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I _______ seeing the old professor when I was at the party.

A. am remembering  B. had remembered

C. still remember   D. am going to remember





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

At the end of eight grade, our class went to Washington, D.C. For a group of 14-year-olds, this was a big deal!

The first day was so tiring; we could hardly remember where we were and what we were seeing. The next morning, we were off to see monuments (纪念碑),starting with Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson. We walked along the paths through trees. Then the Wall came into view—the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

As I moved slowly closer to the Wall, I heard a bagpipe(风笛)in the distance, which seemed to show respect to the lives lost in the jungles of Vietnam .

We continued walking and felt surprised at the number of names carved in the black stone. I was determined to find a soldier with my last name, but my hunt was stopped when a man caught my eyes. He was kneeling(跪着) at the Wall, a single rose at his feet. His head was bowed and he was rubbing his fingers over one name. I thought how sad he was, and then moved on .

After a few minutes I found one with my last name, but my eyes returned to the kneeling man. He was still rubbing his fingers over the same name. He never knew I was watching him, lost in deep sorrow. It was time for me to leave the kneeling man and the Wall. On the way home, I couldn’t help thinking of the kneeling man and his sad face. I wasn’t sure of the effects of war before, but at that moment I realized how much that man suffered from losing his loved one. Maybe he was the only one of so many families who experienced the same .

I never knew the full effects of war until I saw that man. I only know about war from history classes. The kneeling man taught me more about war and the effects it has on people than any history book .

Which of the following makes the author feel the suffering that war brings to human beings?

A. The kneeling man.                                       B. The sound of a bagpipe.

C. The number of names carved in the stone.      D. The jungles of Vietnam.

The man continued to rub his fingers over the name probably because_____.

  A. he found it covered with dust                            B. he missed the loved one who died in a war

C. he intended to remove it completely        D. he recalled the fierce war he fought in

What did the author learn from the trip?

  A. How fierce war is in history.                   B. How people remember those who died in wars.

C. What bad effects war had on many families.   D. What we should do to prevent war.

According to the last paragraph, the author probably thinks that _____.

A. he should have studied history hard in class

B. history books don’t tell readers the truth

C. there is more in history than books tell us

D. the kneeling man should be a history teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省双流中学高二入学考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

When my twin sons, Chad and Brad, were born, I was concerned about everything. Five years later, our little girl, Becky,   21  our family.I wanted everybody to be healthy and happy.I worked hard to see that they  22
As the kids grew older, I worried about headaches, throat infections and many other 23  childhood illnesses.I didn't like it when the boys spent time "warming the bench (板凳)" during Little League football games.I worried about Becky when she   24  the ball while playing softball.Before long, the teen years were upon us.I stayed   25  late t night waiting for the boys to return home.Many times the 26 crossed my mind that I would call the police if they weren't home on time._27_, they always arrived home safe and sound 28 I had to take such measures.
"Please don't ever call the police," one of the boys said when I  29  him after a late arrival.The day the boys moved away to college was a   30  day indeed.I worried about their being able to take care of themselves.Would they starve?
A few months after the boys left college, our  31  rang in the middle of the night. It startled (惊醒)us when we looked at the clock.It was 3 o'clock in the morning." 32  must be wrong," I shouted to my husband, Roy, as we both jumped up.We ran to the door, opened it, and there  33  a police officer
"You need to  34  your sons," he seriously announced.I picked up the telephone, but unfortunately, it was  35.A line outside had been accidentally (偶然) cut.Roy and I jumped into the car and  36  to the nearest telephone.My stomach ached.My husband was   37  so badly that he could hardly dial the number.
On the first  38 , Chad answered the telephone."What's wrong?" Roy shouted into the receiver (听筒).
"We were worried about you," Chad told him."We've been trying to call you all night, but you didn't   39  We called the police and asked them to go and check on you."
For the first time in their lives, the boys were worried about us.And they were the ones who   40  had to call the police.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省鹤岗一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

One morning, Charley, a little green frog, was sitting in a pond by the side of the road.
Wanda, the neighborhood witch(女巫), was walking along the road. She was a good witch and dreamt to become a fairy godmother who can save people from trouble with magic powers. Wanda had been learning fairy godmother magic for 103 years. That morning, she decided to try the magic she had learned and bring happiness to others.
Seeing Wanda, Charley cried, “Hi, Wanda.”
“Hi, Charley,” replied Wanda, “I have a surprise for you.”
Then, Wanda waved her wand(魔杖), said a magic word, and Charley turned into a prince!
When Charley-turned-prince looked at himself in the water, he cried, “Hey! You turned me into a prince! It’s a surprise all right, but I don’t want to be a prince! Change me back right now!”
“Oh, dear,” Wanda said. “You shouted so loud that I forgot the way to change you back. But who wouldn’t rather be a prince?”
“I wouldn’t!” cried Charley. “I want to be a frog!” He stuck out his tongue, missing a bug (虫子)flying by the end of his nose. “Look at that, Wanda! I was a good fly catcher. But now, this tongue is too short! Please change me back!”
“I can’t, Charley. But you’ll learn to be happy as a prince.” She waved her wand, and suddenly a castle appeared. Out of the castle dozens of musicians were playing various instruments. “Charley! You’ll have servants, eat delicious foods, and you can sing and dance and snap fingers(弹响指).”
“No!” Charley interrupted, “I don’t want all these! I want bugs!” Charley cried. “I don’t want to sing and dance! And why would I do something as silly as snapping my fingers?”
“Snapping fingers!” cried out Wanda. “That’s what I forgot!” She snapped her fingers, cried “Upsi-doodle!” and the castle and musicians disappeared and the prince became a little green frog.”
Charley looked at himself in the water. “ You did it, Wanda. Oh, happy day! I’m a frog.”
“I must apologize, Charley,” Wanda said, “You are a happy frog. I should know this a moment ago.”
【小题1】Wanda turned Charley from a frog into a prince          .

