers and toes.

   18,Buddy came to the front of the church. He found that the snow on the church stairs was 19 undisturbed. He was the first one there. Although he was extremely 20 and his legs shook from pushing through the drifts,he felt proud of himself.

1. A. changeable   B. bad   C. uncertain   D. wet

2. A. asked   B. encouraged   C. advised   D. taught

3. A. called back   B. settled down   C. given in   D. got up

4. A. built   B. repaired   C. widened   D. cleared

5. A. dirty   B. crowded   C. dark   D. strange

6. A. stuck   B. cold   C. weak   D. lost

7. A. excited   B. firm   C. nervous   D. surprised

8. A. drive   B. stay   C. walk   D. wait

9. A. frightened   B. curious   C. doubtful   D. painful

10. A. beautiful   B. peaceful   C. clean   D. quiet

11. A. son   B. family   C. daughter   D. friend

12. A. honor   B. responsibilities   C. interest   D. chances

13. A. pretty   B. comfortable   C. warm   D. special'

14. A. difficult   B. easy   C. boring   D. fun

15. A. kept   B. stopped   C. enjoyed   D. hated

16. A. move   B. bend   C. work   D. ache

17. A. around   B. away   C. in   D. on

18. A. Immediately   B. Gradually   C. Finally   D. Suddenly

19. A. roughly   B. completely   C. usually   D. naturally

20. A. tired   B. afraid   C. patient   D. careful

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A



1. B.根据上一句中的almost two feet of snow可知,夫气“不好 (bad) ”。

2. A.Buddy是去工作,所以他“被要 求(asked) ”六点之前到教堂。

3. D.根据第一段中的before dawn可 推测,这里指妈妈刚“起床(got up) ”。

4. D.根据下文中对Buddy在雪中行 进的描述可知,道路还没有“被清 理(cleared) ”。

5. C.根据第一段中的before dawn可 推测,现在外面还很“黑(dark) ”。

6. A.根据第一段中的almost two feet of snow可免,送么厚的雪,如 果开车的话很可能被“困住 (stuck) ”。

7. B.根据下一句可知,Buddy信守承 诺,态度很“坚决(firm) ”。

8. C.根据下文中Buddy在雪中行进 的描逢,光其是第五段中的walking 可知,Buddy告诉妈妈他可以“步行 (walk) ”去叙堂。

9. C.根据下一句内容可推测,九岁 的孩子在如此恶劣的天气中步行 两英里,妈妈肯定会心生“疑虑 (doubtM) ”。

10. B.根据本空后的safe可知,这里 指他们居住的小镇“宁静平和 (peaceful) ”。

11. A。根据第二段中的hismother可 确定通妈和Buddy的母“子(son) ”


12. B.根据第一段中的almost important job 和 an altar boy 可知, Buddy面对如此恶劣的天气仍坚 持要出去是因为他很认真地对待 自己身为祭坛侍者的“职责 (responsibilities) ”。

13. C.根据全文对恶劣天气的描述 可知,外面很冷,妈與让Buddy穿 “暖(warm) ”点。

14. D.根据本句中的downhill,new snow及下句中的wonderland,quiet,clean可推_,这段下坡的路 程很“有趣(fiin) ”。

15. A. 

16. D.根据.But的转折语气 可知,随着 Buddy “一直(kept) ” 走,雪堆好像越来越高,他的腿也 开始“疼(ache) ”。

17. C.根据本空后的sit him near a heater to…可知,Buddy希望赶到 教堂,有人帮他“进去(in) ”,让他 坐到暖气旁取暖。

18. C.历尽辛苦,Buddy“最后终于 (Finally) ”到了教堂前。

19. B.根据下一句内容可推测,教堂 台阶上的雪“完全(completely) ”没 有被碰过,由此确定涵是第一个 到的人。

20. A.根据上文对他在雪中艰难行进的描述以及本空后的 his legs shook from pushing through the drifts可知,Buddy非常“累 (tired) ”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第40期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Because living at home is the best way to  live!w We help your loved one maintain freedom and a well-deserved quality of life.

