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1It seems that he is _________(热情的) about drawing.

2Our hometown was once _________ (包围) by green trees and clean rivers, but now such pleasant pictures can no longer be seen.

3I couldn't sleep because the bed was so_________(不舒服的).

4We must make sure that tourism develops in h________(和谐) with the environment.

5When you are a child, life is one big __________(冒险).

6Ever since their quarrel, there has been an unpleasant a_________ in the office.

7The company managed to s_________ the crisis.

8The headmaster a_________ the winners of the competition to all the students in the school hall.

9While we have not d_________ the idea, we are looking into other possibilities as well.

10Jack doesn't believe in the e_________of Father Christmas.




















考查名词。分析句子可知,介词in后要跟名词,故本空要用名词,和谐名词为harmony。In harmony with为固定搭配,意为“与……和谐相处”。






考查动词。句意:公司设法在危机中幸存下来。分析句子可知,本句中的“manage to do”,意为“设法做某事”,因此动词不定式后要用动词原形,根据句意可知是“幸存”,故用survive。








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What happened to the man?

A. He broke up with his girlfriend. B. He was seriously injured. C. He lost his job.

2What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Be happier. B. Be more careful. C. Be more confident.

3What did the woman do last night?

A. She held a party at home. B. She went to a birthday party. C. She went to dance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】dWolf Warrior IIis putting China in the global spotlight. It’s also the first film 1 (taste) success both in terms of box office(票房)earnings and promoting Chinese values.

Since its release on July 27, it 2 (earn) an unimaginable 4.5 billion yuan, setting a record for domestic movies at the box office. The film focuses on a rescue operation in Africa, 3 (lead) by former special forces soldier Leng Feng — played by Wu Jing helps Chinese workers and local Africans flee a war-torn(受到战争破坏的)and plague-ravaged(瘟疫肆虐的)country.

Wolf Warrior II links(联系)art to reality, and reminds people 4 the massive evacuation(撤离)of Chinese people from Libya when civil war 5 (break) out there in 2011, and from Yemen in 2015, as well as the challenges the Ebola virus created in West Africa from 2013 to 2016.

The film describes 6 the Chinese government aims to protect overseas Chinese citizens. Just 7 the message at the end of the film reads, “Citizens of People’s Republic of China, when you encounter danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back 8 (stand) a strong motherland.”

Thanks to China’s increasing participation(参与)in global affairs, the president could 9 (consider) as a modern Chinese hero. “10 (hold) up a banner(信仰)of peace, friendship and responsibility, Wolf Warrior II should be seen as a brave effort to promote Chinese values around the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】(2015.江苏)请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项
I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel's books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional1 and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so 2 to me and had such a big 3 on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to 4my own cancer experience?
I'm an ambitious 5, and when I started going through chemo (化疗) , even though I’m a very 6person, I
lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the 7. One day, while waiting to go in for 8 , I had one
of Dr. Bernie’s books in my hand. Another patient9 what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me 10
he had one of his books with him as well. It 11that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He
was12a published author, and he was currently 13on a new book.
We would see each other at various times and 14 friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell
myself, he was definitely a(n)15of Dr. Bernie. He really put a 16on my face. He unfortunately last17 year due to
his cancer,18 he left a deep impression on me and gave me the 19to pick up my pen again. I 20to myself, “If
he can do it, then so can I.”
(1)A.tastes B.ideas C.notes D.memories
(2)A.amazing B.shocking C.amusing D.strange
(3)A.strike B.push C.challenge D.impact
(4)A.learnfrom B.goover C.getthrough D.referto
(5)A.reader B.writer C.editor D.doctor
(6)A.positive B.agreeable C.humorous D.honest
(7)A.mood B.position C.state D.way
(8)A.advice B.reference C.protection D.treatment
(9)A.viewed B.knew C.noticed D.wondered
(10)A.while B.because C.although D.providing
(11)A.cameout B.workedout C.provedout D.turnedout
(12)A.naturally B.merely C.hopefully D.actually
(13)A.deciding B.investing C.working D.relying
(14)A.became B.helped C.missed D.visited
(15)A.patient B.operator C.fan D.publisher
(16)A.sign B.smile C.mark D.mask
(17)A.showedup B.setoff C.felldown D.passedaway
(18)A.since B.but C.so D.for
(19)A.guidance B.trust C.opportunity D.inspiration
(20)A.promised B.swore C.thought D.replied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意: 请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 每个空格只填一个单词。
People select news in expectation of a reward. This reward may be either of two kinds. One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle, the other to what he calls the Reality Principle. For want of better names, we shall call these two classes immediate reward and delayed reward.
In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest. Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health.
News of the first kind pays its rewards at once. A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder, shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane, identify himself with the winning team, laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs.
News of the second kind, however, pays its rewards later. It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance — as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, the mounting national debt, rising taxes, falling market, scarce housing, and cancer. It has a kind of “threat value.” It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared. When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work. When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.
For any individual, of course, the boundaries of these two classes are not stable. For example, a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem, rather than for its immediate reward. A coach may read a sports story for its threat value: he may have to play that team next week. A politician may read an account of his latest successful public meeting, not for its delayed reward, but very much as his wife reads an account of a party. In any given story of corruption or disaster, a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience, but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness. Therefore, while the division of categories holds in general, an individual’s tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another, or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward.