A.of her own willB.to play a joke on him
C.at the request of charleyD.to teach Charley a lesson
【小题2】After the little green frog became a prince, he        .         .
A.was grateful to WandaB.wanted a great palace
C.couldn’t recognize WandaD.became angry with Wanda
【小题3】At the end of the story, Wanda probably felt        .       .
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following conclusions can we get?
A.Just be yourselfB.Do nothing by halves
C.Helping others is a virtueD.Where there is a will, there is a way


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2010届高考下学期第八次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:完型填空

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


It was so cold that I couldn’t feel my legs. There was going to be a racing contest that night so I was 26  my horse, Skippy, up. I was simply running laps around the ring. The  27  cold air had been blowing past me, freezing my limbs, but every second I  28  it. You could hear the faint  29  of the people up at the clubhouse eating their dinner. My parents were also there, not knowing that my little sister had slowly wandered her way down to the ring. It was  30  because there was no moon or stars. Nobody else was in the ring at the time. I was really enjoying the  31  and I was able to  32  what Skippy was doing. As I took my last lap it  33  . Everything rapidly slowed down as I saw my little sister step  34   the ring. I saw true fear on her face because she knew she wouldn’t be  35  to move out of the way fast enough. She knew that she was going to get hit.

She tried to  36  but nothing came out of her fear-dried throat. When my horse got to her, he was still in a full out run.  37  , miraculously(奇迹般地), he slid so hard on his back feet that he  38 . It really made the  39  seem absolutely unreal. I thought that maybe I was  40 . I had  41  in my mind that I wasn’t seeing what was happening. I knew I had hit my sister. There was no way I could have  42  her. My horse was rising straight up and while he was in the air I couldn’t breathe. It’s like I forgot  43 . As all of this happened I watched my sister’s face transform (变形) through many different  44 : terror, confusion, curiosity, and then a sort of relief. Then she was laughing.

As I held my sister into my arms, Skippy stood right behind me knowing that I actually owed him my life  45  he saved my sister’s.

26.A. picking     B. warming                 C. catching                   D. setting

27.A. bitterly     B. hardly                    C. gently                  D. perfectly

28.A. challenged    B. witnessed        C. enjoyed                    D. hated

29.A. ceremony     B. tradition         C. victory                        D. laughter

30.A. windy          B. bright                     C. dark                         D. cloudy

31.A. quiet            B. quality                   C. impression            D.significance

32.A. rely on     B. focus on                 C. insist on                   D. put on

33.A. let out       B. held on               C. participated in           D.took place

34.A. close to      B. out of                 C. into                         D. towards

35.A. able          B. frightened        C. content                     D. proud

36.A. evaluate     B. worry                     C. scream                        D. escape

37.A. Accidentally  B. Normally           C. Generally                 D. Somehow

38.A. sped up     B. rose up                   C. broke down                 D. wore out

39.A. moment     B. contest                  C. comment                  D.technique

40.A. advancing     B. breathing            C. concluding           D. dreaming

41.A. that                 B. none                  C. neither                        D. it

42.A. hit           B. recognized              C. missed                    D. acknowledged

43.A. how             B. what                  C. when                       D. why

44.A. actions     B. emotions            C. attitudes                   D. thoughts

45.A. if                  B. because             C. as if                         D. so that



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年广东省高一下学期期末考试英语题 题型:完型填空

A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting (诱人的)apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater,  1  a bar of chocolate if given the choice, but, as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the      2    he felt and the more he wanted that apple.

3    as high as he could, but even at his tallest  4  , he was unable to touch it. He began to  5  up and down , as high as he could, at the  6  of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple . Still it remained out of  .   Not giving up , he thought , if only he had something to  8  on . His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to  9   the things inside , like his lunch box , pencil case , and Game boy. Looking around, he hoped he might find an old box , a rock , or , with luck , even a ladder , but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use. He had tried everything he could think to do. Without seeing any other choices , he gave up and started to walk   10  . At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his  11  , and how he really wanted that apple .The more he  12  like this , the more unhappy he became.

However ,the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what he wanted .He started to say to himself . This isn’t    13  ,I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’s  14   more I can do to get the apple-that is unchangeable-but we are supposed to be able to  15  our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?

1.A. preferring      B. offering      C. receiving        D. allowing

2.A.sadder         B. angrier       C. hungrier        D. tastier

3.A. Expanding      B. Stretching    C. Swinging        D. Pulling

4.A. strength       B. length       C.  range          D. height

5.A.jump          B. look         C. walk            D. glance

6.A.tip            B. stage         C. top             D.  level

7.A hope          B. hand         C.  sight           D.  reach

8.A. put           B. stand        C. get              D. hold

9.A. break         B.  shake      C. take             D. strike

10.A. back        B.  away       C. up              D. down

11.A. wishes      B.  beliefs       C. efforts          D. goals

12.A. thought     B. imagined     C. tried         D. claimed

13.A. skilful      B. cheerful      C. harmful      D.  helpful

14.A. something   B. anything     C. everything    D. nothing

15.A.change      B. express       C. forget       D. describe