   Home Care Assistance provides skilled caregivers to attend to your loved one's needs. We have hourly care available,and also 24hour live-in;care for people looking for an alternative to any type of facility or preferring the comfort and safety of round-the-clock monitoring.

   Some of the services our caregivers provide are: Companionship and recreation,Light housekeeping,Meal preparation,Medication reminders,Bathing,grooming (打扮) and dressing assistance,Personal care,Transportation to appointments or social activities.

   Home Care Assistance caregivers are experienced and carefully screened. We run thorough background checks on all of our caregivers,including local and national criminal records,driving records,and employment verification(证明). We even administer a psychological examination,developed by Ph. D. psychologists,to test for honesty and conscientiousness (尽责) . All of our caregivers are bonded and insured. Case managers monitor our caregivers to make sure they deliver the proper care.

   We train all of our caregivers in our exclusive Balanced Care MethodTM. This home care method is based on the scientifically studied lifestyle choices of the longest and healthiest living people on earth. Focusing on lifestyle and dietary choices,the Balanced Care MethodTM promotes healthy activity,stress reduction,and social interaction to help seniors live their best possible lives in the comfort of home.

   Wherever you are,24 hours a day,7 days a week,365 days a year,we are at your service. Whether it's changing a caregiver's schedule or dealing with an emergency,we are just a call away.


   “I can't thank you enough for all your help during this process. You were the first call I made,and the last one I needed to make." 一 liana S.

   “You were an excellent advocate for my mother and the whole family." 一 Susan L.

10. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

   A. Service range. B. Service hours.

   C. Service guarantee. D. Service standards.

11. How does Home Care Assistance know if its employees are honest?

   A. Through an exam.

   B. By monitoring them.

   C. Through background checks.

   D. By letting them talk to psychologists.

12. The Balanced Care Method? is used to.

   A. study lifestyle choices

   B. change a caregiver's schedule

   C. help caregivers live a healthy life

   D. train caregivers to provide better services

13. liana S. and Susan L. are Home Care Assistance's.

   A. former customers

   B. former employees

   C. would-be customers

   D. would-be employees 

14. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A news report.

   B. A book review.

   C. A research paper.

   D. An advertisement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A young lady was standing on the comer with a map in her hand. She looked puzzled. 1 I wondered why. Maybe it was because of the way she was dressed. She wore a dirty dress and looked pale.

   As I crossed the street and came closer to her I asked if she wanted help. 2 As it turned out she was looking for the hospital. I felt wonderful just reaching out,and taking that extra moment to help.

   Many times in these situations I end up walking a person to where he or she is going when giving directions would be too complicated. 3 Many years ago,we travelled in Japan and needed directions. A kind Japanese who saw our problem came to us and helped us out. This man just took my heavy bags and guided us to where we needed to be. We could not speak any Japanese while the man could not speak any English. 4 

   Sometimes when I do a special favor for a stranger,the person will say, “I hope I can do something for you one day to return the favor." 5 But I hope that when they come across a situation where someone needs their help,they will be willing to reach out as well.

   A. Although we could not communicate through words,we communicated through the heart.

   B. They already have done something for me by giving me the opportunity to help them.

   C. I like helping people this way due to my own experience.

   D. Several people passed by,looked at her but did not stop.

   E. It is never too late to do others a favor.

   F. These words made me feel quite warm.

   G. She thanked me and smiled in relief.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                        How to overcome shyness 

   Does the thought of talking in front of people make you embarrassed? 1 Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness and are struggling to overcome it. Remember that breaking out from that shell doesn’t magically happen overnight. It takes time,effort,and of course,the desire to change. You' re on the right track by just reading this article 一 now let's keep going.

   Figure out your triggers (诱因) . Do you become shy in front of new audiences? Or when surrounded by people you know and admire? Try to find out the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits. 2 You’ re okay being around your family,right? Are they different from the strangers around you? Of course not 一 you just know them better and what's more,they know you.

   Place your attention on others. For 99% of us,we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out,we’ 11 embarrass ourselves. 3 When we stop focusing on ourselves,we stop worrying about our performance.