What news stories do you read?

Division of
news stories

● People expect to get from reading news.
● News stories are roughly divided into two classes.
● Some news will excite their readers instantly while others won’t.

the two classes

● News of immediate reward will seemingly take their readers to the very frightening scene without actual .
● Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and imilar feelings with those involved.

● News of delayed reward will make readers suffer, or present a to them.
● News of delayed reward will induce the reader to for the reality while news of immediate reward will lead the reader to from the reality.

Unstable boundaries
of the two classes

● What readers expect from news stories are largely shaped by their .
● Serious readers will both get excited over what happens in some news stories and themselves to the reality.
● Thus, the division, on the whole, on the reader.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



The students ________ ________ ________ ________ the examinations.


I ________ ________ ________I will succeed.


The woman ________ two world wars.

4The accident has ________ ________(阻碍)the traffic.

5They were________ ________(关注)what the speaker was saying.

6As we approached the village we saw ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(正在盖新房).

7________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(给了一个这样好的机会), how could she let it slip away?

8He was unhappy ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(没有被表扬) what he had done.

9He asked who was the man ________ ________ ________(被做手术).

10________ ________ ________(保护) a thick wall, they felt they were quite safe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Whether in the home or the workplace, social robots are going to become a lot more common in the next few years. Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way, said Cynthia Breazeal, chief scientist at the robot company Jibo.
While household robots today do the normal housework, social robots will be much more like companions than mere tools. For example, these robots will be able to distinguish when someone is happy or sad. This allows them to respond more appropriately to the user.
The Jibo robot, arranged to ship later this year, is designed to be a personalized assistant. You can talk to the robot, ask it questions, and make requests for it to perform different tasks. The robot doesn’t just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household. It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member to take medicine or taking family photos.
Social robots are not just finding their way into the home. They have potential applications in everything from education to health care and are already finding their way into some of these spaces.
Fellow Robots is one company bringing social robots to the market. The company’s “Oshbot” robot is built to assist customers in a store, which can help the customers find items and help guide them to the product’s location in the store. It can also speak different languages and make recommendations for different items based on what the customer is shopping for.
The more interaction the robot has with humans, the more it learns. But Oshbot, like other social robots, is not intended to replace workers, but to work alongside other employees. “We have technologies to train social robots to do things not for us, but with us,” said Breazeal.
(1)How are social robots different from household robots?
A.They can control their emotions.
B.They are more like humans.
C.They do the normal housework.
D.They respond to users more slowly.
(2)What can a Jibo robot do according to Paragraph 3?
A.Communicate with you and perform operations.
B.Answer your questions and make requests.
C.Take your family pictures and deliver milk.
D.Obey your orders and remind you to take pills.
(3)What can Oshbot work as?
A.A language teacher.
B.A tour guide.
C.A shop assistant.
D.A private nurse.
(4)We can learn from the last paragraph that social robots will ______.
A.train employees
B.be our workmates
C.improve technologies
D.take the place of workers
(5)What does the passage mainly present?
A.A new design idea of household robots.
B.Marketing strategies for social robots。
C.Information on household robots.
D.An introduction to social robots.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Hearing the son paid little attention to the marriage and _________ he remained _________with his work, the mother was quite anxious if he could find a girlfriend.

A. /, occupied B. that, to be occupied

C. /, to be occupied D. that, occupied

