精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.She was ________(气得发抖).
2.He ________(站起来) from the seat to welcome us.
3.Hearing the news, she ________(突然大笑起来).
4.It was raining heavily outside and my dress ________(淋得不成样子).
5.He received serious ________(伤) during the car crash.
6.The news of his sudden death ________(使……震惊) us greatly.
7.He often ________(埋头于) himself in the books.
8.It was ________(很荣幸的事) to have you as my friend.
9.The woman thanked the firefighters for ________(营救) her child from the burning house.
10.Students are busy ________(正在准备) the coming exam.
1.shaking with anger2.rose/raised himself3.burst into laughter4.got ruined5.injuries  
6.shocked7.buries8.a great honour9.rescuing10.making preparations for

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. The football fans ________(包围着) the player and asked him to sign for them.
2. The ________(周围的) villages all benefit from the newlybuilt factory.
3. She found it ________(极其困难) to get a job after graduation.
4. It's time for us to ________(解决这个问题).
5. After their father's death, they ________(到法国定居了).
6. It is not allowed to ________(穿越边界) without a passport.
7. I began to feel ________(稍微的) worried about my future.
8. Do you think it was a ________(可怕的) experience?
9. When we saw lights ________(在远方), we knew we would be home soon.
10. Have you ________(计算出) how much the party will cost?


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. She is fully ________(忙于) in looking after three small children.
2. Too much stress and tiredness often lead to the lack of ________(集中注意力学习).
3. He ________(被指控) stealing things from the supermarket.
4. I had ________(内疚感) because I hadn't done enough to help him.
5. The flight was delayed due to the ________(技术问题).
6. He is a ________(有才华的音乐家);in other words. , he has ________(音乐天赋).
7. A lot of money is spent on ________(国防).
8. Prison is a place for ________(惩罚罪犯).
9. The expansion of the factory will mean the ________(雇用) of sixty more ________
    (雇员). , which is a great task for ________(雇主).
10. I don't ________(赞同) smoking in bed.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1. A cultural relic is something _________(留存很长的).
2. You can buy whatever you want with the ________(剩下的)money.
3. Put the chain back ________(它该在的地方).
4. The beautiful necklace is ________(妈妈给我的礼物).
5. Although it feels as hard as stone,it easily melts ________(遇热时).
6. She took ________(点燃的蜡烛) into the dark room and immediately the room ________(亮起来了).
7. He says he can do it,but I am rather ________ (怀疑的) about it.
8. ________(考虑到) his age,he did very well in the exam.
9. At last,their theory ________(证明是正确的).
10. She pretended ________(别人已告知此事).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1. Who is most likely ________(受益于) the policy?
2. Generally speaking,children are easier ________(适应新环境).
3. I ________(对他烦透了) because he kept asking me questions.
4. India ________(1947年脱离英国获得独立).
5. He is a man ________(大智大勇).
6. Before Christmas when the shop is busy,he ________(雇了个店员).
7. She is looking in the mirror,________(自我欣赏).
8. I enjoy a ________(非常壮观的日落).
9. The headmaster ________(让人感到平易近人).
10. The disease ________(使他残疾了).