   4 You have gotten used to hearing your own voice!Record yourself pretending to have conversations. Sounds ridiculous,sure,but you’ 11 notice patterns,when and why you drop off,etc. At the beginning you’ 11 feel like an actor,but it will become an old habit. Practice makes habits,you know!

   Don’t compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others,the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up. There is no use comparing yourself to anybody else. 5 Everyone else has his own confidence problems,too!

   A. If so,you are far from alone.

   B. Even if you do,do it realistically.

   C. Practice speaking clearly to yourself.

   D. Chances are not all situations make you shy.

   E. That's why it's important to focus on others.

   F. Practice placing yourself in not-so-comfortable situations. 

   G. After all,you may never see them again,so who cares what they think about you? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A Thousand Splendid Suns,1. (write) by Khaled Hosseini,shows the influence that Afghanistan’s violent history has had on individuals ,2. (especial) its women.

   Hosseini describes the 3. (life) of Laila and Mariam,and their struggle against society and the Taliban .They are both married to a shoemaker,Rasheed,4. is constantly abusing them. Initially,Mariam,Rasheed's first wife,doesnt like Laila,but she soon realizes 5. she is in desperate need of a friend.

   Khaled Hosseinis purpose is 6.(show) the hardships of women in Afghanistan and all they must stand in the household as well as society. The constant fear of a bomb 7.

(hit) a house appears frequently in the story,making 8. all the more heart-breaking.

   A Thousand Splendid Suns is a remarkable story of two women in a society that is 9.(willing) to see Mariam and Laila as equals. Not only 10. Hosseini tell a story of women trying to survive,but he gives the reader knowledge of a lifestyle that is foreign.I’ m happy to recommend the book to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    If you’ve always felt that you look 1.(attractive) in videos than you do in photographs,you,re not alone. A recent study 2. (do) by researchers at UC Davis and Harvard has found this to be true. It turns out that looking attractive in photos isn’t easy due to 3. the researchers are calling the “frozen face effect."

    In the study,university 4. (volunteer) were asked to watch 20 videos of various faces,after 5. they were given 20 stills pulled from the videos they had just watched. When they were then asked to rank the imagery based 6.attractiveness,the videos consistently ranked higher than the corresponding stills. The researchers even

7. (try) giving the subjects a series of photos shown as a group,but regardless,the video ranked higher — 8. (apparent) we humans like moving faces.

    Maybe a portrait(人像) photographer's most prized skill has to do with bringing out 9.best in people or Photoshop; but in reality it may just be the ability 10.(overcome) the “frozen face effect." 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Six-year-old Jaden Hayes has a lot to be sad about. He lost both parents. But he wants to make others smile.

   “After 1. (attend) funeral(葬礼) and seeing nobody smiling,he just got tired 2.people with sad faces ,” recalled Barbara DiCola,his mother's sister. “He really wanted to make people smile and so asked me how we 3. make people do that."

   DiCola told Jaden the best way 4.(make) someone smile was to smile at them first. But she also warned him that technique doesnt always work on 5..

   “So he says, ‘Well,what if you give them a toy?’” she said.

   6. (arm) with bags of small toys,DiCola took Jaden to downtown Savannah,Georgia. Jaden approached at least 275 people last week during their two outings. Most people 7.(immediate) gave the boy a grin (露齿笑) after learning why they were approached. Several also gave him a hug. Many people 8. (move) to tears after hearing Jadens story and would offer to give DiCola donations,9. were declined.

   DiCola said Jaden has always sought ways to bring joy to people for as long as she can remember.

   “We are all 10. (amaze) at the strength he has,” she said. “You see him smile,and you must smile."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   某英文网站正在进行主题为“好睡眠,好生活” 的征文活动。请你用英语写一篇参赛作文,要点包 括:

   1. 良好睡眠的重要性;

   2. 如何养成良好的睡眠习惯。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

   2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

   3. 开头语己为你写好,不计入总词数。

  Having a good sleep is of great importance for us.                                                                                                                                                          


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


3. My uncle was absolutely delighted with the present,but my aunt didn't.

